12 Things to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense

Apply for Google AdSense
Are you interested in applying for Google AdSense to get approved and start making money from your blog?

That’s the dream of every blogger to get AdSense approved.

But, wait..

I’ve to tell you something.

That’s not easy. Google AdSense is very strict when it comes to approving new application. Everyone is trying to trick AdSense to get approved so they have made the process very hard.

Don’t worry. You’re not alone.

In this article, I’m going to share with you everything that you need to do before applying for Google AdSense program to actually get approved in 2023.

Some common questions that you may have about Google AdSense are…

How to apply for Google AdSense?

Does my blog qualify for AdSense or not?

Am I eligible to apply for Google AdSense?

What are Google AdSense requirements?

Why Google AdSense rejected my application?

What to do if Google AdSense reject my application?

This post is going to answer all your questions in detail. It’s over 3000+ words so grab your favorite snacks. ;)

Google AdSense is one of the oldest networks to offer ad publishing and works at Pay Per Click system.

When it comes to the legitimacy of Google AdSense, it speaks for itself. Google AdSense have thousands and thousands of satisfied customers and publishers. AdSense pays on time, every time.

One more reason for choosing Google AdSense is that we can earn huge amounts of money if we do our work in right way. There are many bloggers who are making a complete living from their blogs and Google AdSense.

Therefore, Google AdSense should be the number one choice among all the other available networks.

It’s paying rates are better than all of other networks so that’s the biggest reason it is so popular among bloggers.

But since everybody is running behind them, they have made the approval system very strict. You make little mistakes and get disapproved every time. Here are few reasons why Google will reject your AdSense application.

Common AdSense Rejection Reasons

Here are the most common rejection reasons and Google AdSense requirements that you should keep in mind before we get into details.

1.  Insufficient content / Unacceptable site content

Your website doesn’t have enough text on for Google specialists to review.

Google gives a lot of value and attention to the content of the blog before accepting it. If the content is poorly written and has grammatical mistakes Google will reject the blog right away.

Not only the content needs to be grammatically correct, it must be unique and has to provide value to the users and readers of the blog. So the number one reason is the poorly written content on your blog.

2. Page Type / Design of your blog

What will you do if you land a page with full bright yellow background with white text on it, having huge buttons all over the place?

Yes, you’ll never visit that website again .

Blogs which are poorly designed and are hard for the visitors to understand gets rejected by Google AdSense. You must have a good and neat design which comforts the eye and is beautiful in the look.

3. No Privacy Policy, About Us or Contact Us page

There are some pages which you must have before applying to Google AdSense if you want to get accepted.

These are about us, privacy policy and contact us pages. These pages give the impression that you are a professional and that you are working according to the Google policies. Keep in mind that having a privacy page is also one of the requirements for Google AdSense.

4. Site Does Not Comply With Google AdSense Policies

No rich, unique and meaningful content, no organic traffic, pages with little to no original content or bad user experience through clear navigation and organization.

Your website may be the one that drives traffic through illegal sources, sites with excessive keywords or poorly coded design are usually rejected.

So you need a complete guidance and list of things that you need to do before applying for Google AdSense.

Things to Do Before Applying for AdSense

1. Write High-Quality Content

The #1 thing you need to do before applying for Google AdSenseis to write high-quality content. This is very important thing which you can’t ignore at any cost. I mean it!

Google loves the blog who are providing high-quality content and their visitors are enjoying it. Keep in mind that your application will be reviewed by humans and you have to impress them to get approved by AdSense.

A high-quality content…

  • is unique and original
  • with proper headings and bullet lists
  • free from grammar and spelling mistakes
  • is long enough
  • useful and informative

Helpful resources:

2. Create a Privacy Policy Page for Your Blog

One of the common mistakes that most new bloggers. Even though there are people out there who say that having a privacy policy for a blog doesn’t make sense but they are wrong!

The first thing you will need to apply for Google AdSense and get approval is the privacy policy of your blog or website. If you don’t have it you cannot get approval simple is that.

Why is it important?

It’s requirement of AdSense and secondly, this privacy policy means you are not a scam and gives the sense of a serious business. Google will check the rest of the conditions only if you have this policy.

A privacy actually describes to your readers about what they will get on your blog , what they should do and what they should not. So obviously there is nothing bad in having a privacy policy. While it can affect somehow on your AdSense approval, you must give it a try.

The WordPress already has a feature now which allows you to quickly create privacy police page with just one click away. The other option is to use Privacy Policy Generators online (You don’t need a lawyer anyway). Search for privacy police examples and you will find many.

3. Create About Page

Like privacy policy, you must have an about page so that you can get approved. This also shows that there is a real person behind the blog.

An About page has a major role and importance even if you don’t want to apply for AdSense. But when it comes to AdSense, they are about zero chances of getting approved if you are not showing this page.

About page simply describe you and your blog . This will not only help you establish a relationship with readers but it will also make them trust you.

4. Setup A Contact Us Page

It’s quite obvious that everyone has his/her own opinion.

What one of your readers likes may be bothering someone else. Then it is better to give them an opportunity to speak up to you and tell how they feel about your blog, what they want to be edited , what they liked or hated.

Create a contact page, if possible add your email that you are going to apply for Google AdSense. If possible do get some professional email address like ammar @ allbloggingtips[.]com and your social profile links too.

By creating this you are telling Google that we care for our customers, visitors and we are ready to help them. They can contact us anytime.

It will also show the Google AdSense Team that is viewing your site that you actually care about your readers and not only the money and AdSense.

5. Have a Clear Navigation Menu

One important step: Google AdSense mention in their rejection email that your website should have a clear navigation menu to help your readers find your pages and access the content before you think about applying again for AdSense.

So, what you’ve to do is to work on your menu by adding all important categories and pages i.e about us, contact us and privacy policy to help your readers easily find the content that they are looking for. The more you care about improving your visitors experience the higher chances will be to get approved by AdSense.

Here’s an example to illustrate this point.

add important pages to adsense

When you apply don’t forget to put your name and email address in some easily visible area like about and contact pages. It will confirm to Google AdSense team that it is the same person who applied for AdSense and not some spam, crappy bots.

This will speed up the verification process and within no time, you’ll be able to enjoy fully approved AdSense account.

6. Have Some Good Number Of Posts

What should be the minimum number of posts before applying for Google AdSense? There is no confirmed answer.

Not even one.

Because I have seen very established blogs with 300+ posts and their owner telling me that Google AdSense is rejecting them while somewhere bloggers with few posts or even less than 10 are enjoying making money with AdSense.

Exactly, what I said that there is no actual answer. However, we can always predict things.

According to my experience, the best time to apply for AdSense account is when you have at least 20 good quality posts. Your blog posts length should be at least 600+ words with quality content.

Dillon got his AdSense account approved with just 3 posts, 115 views, and 2 comments. Isn’t that great?

I visited his blog and noticed these things that actually matters to get Adsense approved.

  • Simple and clean design
  • Easy to navigate blog
  • Unique niche
  • Detail content
  • No “unwanted” widgets

minimum requirement for posts

7. Make Sure You’re 18+

This is the mistake that new bloggers are making who are less than 18. They write incorrect age and get into trouble.

Use your correct date of birth and age while applying for Google AdSense account.

Because Google AdSense is not for people who are under 18. Some people realize this problem after being disproved a few times without any legitimate reason.

So I advise you to be accurate while typing your age.

8. Improve Your Blog Design

As mentioned earlier, you blog design matters a lot. It should be professional and not like a messy photo gallery. A clean, professional and fast-loading design is appreciated by Google.

When you visit a website what’s the first thing you look for? It’s blog design.

You’ve to build a good first impression on your blog readers to engage them.

Your blog design is the biggest thing after content. This represents your expertise, experience, and professionalism. It should have following features:

  • Simple and professional
  • Easy to navigate
  • Proper menus
  • No useless items in sidebar or footer
  • Search engine friendly
  • Fast loading

So be careful because anything can kill your chances of getting approved by AdSense.

There are thousands of websites who provide free professional looking themes for your blog. All you need to do is to search for them.

If you’re on WordPress self-hosted blog then I recommend getting a premium theme from MyThemeShop.

And if you are still using blogspot then there are many great websites where you can find free professional looking blogger templates for your blog.

Check out my post on the reasons to invest more money on your blog.

9. Check Your Content Type

Be careful with what type of content you are publishing. Because it is something that truly matters.

Here are some common content types that are not accepted by AdSense.

    • Pornography/Adult materials
    • Pirated Content
    • Hacking or Cracking Tutorials
    • Illegal Drugs/Paraphernalia
    • Any Other Illegal Stuff
    • There are few languages that are supported by AdSense so make sure your blog language is in the list of these.

AdSense supported languages

Google AdSense team mentioned in one of their forum posts that they stopped accepting niches that are already saturated i.e making money, marketing, website and SEO stuff.


If you already have written about these content that AdSense doesn’t support, you can either stop dreaming about AdSense or get rid of these content.

10. Use Top Level Domain

Google has made changes to their policies. If you have a blog with blogspot and the domain is yourblog.blogspot.com then chances are you will get approved quickly.

But you will not be able to use that on any other domain like .com. You’ll have to submit the request to upgrade your AdSense account.

As for today, you must have your own unique domain that specifies your blog. If you don’t have one yet, stop dreaming about getting approved with sub domains and go buy a Top Level Domain. It will cost anywhere from $10-$15/year. You can buy the domain from Namecheap.

The best domain is the one with .com extension. Choose a short, unique and easy to remember domain that is related to your blog niche.

Another important thing about the domain is its age. Because for some of the Asian countries like India, AdSense has placed domain age restriction. They don’t accept any sites which are less than 6 months old.

There are many AdSense stories that I read on many forums that some people got approved for few weeks old blog and other got rejected for the blog that is even more than 6 months old. So age doesn’t really matter when you have a high-quality blog that’s focus more on helping your visitors.

If you’ve a website that is less than 6 months old then you can still consider applying for AdSense.

Shibam got accepted by Google AdSense with 28 posts and a 6 months old blog. He managed his blog from mobile only.

shibam adsense approved

11. Remove Other Ad Networks

If you have any other ads placed like Media.net, Chitika, Infolinks, Clicksor or anything, it’s time to drop them off.

Make your blog free from ads.

Even Google AdSense allows you to use other ad networks along with them, it’s better to remove the ads before applying and don’t put them back until you get a reply from AdSense team which usually takes anywhere from few days to weeks.

So, before submitting your application for Google AdSense make sure to remove all the ads on your blog from any other network.

12. Check Your Traffic Sources

Google hates the sites that are getting paid traffic and mostly penalizes them so there is not a damn chance of getting approved by AdSense for a site that is getting paid traffic. You can bring traffic from search engines or any other way you want but if you want to earn via Google AdSense the right way, paid traffic is not a solution.

Also, note,that Google does not accept site which gets traffic from illegal sources. So focus on getting traffic from legal sources like social media, search engines, and related blogs.

Further Reading:

What to Do If Your Application Is Rejected?

Okay, so you had done trying everything you could to get approved by AdSense.

But, AdSense is still not getting approved.

Well, It’s not the end of the world! ;)

There are two things you can do:

#1: Don’t lose hope. Take your time to fix the issues on your blog that is mentioned by AdSense in rejection email and apply again. Remember, if you are disapproved, you can apply again and again until you finally get approved by Google AdSense. There’s no issue with that. Just use the same email account that you used for the first time.

