6 Keyword Research Tips Every Blogger Should Use

SEO is a journey. What this tells you is that you cannot afford to not be on your toes. There is always a new update rolling out, or a technique, all meant to help your SEO to work for your brand better. As a webmaster, you can bear witness of how much slacking behind is not an option for you. All efforts are directed towards making SEO work for your brand.

It is quite apparent how much keywords mean to your website. They are too important to ignore: which gives birth to keyword research. It is a term you should be familiar with if you want to drive a quality audience to your website. Keyword research entails finding relevant words that will get your target audience visiting your site. That said, you will need the following six keyword research tips to get it right.

google suggestion research

1. Google suggestions

Ever tried searching for something on Google than as you are typing some suggestions pop up? Well, it must have annoyed you to the core, but it is worth noting that it is your gold mine. Remember that Google is one of the biggest search engines. So as it is making guesses on what you might be wanting to search, you might as well as conclude that the guess is an educated one. Pay more attention to the suggestions.

Google is more than aware of what most people look for. If you look closely enough, you will notice that it gives you fantastic ideas on relevant keywords that you could use for your site.

2. Create a list of localized keywords

There is something that has been trending over the recent past: local searches. They are growing at an impressive rate and taking advantage of that fact would be a smart move. Through this kind of research, the aim is to have keywords that will help visitors on local searches to locate your website. Luckily, Google today works in such a way that it presents suggestions to users depending on their last search location.

The trick is simple, what you will be required to do is to employ the Bulk Keyword Generator tool to help you retrieve localized keywords. While using them, remember to be clear about your industry so that you get more targeted feedback of the same.

3. Long-tail keywords

Among the most effective keyword research technique is using long-tail keywords. There are endless benefits that come with this. For instance, instead of using a keyword like ‘hair loss,’ you could use a long-tail keyword like ‘hair loss prevention techniques.’ The latter is more precise; you will be able to help the audience find what they are looking for in the first instance. More so, you are eliminating competition by being precise. You can imagine the number of search results that ‘hair loss’ would bring in comparison to ‘hair loss prevention techniques.’

4. Competitor research

You should always watch your competitor like a hawk! You need to know the type of keywords your competitor is using. How effective are they? Are there any gaps that you feel you can bridge? Remember that you are out for the same audience. Some leakage and improvements in their keywords would work well for you.

Voice search is a new trend. If you have not put it into use yet, you are missing out. Remember that the world is going mobile and as it happens, mobile searches keep increasing every day. It is for this reason that you need to incorporate voice search in your keyword research. How to go about it? How about you search for trending topics through typing? After that, try to find terms that are easier pronounced than typed. In voice search keyword research, it is essential that you pay attention to how you are constructing your keywords to be in alignment with the user’s intent.

6. Q&A technique

How do you use this technique in keyword research? Well, when people ask questions, you get a clear perspective of what exactly they are looking for. This tactic works in a more reverse mode. What you do here is find questions that have the least of answers on sites like Quora. After that, use the questions to create keywords that have the least competition. FAQs are another way of finding questions not sorted out and using them for your keyword research.

Keywords are a fundamental function of SEO. You need to put more energy into finding ways to create best keywords that will work for your SEO. More so, it is not something that you should only do once and do away with. It has to be detailed and in every way consistent. For more information, please click https://serpbook.com/blog/seo-tracker-software/.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post

26 thoughts on “6 Keyword Research Tips Every Blogger Should Use”

  1. I really appreciate your article and way to explain it. Google Trends and google adword keyword planner are another free tools that we can use to find the best keywords.

  2. Hi Ammar,

    its a really great post. You have shared a very effective post with in-depth information. Long tail keyword is very helpful to get high ranking in searching engine. I have already tried it myself and gain benefits from it.

    Thanks for sharing this post.

  3. Hello Ammar!
    This is great tips for a beginner. Google Trends and google adword keyword planner are another free tools that we can use to find the best keywords. As well as youtube auto-suggestion is another place where we can easily find keywords.
    Thank you…!

  4. Hi Ammar
    It’s a great article that you had written, You have shared an important post with in-depth information I had known the importance of long-tail keywords and how it is useful for search engine optimization, it is most significant for search engine optimization because there will be less competition, gives more value, and better conversation rates

  5. Hello, Ammar incredible substance to the surprise of no one. I pursued your article and Google Directions and google Adwords watchword organizer are another free apparatuses that we can use to track down the best catchphrases.

