10 Interesting Ways To Become A Famous Blogger Quickly!

become a famous blogger

Let me paint a picture of a famous blogger.

A blogger that has armies of fans online who awaits to read their new content. The blogger who’s featured on popular websites or top blogger lists. He has a massive social media following and has an influence. His unique voice makes a difference in online space which makes him recognized. He did not just buy any established blog but he build a successful blog to become a famous blogger. His blog turned into a full-time business. Inspiring?

But, how did it all happen?

What makes them successful and famous bloggers?

First, it’s not any overnight success.

Blogging is a full-time job. However, the blog results speed up when you do it with passion and creativity.

Below, I will explain ten ways to become a famous blogger quickly. You should also make it clear that blogging takes long hours, hard work and endless research. Every other day, you have to bring a new idea and share.

To achieve success in blogging, you need to set blogging goals and visualize where do you want to see yourself as a successful famous blogger online, Facebook or Instagram.

Ask yourself three questions;

  1. What’s the purpose of your blog?
  2. How much time you can give to your blog?
  3. Do you have passion to grow your blog?

If the answers are in affirmative, then go deep dive into following effective ways;

Produce evergreen content

Evergreen content is the timeless resource for helping audience with the best solutions. Successful bloggers always produce evergreen content to get long-term results.

When you create evergreen content for your blog readers, you basically cover in-depth solutions to their problems. These blog posts does require extra time and research but absolutely worth it. Too often these posts rank higher in search engines and drive free traffic for years.

Long-form and well researched content give readers an indication that you’re an expert in your field.

Here are few examples of evergreen content;

  • How-to posts and tutorials
  • Case studies
  • Detailed post on one topic
  • Complete glossary of a niche
  • List of products
  • Top influencers to follow
  • Expert roundup post on a specific problem

Just think of the most common problems of your readers and come up with an outstanding blog post that shines.

Help your readers, solve their problems

To become an authority in your niche, you should aim to help your readers. Keep your readers first. Set your priority to bring solutions for them.

People use Google or other search engines to find answers. They are eager to find out resources that help them. So, make your blog a resource to help your audience.

Figure out reader’s problems by knowing them. Understand your readers by conducting surveys, short Q/A, interactions in social media communities and collecting blog comments.

The foremost step to get returning users is to give them the correct answers. When you write for them, they will connect with you. The readers will figure out that you are the right person to find their solutions. As you help your readers, you’re gaining authority in your blog niche.

Most famous bloggers know their reader’s pain points. They create content according to their reader’s interest and needs. This one trick works really well for long time.

Consistency is key

No one can become a famous blogger overnight. It’s the power of consistency that continue to help them grow and expand.

Whether you’re a new blogger, or a seasoned blogger, consistency is the key to success. Be consistent with your content schedule. Obtain consistency in your writing style. Interact with social media audience on regular basis.

You should give your audience something to expect. When you post consistently once in a week, your readers will know there’s something new coming from you. It doesn’t really have to post weekly but the idea is to be consistent with your blog schedule.

The more up-to-date and consistent you are, the more likely readers are to return.

Here are four key points to become consistent;

  • Always set goals for your blog.
  • Plan ahead all of your content and schedule.
  • Participate in social media communities
  • Develop a daily writing habit

This takes us to the next tip.

Find your unique selling point/Leverage your unique strengths

If someone else became popular creating a health blog, it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to do the same to get famous.

So, identify your unique strengths. Leverage your strengths to get reader’s attention.

You got to find out what you’re best at.

Maybe, you are a wonderful photographer or an artist. Maybe, you write short humorous stories. Maybe, you are a marketing expert for your local area. Whatever it is, you should use it!

Don’t blog just for the sake of blogging. Use your strengths in a way that people learn from you. When you leverage your abilities and skills, results turn out better.

Hone your unique strengths to stand out yourself from the crowd.

On the other hand, if you don’t find your unique selling point, building a blog audience will be a constant struggle.

