7 Linking Tips to Get Your Website Hit #1 Spot on Google

Ever wonder how popular websites can hit #1 spot on Google easily? They are implementing some SEO strategies that most newbie webmasters don’t know about. If you want your website to get #1 position on Google search result for your target keyword, you have to apply the right linking strategy.Here are 7 linking tips to get your website hit #1 spot on Google:

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What website should you consider linking to? The most important requirement is that the website must be popular enough in your niche. Linking from popular websites will give your website a quick boost in your SEO rank. So, if you want to have a quick boost in your SEO rank, you have to find some popular websites and make some efforts to get backlinks from those websites.

Your outgoing links will also affect your website rank. So, be mindful when linking to other websites because it will either give you positive score or negative score for your search engine position. Generally, the first rule is to never give link to low quality websites, especially if the websites are unrelated with your niche. Search engine depends on relevancy when they give rank to your website, so be sure to link only to high quality and highly relevant websites.

Usually, automated link building don’t last long, especially link spamming method. Blasting your spammy links to thousands of blogs, either low or medium quality, will only boost your rank in the short time. Once Google spots your game, your website will lose its rank gradually.

4. Outrank your competitor

Look at your actual competitors on the keyword that you target. Take a peek of the #1 spot for your target keyword. Analyze your competitor. Use SEO Quake plugin for Firefox to get some good information about your competitor. Look at the backlinks that it has. Now, what you need to do is to outrank your competitor by giving your website more backlinks.

Interlinking increases relevancy for your web pages. Most blogs can achieve high rank in the search engine because they have good interlinking structure. So, don’t just publish your post. Link it with other relevant posts so that people can know better about the thing that you’re talking about. Interlinking will help your visitors and the search engine.

Digg is a powerful bookmarking website that you can use to boost your website ranking and create a buzz about your website. If you only need to use one bookmarking website, make sure to use Digg in your website promotion. This platform will give you many advantages, including boosting your website rank instantly.

7. Reciprocal linking

The last tip that you can use to hit #1 spot on Google is to do some reciprocal linking campaign. You don’t have to exchange links with hundreds of websites because it will be considered spam by the search engine. Instead, you only need to give 5 reciprocal links to other highly relevant and high quality websites.

Those are 7 linking tips that you can use to boost your rank in the search engine. Securing the first spot on Google search result is not a complicated task to do. If you follow those tips, you will be able to place your website in #1 spot on Google for your target keywords easily.

Author Bio:

Sandipan Mukherjee is a 23 year old blogger from Durgapur(India). He is the owner of Crystal Articles and iTechboy. He blogs at Technozeast and Techfume.

Nofollow and Dofollow links – Know the difference

When we talk about the term Search Engine Optimization, Don’t we come across some terms like ‘dofollow’ or ‘nofollow’ links which are always been an important terms of SEO??? We often hear about dofollow blogs or we sometimes see some sites sharing a list of dofollow blogs and many other things on this topic. Many of the readers may not know about what is actually dofollow and nofollow. This thing will also enlighten newbies about one of the major concept of SEO i.e. ‘dofollow’ and ‘nofollow’ !!!dfollow nofollow

Search Engines use links to go through all the sites on the web. What happens actually is Google bots visit your blog to go through it completely. Your content,keywords,links,etc. So, when talking about links, bots crawl through your website and find various links on your blogs; and these links can be of two types- either nofollow or dofollow where both the terms are completely opposite to each other.

Nofollow is an HTML attribute of the tag rel which tell the Search Engine bots to not to follow this link.

In WordPress, by default, all the comments are having Nofollow attribute but they can be easily removed using plugins and all the comments in it made in the past and future will be dofollow as it removes the nofollow tag from all the comments. And in even blogger,by default, all the comments are marked as nofollow but it can be tweaked to dofollow by removing the rel=”nofollow” tag from the HTML section.

In a case where your blog is dofollow, when a bot finds a link on your blog, it follows it and lands on another page. Do you know, this is the way only bots come to know about your websites and helps to index or cache them and display it in search results.

However, as I said earlier that dofollow and nofollow are completely opposite to each other. In a dofollow case, the bot follows your blog lands to another page but In a nofollow case i.e. if the link is nofollow, this nofollow tag tell the search engines or the bots to NOT to follow this links to any other websites. So, the bit won’t be able to follow that link. So, nofollow tag does not allows the bot to follow a link.