#2: There are many other trusted and high paying ads network you can use and trust me they are not hard as Google AdSense is in terms of getting approval. One door of opportunity is closed so the other one will open.

You can use these ad networks to earn money without AdSense. They are easy to get approved.

1. Media.net

Media.net is probably the best alternative to AdSense as it’s powered by Yahoo Bing Network. I’ve tried Media.net few years ago and the average CPM was much better than any other AdSense alternatives. Media.net ads are quite similar to Google AdSense and it’s very easy to get approved if you’ve a quality blog.

OFFER!! If you sign up using this link you will get an additional 10% revenue for the first 3 months. This is a great incentive for you to make even more money!

  • Earn additional 10% for first 3 months
  • Min payout: $100
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Bank wire, Payoneer

Signup for Media.net

2. BidVertiser

BidVertiser is another alternative to Google AdSense which pays you for valid clicks on ads placed on your website. It is great Adsense alternative if you didn’t get Adsense approval or got banned. Bidvertiser offers Banner ads, Text ads, Mobile Ads, Slider ads etc. You can also make money by promoting your customized toolbar.

  • Min payout: $10 only
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Checks

Signup for Bidvertiser

Infolinks is the leader in in-text advertising which offers 70% revenue share even if you’re a new blogger. It is different from other advertising networks. It takes less space because it shows in text ads or pop up ads. You can use it with Adsense safely.

It is a pay per click. They offer advertising options like: insearch ads, intext ads, inframe ads, intag ads.

  • Min payout: $50
  • Payment method: PayPal, Wire Transfer, eCheck, Western Union, Payoneer

Signup now (it’s free and quick!)


To sum up, getting an AdSense approved is not really hard if you have a quality website that is focused more on high-quality content, optimized for search engines, uses a great design and with the good number of visitors. Because that’s what Google wants from its every publisher.

Make sure to do these things before applying for Google AdSense. I guess these are not too hard. Don’t be sad if Google AdSense doesn’t approve your blog. There are many other ways to make money online without AdSense.

Hope for the best.

One more thing, don’t reply too much on AdSense. Try to make money through your blog from other business models. Ads network will not give you much as other income methods like affiliate marketing and selling your own product.

Now here’s what I want YOU to do.

  • Click on social sharing buttons below and share this post with your friends, I’m sure they’ll love it!
  • Comment below and let me know your story about getting AdSense approved. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

438 thoughts on “12 Things to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense”

  1. Nice Article Ammar, It covers all the important aspects while applying for google adsense. I took care of all the parameters and would like to share with you that my account was accepted with 24 posts and age of 3 months only.

  2. I got my Adsense approved just a month after creating my blog. You just have to have some quality content and essential pages and clean navigation and getting approved would not be so hard.

  3. Hi Ammar,
    My blog is two months old with just 20+ articles.
    I have still not applied for Adsense as I want some more traffic on my website.
    Your article is really very helpful and thanks for your wonderful advise.

    Dipanjan Biswas

  4. Hello Ammar,
    I found the post extremely helpful and detailed in every sense. Had to say a Quick Thanks for such amazing content and the efforts you put into it.
    I had a query though, I made a website in 2016 so my adsense account is 4 years old but I have not used it since then, can I connect my new website to that account. if yes, how? because I am getting an issue which says could not find the code on your site.. I am not able to access any settings to remove old site and add new one.
    Please help.
    I have a 4 year old adsense account

  5. Hi Ammar,
    Just letting you know that another adsense website has been approved. And only with 8 posts and few hundreds visits.
    My website is also based on online marketing and online businesses like Drop Servicing. It took some days for adsense to approve my website but then all has been perfect.

    The website I’m talking about is dropservicinglife.com

    PD: Thanks for you content!

  6. Thanks for this informative article, Ammar.

    The brand value of Google is also the reason behind the popularity of AdSense.

    Yes, every new blogger and YouTuber wishes to get approved into this program.

    I think getting organic traffic is not mandatory for AdSense approval, I read all their guidelines and nowhere they mentioned the minimum traffic requirements.

    Absolutely, a blog with great design showcases the professionalism of the webmaster.

  7. Hi Ammar,

    First of all, thanks for such an amazing article. Now I know what it needs to get adsense approval.

    I can do everything you mentioned except one. And that is theme!

    I don’t have enough money to buy a theme. So, I am looking for something really affordable and best..

    I have seen that you mentioned MyThemeShop..

    After reading your post, I went to other site to find out whether free themes work well or not..

    Here’s a link to the website where I went: (Link not allowed in comments)

    According to that article, it seems that there’s no problem in using free WordPress themes.

    What do you think? Is it okay if I go with free theme for some time?

    Please let me know.. You seem like a genuine person.

    1. Hi Raj,

      Using a free theme is fine as long as it is looking neat, professional and fast loading.

      A premium theme is not must for getting adsense approval.

  8. Hi, Ammar Ali

    I visited your website you have a good looking website and also I have read this Google Adsense article. I really like it. Lots of good information and found it very interesting and well done Keep it up.

  9. That’s a great article!
    I got my Adsense approved just a month after creating my blog. You just have to have some quality content and essential pages and clean navigation and getting approved would not be so hard.
    Thank your for this article.

  10. Loved it…! Actually I recently started my blogging and I was reading on google help but didn’t understand anything. Seriously you made me understand about AdSense.
    Thank you so much…

  11. Hi Ammar,
    thanks for this wonderful tips.
    I am writing a post on making money from Adsense.
    would you mind if I use some things in this blog post?

    either ways I had a good read.

    Best regards


  12. Thanks a lot for providing wonderful information about Google Adsense. My request for Google adsense was recently approved for my website when it had around 24 posts. Still the age of my website is less than two months. Before applying for it I went through your blog and learnt a great deal about the process. Thanks a lot

  13. My adsense request diapproved 2nd time. But after reading your blog, i am bit confused.

    You said domain has to be 6 month old in asian country. My domain in 2 months old & it is approved with 15 articles and another domain is disapproved with 12 articles. The reason is under construction.
    How many post are required?

    How come this exception happen. Neither i am a professional blogger nor i know much about SEO. Your feedback will be highly appriciated

    1. The requirement of 6 month old is not must. It is explained in article above in details. There are many people who get approved for blog with age less than that. It depends on quality, content, website user experience, and niche of your blog.

  14. Hey Ammar,
    You mentioned that Adsense has stopped accepting applications on websites which are based on money making, marketing articles. Sorry to say that it’s completely untrue coz my website is based on money making and I got my Adsense approved within 47 days of starting the blog. My blog has just 10 posts about 1000 views and 1 comment. So I think you should probably remove the part where you said that because a month back when I was going to apply for Adsense, I came across this article. And I was on the verge of deleting my blog and starting another, but something made me give up that mind.
    Thank You!

    This is the blog which I am talking about – (Note by Admin: link sharing not allowed in comments)

  15. Hi Ammar, my website was still under the activation process…that’s when I decided to go through some tips. So I came to your blog. Great tips… and this morning guess what? My website did get approved!! Thank you for the info!

  16. Thanks
    I recently applied for AdSense, but I was told to some issue in order to connect to my site ( Valuable Inventory : Scraped content).
    But my site is a forum, its content is generated by user who post in the forum, they are responsible for posting copyrighted content, but I thought Google would understand this.
    Pls How did you think I can contact AdSense for this.

  17. Before applying to Google Adsense, Is it mandatory to remove footer credit of your theme (if we are using free blogger theme). I have also a question, can we add editable google image in our blog post and how many days to take for google adsense approval?
    Can we verify our website with aadhar card ( When google verification code will receive)
    Please tell me!
    Thank You!

  18. Hello Ammar,
    Excellent and much useful post, especially for those who want to apply for AdSense. All these guidelines/tips are much useful to follow, to get Adsense account approved. Well, good/quality content, good blog design, easy blog navigation and privacy policy page are the most important ones. Thanks for sharing.

  19. BOOM!! I got approved the next day after I register for Google AdSense. To be frank, I really gonna share this to some of my friends, they really need to gain from this.

    Thanks in millions..

  20. Hi, I received a reject from google adsense, but they didn’t give me a reason. Is this normal? I replied to them asking for a reason. In your experience, will they reply to me. Does the rejection email usually have a reason?

  21. Please Admin, does media.net, infolink.com and many of the advertising sites mentioned above consider the contact us, privacy policy and about us pages before applying?

  22. Pls admin, i have applied for google adsense and it was not approved, is it still ok if i apply for media.net? having in mind to reapply for google adsense when i fix the errors in my site.

  23. Hi Ammar,
    Thanks for writing this detailed post. It will be of great help to new bloggers.
    I would like to ask you whether one can be successful in adsense for a non-niche blog?
    By successful I mean whether one will be able to generate some decent income from it.

  24. Hi Ammar,
    Your article has good content about the understanding to get approval from Google Ad-Sense. I’ve some doubts. I’ve applied for ad-sense 2-3 times and I’ve fixed all the issues which can be the rejection reasons. But I’m unable to getting approval from Google, they are not giving reasons for rejection. Please suggest me, how I can I get approval from ad-sense.

  25. Great Tips, but I got Ad sense approval in 3 months but some people says that your domain must be 6 month old if you are from India, I don’t know how they approve its totally confusing…

  26. Nice Article Ammar, It covers all the important aspects while applying for google adsense. I took care of all the parameters and would like to share with you that my account was accepted with 24 posts and age of 3 months only. So the most important is follow the Adsense policies, create nice design, create quality content, take care of about, terms & conditions, privacy policy, logo and have personalized hosting. Your account will be approved.

  27. Thanks so much Ammar. You did your best to enlighten us on what exactly we need to do in order to be on the AdSense bandwagon. Your article made wonderful reading and believe me, I didn’t think I would be able to go through all the 3000 words you stated above. In the end, I gobbled all and was still panting for more.

    Amazing work! Keep it up.

  28. Learned a lot from your article. Can answer me couple of questions, like-
    1. How much I could earn from AdSense with my website per month?
    2. I am planning to invest on a money making website, so which one you think I should go for
    a. An AdSense website
    b. An Amazon affiliated niche website.

    I am eager to hear from you.

  29. Hey, I really like your post, I did not think that I’ll read the complete 3000 words, but I did.

    I’m sorry my comment gonna be a little longer but I’ll try to cover my question in as short as possible.

    This has happened around 3 to 4 years ago, I had an adsense account and I was using it on my tech website and game website. But suddenly Google has deindexed my website completely from it’s searching.

    Now I have created a new website and it is now around 5 to 6 months old and getting around 100 visitors a day. It’s about banking BTW.

    Now when I open my adsense account it is showing my account is disabled I don’t know the reason but could be that ad was live on google penalized site.

    Now what I can do?
    can I get adsence enable back with current account?
    if not then I’ll have to apply with new email and the new website is added in google analytic and webmaster tool using old email account(which has adsense disabled account) so I’ll have to remove new site from old email completely, right?

    What other things I’ll need to take about before apply for new adsense account? because I have read that once your account is disabled then you can not get a new one with even new email as well because they will detect it. is it true? I dont want to ruin my 6 months of hard work (new website).