Build strong social presence

Social media is huge for interacting with your blog audience. Millions of people use social media every day. It’s more likely that your blog audience is also using any of the social channels to consume stories, news, entertainment etc.

Your job is to use those social channels where your audience is. Understand your audience. Share content that interests them on social media.

When you post a video, people would engage by liking, commenting and sharing. Likewise, when you share knowledge and add a link to your website, people will also click to read more.

Social media is all about engaging. Post consistently. Produce captivating content that attract social media audience. Build a relationship. Entertain them. Give them a reason to check out your blog. Give blog updates. Share interesting facts and trends.

Here are few tips to use social media efficiently;

  • Choose the right social media platforms
  • Post frequently and obtain consistency
  • Create and curate engaging content
  • Participate in Facebook groups
  • Build relationships first
  • Make interesting posts
  • Use captivating visuals

A strong social media presence will result in numerous benefits. It helps to get exposure to your blog, new audience, bring sales, readers engagement and audience feedback.

Network with other bloggers

network with other blogger

Networking is all about making trustworthy relationships with other bloggers. The more connections you have, the more opportunities you can avail.

What you need to do?

Make yourself available for other bloggers. Let your fellow bloggers know that you’re ready to collaborate and help. Bloggers need each other. They help each other grow and expand.

Make your network strong. Look for opportunities. Not every time someone else would drop an email to your inbox. Sometimes, you’ve to approach them and ask if there’s anything you can do for them.

Keep your eyes open. Make your contacts valuable. Think of new ideas to make long lasting connections with bloggers.

Host an interview and invite a blogger.

Give mention to other bloggers in your blog content.

Show examples of blogging friends.

Share their content on social media and tag them.

Understand your audience, and speak to them

As a blogger, it’s crucial to speak to your audience. You should always write for your targeted audience.

Establish a unique voice to connect with your readers. Your writing style should resonate with your audience. Just speak to them in the language they understand.

If your blog is for beginners, use the simple language to connect. Don’t just throw a huge sack of knowledge on them. In fact, communicate to them.

  • Use your blog posts as a mode of communication.
  • Share your wisdom and knowledge with readers.
  • Ask them to participate in conversations.

Be Yourself – Add a personalize touch to your blog

Most bloggers get successful by their own unique blog voice. You don’t need to replicate others because you heard that their strategy worked.

But, you need to create your own style.

Be yourself.

Write with your own personality.

Just make sure people find your blog interesting. The feedback, comments and overall response from the audience is essential. It helps to note down what changes you should bring to your voice, ideas and writing style.

Whatever you write, try to present it in a different way that hasn’t done before. If many bloggers in your niche are writing text, do videos.

Be a little creative and show your own style.

Help people

Always be willing to help.

If you have visited popular blogs, you may have noticed the amount of free content they provide. Bloggers offer well-written ebooks, case studies, checklists, workbooks to their audience. They want to win reader’s trust.

So, just help your people.

Make yourself easily accessible for your audience. Always reply to comments quickly. Encourage them to ask questions through emails. Be willing to share bits of expert advice in social media communities.

Record a facebook live. Design a free workbook and offer it free on your website.

This way, people will have trust in you. They will most likely be your regular readers.

Most importantly, your email list will also grow.

All these steps will help you become a famous blogger in your niche.

Don’t forget great looking blog design/Deliver an engaging user experience

A wonderful blog design truly matter to the audience. When you deliver an engaging user experience, people will return back to your blog.

The blog design should appeal readers to click through. The website should be easy to navigate.

Your blog design should not be a place of advertisements. When a blog displays annoying ads everywhere, readers go away from the site. Too often they don’t visit again.

All top bloggers usually have a wonderful website. They believe in providing a great user experience for their audience. The blogs look clean and attractive. Every category is clearly mentioned.

Imagine yourself as a blog reader.

How would you consider your blog in terms of user experience?


