Make a Blogger Blog Dofollow to get lots of Comments

dofollow blogger

This post is related to my previous post about How to Remove Blogger Navbar Making a Blogger blog Dofollow is a nessecary thing if you want to get lots of comments. Peoples only comments on those blogs who are Dofollow like our’s. Because they need Backlinks for their blog which improve their Rankings. If your blog is Nofollow than these are only comments not back links so people will not comment on your blog. Making a blog Dofollow will increase SPAM in your comments so you need to check all comments before publishing. Well, To make a blogger blog Dofollow is not a difficult just follow following steps..

Table of Contents

To Make Blogger Blog DoFollow

Just follow following simple steps

Step 1:

Go to blogger Dashboard > Edit Html > Expand Widget templates and search for

<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>
or just

Step 2:



from step 1
Step 3:

Click on SAVE TEMPLATE and that’s all. Now your blog is Dofollow and will get lots of comments with SPAM

16 thoughts on “Make a Blogger Blog Dofollow to get lots of Comments”

  1. Really useful post – to the point and clears up some all too common misunderstandings. I was searching for this information on “nofollow” and “dofollow” detail. I got it all the details here and cleared my doubts
    Thanks, I really appreciate it
    Thank you for such an informative and clearly written article. New to this business I truly appreciate language not filled with acronyms.
    I totally understand how to use these links now.

  2. Nice for us but when I do this I don’t found my site dofollow. When I go to my page source and search rel=’nofollow’ they show me that my site is still now nofollow.

  3. Great post really a useful one!Thanks for taking time to share your great experience here with us..Thumbs up!!

  4. Hi Ammar! Thank you for a helpful post. I followed your instructions to make my Blogger site a do follow. But after I took out the no follow attribute, it is still a No Follow. Please help. Could I be missing something? Thank you

      1. I already did. But somehow it’s still there. It could be a problem with my blogger template. I took out everything that says “no follow” but it is still no follow…

  5. Do you have a tutorial on how to customize the comment script in Blogger so it is similar to the one you have here? but include the spam check code (verify you are human) as well?? the Blogger commenting system is complicated!!

    1. Blogspot comment customization is some difficult but we will soon publish article on this till than subscribe here to receive latest posts in your inbox and about verification system you can go to Blogger Dashboard > Setting and goto comment section and select show captcha hope this will help you!!

  6. I have tried my best but I still didn’t succeed in setting my comments do-follow. What to do?
    Right now it is but still no-follow :(

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