    I hope I’ll get a response from you soon on this because I’m planning to apply for new AdSense account soon.

  30. Hi Ammar,
    Thanks a lot for this helpful and elaborate post. I have actually benefited a lot from it. I happen to have applied for adsense and my application was rejected. As you know, google does not tell you the reasons as to why they do so.

    When I read this post, I see that most of the issues pointed out do not affect me. So I would like to find out what could be the possible reasons behind the rejection so that I can work on them. Could you please be of help to me? I will be so happy.

    Secondly, after working on the issues, how long should I take to reapply?

    Thanks in advance for your response and cooperation

  31. Hi Ammar,

    You have provided a very informative article. I have one question, after Adsense approval, can I place ads on a low quality website? I am asking this question because I have seen few websites(which are created few years ago) which are very low quality, still they are showing AdSense ads. Please let me know your view on this.

  32. Hey Ammar,
    By mistake, I have 2 Adsense account but both are not active, when I apply for it then AdSense team says me you already have another account, I want to cancel one but there is no option to cancel, settings button is not working in my case.
    Have any other solution to delete or cancel one

  33. Hi Ammar,

    Interesting Post and vital one for me too. as I am just going to start google adsense channel for my website. Btw I want to ask one question to i have a news websitefor which they are running 2 adsense accounts one is for youtube and the other is for website. Is their a way through which I can merge it into one. though from the second channel that is the website one , I have yet not started making any money.

    Both are approved by Google!!

    Guide me on this!!

    Thanks In Advance…

  34. I have a baking blog. The first time I applied for Google Adsense I was not approved because of insufficient content, specifically not enough text (that’s what they said in the email). So I made sure to beef up my posts, no less than 1000 words, added more pictures, and when I applied again the second time I was approved, even though I only had 8 posts!

  35. I have original content, original pics, responsive theme but got rejected twice. The reason for rejection was “not in compliance with webmaster tools”. Can anyone help me with this issue?
    Waiting for reply.

  36. Thanks Ammar for this blog post. Getting Adsense approval is my current problem right now. Each time I try to check on my Adsense account the response is “we’re working on setting you up.” This has gone on for more than three months now and I know your article has pinpointed where this delay is coming from. Thank you so much.

  37. Wow. Great article! Thanks for the tips. I didn’t know that there will be some issues applying for adsense. I just recently purchased website, it’s more of a portfolio type (we’re graphic designer) and we’ll include articles related to art. Basically, it a combination of professional service + art blog. Do you recommend to change it to articles content homepage rather than the portfolio type? I mean to focus more on the blog post to get a high chance on getting approve.

  38. Hi! I have a bit of a weird one. I applied for Adsense at the end of January but was unsuccessful due to lack of content. I had since left it and continued to add more content but today I noticed on Blogger that my Adsense account is apparently disabled due to invalid traffic. My question is how can my account be disabled when I was never approved in the first place? Has this happened to anyone else?

    I never received an email informing me my account will be disabled so I’m hoping this is just a glitch. (In fact the last email I received was the one telling me my application has been denied.) I’ve now resubmitted my application after following the advice on this page and I’m going to wait and see what they come back with. I’ve never been able to access my Adsense homepage due to not being successful so I am very confused as to what has happened. Any advice would be fab :)

  39. Thanks for the info, sir i tried for approval around 5 days ago and i got a message of “not approving”. So i want to know that if we are using paid theme then it will effect on our google adsense approval or not?

    1. No bro it does not affect just use simple and mobile friendly theme.Google adsence will approve just write some good post customize theme and get traffic .Give some promotion for your blog like if you only spend 300rs on fb ads and get some reader who interested in your blog and then apply for adsence then it is good.and approval is must.

  40. HI Ammar,

    Thanks for all the tips. But I think my blog met most of the criteria you mentioned. However, Google Adsense has been a difficult customer to please. I have gotten rejected multiple times from adsense but got my blog approved by Media.net on the second try. Not sure what I can do to get them to approve my blog… probably the type of content which is not what they want. But it should not be the case as i realize that google ads are now cookie driven than contextual, so topics should be of less relevance to them, rather how the blog/website adds value to the reader.

  41. So, does Adsense check the content on your blog, youtube-channel or whatever before approving it? I had the impression that the review rather was automatic i.e. that the only thing that was checked was how much traffic that you had and and not that the content was good, didn’t include prohibited content etc. I have heard stories of how ads from decent companies have been shown together with (and thereby sponsoring) youtube-videos showing hateful speech, violence, slaughter of animals etc. Any idea if that is more like urban legends or if the problem is that people start with respectable channels or blogs etc. and after having been approved, change them into sick things? Does Adsense keep checking that you don’t change your account into something that breaks their rules?

    Thanks for a great post!

  42. Thanks for the info. I have had an adsense account for many years. Because I moved to another country I had to cancel my existing account and start a new one. However, it does not allow me to connect it to my website. Do you have any idea how long it takes before I can create a new account and link it to my website?


  43. Hi Anmar,

    I am currently applying Google Adsense. I have signed up an account but the homepage doesn’t show any code which I can insert into my wordpress header section. It has been more than a week and I still couldn’t find the way on how to obtain the code so Google can at least review if my website is suitable for adsense.

    Hope to hear from you soonest what I can do to get the code from homepage.

    Thank you

  44. Hi I am Paul and i am from Philippines, and i want to share this to you. To get approved by google adsense, never forget to include your own language in your first 10 blog post this is very effective if you are outside of an english country. Why? My blog is a multiniche in a tagalog and english language language and what happen is that i able to get approved by google adsense after 2 weeks only. Just want to share this tip.

  45. Great blog! Do you have any suggestions for aspiring
    writers? I’m hoping to start my own website soon but I’m a little lost on everything.
    Would you recommend starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option?
    There are so many options out there that I’m completely confused

  46. I got my site adsense approved with all the step above, great content, about us, privacy and policy, great blog design and site speed, and i got approved withing 4 days. Thanks for all this tips

  47. HI Thanks for the post I lv it. I have an Google Adsense account that i am currently using for my Youtube Channel (Hosted adsense account). I also have a newly make website which i wanted to get apply adsense . So how could i add my website to my current adsense account which i made with my youtube channel? Can you explain the main steps or any post related how to do it?

  48. Hello Ammar,
    Very infromative post,
    I am totally newbie in the field of WordPress. However I started blogging just one and half month ago on wordpress platform, earlier I used to publish my thoughts through blogspot. Please note I am not getting much traffic as of now, but being a blogger after publishing couple of articles I must think of making money through blogging .

    I started googling and found your article regarding getting approval for adsense and how to monetize a self hosted blog, and I was worried after seeing your sayings to one of your subscriber ” Keerthy, as you’re from India there’s 6-month domain age restriction before applying to AdSense. “. Fortunately :) my application got approved for adsense. For your kind information I am from India and my blog is just one and half month old with only 40 posts on it. There is no such 6-month domain age restriction, as you can see my blog got approved to show ads.

    Thanks again for informative post.

  49. This is super useful. I just got my application rejected and was wondering what’s the reason. But judging from your post, I guess it’s mainly because I’m missing the Privacy Policy page. Hopefully that’s the reason, gonna try to apply again.

  50. Hi Ammar,
    Great stuff! I’ve to use the search engine to find out what is required to get Adsense approval. I had applied twice for Adsense approval yet got disapproved. I was never sent a disapproval mail indicating what I need to fix. Each I get to know of the disapproval when I attempt logging into google Adsense.
    With you tips, I’ll be good to go.

  51. Hi Ammar, Really nice article. I have also applied for adsense but rejected and the reasons are as below.

    1. It’s important for sites displaying Google ads to offer significant value to the user. As a publisher, you must provide unique and relevant content that gives users a reason to visit your site first.

    2. Don’t place ads on auto-generated pages or pages with little to no original content.

    3. Your site should also provide a good user experience through clear navigation and organisation. Users should be able to click through your pages easily and find the information that they’re seeking.

    Can you please suggest me what should i do next to get approval? My domain age is 5 month.

  52. Hi, I was just wondering if you had any advice. I have recently started a blog (2 months) and tried to apply for adsense, but i do not even reach the point where i get rejected. I just get told that this URL is not available to sign up to adsense. I checked on the google tool that shows you how your ads can be shown and that was fine, so we have not been banned.
    My site used to be on WordPress.com and we was advertising through google there. But once we migrated over to .org. we found that the Url was unavailable.
    I have been forced to apply for media.net, which has been accepted. However i do not like the design and also the double click method that they employ.
    I was just wondering if you have any advice.

  53. I am a newbie blogger, I am just starting in this industry or world, I don’t really have that much idea or how to do’s and some strategies to have a successful blog. I am still doing a lot of changes on my site. Recently, I just moved to a new domain and deleted my wordpress site to avoid duplicates. Me and my boyfriend tried to applied recently on Google AdSense, however, they rejected me. Now, my boyfriend shared this article to me and this is really a great help. Tips on what to do’s to improve my blog site and get approved by Google AdSense. I am A Filipino/Cebuano citizen!

    Thanks for this!

  54. All in all a great post! Some things have changed when it comes to being approved by Google Adsense, and it’s quite strange how Google approves ads. I have seen some terrible sites that go against everything in this article that are showing Adsense ads, and have talked to people that have aged blogs with tons of quality content and a great layout that have got rejected, some more than once. I don’t think that anyone is really sure the EXACT requirements to getting approved by Adsense. But I think your article is definetely a great starting point to getting approved! And btw, my blog (blogger blog) was started at the beginning of this month (February 2017) and I have 29 blog posts, a great layout, and quality content! However, I don’t have a privacy policy or an about page, and my blog STILL got approved. But great article!

    Joshua McManis
    The Conservative News Site

    1. Thank you Joshua. I have gone through all the top bloggers in Nigeria and I don’t see about us, private policy or contact us pages on their blogs.
      And they all have Google AdSense.
      The article is an insight I love it. Thanks to Ammar.

  55. Just wanted to pop in and say thank you for the advice! By following these tips (and a few others as well), I was just approved today for Google Adsense with only 9 posts on my blog after previously getting turned down. Can’t wait to get it up and running. Thank you!!

    1. How long did it take you to get a response from adsense? I submitted my application 10 days ago but still haven’t heard anything… I’d say check out my website to see if you think it’d be up to par. Ammar, can I link my site here? I don’t want to overstep and be rude. Maybe you could give it a look? Thank you!

      Thank you!

  56. Hii Ammar,

    I applied for adsense before 20 days for youtube channel which don’t have any videos and still i didn’t receiived my code. at the time of application, at the end i got mail as application under review after that i received a mail stating approved. but i am unable to find code.

    Can you please help me

  57. Hi, my name is Jasmine and I wanted to commend you for the advice that you shared on this post. I started my travel-based blog (www.thatwomanfromny.com) on July 3, 2016 and applied for Google Adsense last Friday (7/15) and was approved in less than 24 hours! I am proof that you don’t necessarily have to wait 6 months. I do live in the States so I don’t know if that is a variable but I gave it a shot and got a reply rather quickly. My first week views hit about 200 views based off of Google Analytics and my daily posts are consistent with about 500+ words. I don’t have a glamorous website, in fact the only decorative sign is my name logo I did on Adobe Photoshop, but it is organized. I followed everything to the T as given in this article and it does work!