A successful blogger has a years of experience, consistency, and hard work. If you really want to become a famous blogger, then you need to look at top bloggers. Read more. It’s important to get yourself updated with your niche.

Make yourself a reliable source for your audience.

Remember not to compare yourself with others.

Sketch your own path and stick to it.

I hope all the above steps will help you get closer to your dream of becoming a famous blogger one day.

If you got extra tips, leave the comments below.

131 thoughts on “10 Interesting Ways To Become A Famous Blogger Quickly!”

  1. Hi Ammar Ali,

    I read your article. It is very informative and to the point.

    I have a new blog and it started gaining some traffic but all of the sudden, all the traffic is lost. It would be great if you can help me out.


  2. Hi Ammar ,
    Great post! Your tips are really insightful and helpful. I totally agree with your point about the importance of bloggers providing value to their readers. When visitors find real value in what you share, they’ll definitely keep coming back for more.

    Appreciate you sharing this.

  3. Hi Ammar Ali
    Your blog is so informative. It’s amazing to see how these bloggers started from scratch and turned their passion into a full-time gig. The tips are spot on, especially about connecting with your audience and staying true to your unique voice. It’s a reminder that success takes time and hard work, but it’s definitely possible with dedication and the right approach.

  4. Hi Ammar Ali,

    I am constantly amazed by the engaging and thought-provoking content you provide. Your writing takes us on a captivating voyage into knowledge, introspection, and self-discovery. Each word carries weight, leaving readers with a fresh perspective and a desire to ponder and reflect. Your ability to provoke thought and challenge beliefs is truly remarkable.

    Thanks for your blog

  5. Hi Ammar Ali,

    I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your fantastic blog post on Your insights were incredibly helpful, especially. I really appreciate the effort and detail you put into your writing—it made a significant difference for me.

    Keep up the great work, and I look forward to reading more of your posts!

    Best regards,
    Aditya Singh

  6. Hi Ammar,

    What an inspiring and detailed guide on becoming a famous blogger! I completely agree with your points, especially the importance of producing evergreen content and staying consistent. Your insights on leveraging unique strengths and building a strong social media presence really resonate with me.

    In my experience, engaging with the audience and providing genuine help are key factors that build trust and authority. For those starting out, I’d also recommend focusing on SEO best practices to enhance visibility.

    Great job outlining these steps so clearly. I’m looking forward to implementing some of your tips to improve my blog’s reach and engagement.

    Thank you for sharing!

  7. Hi Ammar Ali,

    I found your blog to be incredibly informative about the nuances of blogging. I was particularly impressed by your emphasis on creating content that aligns with the interests and needs of your readers.

  8. “Hello Ammar,

    I wanted to express my gratitude for sharing your insightful blog post. The tips you’ve provided are not only practical but also highly valuable for aspiring bloggers.

    I particularly appreciate the emphasis on identifying a niche and consistently delivering high-quality content. This approach not only establishes credibility but also attracts a dedicated audience seeking your expertise and unique perspective.

    Additionally, your advice on engaging with readers and fostering a sense of community is spot on. Building connections through active interaction and encouraging discussions undoubtedly enhances the blog’s appeal and fosters reader loyalty.

    Overall, your tips serve as an excellent foundation for anyone embarking on the journey to becoming a successful blogger. Thank you once again for sharing your wisdom!”

  9. Hello Ammar,

    Great article! You provided some excellent advice, and I completely agree that it’s crucial for every writer to assist their readers. Your visitors will keep coming back once they recognize the value in your content.

    Thank you for sharing; have a good day.

  10. Hi Ammar,

    I really love your content. I just randomly searched on google on how to be famous blogger then I saw your blog. Thanks a lot for this man.


  11. Hello Ammar

    Fantastic post. You’ve provided some excellent advice. You and I both think that it is crucial for bloggers to assist their readers. Visitors will return for more as soon as they see the worth in your material.

    I appreciate you sharing; have a nice day.

