Do You Lack These Vital Blogging Skills? Here’s How to Fix Now!

Blogging is like climbing a mountain, it should be done safely and precisely, one wrong move can kill you, but if you do it in a right way, you’ll definitely succeed to reach the top. ;)

You might have stumbled upon internet and found out a thing called ‘blogging’ and the advantages of it, and then you decided to become blogger, right?

Well, many of us have started blogging like that; without any background knowledge about content writing and the other vital skills that required for long-term blogging.

Blogging is not that easy as it seems, there are some vital skills we need to have to be a good blogger. Having these skills will help you grow quickly in blogging.

Blogging Skills

So, if you’re just starting your blogging journey and wondering what are the vital skills that you need to be a blogger, then you’re in a right place. In this article, I’ll explain the major skills that you need to have/adopt to be a good blogger.

If you can write, you can be a blogger – Writing Skills

This is one of the essential and first set of skill that you need to have to be a blogger. As a blogger, you can’t just write whatever you like. Blogging is all about sharing quality information that will (should) help readers. And to do that you need to have a good set of writing skills.

It is utterly impossible to become a blogger without having some basic writing skills. So, Improve your writing.

Don’t have a good set of writing skills? Adopt it

Genuinely speaking, I’m not a good writer, but over the period of last few months, I have improved it a lot. So, as a blogger, it is vital to improve your writing skills on a daily basis. I know it is very difficult to be perfectionist, but we can always improve to some extent.

Tips to improve writing skills

  • Read, Read and Read; There is no shortcut to improve your writing skills, you have to read as much as possible
  • Take English courses
  • Write; keep writing even if your writing is terrible

Ability to think out of the box – Creative skills

Blogging is a Continues process of sharing fresh and unique information. What if you run out ideas within a month? Then you might quit blogging. So, you need to have this quality called – creativity; Ability to think and come up with new and fresh ideas every time.

Gone are the days where you could write some 300 words and rank your articles. It is a Panda, Hummingbird era; to stand out from the crowd, you need to write in-depth quality articles. An in-depth article doesn’t mean you can fill your content with anything; Google Hummingbird algorithm might sue you.

Creativity is the second important quality to be a blogger; you can’t write articles without having the ability to think out of the box.

How to adopt creative skills?

Well, creativity is a unique set of quality that not everybody has it. It is a quality that we see mostly in entrepreneurs and freelancers. So, if you’re a blogger then you can adopt creativeness in blogging.

Tips to adopt creative skills

  • Try to invent something of your own
  • Read Interesting stuffs
  • Play with words

Ability to bring audience – Promoting skills

Recently, I read a status on a Blogger Confession page, where the confessor said; he is not getting any traffic to his blog even after writing quality articles. Here the problem is that the confessor doesn’t realize the fact that traffic doesn’t come of its own, and if you don’t know the ways to promote your work, then you’ll fail. Promoting is another skill that you need to have to be a successful blogger.

So what are those promoting skills you need to have?

Ability to write guest posts

If you want to be recognized in blogosphere, then you need to write guest posts quite often. However, many novice hesitate to write guest posts because of varies reasons like; fear of rejection, fear of critics, or shyness. It might look difficult initially, but once you start writing guest-posts on top blogs, it’ll get easier. However, you need to adopt the first skill that I mentioned in this post, i.e. writing skills; without this it is hard to get your guest post published.

Guest blogging also helps you to build links naturally, and the backlinks will help you get good traffic from search engines.

Blog commenting

As you know blog commenting is one of the easiest way to promote your blog, I don’t think blog commenting needs much more explanation.

Once you get the recognition, your blog will be in a spotlight and the traffic will flow.

Tips for Promoting

  • Be Everywhere; show your online presence
  • Be fearless and write guest posts; don’t hesitate
  • Use Social media as much as you can
  • Don’t leave an opportunity to Interview pro-bloggers


These are the vital skills that you need to have to be a blogger, apart from these you need to adopt some other skills like reading, proofreading etc. If you’re just starting your blogging journey, then make sure you have these major blogging skills. Else try to adopt these skills and qualities from now.

[Image Credit: Chris Frick ]

28 thoughts on “Do You Lack These Vital Blogging Skills? Here’s How to Fix Now!”

  1. Now this is called an amazing informative article. I know that I am not so good in writing blogs but from now with the help of above guideline, I will try to improve my writing skill which obviously going to help my blogging skills. Thanks one again for sharing this to us.

    1. Hi Tejwinder,
      Yes, It’s good to improve writing skills, no one is perfect. . .
      Glad you liked it, thanks for reading!

  2. Hey this Is Was Quite unique Article added here, when i Started blogging i thinks it Just need little Efforts to make Money online. but now i Can Say we need to do our Best to get best from it. Thanks for Sharing all tips here :)

  3. i think that writing is the first and foremost requirement of blogging.To develop writing skills reading and writing is very important.If one shy because his writing skills are not good.I think he should create a free blog with blogger or wordpress and write constantly and hide his identity.This will develope his writing skills and he will gain confidence too.
    Promoting your posts is also important but i think that if your write quality and unique content then it will promote naturally.

    1. Hi Hamza,
      yes, having a good set of writing skills are essential for bloggers, without it can’t survive. . i agree with that suggestion to improve writing skills for starters, they should write more creating a free blog. . .
      thanks for reading!

  4. Thanks adithya for sharing it. Its a very informative post. Earlier I used copy-paste the content from other websites and failed every time. Got no views and no traffic. Then I contacted ammar who suggested me few things and I got successful. You buddy’s are doing a great job.

      1. Yeah I know. Ammar already told me. As I am a new blogger so I took some hints. But now deliver my own written articles. I hope someday my blog would also grow.

  5. Nice!

    I personally feel that I lack those writing skills. They are putting me a lot behind…….

    I think so I should read more and more…..

    Your tips are going to be of great help!

    Let me add one more point that is:


    That too, is a skill!

    You will need to get loyal visitors for your blog…… wouldn’t you?

    Anyways, thanks for the great article!

    1. Hi Yashraj,
      Reading more and writing more is the only way to improve the writing skills. . .
      yeah agree, that is kind of skill too!
      thanks for reading!

  6. Hello adithya, thanks for this kind of useful post. I have a question? When i tried to write a long form content then it took me lot of time and also the content that made is not very good for well reading. how i fix this issue?

    1. Hi Taposh,
      Writing long posts is challenging, we can’t just fill pages with irrelevant information, and it’ll obviously not look good! the solution is simple; research and read more before writing!
      thanks for reading!

  7. The skills needed to be a blogger and far more than you would realise from just running around the web and reading blogs!
    As you have pointed out you need to write, come up with a topic, promote the post, interact on social media…and so much more
    THis post is a great start for anyone thinking of taking up blogging for sure

    1. Hi Ashley,
      Yes, we need lot of skills and talent to come up with new ideas and topics to write on. . .
      thanks for reading!

  8. Writing skills, creativity skills and promotion skills are very vital to successful blogging. This post got it right and the fixing details are spot on.

    For every new blogger that takes these details to heart and apply same, the sky would be the limit for his/her blogging success.

    Nevertheless, when learning and applying these skills, it would be important to use them as solution skills for the audience.

    1. Hi Muhammad,
      That’s great. . . As part-time bloggers, we need to find the way to manage time for blogging. . .
      thanks for reading!

  9. Awesome work Adithya Shetty. Thinking out of the box has become essential because there is no way to succeed without having a different thinking. Thanks for sharing this post.

  10. Awesome post. I am also joining English course to develop my writing skills and sentence making. After wasting 2 year of my life in blogging now i release i just lack in English.

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