  58. Great Post mate.

    But we just need to follow google policy only. I got adsense for my within 3 days and my blog was only 10 days old.


  59. I have a large content site (Link removed by the moderator). We have two blog pages separated into english and spanish. I applied for adsense, placed the blank unit and they then rejected my application saying the site didn’t meet their criteria. I’m not sure whats wrong with the site as a lot of time and effort has gone into it. Would love a second opinion or feedback as to what its missing

  60. I don’t find any of this true. I applied for Adsense when my blog was new, hardly any posts and I had affiliate links. Still got approved.

  61. Ammer i keep getting this reply from adsense everytime i apply:

    Insufficient content: To be approved for AdSense and show relevant ads on your site, your pages need to have enough text on them for our specialists to review and for our crawler to be able to determine what your pages are about.

    I think google is not recognising the content on my blog. please help. my blog is (umag Link removed)

  62. Hi Ammar, Nice tips.
    Can we use the Google Images search items in our new website by using filter in setting Unrestricted and Free of copyright photos ?
    Does Google also verify images we used apart from unique written content ?
    What is the ruling of using images for new website and blog ?
    Pls reply

  63. Hi,

    I am planning to create a website containing diet plans and nutrition advises.
    Does adsense accept this kind of websites?

  64. Hey, I’m a blind guy out of Leipzig, Germany and I tried to get approval for leipzignews.tv. Unfortunately they declined my requst due to not enough content though I posted tons of videos on their own YouTube-site. I didn’t get paid for that because I ‘ve been unware of the face that you have to connect your YouTube-account to Google Adsense. If anybody knows how to get paid after the fact, let me know. Another rhing that I wanted to find out: how can you get those hooks behind the name of your company even if you have not enough fans, followes and stuff. I’d like to get a hook for Leipzig News on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, but again – there is no way to get it. Anyway, very lovely article – keep up the good work! Kind regards , Juergen in Leipzig – facebook.com/eastgerman

  65. I don’t assume of these things necessary as me and my friends got approval simply by giving the domain and that we had solely 2 articles revealed with no such regarding or Contact U.S.A. Page.
    And yea You wrote ‘An regarding has major role and importance if you don’t need to use for Adsense. however once it involves Adsense, they’re regarding Zero probabilities of obtaining approved if you’re not showing this page

  66. Hi Ammar,
    Thanks for the article. My website is on parenting and is 2 months old(I started a facebook page before 6 months). I was disappointed when my adsense application was rejected. But, having read your article i came to know that i have to add privacy policy, contact us and other sections. My website is lovelearnraise.com. In the past 2 months i have had 10,000 page views and 7,500 unique visitors.
    My queries
    1. Since I started with the fb page, most of the traffic to my website is from the facebook page. Is it ok if apply to adsense again or should I wait for the organic traffic to grow?
    2. Pl let me know your feedback on my website design.
    It would be of great help. Thanks.

  67. Hey Ammar hope you are fine,
    I am also a new blogger with just few posts and i used google blogger. As you wrote this article about adsense and a great one too , i just wanted you take a one minute look to my blog and suggest anything you thing would be good in increasing traffic.
    Another thing that i wanted to ask you is that my adsense account is approved and i have also placed the adsense gadgets live on the blog but the problem comes is that the ads wont show up, its just a white blank space i have tried every color template for it, please tell the solution to this.
    Thank you. :-)

  68. I am reading this article very attentively and checking my site again and again. Though I have not found anything wrong to be rejected by AdSense, I am in a little confusion. I cannot judge my site regarding content quality as English is not my first language.
    I have bought my domain and hosting from Godaddy and have launched my site on 31 January and published 37 articles. One of my friends was insisting me to apply ASAP but I was worried about the number of posts. Now Dillon’s inspires me a lot. I will apply within 2/3 days.
    I am using a free theme now. I will buy a premium theme after 2 months. I hope it will not be a problem.
    Can you just give me a little advice about my content quality? Please………Your advice regarding any issue about my site will help me to have a final check before applying. And I will be glad and grateful if you really do.

  69. Is it true that a blogger has to open US gmail account and use US address to sign up for google adsense before it can be approved?

  70. Hello Ali
    I got Adsense approval for my travel blog with just three posts without any about page,privacy policy,contact page etc.I don’t know on which terms and conditions they approval my Adsense account. Blog was more than six months when I placed Adsense code.After one month i got mail that your Adsense application has been approved.All this in the first try without rejection,reapproval.For me, this is fun part bcoz i didn’t know much about Adsense program.
    This is very useful information about AdSense approval program.Thank You.

  71. Are you implying that Adsense will not allow other advertisement placement on the blog except from Adsense? I operate a blog with a good number of adverts already but not sourced from any of the Ad networks indicated above. Hence, I want to know if my blog is eligible for Adsense.

    As a matter of fact, I applied earlier but turned down and requested to modify. From the list of requirements, I only noticed that I did not set up the Privacy Policy.

  72. Hi Ammar, i applied for the adsense after reading your article and guess what ? i got it. Time for Celebration

  73. Hello Aamar ali,
    I am a new blogger
    I created a blog 4-5 days ago in which published 5 posts .
    As being a new blogger i dont know how to design my blog perfectly: (
    Please visit my blog if u can and suggest me what i can do further.
    And i applied for google adsense (thats toooo earlier i know) im a wanker! Lol
    Then i got an email from google adsense and they said they cant approve my blog. That’s Ok
    But when i again try to apply for adsense it shows something like No internet connection or cant connect to server. I tried from many browsers and internet is also working fine
    This doesnt able me to submit my application for adsense.
    Dude please visit my blog if u can and suggest me what should i do
    And my pageviews are around 9K
    Please reply or email me

  74. Please help me out. I have posted 100+ short articles in English and Tamil. I do not focus on one particular topic instead I use my blog to write funny stuff. I have 1000+ visitors and still keep getting rejected for insufficient content. As my posts are really short, will it be approved if I manage to post the tiny bits in one complete page? I want to monetize my Youtube channel and hence I need this to be approved asap. Kindly help. Thanks in advance.

    My blog : (Link removed by moderator)
    Arthi Ratna

  75. I don’t think all these things are necessary as me and my friends got approval just by giving the domain and we had only two articles published with no such About or Contact us Page.
    And yeah You wrote ‘An About has major role and importance if you don’t want to apply for Adsense. But when it comes to Adsense, they are about Zero chances of getting approved if you are not showing this page.’

  76. If your domain is registered by another person name, Means I have a website but its not on my name. I paid to some one and he registered it and give it to me, So i just wanted to know that is it a big deal or not.
    Thank You

  77. Thanks so much for this article. I was surprised to see my application turned down today, but now I think I know what I need to work on. I appreciate the advice!

  78. Hello Dear.

    This article is really effective and informative.. i really appreciate it.
    Well i being working as a blogger for many years but never got any success. Recently i start my blog on Healthcare and according to this article it seems good for me.. little things are still there to solve i-e privacy policy and pages like this and my domain is new so i ll wait till 6 months for it. But now i want you to please take a survey of my blog and analyze it on content quality base and let me know how i am progressing and what is still remain there to be improved.
    Your help and response will be appreciated.
    Thank You

  79. Hi, Ammar Ali Vai, Thank you for your great post. Recently I have created “Computer Review” related website. I have tried to make my website user friendly. I also posted 45+ content about Laptop review. Now I would like to apply for Google Adsense. If you would visit my website and give me any suggestion about my website for Google Adsense Approval it would be better. Please visit my website if you have free time. Allah Hafez.

  80. Hello amar,
    I am a tech blogger. My blog is 9 month old and have 18 posts. Which tips you mention above I have used but still Google is not approving my Adsense application. What Could be the problem? Please if you have little bit time look my blog and bro please suggest me tips. I hope you help me. Thanks in advance.

  81. Hey, great post there and very helpful as well, now I’m a new guy to the website industry and have had a domain name registered for around 2 to 3 months and plan on setting up a wordpress based recipe and food blogging site. My questions :

    1. Will it get approved or is there a red flag to this kind of content.
    2. I will allow users to post their own recipes, but some users might even copy recipes and upload them i think, is it allowed by google ?

    Please advice as it would be of great help. Thanx.

  82. Megha Biloniya


    I want to register on google adsense for my website but it says —
    URL must not have a path (example.com/path) or subdomain (subdomain.example.com).

    I what should I do to resolve this as I don’t want to purchase the website domain and I am using a free version.

  83. Thanks for the great information Ammar. Well I applied for Adsense right before I landed on this post, not sure if I am going to make it or not. But I am definitely going to benefit from this article.

  84. Hello Ammar

    I created my blog 4 days back..and I am trying to register myself for google adsense..they asked me for website which is already mentioned there ..but when I clicked on continue..then wont get anything..I am trying since yesterday..can u help me out..

  85. Tanmay Chakrabarty

    Cool Help. Except that I was approved for showing ads with my blogspot blog a long ago and just a couple of days I moved to my domain and still waiting for again approved for ads :(

    Anyway, nice post, helped a lot.

  86. Bro one that I don’t accept with I didn’t have about us privacy or contract us option in website and my website had .tk domain Adsense approved my site within 10 hrs what do u day about this

    1. Blogging is not just about making money. It’s about helping others and providing values. Every blog must have these important pages. Do you want to stay stranger to your visitors by not writing about page? Do you not want to hear what your readers think through contact form?

      If doesn’t matter if you apply for adsense or not but these pages are very important because it gives good impression to visitors.

        1. I’ve been trying my level best to increase the number of visitors on my website but failing. I think i am not carrying the right approach. What would you suggest me .. This is my website generalfaits.com

  87. Murhot Hutagalung

    Get inspired by this writing. I have tried twice in applying Google Adsense, but not success yet. But I am trying very hard to fulfill Google requirements. It will be very proud when our website display GA.

  88. brother this is owais here and i need your help .. on 1st of January i created a blog for first time and its very famous….actually i have a facebook page with over 5 lakh likes and it helps me a lot to get visitors for my blog but today i recieved a mail from google that they didn’t approve my aDSense account and the reason they give that my blog should have lot of texts….now my friend told me that my blog is still new that’s why the didn’t approve he also told me that i should wait a log to get approved .. brother few days before when i qualify for aDSense account and for few hours ads were showing on my blog but after i think 1 or 2 hours its showing blank..now my first question is that was my friend right and should i wait to get approved ..i know its compulsory ….brother from last 2 days i watched all your videos and i just couldn’t get results … i try my best to get ads showing on my blog but i didn’t get success . may be first i have to wait for google to get approved .. please brother tell me what should i do know..i am new to blogging and i want to get approved coz i already made promise to the local institute here that i will support them..brother as u mention on your blog that u help lot of new bloggers ..please help me…hope u understand. please reply brother

  89. Hi…Recently my blogger site got approved for Absence…It had been only 3 months since I created the blog..Only 6 posts, an About and Contact Me page. That’s it….I am extremely happy. But then the next question that lingers in my mind is: What next ? I don’t have any Ads to put….So whats the point? Will other put ad on my blog? Or will google put ads ? I did not provide any account number while registering for ad sense (neither was I asked). So how does one get paid if he does earn some money ?

  90. Hi AMMAR ALI Thanks for your helpful information.I have a question Adsense approve my blog if I publish ezinearticles or similar article platform article on blog?Please reply I have not good article writing skill.