  12. Hello Ammar
    Great article. You gave some excellent advice. I completely concur with you that it is crucial for every writer to assist their readers. Your visitors will return frequently after they see the worth in your material.

  13. Hello Ammar,

    Appreciate your contribution! Achieving fame as a blogger is feasible, yet it demands hard work, unwavering commitment, and consistent effort. You must invest time and energy into crafting high-quality content, building an audience, and establishing authority within your niche. Besides, effective promotion, leveraging social media for wider reach, and grasping the basics of SEO to enhance organic traffic are crucial. It’s vital to bear in mind that becoming a renowned blogger is a gradual process requiring patience. Immediate success might not occur, but with dedication and a continuous stream of quality content, you’ll eventually attain your objective.

  14. Hello Ammar Ali,

    I wanted to reach out and express my gratitude for your insightful blog post on blogging. Your content is not only informative but also incredibly valuable in guiding aspiring bloggers like myself.

    I particularly found your emphasis on creating content tailored to the interests and needs of readers to be quite impressive. It’s a crucial aspect that can often be overlooked, yet it’s fundamental to building a loyal audience and fostering engagement.

    Thank you once again for sharing your knowledge and expertise through your blog. I look forward to reading more of your enlightening posts in the future!

  15. Hello Ammar,
    You have done a fantastic job.
    As you said in this article. we cannot become a blogger overnight. We have to be patient and work even after we got the result for our job. That is what consistency in the job and that’s what passion. If we have passion on anything, we can get success if we work as SMART.
    Thank you, Ammar.

  16. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent post. You have shared some wonderful tips. I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day.

  17. Hello Ammar,
    Before starting my blog, I saw so many YouTube video they were clamming you can be a master blogger in 7 days, that time I was thinking, is making money from blogging is really easy, but after a few months I got to know, it’s not an easy journey.
    I fully agree with you, blogging is not an overnight success, and it required patience.
    Every time you provides great content on your blog.

  18. Hi Ammar,

    Thanks for this piece!
    Becoming a famous blogger is possible, but it takes hard work, dedication, and consistency. You must be willing to put in the time and effort to create quality content, build an audience, and establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Additionally, you will need to promote your blog, use social media to reach a larger audience, and understand the basics of SEO to boost organic traffic. It is also important to remember that becoming a famous blogger takes time and patience. You may not see overnight success, but if you stay dedicated and keep producing quality content, you will eventually reach your goal.

  19. Hi Ammar,

    I really appreciate the way you expressed your concern regarding Blogger. Yes, I totally agree that content is the king and a customer when comes to the website, see the engaging content and make every possible chance to learn something new.

    Thanks for your blog

  20. Hey Ammar Ali!

    Hope you are well. Your blog website provided us with useful information to execute with. Each & every recommendation on your website is awesome. Thanks a lot for talking about it.

  21. Hi Ammar,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post! I found your tips to be very helpful, especially the one about finding your unique selling point.

    Thanks for sharing your insights! I’m sure your blog post will be helpful to many other aspiring bloggers.

  22. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent post. You have shared some wonderful tips. I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more.

    I especially liked your emphasis on consistency and engagement. Consistently delivering great content and actively engaging with your audience are two key factors that can make a real difference in building a loyal following.

    Thanks for sharing these insights and strategies. They are definitely helpful for anyone looking to become a famous blogger. Keep up the great work!

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day.

    Best regards,

  23. Hi, Ammar Ali

    Thank you for sharing these valuable insights on becoming a famous blogger. I particularly appreciated your emphasis on finding a niche and staying consistent with content creation. Engaging with readers and building a community around your blog is indeed crucial. Your tips on utilizing social media platforms and collaborating with other bloggers are great strategies to expand one’s reach and visibility. Overall, this article serves as a helpful guide for aspiring bloggers, offering practical advice and encouragement. Keep up the excellent work!.

