Are Backlinks Becoming Less Valuable?

For any business, search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important aspects of digital marketing today. How you optimize your website has a major impact on where it ranks on search engines.

The most popular tactics for SEO are: backlinks, on-page optimization (keyword rich content), and metadata. But let’s not forget that there are other ways to ensure your website is in top shape for search engines.

Google wants to ensure it provides users with the most optimal search experience, which has prompted the search engine to constantly change its ranking metrics. It now includes metrics that take into account whether the website is optimized for mobile, the site’s speed, security, and so on. All to ensure that users get what they are looking for along with the site experience. …

Is Your Blog Properly Optimized? 5 SEO Must-Haves to Check Off Your List

Company and personal blogs play a key role in keeping internet users informed. After leaving a good blog, readers or customers should feel like they’ve found the answer to a question.

However, blogs serve another purpose: search engine optimization (SEO). With a few carefully-implemented strategies, a website manager can use blogging as a platform for boosting their site’s rankings on search engines like Google.

Not all SEO is created equally. The SEO tactics you choose can be the difference between a high-ranking, widely-read article and a blog post that goes unnoticed on the fifth page of Google’s results.

There’s (Nearly) Always Another Link Opportunity

link building opportunity seoA common challenge that even an experienced link builder will face is hitting the ‘wall of niche exhaustion’. Racking your brain for some inspiration and turning up nothing but bad ideas and dead ends. What’s the solution?

I’m going to talk you through how we uncover (to steal a Garrett French phrase) “the deepest veins of link opportunity” by credibly connecting topic areas to you or your client. This should give you an almost limitless pool of link opportunities to work with. I’m not saying my team and I don’t still hit that wall from time to time but we’ll always return to these exercises and nearly always come up with a new direction to head in.

How To Build a Local Audience for Your Blog

Building a Local Audience for Your Blog 1
When you get started as a blogger, you might be writing without an intended direction and instead detailing your life comings and goings or personal interest projects. However, by just adding this sort of content without a keyword direction or intended campaign can result in very slow growth, unless of course you are hot on networking in blogger circles or similar interest groups or choose to invest in digital marketing services. Although, keep in mind, proper networking isn’t just popping into a group, leaving your link and never taking part, in fact this can be the fastest way to see your potential contacts disappear and not want anything to do with you.

If you are a blogger just starting out or a blogger wanting to increase your visitors, you need to ensure you have a plan and solid direction in place – are you creating a niche blog? Are you focusing on lifestyle, if so, what do you differently to your lifestyle competitors? Uploading content simply for the sake of it, is no longer enough in the grand scheme of blogging and being confident in your intended audience and the tone of the voice is an advantageous start to your blogging endeavour.

6 Keyword Research Tips Every Blogger Should Use

SEO is a journey. What this tells you is that you cannot afford to not be on your toes. There is always a new update rolling out, or a technique, all meant to help your SEO to work for your brand better. As a webmaster, you can bear witness of how much slacking behind is not an option for you. All efforts are directed towards making SEO work for your brand.

It is quite apparent how much keywords mean to your website. They are too important to ignore: which gives birth to keyword research. It is a term you should be familiar with if you want to drive a quality audience to your website. Keyword research entails finding relevant words that will get your target audience visiting your site. That said, you will need the following six keyword research tips to get it right.

google suggestion research