  91. Hi Ammar,

    Very useful article i must say.
    I am planning to go for adsense but i will do that after 7-8 months after creating content. Before that , should i go for other adsense alternatives as mentioned in your post? U have said that before applying for adsense i should remove other ad links. If google will get to know that i have earlier used other adsense alternarives, will they reject my application ?

    Also i would like to interact with you regarding SEO and backlinks info.

  92. Hi Ammar,

    I have adwords account and paid almost $3000 to google for advertising in 2 months using my credit card and still paying. I applied for adsense account to advertise on my web but my application disapproved with a reason that my web is under construction and i knee that it will happen. I used separate email to get registered with adsense. I didn’t use the one which i am using for afwords. What do u suggest…should i use same email for adsense which i am using for adwords?

  93. Hi Ammar,

    I am new to the blogging world and have just been approved for Google Adsense. I put in my application four days ago not expecting to be approved because of all the rumors I’ve read about being denied with an early blog.

    As for a little background about my website, it was launched on the first of this year and I have since put up 3 blog posts. As of today it has gotten 115 views and just 2 comments. I have an about me and contact pages and use wordpress.

    I hope this addresses #6 on your list! I am still surprised at myself for being approved haha.

  94. Hi Ammar,
    I discovered your article truly supportive. As of late I have procured SEO preparing so I have begun an online journal for external link establishment reason. I’d like to realize that would I be able to apply for adsense remembering that there will be a lot of articles later on each for an alternate site’s external link establishment. In this way, I wont be focusing on a specialty section or a particular classification. In your another post you have clarified that Google Adsense might obstruct the site because of a few reasons so arrives any way that I could acquire better as an amateur. In addition which stage would be better to blog and procuring, Blogger.com or WordPress?

  95. Hello Ammar,

    My Domain is 1 year old but i have start for blogging 2 months back. I am planning to go for Ad Sense somewhere in December end or in Jan start with min 40-50 posts. I have note down your points. Any further tips or any update in Google’s policy.

    And, Thanks for sharing.

    With Love PG

  96. hi, ali..my site is self hosting & domain in multilingual wp but its still a couple of week old. I wrote the contents myself, while improving my seo writing skills. I do “plag” check before publishing, mostly 95% unique. The problem is, I accidentally applied it for adsense about some week ago. I’m worried, i’m not violating adsense content TOS but my content & backlink is still low.

    My question are,
    Is Indonesian publisher also needs to wait 6 months?
    The visitor good 100-200 daily but the organic is low, what is the effect for adsense?
    Should I remove my donate button? I don’t recall its against adsense policy, is it?
    I manually translate and proofread my english content in to Bahasa Indonesia, but for other language i just copy-paste my eng content from google translate. Will this be a problem?

  97. hi Ammar,
    thanks for sharing, this article is very helpful
    i want to learn more about SEO and adsense. can you help me Ammar?
    do you have material about SEO or adsense?
    many thanks for considering my request

  98. Salam, Ammar

    I am new in this field and wants to do work on SEO but cant find helpful material. Can you help me in this or give me the material that helps me in SEO.
    Advance thank you.

  99. Hi Ammar,
    I found your article really helpful. Recently I have acquired SEO training so I have started a blog for link building purpose. I’d like to know that can I apply for adsense keeping in mind that there will be plenty of articles in the future each for a different website’s link building. So, I wont be targeting a niche segment or any specific category. In your another post you have explained that Google Adsense may block the site due to some reasons so is there any way that I could earn better as a newbie. Plus which platform would be better for blogging and earning, Blogger.com or WordPress?

    1. If you can afford, you should go for WordPress self hosted blog. If you don’t want to invest then you can buy a domain and use it with blogger.com

      Hope it helps.

  100. Hi, Ammar. Your article is relly usefull. May I translate your article in my native language?? Of course, I will add link to your website as original source.

    Thanks Ammar

    1. Hi Cak Fi,

      If you want to do this, you should copy only few paragraphs and give link to my website to read full article. You may add my website to google translator and place this translator link into your blog.

  101. Hi Ammar,
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful article, It helps me to understand many things before submitting my website for AdSense.

    I’ve heard that Google doesn’t give AdSense for those domain ( whose include words: Hack, Cheat, or Crack). Now, one thing I need to be confirmed that these words are not in my website domain name, but if I’ve any post about hacking on my Blog, then is it harmful?

    Please, help me…

  102. I joined blogger yesterday. I have posted 12 today. I got 100 viewers. When do you think will be best for me to apply for adsence? & posting 12 posts daily is it bad or good ?

    1. It won’t be possible to post 12 quality articles per day and it will be red signal for Google. I’d suggest you not to do this and wait for sometime. Your blog is new so there are no chances of getting approved for a one day old blog.

    2. Adsense will not approve any website from asian countries if it is 6 months old until they see real value in that. As Ammar stated, don’t over do, start off with slow phase and look to build as you progress and that is the best way for any website to stay in longer run.

  103. Manzoor Siddiqui

    Hi Friends ! Today I am very very happy as my AdSense Account got approved and advertisements are getting displayed. I want to share my experience with you all. I had started my new website 10 days back only and published only 5 posts then I thought to apply for AdSense so I requested for the same. Within 2 hrs I got email that my website is reviewed and I have to put ad codes on my site. So I did the same and within 13 hours, advertisement is getting displayed. I am so happy as I checked on google blogs many people are waiting for AdSense account from long time and I got total approval wihtin 15 hours. It’s amazing. As far as my posts are concerned It is totally well written by me, unique and total words are between 400 to 900 per posts and website is purely technical contents. I compared my site with above given points by Ammar Ali and absolutely matching with all feautures except total no. of posts. Ammar Ali has listed very genuine points everyone should follow before applying AdSense.

    1. Hi; MANZOOR
      Congratulation MANZOOR i’m happy for your; i’m too have a hosted account and have created my simple website but adsense don’t approved my application for upgrade my account. Please could you help me for upgrade my adsense ?

  104. Hi Ammar,

    I have read your content it was really great. Thanks for sharing such a informative content.

    One of my friend inform me that for Google Adsense Approval you need minimum 500 Organic traffic per day? is it true??? Please help me with this.


      1. Hi Ammar,

        I get your point but it is compulsory that you have 500 organic traffic daily. If i get traffic from referral link or social media then it will not approve or what??


  105. I get Google Adsense approval 6 months ago. I had use cms (WordPress) is blogger. I get 5000 pageviews per day. But my income is very low.

  106. Ammar Ali you have done great job to assist blogger newbie like me.
    I have several question for you,
    i have seen 2013 blogs in my language (Indonesian) having many duplicate post,content and yet they placed google ads, how thats possible if google criteria against misbehavior blogs/webs highly restrict ?,
    Awesome post by the way
    and thank you.

    1. We can’t really understand what Google is doing with publisher. I’ve seen new blogs with no traffic getting approved and on the other hand big blogs with good traffic are getting rejected.

  107. My adsense request got approved in my 2nd chance. But after reading your blog, i am bit confused.

    You said domain has to be 6 month old. my domain in 3 months old
    you said on average i need to have 70 + post. But i have only 23.

    How come this exception happen. Neither i am a professional blogger nor i know much about SEO. Your feedback will be highly appriciated

  108. Hi saqib,
    Well Said, but i would also like add few more things to consider when applying for adsense account:

    If you’ve more then one site, then consider applying with best site. (In terms of traffic, Page Rank and content quality)
    Your content should be written in English or other Adsense supported languages.
    Give your actual information while applying for Adsense account.
    Your age must be 18 years or above to participate in Adsense Program.(or you may use your parents name)
    Sometimes Google requires 6 months older domain in certain countries including China & India.
    Avoid Paid Traffic. (Adsense doesn’t require a lot of traffic)
    Don’t use copyrighted image, Use Images with Credits.(this is not that much necessary)

  109. Nice said saqib,
    Without Google adsense blog is incomplete,Also one main reason for disapproval of adsense is use same Gmail account which is use for experiments or other link building games.
    Just make new real Gmail account and apply first for the Google webmaster tools and then for Google analyticals tools if your visitor is more the 60 then apply for Google Adsense.

  110. How do you get approved for Adsense when your blog is located as a subdirectory of the domain you own? For instance, my site http://www.jenwoodhouse.com is my main site, but I don’t want to run Adsense on that site. I want to include it on my blog, which is located at jenwoodhouse.com/blog. I still own the domain, but Adsense will only accept the master domain name.
    My main site was not approved for Adsense, however I think my blog would be because it seems to meet all the requirements (except the URL), but can’t submit it because according to Adsense rules, the URL is invalid.
    Any ideas?

    1. I don’t think so there would be anyway to approve using the sub directory. You can’t even use sub domain too.

      You’ve to use your main domain while applying for adsense, Jen.

  111. Thanks buddy,
    This post is really worth reading. Every blogger need to know about the Google policies before they apply to Google AdSense. As it is the greater medium to make money from a blog. I have seen many blogs which are famous but not having AdSense ads. May be they didn’t follow the policies. It’s the main problem of newbies that they always think about making money which somehow distract them from their quality building blog. Thanks for sharing.

  112. One of my friend followed all the steps you mentioned for approving adsense and also tried some of other tricks but it doesn’t works for his blog. You can check his blog at seebeetee.com . what should he do to get approved adsense account.?

    Waiting for an answer from your side.

    Thanks :)

  113. Nice article bro, recently got my adsense account approved by the Google team through YouTube. Just want to ask you a simple question that can i use this youtube approved account for another website.

  114. I have applied for Google adsense i have not receive any mail from Google regarding first step or second step, red alert disappeared from my adsense account but ads are not showing on my blog
    have any idea where is the problem?

  115. Me and my friend both got approval from Google AdSense within 6 months both of us are from India, mine in 35 days (you may remember). So I think you should write that those “should” be 6 months older to get Google Adsense account, not must :D.

  116. I applied to Adsense a week
    Ago and have not heard anything. Just a red bar that says my account is under review. Is there a way to contact them to see what’s going on. I am thinking maybe I filled out something wrong in the application.

  117. hello saqib,
    Buddy I implemented all the tips given above but still i got denied. Can you please help me in making the corrections.
    My site : Universalbloggingtips.com

  118. Hey Saqib,
    Right said in your article but i want to ask that my website page rank is 2 can i get adsense now??
    Please do reply me soon it will be great :)

  119. Brother, You said that sub-domain blogs won’t get adsense account. But you know I’m running a blogspot blog and I have also got adsense account(hosted account type). I’m feeling great. Now I know that Google adsense approves sub-domain blogs too. :)

    1. Dinesh, his intention isn’t that subdomains won’t get AdSense approved at all. It takes more time for such domains to get one when compared to TLDs.

  120. its Like Flood of Comments here.. every One Sharing his/her View About Adsense approval. Well i Got adsense in 4th time.. i thing i missed some of the Point mentioned about thats why got approved in 4th Time.. Great and Complete Guide Shared here Thanks For Sharing… :)

  121. Hi Saqib,

    First of all, thanks for putting together this information. I’m currently using a personal adsense account for a news site and a travel blog. Since I’ve registered a company now, I want to apply for a new adsense account against the company. Are you aware of any Google Adsense policies for such issues?