  24. Hi Ammar Ali,

    I am constantly amazed by the engaging and thought-provoking content you provide. Your writing takes us on a captivating voyage into knowledge, introspection, and self-discovery. Each word carries weight, leaving readers with a fresh perspective and a desire to ponder and reflect. Your ability to provoke thought and challenge beliefs is truly remarkable.

    Thanks for your blog

  25. Hi Ammar,
    Thanks for sharing these tips on how to become a famous blogger quickly! As a blogger myself, I’m always looking for ways to improve my craft and reach a wider audience. I appreciate the variety of strategies you’ve outlined, from networking with other bloggers to leveraging social media and collaborating with brands.

    I particularly liked your advice about finding a niche and creating content that resonates with your target audience. It’s essential to know who you’re writing for and what they’re looking for in a blog. The importance of creating high-quality, engaging content cannot be overstated, and I appreciate your emphasis on this point.

    Overall, this article is a great resource for anyone looking to build their blog’s visibility and influence. Thanks again for sharing your insights and expertise!

    1. Hello Ammar,
      Thanks for sharing these tips on how to become a famous blogger quickly! As a blogger myself, I’m always looking for ways to improve my craft and reach a wider audience. I appreciate the variety of strategies you’ve outlined, from networking with other bloggers to leveraging social media and collaborating with brands.

  26. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent post. Great tips to become a reputed blogger. I agree, creating evergreen content with consistency is quite necessary.

    Thanks for sharing, have a nice day.

  27. Hi Ammar
    I just read all those 10 points you have mentioned. I could see something underlying common in all those 10 points. I agree to create consistent content is very necessary when you want to become a successful blogger

    1. Nice post Ammar, I find evergreen content brings the most success as a blogger. With the time it takes to put together a high-quality post (several thousand words), I feel like it would go to waste with a trending topic. Also making sure each of the posts adds value is just as important.

  28. Nice post Ammar, I find evergreen content brings the most success as a blogger. With the time it takes to put together a high-quality post (several thousand words), I feel like it would go to waste with a trending topic. Also making sure each of the posts adds value is just as important.

  29. Hello Ammar
    Great article. You gave some excellent advice. I completely concur with you that it is crucial for every writer to assist their readers. Your visitors will return frequently after they see the worth in your material.

    I appreciate you sharing; have a good day.

  30. Hey Ammar!

    Excellent post! Thank you for providing such valuable advice on how to become a successful blogger. I completely agree with your advice about how critical it is to understand our audience. I am looking forward to becoming one of the successful bloggers keeping in mind all the above-mentioned tips.

  31. Hi Ammar,
    Excellent post. You have shared great tips. I totally agree with you that it is important for every blogger to help their visitors. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will keep coming back for more.

    Thanks for sharing, have a nice day.

  32. Hi Ammar,

    This is truly an excellent, powerful & motivational post. Your experience is showing through your tips which are very helpful indeed. Truly consistency is the key to every success story. Thanks for sharing.

  33. Hi Ammar,

    Thanks for this piece!
    Becoming a famous blogger is possible, but it takes hard work, dedication, and consistency. You must be willing to put in the time and effort to create quality content, build an audience, and establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Additionally, you will need to promote your blog, use social media to reach a larger audience, and understand the basics of SEO to boost organic traffic. It is also important to remember that becoming a famous blogger takes time and patience. You may not see overnight success, but if you stay dedicated and keep producing quality content, you will eventually reach your goal.

  34. Hello Ammar
    Thank you for sharing the blog post I found the tips shared in the post to be quite useful and practical for anyone looking to establish themselves as a blogger.

    The idea of identifying your niche and focusing on creating high-quality content consistently is particularly important. By doing so, you can attract a loyal audience that values your expertise and unique perspective.

    Another tip that resonated with me was the importance of engaging with your readers and building a sense of community around your blog. By responding to comments and encouraging discussion, you can foster a connection with your readers that keeps them coming back for more.

    Overall, I think the tips shared in the post are a great starting point for anyone looking to become a successful blogger. Thank you again for sharing!