So, that’s it in the introduction part of nofollow and dofollow links. Hope you understand this concept in a better manner as I explained it with the help of examples.


Kuldeep Khatri is a 13 year old passionate guy who is a Student by Force, Internet User by Addiction and Blogger by Passion.He mainly blogs at Cool Tricks. Hope you like his work.

Top 10 Killer On Page SEO Techniques

Over the years On Page SEO Techniques are not as effective as Off Page SEO Techniques like Link building, Guest posting or Article marketing but still its the basic thing you need to do in order to make your blog effective and hence get free organic traffic from search engines. Google always try to improve its search results and that’s why after the Google Panda Update its looking for websites which are optimized for On Page SEO. So if you are not getting free traffic from search engines than its time for you to optimize your blog’s On Page SEO and get ready to rock the world.

seo on page

1. Use and Repeat Your Important Keywords.

The most important thing in On Page SEO is using and repeating your blog most important keywords in your articles. If you are writing quality articles but without using keywords related to your blog niche than its a waste of time. Also one should not use too many keywords over and over again in an article as this is not good for SEO. Try to maintain keyword density of 2% to 8% in an article.

2. Interlink Your Inner Pages.

Very important On Page SEO practice is that every time your write an article always try to interlink your previous articles in it. Try to inter-link 5 to 10 articles as this will not only tell search engine that your blog has some other important posts as well but its also going to help your blog readers and decrease your blog bounce rate.

3. Meta Description, Keywords and Title.

When ever some bot or human being visit your blog post the first thing they look at your post Title, Keywords or Description. These 3 attributes tells the story of your blog and one can very easily guess the content of your blog. make sure all your posts have these 3 attributes other wise you will not get traffic. For WordPress users See this Top 3 SEO Plugins which you can use in order to activate these fields.

4. Use Header Tags.

Using header tags like H1, H2, H3 in your articles also help you alot. Its better to only use H1 tag once and than use other tags for the remaining headings. H1 tag must include the main title and most important keywords of your blog.

5. Optimize Your URLs.

Optimizing your posts URL is also very important because search engines often present results on the basis of the URL. So if your blog posts URL look like these than its very difficult for search engines bots are well as for humans to understand what this URL is all about. So that better way is to customize your blog URL to some thing meaningful and keyword rich. In WordPress you can easily change the permalinks of your posts by visiting page “Settings” tab called “Permalinks”. The most popular format for permalinks is /%postname%.html

6. Canonicalize Your URLs.

Basically Canonical is the practice in which you optimize your blog URLs in order to prevent Duplications. Let me clear you that your blog can be accessed via WWW or without it. The problem is that search engine will treat these pages separately and mark them as duplicate pages which is not good SEO practice. In WordPress you can easily define which type you want by going to General Settings page. Just enter your full blog URL with or without WWW and save the settings.

7. Optimize your Images.

Images are another source of bringing free traffic towards your blog. Never name your images with only numbers like 4653.jpg or dfgj.jpg. Always try to create name with full of keywords like Nokia-Lumia-800.jpg is more readable. Also include alt tag in your images which is going to helpful for search engines.

8. Update Your blog regularly.

If you create a stunning blog with lots of interesting content but never update it than one time will come when people will not visit your blog again. Its very important that you update your blog regularly if not daily.

9. Use less Java Script Code.

I have seen many websites full of advertisements and JavaScript code which is very annoying for visitors. These codes take time to execute and hence increase the loading time of your page. If your blog’s loading time is too much than search engines may penalize you, So use only that code which is most important for you.

10. Content is King.

Not matter what you do if you are writing unique, quality and interesting articles than its very difficult for you to survive in blogosphere. Don not try to copy other, always come up with your own ideas and writing style because people love your writing style. Create some thing new with old stuff, i knew its difficult but not impossible. People who love to take challenges always succeeded in life.

How To Find an Affordable SEO Service!

When it is the matter of attracting more and more traffic towards a website the owner has countless options. Though the options are more but this doesn’t mean that they all are affordable especially for a newly launched online business. There are few alternatives of attracting traffic towards a website that are considered as best. An example is Search engine optimization. There are lots of ways to hire Affordable SEO Service and some of them include


Search on the internet

Website owners often search on the internet for hiring Affordable SEO Service and many times they can get the service that doesn’t cost them too much. The SEO services don’t have a particular season for which they can be hired and their demand remains same for all the time of the year, so finding discounts may be somewhere difficult but you can save money up to certain extent by booking this service in advance. Booking before one to two months can save up to 20 to 30 percent of the overall fee of hiring this service.