    1. I think you should use the same account for your company. This is because it is very easy and simple to see which sites made you what hence, you can later divide the money between your colleagues and yourself.

  122. Hi All, Kindly help or suggest

    I have created a Custom Search Engine from google and based on it i have created my website.My website only have the google search option similar to search.mywebsearch.com.I am recommending all my clients to use thing as their default search engine for all the searches and use this as their homepage.

    I just want to know can i apply and get approval for this from google or not ? currently i have closed to 70-100 visits per day and number will increase day by day as its an ongoing process.

    Can somebody help me or suggest anything for this ??

  123. Thanks For Each and Every Details You Have Provided. I am really thankful to you for your help, I have successfully created my Adsense Account which is Reviewed by Adsense Team Too, Thanks a lot.

  124. Thanx Saqib, I am a newbie blogger, trying to find out what factors required for adsense approval as I had heard it is very hard to get approval, I am currently developing my newly created blog. Thanx for your valuable post

  125. I got 2 times disapproved and this is my third try , Google has gone crazy, i don’t know what was the problem with me , so lets hope for the best this time following your guidelines. Thanks for the share.

  126. Hi Saquib !
    Thank you for your excellent guidance. We have to more focus for original and high quality content with more posts. Google Adsense is all about Policy and it always works on behalf of advertiser rather than ads publishers. therefore, we have to focus our blogging and making money through organic ways.

  127. sir ,, i always enjoy your posts/articles.,, its now my time to apply for the google adsense,,plz have a check over my website and tell me if there is any point that i need to correct ,,,
    thank you

  128. Hi Saqib,

    I have read your post and it is really awesome. I have tried many times in Google Adsense but, every time it says, “Google Policy not mached”! I created About, Contact Us pages but, I can’t get approval in google adsense.
    What should I do now?

  129. Hi Saqib,

    These information is very useful. Before i always try to apply at adsense on my new sites and not considering some factors for their approval. Then i read this now i know why all those my applications on the adsense were not approve.
    But showing your email at the about or contact pages is very dangerous specially for people who will take advantage for it.
    All in all i love the topic.

    Jessie Caturan

  130. bro in step 4. Name/ Email Verification i am adding my name but add email but how to hiddin this because i cant show my visitor my email…because it is a danger and hack my site….how to solve this

  131. Hi Saqib,
    I have earlier applied for the adsense and it got rejected and the reason was its does not comply with google policy and dont know what is the main reason can u please help me ??

    Karan Oberoi

  132. Hi,
    Your article is quite thorough in all the aspects. Actually, my blog is quite new and I think it will still take me some time to apply for Google Adsense. But whenever I do, your article will definitely help me lot.
    Thanks for the great post.

  133. Hi

    Thank you very much for your tips. My blog is coding-issues.blogspot.com. I have applied to adsense several times and got rejected. I don’t have a privacy policy page and i will defenitely add it now after reading your post. But please check my blog once and tell me what are the other changes to do. Thanks in advance


    1. use infolink ads it is better then clicksor and submit your site to alexa it would help you…
      And I want to ask amaar you dont use any ads program so how you afford website expenses??

      1. I think he is not free yet to reply because he got tons of things to do on daily basis. I know and I know why he doesn’t use Google Adsense. But the answer to your question is that Ammar is affiliate marketer. He not only affords this blog but also takes bunch of profit.

  134. Google is bad boy, “they hates sites that are getting Paid traffic” what about with they “Google adwords?” (paid traffic too!).

    The giant speak giant language or the big eat the small. They are outlaw company

    1. Inba there is lots of people who abuse google ads but you can get it.There is some tricks to get it cause I visited lots of site which was copy content but they have google ads.If you get that tricks so you can earn better income…

      1. Yes. You are right. For some websites who wrote unique articles they got rejected several times and who wrote copied content are got approved very easily. We can’t find what’s the exact thing wrong in our site, as their(google’s) reason to reject is not clear. Every time they sends the same reason “Your site doesn’t comply with our policies”. So not easy to figure out the issue.

  135. Hi saqib,

    This information is what I’m looking for. I have less than 20 posts on my website but I am planning to apply when it has more than 100. Do you think it would affect my application If lets say 10 out of 100 post has less than 300 words? You mention it being on Red Signal so i just wanted to be careful.

    Thanks again.

  136. Very nice information but i have a small problem at last time i followed this tricks i got adsence approved but now this time its not allowing me with the different payee name. What to do now ?? is there any other UPDATED way to get approved ??
    Thanks in Advance

  137. As i am a fresher to this seo i got many useful tips to start a new business easily..
    I will bookmark this and forward to those who dont know the basical things .. ThanQ very much…

  138. Hi Saqib,

    Thanks for the informative post. Glad that my blog meets most of the points that you have mentioned. Out of the blue I just clicked and applied for Google Adsense and Lo! I was surprised to have my first approval to incorporate my Ad code on the Website. Hope to see the Ads soon.

  139. Great tip! Saqib, it was good to read this post and know your experienced knowledge on getting AdSense or a weak substitute approved.
    Please keep writing and let us know more on AdSense.
    Well, can you or anyone tell me what should be the “minimum” pageviews count before we apply for Google AdSense program? I know, there is nothing like pageviews or number of posts has been mentioned by AdSense team anywhere, but still I am looking for some suggestions from AdSense publishers. (Please let me know two things; minimum daily pageviews and minimum no. of posts)

    (Views and replies from anyone is welcome) — regards, ME :)

  140. Nithin Upendran

    Awesome tips thanks for sharing.next when i apply i will ensure these things thanks for sharing this !

  141. I got Adsense For My Youtube Account…And I Can Also Use It For Website
    But I Have Android Apps-Games Download Site With 5-6K Unique Visitors/Day
    [In My Site Paid Apps Games Alvailble For Free]

    So…Can I Put Adsene On My Android Site?
    Will They Ban Me?

  142. Well tips i read this post before applying and i follow this steps i got approved from google adsense . i came here to say thank you for useful information to bloggers

  143. HI

    I want to have a Google Adsense account. I’m going to apply it from this.

    Before I apply can I know this thinks.

    Can I use a free premium template on my blog to apply for adsense?

    I came to know from some group it is not allowed. If I apply to adsence with that premium template adsense will not accept me?

    Also I want know can’t I put some software direct download link on my blog? Is it not allowed in adsense? But I have seen some other blogs they are put direct download links with adsense ads.

    Is my domain must 6 months old to apply for adsense?

    Please help me.

  144. Hello Ammar, Thanks For This Great Informative Content. I have a pr2 Social Bookmarking Site that i have built with Pligg. previously i was applied for google adsense but in response they said contact address invalid. but my contact address correct. What to do now to get approved?

  145. Hi, Ammar. Thank you for sharing this post. I am about to apply for adsense and will consider the tips you have laid out here. By the way, will the domain name affects my application. As you can tell I have a domain that ends with dot me instead of the usual dot com. Would that be an issue? Thank you so much for your help.

  146. Thanks so much for the advice! Unfortunately, I’ve also read people opinions that say that Adsense is a scam and that if you give your Social Security Network number, it will shortly deactivate your AdSense account and withdraw all earnings from you…. I don’t know if it’s true, but I just hope that Google is trusted.

  147. Hey bro can you please tell will Google Adsense approve me or not ,mine blog :
    Also my date of birth on Google account is 26-October-1996.
    If Google will not approve wat can i do den ? Pls help bro !!! Thanks

    1. Thanks this post was so informative.Does Google approve blogspot sites ? and i also have one more doubt how to change the age in google adsense ? i am also facing that age restriction.

  148. Sandeep Chaudhary

    Hello Ammar, I have a doubt. I will like to ask here. As we have to use Privacy Policy for adsense approval on our sites, there are lots of privacy policy generator present online. Will it not be copied content to use those policy generators? As they generates the same policy by just editing domain name.

  149. As salam alikum
    I want to apply for Google Adsense. I am going to upgrade my blog from sub domain by paying $99 to http://www.blog.com. But I am not sure whether http://www.blog.com allows Google adsense to place ads. I have read on WordPress that they do not allow Google Adsense Ads to all.

    Suggest me whether making a new website is good option or upgrading my blog by paying $99 dollars.

    Jazakallah Khair

  150. Wow, really helpful article. I read lots today and your one was one of the most helpful ones. I have definitely learned something and I’m hoping I will get accepted soon. Just a quick question, you said you made a few mistakes before getting accepted into Adsense and just out of curiosity how many time did you get rejected before actually getting their approval ? Thank you :)

  151. Getting into Adsense is really difficult. I’ve tried three times now, and it says I have insufficient content. Is there a guideline as to say you need to be active for so many months or have like 50 posts before applying? And is it really true when you say I have to have a .com domain, and not a blogspot.com one to qualify, because they never specified that in my email declining me.

    BTW, I have about 43 posts, and have only had my blogger acc for about 3 weeks, but there is a lot of content and a few extra pages.

  152. Cathy Sirvatka

    I really appreciate this article! I was missing a lot of the items you talked about and I surprised myself since I am a web designer!! But I still probably don’t have enough blog articles. I just wish Google would give reasonable reasons why you are turned down. I was told insufficient content. So I asked what that meant. Well… you need original content. What? I write all my own content. Well… you shouldn’t probably go for adsense anyway because you will just get competitor ads and will lose business. I was really surprised by these responses. I will be starting a new tutorial blog with vids, podcasts and blog articles and perhaps I will try again later with that site. If you get a chance and can look at my site, I wouldn’t mind any feedback you may have! I tried to do everything you suggested – I just need more blog posts.

  153. Hi Saqib,

    really pleased to see your post, very explained about all aspects of adsense, I will highly recommend this post to people new to adsense. however they block accounts and never release it again whatever you do, is there any method to recover account?


  154. This article is great! I getting problems with applying to google ad sense, too. Tried 2 times and now i will stop, especially after reading this. 90% of mine posts are below 300 words, damn. I have only few (maybe 10) above 300 words. Now, my question is can i continue to posting without deleting old, but with 300+ words, or i need to delete them ?

    Also, got to add about me page and privacy policy, too, but i think main reason i because of mine short posts. If you wanna visit my site, visit it via my name to check it out, and please if you have any suggestion, let me know… Thanks once again for this great article!!! My full support!

  155. hello!!
    you perform a very good post, can you help me for a problem, I just want to know that. can I generate income from a blog who contain only images ?

    please help!

    1. Hello Sujeet kumar! You can earn money from your blogs images ads by just signing up for luminate ads. The ads will be shown on all images of your site. The link is http://www.luminate.com
      You can also see more than 200 advertising networks at betterwebads.com.
      I hope i have answered your question.

  156. I tried many times gor Adsense, but failed to get approval, might be the content on my blog has something to do with OR a free domain OR the geaography, but it never worked. Never mind, i started using Chitika, Infolink, and affiliate products, and they all combindly started giving the results :)

  157. hi bro, I read your this article nd i like the informations well, but today i had applied for adsence and i got rejectd . :( 2nd time..I am very much depressed n dont know where i m laging behind.plz visit my website and gave me proper suggestion for it bro.regards,www.siddz05.blogspot.com

  158. Hi Saqib,
    My first time here and found your post really interesting. I have my own paid website and been writing for about 10 months with about 300 articles in it on different categories that interest me. I applied for ad sense several times already but denied each time for not following “ad sense policy guidelines.”