  6. Hi Ammar
    Its a best article what you had written , i had known the importance of long tail keywords how it is useful for search engine optimization , it is most significant for search engine optimization because of there will be less competition , gives more value , and better conversation rates … thankyou for your beautiful article ammar …

    1. Its a best article what you had written , i had known the importance of long tail keywords how it is useful for search engine optimization , it is most significant for search engine optimization because of there will be less competition , gives more value , and better conversation rates … thankyou for your beautiful article ammar …

  7. Hey Ammar,

    This is most helpful blog for keyword research tips. In your blog 3rd and 5th point is more impressive because lost of people miss these things at researching keyword time.

    Thanks for helpful information

  8. Hi Mr. Ammar Ali,
    This is great tips for a beginner. I usually Use chrome extension like “Keyword Everywhere” to find keywords for my needs, but in this blog, I got a lot to learn how to achieve more traffic. Can you make a blog on how to find keywords for PPC like Google Adwords and Amazon PPC?

  9. Hii Ammar

    Thank you for sharing this article. I was not using Long-tail keywords on my website. I have read your article. now, I will add long-tail keywords to my website for improving the ranking of the website. your article is very informative for beginners. thank you so much for sharing this information.


  10. Hey, Ammar great content as usual. I followed your article and Google Trends and google Adwords keyword planner are another free tools that we can use to find the best keywords.

    Thank you…!

  11. Hello Ammar,
    Thank you for your Amazing blog, easy to understand. I usually Use chrome extension like “Keyword Everywhere” to find keywords for my needs, but in this blog, I got a lot to learn how to achieve more traffic. Can you make a blog on how to find keywords for PPC like Google Adwords and Amazon PPC?
    Thank you…

  12. Hello Ammar,

    Thanks for sharing a great post. Long tail keywords rank faster as compared to short tail keywords. But can you please guide me on how to retain the rank of long tail keywords because after sometime the ranking disappears.

  13. Hi Ammar,
    This blog was really helpful for me to start the keyword research analysis of a website I started working on. You have written it very specifically. But, I wanted to ask you about the tools, where we can get the accurate results about the keywords including their search volumes, their density, etc.

  14. It’s also important to get access to the right SEO tools such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, Ubersuggest and so on if you really want to get accurate details about search volume of the keywords, keywords value, competition for the keywords and so on.

  15. Hi Ammar,
    Thanks for the post. I think This is the best way of keywords research for your blog and you can take long tail keywords and also take the keywords from google suggestion.

  16. Hi Ammar,

    Thanks for these wonderful tips. As a Newbie to the blogging, I was so worried about finding the ” perfect way” to drive traffic to my blog. And I realized that it all starts with the keyword research. Will surely follow all these tips. Thanks..Looking forward to your future articles…

  17. Hi Mr. Ammar Ali,
    I really appreciate your article and way to explain it. I want to add one point in this tips list. We can add LSI keywords too for website. These keywords will be on bottom in SERP page.
    Thanks for sharing your post with us.

  18. Hi Ammar, great post. When it comes to increasing traffic from search engines, you need to learn the art of keyword research as it plays a huge role in generating high quality visitors to your site from search engines like Google.

    Make sure to find highly relevant long tail keywords with every primary keyword you’re going to target with each post if you want to increase your chances of ranking higher in Google search. It’s also important to find question based keywords and incorporate them within your articles to get additional organic traffic.

    It’s also important to get access to the right SEO tools such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, Ubersuggest and so on if you really want to get accurate details about search volume of the keywords, keywords value, competition for the keywords and so on.

    Whenever you’re doing keyword research, focus on finding your top competitors so you’ll know whether they can be targeted or not. There’s no point in fighting with authority sites by choosing short tail keywords. It’s always better to find low search volume long tail keywords so you can get more traffic even if you’ve a new blog.

    Thanks for the tips, keep posting more. Your sidebar is looking great btw!

  19. Hello Ammar!
    This is one of the best article for blogging tips. Please tell me one thing I need ahrefs account at a low price. Please recommend me some solutions about reducing the price of this SEO tool OR if there is any tool in your mind that is equal to ahrefs then please recommend me.
    Thank you…!

  20. Hello Ammar!
    This is great tips for a beginner. Google Trends and google adword keyword planner are another free tools that we can use to find the best keywords. As well as youtube auto-suggestion is another place where we can easily find keywords.
    Thank you…!

  21. Hi Ammar,

    Great post. You have shared an important post with in-depth information. Long tail keyword is very helpful to get good ranking in searching engine. I have tried it myself and gain some positives from it.

    Thanks for sharing this post, have a good day. :)

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