There are lots of other alternatives as well from this service can be hired but the advantage of internet for hiring search engine optimization services through it is that the overall number of choices is more and in case you think that a particular service provider cannot provide the best service you can easily switch to another service provider.

Take reference

Asking from someone who recently adopted Affordable SEO Service is one of the most effective alternative of having some relaxation in the overall service fees of the SEO service provider. If you knew any of your friend or relative who hired a company for SEO process in the past then you can save your money because majority of SEO service providers offers some relaxation in the money when you visit them through a reference. The best thing about the reference is that you can judge the quality of the services offered by a particular service provider in advance and make it sure that you are not going to such a service provider who have quality issues with him.

While hiring the Affordable SEO Service from any alternative there are few things that must be kept in mind for getting effective results and these are

  • Ask the experience of the service provider and also ask for how many websites he/she has offered this service.

  • Ask for some of the demos as they can help in knowing the quality of service offered by them

  • Make it sure that the service provider doesn’t have any hidden charges that may affect your budget.

  • There is no need to hire such a service that involves a lot of formalities from your side because it wastes your time.

  • The quality factor is most important while hiring this service. In case you realize that the quality of the service offered by them is not exactly what that you desire doesn’t hire the service.

  • Going for a new fresh provider may save the money up to some extent but sometime there are few quality issues with the one who has recently started providing search engine optimization services.

About the Author

Vikas Bhatt is a blogger who blogs on various Tech Blog and Runs an Android Blog and Runs Bookmakers in Australia website. Apart from this he does lots of guest blogging, if you want guest posts for your blog do let us know

7 Killer SEO Steps to Optimize Your Website in SERP

SEOSEO optimize your blog or make it appear on top Search Engine Results to enhance the traffic on your site. Basically, the thing matters here, is to figure out the keywords on which you want the visitors to reach your site through Search Engine Results Page (SERP). If you are new to blogging and SEO in particular, you should be aware of some basic SEO tips to improve your site’s ranking in the SERPs.

7 Killer SEO Steps to Optimize Your Website in SERP


1. Keywords in Title Tag

Title Tag is one of the most significant elements to position your webpage higher in your chosen keyword. This tag gets visible in the clickable link on the SERPs. It’s better to start your title with a long-tail keyword having less competition. Try to use your Keyword within the range of 65 characters, as search engine don’t consider anything after 65 character limit. Don’t repeat your Keyword in your title; otherwise your site could be penalized.

2. Use Keywords in Header Tags

Header tags are one of the most imperative On-page search engine optimization factors. Use the similar keywords in all heading tags. This way, you can easily bring focus of the page on a sole keyword while getting superiority in the Search Engines. You should better utilize your main keyword in first heading tag while trying to keep the Keyword at first.

3. Use Keywords in Image Alt tag

Images can express many words but SE Spiders don’t translate images, they only read the alt tag to understand the image with textual description. Therefore, it is vital to provide a significant description of an image with using keywords. It will optimize the images used in your content and rank them higher in image searches.

4. The Power of Internal Linking

One significant factor of SEO that is often ignored is Internal Linking. The better approach is to reactivate and revitalize the old posts in archive, as compared to link them in your fresh posts. Don’t miscalculate the authority of internal linking in the distribution of page rank.

Planting in directories, such as Yahoo, DMOZ and other article and content listings can be quite helpful to achieve positive ranking overall. Some people believe that it’s not possible to list your content on DMOZ, especially if you don’t have much credible data, but if you could, it may bring you positive results.

6. Use Meta Description

Though Google is now giving less importance to meta-tags, there are two meta-tags that still matter in SEO, But, Meta description Tag still has importance from a human and search engine perspective. Description meta-tag is what you use to illustrate your website. In fact, this description is what the visitors see when your site appears on the search results.

7. Use Keywords Meta Tag

Fill your Keyword tags with relevant keywords while avoiding replicas and Keyword stuffing. The Keywords you mention in the keyword tag should be relevant to the context of your page. Keywords used in meta-keywords-tag must somehow appear somewhere within the body of text. Otherwise, your webpage can be penalized for irrelevant content.

About The Author
This is guest post by Sarah Smith who is a professional Guest blogger. Writing for MacKeeper-useful software that will help you with Mac fix and Mac scan.