    I was recently advised by a Google ad sense support member in one of the forums to take out all the images I posted that came from the internet. I’m meaning to follow the advise actually and will take all the pictures out that came from internet sources. But do I have to really do this? You did not mention in your post that the images should be personally owned and not taken from the internet. Do you own the Google image that you posted here? if I may cordially ask? I normally get pictures from royalty free and free sites offering images.

    I ask this because I can see many websites posting the same pictures and images from the internet.

    Also, I was advised to take down all articles that did not come from my own original thoughts. This I think is too much since most of the articles that we read online are re-written and basically the same topic presented in the authors own thoughts. Apparently, the article should truly be original and without any means of comparison with other online topics.

    I really would like your input on these issues about my site. If you have the time to spare, I would gladly appreciate your inputs.

    Thanks and more power.

  159. Hi! thanks alot for this post its very helpful for aspiring bloggers like us ;) just a question, i currently am running under a free webhost (blogspot) right now but i intend to have a paid domain and link it up to our blogger. willthat reset the age of our site or will the actual active age of the blog be considered? mind to also heck out our site for more suggestions?:) thaaaanks! :D

  160. So I am screwed?
    Because i don’t have money to buy a domain name
    And I will never have money to sign up for Google adsense?

    Although i should admit, this was really really helpful. :)

    And now i should stop dreaming about earning money or anything.
    Every other post i read sugar-coated this and made it seem like it would be so easy.
    Thankyou for the truth. :)

  161. thanks to author … Hurry by following this simple tips i got adsence approved.
    More details of this on few days back (40 days before) i seen this post in some where and read fully . After reading this i got some interest to read related 2 articals. Finally i got an idea when we have to apply for adsence and what to do when google say no via reply. Finally by following the all guidelines i got approved. Thanks to author

  162. Sir my website is 35 days old infolinks are active on it so can i apply for adsense with infolinks or not ?
    Please suggest me should i apply now or add more of content before All about Jobs & Interviews

  163. Thank you for this great advice. I am new to blogging but I intend to add content on a regular basis. I have a blogspot blog and I just wondered if you could explain further about purchasing your own domain to get approval for Google Adsense. Is your own domain basically like your own website and then you need to link to your blog separately? Sorry I’m new to all this!

  164. Krishna chaitanya

    hi saquib ,
    i have a doubt here if we create content on different niche is it a problem for us or we can create content on different niche
    PLease tell me its very important for me
    thank you :)

  165. Hi,
    Indeed it is very useful for me.

    I applied for google adsense with 10 post. But they rejected because of insufficient blogs. Now I am writing blogs. Please check my blog and advice me. I explained theory with youtube video. Please advise me.


  166. Saqib,

    I am very interested in continuing my blog, but I would love to get into adsense. I have completed everything you posted on here and have been updating my blog and getting decent and increasing traffic. Can you (or any other readers) possibly tell me what I’m doing that is keeping me out of Adsense?

    My Blog:

    My Personal Site:


  167. Nyc work done by you on this post. Funny as well as interesting… Actually, me gonna apply for adsense and m searching precautions needed before applying adsense.

  168. If you are going to apply for Google Adsense make sure you site must have some additional pages like About page, Contact page, Archive page, Sitemap page, Privacy Policy page, Disclaimer page and Terms of Use page. Having these page in a blog/website tell what is your blog about, how it is useful for.

  169. for Indian and other asian users domain age also matters. The domain should be 6 months old to get approved by google adsense program

  170. Many Newbie Bloggers without knowing this, after they get their account disabled. They keep on applying, which Google hates ! They must leave a gap of at least 6 months. No one are aware of this. Anyway, Terrific Post. Thanks :)

  171. What an amazing article. All the point which you have covered are true. Perhaps i was a victim for not getting approval of google adsense account for almost 1 year. But after re-applying so many times finally google gave the adsense account. Nice article…

  172. Second point that you had made is not true as i applied after 32 posts and i got AdSense approved for my blog and its only 2 months old. Thing that matters is whether you are posting unique content and traffic from Google Search.

  173. I have enjoyed your post really. If our content is really made for readers and if we should follow this tips properly before apply for AdSense then it will be more easy to get approve fro AdSense.

  174. Hii,

    First of all I must say, thanks for submitting these wonderful tips for getting approval in ad sense in a proper way.

    You covered almost all the points with nice explanation. I already got the approval in Google ad sense. Would like to share how I got the approval.

    Good Custom Design, I wrote it only 3 High Quality arts, Aged Domain (It’s 7 months old)

    Just wanted to ask one question.

    1) Can I use multiple accounts and even operating from same Laptop/ computer?

    Waiting for your prompt reply.


  175. Hello Saqib,

    Getting irritated with google adsense, I applied two times and same rejected. What i have to improve on my blog. My blog age 5 months and total visitors 350 up to now. I have to wait still more months.

    Need Suggestions……..

  176. I got approve my AdSense just for 40 post. Adsense will check your website quality that their advertiser would be profited from that or not. So this is very hard to say about minimum post requirement.

    Once you think that your website is ready for AdSense then you may apply.

  177. I think you are looking at this incorrectly. Last Wednesday, I decided to add Google adsense to my site. I read about it (for the first time) and applied. I had the approval within 24 hours. I added the code to my site and 24 hours later, so Friday night, I had them appear. I had been fully approved.
    Perhaps, you are loking at this from a bloggers point-of-view. I proper website obviously get easy and quick approval.

    1. I’m looking at it from the point of view that I should…I cannot tell everyone to do something if it goes good for me only…As blogger, I have to analyze a lot of things and ask many people before making a last call….You’re lucky to get account.

  178. Hey Saqib

    Thank you so much bhai
    I read your article and after making all the adjustment like you said.

    I got google adsense approved

    Thanks :)

  179. I almost lost of hope now I applied my site multiple times but still cannot get through final review. Please tell me if there was any problem with my website. Adsense did not provide specific reason why.

  180. Wow!.This so amazing.I am just to start applying for adsense.And now here,i learned a lot.Thanks bro for helping me out.Now i gotta do some basic stuff before adsense content.True

  181. Thanks so much for this post Saqib. I’m very much a newbie & it’s given me some great information. I’ll check out some of your blogs now too because the info was so good this time around. I found this post through a Google search. Keep up the good work.


    Louise Bibby

  182. That’s weird, I got accepted into Google AdSense with no traffic and just a couple posts. Did have all the necessary pages.

    Now I cancelled my membership with bluehost though and deleted my site because I cannot do the blog and also do my homework at school because I’m not gifted at all and it takes me hours longer to understand something or memorize.

  183. Hello saqib..,,,

    If a website is one month old and having great traffic so can it be eligible for google adsense or a person have to wait for 6 month for getting approved

  184. Hi,

    Just dropping by… I just made my blog last December and I know for sure that it is still not acceptable by adsense. I just curious if they are also strict about images I placed on every post I made. I don’t own the images but may textual content are geniune. Please check it too. I hope you can tell me or suggest somethingI missed anyway I’m still haven’t post my About page. But I’m getting into it probably by next days.

  185. I have tried a couple of times to get ad-sense account but got a different reasons not be approved and the last was not enough content, i will apply again only when i have 50+ content pages on the site.

  186. Hello saquib,

    Article is well written with all required info. but the problem is the newbies searches for this information when they already got rejected by adsense several times.

  187. Google adsense is difficult to make approve for applying new account now, many reason what they said about rejected account, i have been tried 5 times and all of them rejected.I think your article can help me make approve adense account.thanks

  188. Very well written post. I must say that it is really helpful for the new blogger to getting a chance to approve Google adsense. Now it is very clear that most of the bloggers are suffering much trouble when they are applying adsense. But now reading this article they are not compromise their lacking i think.

  189. adsense approval was a lot easier before the changes made in 2012,,i remember getting my adsense account approved with 32 visitors,

  190. Still Not getting approved for adsense, But I tried this placement with the different AD-Servers, they are giving the satisfactory Payout.

  191. Hi, great article, some really helpful points. I’m hoping to monetize my blog soon, I’m wondering where I’d go about putting a Privacy Policy in my blog? Seems like a good idea, but I’m not sure where to put it or what to write in it. It’s a movie/games blog.

  192. I Was rejected by adsense even after following all the techniques mentioned here.. My domain registrant name is different.. Is that of concern?

  193. Surprisingly, I got Adsense approval without having all those 12 things. But, letter they blocked my blog and then I came to know all those things. Thanks for sharing such a helpful tips.

  194. really after reading this post it felt yes i was forgetting something.. google approval is really hard but if the above 12 tips are followed , then we can get approval quickly. anyway. mine 11 things are done. but one was missing i got it now thanks Saqib.

  195. Is it domain registrant name will effect the google adsense approval?
    I mean if the domain registrant name is different with the application name.
    Thank you,

  196. Almost all those points laid out for approval for adsense are not valid and not necessary. To be honest with, at a time of applying for adsense on my blog, I had no privacy and my blog had less than 5 articles but my account was approved within a day. I guess the rules were different in your case.

  197. I dont think its true coz there was no menu links except home page in my blog. But I got adsense approved after applying. But after the year they disabled it due to unknown reason.

  198. Thanks a lot , After waiting I finally got my Adsense account approved last week. I had purchased a domain some 6 months back and was trying for an Adsense account since then. But eveeachry time my application was declinedwith a message “Unacceptable site content”

  199. Okey, i have 2 adsense account and they are earning but at some point i have to delete one of my accounts to prevent from banning both… and one of my account was being used by my friend in which i keep telling him to register in Adsense Program, last week he got an account…

    He has 20+ posts only, and it is blogspot.com domain(not TLD), also i want to add, it doesnt matter if you dont have private privacy. and of course, at least, your blog/site should have constant traffics.

    still, im at 3rd cashout in my adsense. :)

  200. Okay guys i applied for google adsense twice and got regected.What do i do? Does google adsense accept tumblr? Please how can i be accepted with google adsense in tumblr ? Google replied to my google adsense requested and said my website doesn’t match their criteria.WHAT DO I DO TO GET GOOGLE ADSENSE ? HELP! HELP!

    1. Google doesn’t care if it’s tumbler , wordpress or blogger…The only must have thing is to have a domain name and other things that are mentioned above…

  201. Tejindra singh rawat

    very useful tips for a new bloggers.When I started my career in blogging I faced many up and down .
    these are few steps which i have used before applying for adsense and got my adsense account. hope this will also help for taking participate in adsense.

    1.your blog is 2-3 month old.
    2.minimum 20-30 post.
    3.theme must be simple (after getting adsense you may change it)
    4.no other companies ads
    5.no facebook fanpage or like boxes(don’t know much more about it but when i applied i removed facebook like box / any other like box plugin except google+)
    6.write 10 days on any particluar niche(when apply 10-20 recent post are on the same niche)
    7.100+ daily visitor(minimum)

      1. Hello Saqib,

        May be you are right, but I am not the only.

        Actually I believe that bloggers who don’t care about it gets it easily (may be by luck) but those who knows its scope, faces more difficulties. Life is contradictory!On the other hand bloggers those who got the adsense easily usually notice its impact (and importance) when got banned (they don’t care about policies).

