7 Killer SEO Steps to Optimize Your Website in SERP

SEOSEO optimize your blog or make it appear on top Search Engine Results to enhance the traffic on your site. Basically, the thing matters here, is to figure out the keywords on which you want the visitors to reach your site through Search Engine Results Page (SERP). If you are new to blogging and SEO in particular, you should be aware of some basic SEO tips to improve your site’s ranking in the SERPs.

7 Killer SEO Steps to Optimize Your Website in SERP


1. Keywords in Title Tag

Title Tag is one of the most significant elements to position your webpage higher in your chosen keyword. This tag gets visible in the clickable link on the SERPs. It’s better to start your title with a long-tail keyword having less competition. Try to use your Keyword within the range of 65 characters, as search engine don’t consider anything after 65 character limit. Don’t repeat your Keyword in your title; otherwise your site could be penalized.

2. Use Keywords in Header Tags

Header tags are one of the most imperative On-page search engine optimization factors. Use the similar keywords in all heading tags. This way, you can easily bring focus of the page on a sole keyword while getting superiority in the Search Engines. You should better utilize your main keyword in first heading tag while trying to keep the Keyword at first.

3. Use Keywords in Image Alt tag

Images can express many words but SE Spiders don’t translate images, they only read the alt tag to understand the image with textual description. Therefore, it is vital to provide a significant description of an image with using keywords. It will optimize the images used in your content and rank them higher in image searches.

4. The Power of Internal Linking

One significant factor of SEO that is often ignored is Internal Linking. The better approach is to reactivate and revitalize the old posts in archive, as compared to link them in your fresh posts. Don’t miscalculate the authority of internal linking in the distribution of page rank.

Planting in directories, such as Yahoo, DMOZ and other article and content listings can be quite helpful to achieve positive ranking overall. Some people believe that it’s not possible to list your content on DMOZ, especially if you don’t have much credible data, but if you could, it may bring you positive results.

6. Use Meta Description

Though Google is now giving less importance to meta-tags, there are two meta-tags that still matter in SEO, But, Meta description Tag still has importance from a human and search engine perspective. Description meta-tag is what you use to illustrate your website. In fact, this description is what the visitors see when your site appears on the search results.

7. Use Keywords Meta Tag

Fill your Keyword tags with relevant keywords while avoiding replicas and Keyword stuffing. The Keywords you mention in the keyword tag should be relevant to the context of your page. Keywords used in meta-keywords-tag must somehow appear somewhere within the body of text. Otherwise, your webpage can be penalized for irrelevant content.

About The Author
This is guest post by Sarah Smith who is a professional Guest blogger. Writing for MacKeeper-useful software that will help you with Mac fix and Mac scan.

16 thoughts on “7 Killer SEO Steps to Optimize Your Website in SERP”

  1. Listing your site on DMOZ is really tough and need patient. But just like you said, it’s worth it!
    By the way aside from DMOZ or Yahoo directory, do you know other similar site like them?

    1. Related post won’t help you in SEO :D Thats reason manually interlinking new post to old posts are good to increase SERP.

  2. Kharim Tomlinson

    This is the post that all new bloggers need. This is the method that I use on my posts when blogging in order to get traffic from Search Engines. You have to use keywords throughout your article if you want to rank well for that keyword.

    Thanks for the other tips as well.

  3. Nice tips ammar
    I have a question, changing H3 heading tag to h2 or h1 is better for seo ?
    If it is good which is better h3 to h2 or h3 to 1

  4. These are basic SEO tips. Every blogger needs to follow. Another thing bloggers need to have patience too. Thanks for sharing valuable content

    1. yes, you can put these tips on your SEO campaign, tips here are for beginners, a long time in SEO, you will know more about SEO and tips, but how to use tips that is in a right way and help your sites increase rank on google is a hard work.

  5. This is good info. Can’t believe I didn’t even register my domain with search engines. Duh. It also reminded me to work on my meta-tags a little better. Thanks for sharing

    1. SEO is simple to do. Just need to know how to do this and Search Engine is always the biggest source of traffic so try to concentrate on it!

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