        Adsense is like love, those who don’t care much usually gets it and those who are serious never get it easily. Both luck and confidence plays a good role. Adsense in Asia is like Asian girl :P

  202. Adsense approval has always been considered as a difficult task by some, because they simply don’t follow the important policies you’ve mentioned here.!

    thanks you :-)

    1. It happens rarely…Most of times, people do some kinda blackhat tricks to get the accounts that get banned before getting the first payment.

    1. According to Google itself, there is no certain amount of traffic that anyone need. You may get through it with 20 per day or someone may be advised by Google team to still wait even he is getting 2,000 per day.

    1. Hemendra Kumar Saini

      google do not allow adsense users from hubpages, instead of hubpages, get a domain name map on either blogspot or self hosted wordpress and then apply to google adsense.

  203. Thanks for bringing this post..But let me tell you Google is not following any fix rules what I have analysed ..I have seen worst quality blogs been accepted by Adsense team where as good quality blogs not. Another thing suppose you and me created two blogs with almost same design and articles are on technology,seo tips and other blogging tips. One will be approved and other wont..I’m telling it from personal experience.
    I have seen many top bloggers earning 6 figure income but 60% of their articles are copied from other sources..but they are enjoying their money with no hassle. So we can only follow the theory .

  204. hi Saqib :)
    i really appreciate you guys work, you’re doing a great job,
    I have applied for google adsense twice and get disapproved the two times i did, So , as i get to know and read more blogs (like yours ) i got to find out that i have been disapproved before applying(i.e i don’t deserve to be approved,because i have breached many rules of them),Cuz i have got no traffic, about, contact, privacy policy e.t.c then on mp3breed.com C website,music search engine.) and imtsocial.com (smf, field wif spam post) and many others….. I decided to come real, with different idea, focus and determined by going for gidileak.com, in this site 80 percent of the articles and things you see their is not copied… So i get about 4 to 500 visitors everyday, 1.7 million world-wide ranking,about 3000 + regional/ home ranking, 9 reputation/backlinks and my blog is about a month and some days now .

    Apart from the things you mentioned about before applying for google, Do i need to change identity before applying again ?, cuz i have been officially disapproved with my real identity twice as initially said,, please check out the site and tell me what to change/do???, i will really appreciate any reply.. Thanks…

    1. Hmmmm…I see..You don’t really need to change your identity at all. You are just disapproved not Banned. I was also disapproved countless time before getting in..Keep pushing and experimenting and you’d make through it…

  205. Well I agree design and content of the blog carry a lot of importance in the eyes of Google Adsense also the blog must be able to generate over 500 visitors per day. Privacy policy should be accurate and one more thing if we apply for a high traffic blog we will earn more rather than applying for a low traffic that gains traffic after Google Adsense Approval because Adsense pushes small publishers into smart pricing.

  206. A very complete and well-written post Saqib. Most people don’t realize that Google requires a privacy policy just for using Analytics, even if you don’t use AdSense.

  207. This is the best adsense implementation tips I have read so far. Also if traffic is low then it might not be a good idea not to place adsense. This will scare visitors away. I was not aware of having contact details, thanks for mentioning them.

    1. Wo Wo Wo… The Best Adsense Implementation tips you ever read…I said “The Best Adsense Implementation tips you ever read”…

  208. I have seen bloggers who keep complaining that Google is not approving their adsense. They must read this post because this post have clear idea that what is the exact and authentic way to have adsense.

    You have mentioned everything that a good website should have for the adsense approval.

    I think after reading the post, the adsense approval rate will increase ;)

  209. One of my friend got approved in just 20 post (each post was near about 100 words with lots of images) while my other friend was rejected even after 100 posts (each post was 2000+ words). Adsense is weird.

  210. Now a days its easy to have adsones on your blog just your blog have some visitors and its should be just 6 month old I have adsones on my blogs and its not too much old have very low rate of traffic now a days earning from adsones has been changed now people earn from blog with different ways.

  211. I agree with all the mentioned points except ‘Minimum Number of Posts’. I got Adsense account approved with 30-40 articles. And also domain age along with Traffic is a must considered factor before applying Adsense.

  212. Informative tips what to do before applying for Adsense. 3 years ago Adsense policy is very easy. But it is now more strict. So bloggers need to follow the basic rule of Adsense

  213. I know a lot of people who are blogging who ignore putting Privacy Policy on their blogs. Yeah I know this part is really needed for a blog particularly when you wanted an adsense program.

    1. Privacy Policy is not necessary for Blogs… As you can see that All Blogging Tips have no Page of this kind… I don’t have one either on Apex Blogging Tips… Privacy Policy is important only when you are about to apply for Google Adsense… Otherwise, not so important…

  214. I got rejected by adsense 3 or 4 times. But now I don’t need their approval :p (really, I mean it). I suggest, try to provide some services in which you are expert and make money from them. Why every one is running behind adsense ? Adsense is not everything, it is just like one more resource. If you really work good, you have lot of other resources for making money. Give them a try !
    Don’t think so much about adsense, because it can’t feed everyone by enough dollars. You can enjoy adsense income only when you have some other resources of money on your blog, otherwise you are hard morking much more as compared to adsense money. So, first try to give some valuable service to your readers, make your own income sources and then use adsense for earning some EXTRA cash.

    1. Wonder full Comment… There is a saying that “Readers come first and Money comes Later” ..Totally Agreed but covered this subject because there are many Newbies and Experts who don’t understand this thing and always keep looking around for something to follow in matter of Adsense…

  215. Nice tips to get approved by Google AdSense. According to me, having a top level domain and some traffic are two of the most important things which you must determine before applying for an AdSense account.

  216. Hi saqib,
    I did not know that Adsense requires Privacy policy, About page and contact page to approve.
    Few months ago I wrote an article about same subjects. But I didn’t mention those requirements .
    Now I am going to update my post. Tanks for the sharing.
    Istiak Rayhan

  217. It is very true that getting google adsense approval is very tough . But i think if we follow the above steps then we can get adsense easily.

      1. Yes… these is no any shortcut to get adsense approval but all we have to do is to follow some simple steps

  218. Great tips. I don’t have a Privacy Policy page on my blog. I have applied for adsense several times till now. But every time they rejected for different reasons. Very soon I’ll add a Privacy Policy page on my blog and will apply again.

  219. Hey. My first comment after you got that “+” after your commentluv symbol down here :)

    I got mine approved with 24 posts :O Hope I don’t get any issues later on! BTW stop displaying your age. Even after you become 18, it would never be a must or useful to show your age to people. Just remember that teaching and learning has nothing to do with age.


    PS – Why can’t I see any adsense ads here on your blog huh?

  220. This is a great list! I was fortunate enough that I still had my Google Adsense account from *ahem* 2006 so I didn’t have to struggle with this.

    I saw you mentioned domain age as a factor – and I think this is starting to become a bigger one now. I wouldn’t even bother attempting to apply until you hit that six month mark.

    But follow everything in this list and do your best to follow the “white hat” path and if your getting enough traffic with enough content you should get approved with no issue!

    1. Believe me Traffic doesn’t ave a major role in but however it can help. The most important thing for approval is Content Quality, Quantity and Presentation..At least this is what lead me getting into Adsense.

      1. Dear i m running my blog from last month . i need ur guidance how can i improve my blog more for adsense ….. are they approving for blogspot.com or not ?Regards

  221. Hi Saqib,
    privacy policy and proper content are the must. Other things are debatable – it depends who accept your site ;)
    Thanks for sharing,

  222. Thanks, I was about to apply adsense, I think I will stop and follow your tips before do anything else.
    Still have one more question… Isn’t there a legitimate way around the age? Will Google approve if someone over 18 apply on my behalf for my blog? Also, are you guys not using the ad-sense in this blog? It would be cool if you shared your metods and system. I couldn’t find any service so far that allows anyone under 18. The admin of this blog is 17. Please do share your methods, it would help the newb like me – a lot!


    1. You can’t get adsense if you’re under 17. If you want someone to apply and receive money on your behalf, than might have to enter his name in about page or give some reference in a visible region of your Blog.

  223. Really Nice information @Saqib About Adsense. Saqib Bro i Have A Movie Blog Can I apply Good Adsense Please Check My Blog And Give me Suggestion That’s All Your Post is Awesome Thanks For Sharing This :)

    1. You can apply for sure… Anyone can Apply… But I’d say one thing to ya’. If you got into Adsense , you’re earning are not going to be as much as you might be dreaming…

  224. I think you have covered almost every aspect of new level blogging in this article of yours. And, it is required for applying a new Adsense account, for sure!

    I’m not sure if it is what is been counted 3 years back when I started blogging and had applied for Adsense as that time I was very new to this field and I got Adsense very easily so I think that time having a Adsense account was like 123.

    What do you say?

    1. Believe me Traffic doesn’t ave a major role in but however it can help. The most important thing for approval is Content Quality, Quantity and Presentation..At least this is what lead me getting into Adsense.

  225. Hey Saqib,

    I see a lot has changed from the early days of adsense. I have a pretty old account and I can’t remember having provided any of these. It was quite easy in those days ;)

    1. Man, you said it yourself..Times has changed…
      Google used to approve “Blogspot” “wordpress.com” and other free domains which is not happening any more..

      1. I recently applied for adsense I don’t think all these things are necessary as me and my friends got approval just by giving the domain and we had only two articles published with no such About or Contact us Page.
        And yeah You wrote ‘An About has major role and importance if you don’t want to apply for Adsense. But when it comes to Adsense, they are about Zero chances of getting approved if you are not showing this page.’
        this line needs editing friend :)

        1. What you said is completely right Usama….even i got it approved without all the above points. But then we should consider ourselves lucky as there are many a people out there whose applications were rejected even they had most of the above points. Its difficult to figure out with Google sometimes. Wish good luck for all those who are applying ;)

          1. Wish me luck please. I have applied and I am still waiting for it. Its been 2 weeks now. Just curious. How much does it takes to get approved? The articles and snippets are original and to the point. Accept the contact page all other pages have good contents.


        2. Usama may be you were lucky, I have decent visitors and 100+ posts but got declined twice and now I am scared to apply again. I will wait for a while before applying. By the way, this article got some really solid points about what google want from applicants. I will apply them after making changes to my site. Thank you Saqib for these tips.

      2. Hi Saqib …!
        Who told you Google is not approving .blogspot.com domain

        My friend has got approval with .blogspot.com domain and

        There might be some cases where the application gets rejected due to some other reason and people assume the reason to be the Lower level domain ….

        However this is not the case…

        All You need to have is a good website following Google adsense Policies solely and that’s it…..

    2. yes its true dear google not approving accounts and their policy is to much stick now. but apply above mention tips gives you better chance to get approved.

        1. I recently applied for adsense I don’t think all these things are necessary as me and my friends got approval just by giving the domain and we had only two articles published with no such About or Contact us Page.
          And yeah You wrote ‘An About has major role and importance if you don’t want to apply for Adsense. But when it comes to Adsense, they are about Zero chances of getting approved if you are not showing this page.’
          this line needs editing friend :)

          1. Such a wonderful article. The tips here are very much useful before applying Adsense. I got Adsense approved within 3 days. I have a 4-month, old domain with 32 posts. You just need to have an organic traffic and a quality content. Then work on these essential pages: Contact page, about page and privacy policy. Thank you very much, Ammar for sharing this post. This is worth reading and very motivating! Stay blessed!

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