  35. Hi Ammar,
    Great Information, learned a lot from this. You have to do very hard work day and night to become a successful blogger. There are two phases in the journey of blogging. The first one is to learn how to write a blog perfectly, to learn all the techniques and terminologies of writing a blog. The second one is to learn how you can rank your website or that specific page of the blog you have written on the Search engine result page.

  36. Hi Ammar,

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful tips .Your blog will surely help new bloggers to find their right track. It is necessary for bloggers to connect with their readers and solve their issues. Really undoubtedly helpful for us. Share some more tips to organize things more batter.

  37. I agree with most of your points Ammar especially as you said, once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more. consistency is the key great content thanks a lot Sir.By networking with other Bloggers, you are adding value. Thus focusing on adding value in whatever you do, will help you quickly become popular.

  38. Hi Ammar,
    Amazing advice for developing into a reputable blogger. I think that it’s important to consistently provide relevant content.
    I appreciate you sharing!

  39. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent post. You have shared some wonderful tips. I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day.

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

  40. HI Ammar,
    Nice blog and absolutely outstanding. You can do something much better but i still say this perfect. Keep trying for the best. A decent blog dependably concocts new and energizing data and keeping in mind that understanding I have feel that this blog is truly have each one of those quality that qualify a blog to be a one.

  41. Hi Ammar,

    Thanks for sharing this amazing article online. This article is worth reading. As you have mentioned in the above blog post, all of the points you have made are very valuable. I really loved the point that you made about being consistent. The key to success in the online world is consistency. I would love to share this blog post with my online network. Expect more high-quality updates in the future

  42. Hi Ammar,
    Excellent post. You have shared great tips. I totally agree with you that it is important for every blogger to help their visitors. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will keep coming back for more.

    Thanks for sharing, have a nice day.

  43. Hi Ammar Ali,

    I have read your blog & it’s very informative about the blogging, also this point is very impressive for me (create content according to their reader’s interest and needs).

    Thanks for your blog

  44. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent post. Great tips to become a reputed blogger. I agree, creating evergreen content with consistency is quite necessary.

    Thanks for sharing!

  45. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent post. You have shared some wonderful tips. I have to say I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors. Once visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day.

  46. I agree with most of your points Ammar especially as you said, once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more. consistency is the key great content thanks a lot Sir.By networking with other Bloggers, you are adding value. Thus focusing on adding value in whatever you do, will help you quickly become popular.

  47. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent post. You have shared some wonderful tips. I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day

  48. Great Post Ammar

    It is difficult to become a famous blogger quickly ,you have shared some important tips .
    I agree, to creating quality content consistency is very important
    Thanks for the great share

  49. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent post. You have shared some wonderful tips. I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more.

  50. Hi Ammar,

    Great post. You are Awesome. You have shared Very awesome tips. I totally agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors.

    Thank You So Much, have a good day.

  51. Hi Ammar,
    Thanks for sharing such an insightful post. These are some great tips that one needs to, as you said, approach and implement strategically. I loved how you kept it practical throughout and shared insights on what it actually takes to be an established blogger.
    Keep up the good work!
    Looking forward to more of such amazing posts from you!

  52. Hi Ammar,

    Good quality .I see You have shared some wonderful tips. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more. I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors.
    Keep it up.

  53. Hi Ammar,
    It is not easy to become a famous blogger. But I must say that the tips you have shared are amazing and can be implemented easily.
    Thanks for the great share.
    have a great weekend.

  54. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent post. You have shared some wonderful tips. I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day.
    Thanks for sharing this valuable information with us. It is really a helpful article!

  55. Hi Ammar,
    Thanks for giving us a great piece of Content & i agree with your points about Blogging.
    And Yeah Consistency is the key.

  56. Hi Ammar,

    Thanks for your beautiful suggestion, I myself is a blogger who has not been able bring a least of 100 views for my video, your tips are with strong points that I believe may help me in my future postings

  57. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent post. You have shared some wonderful tips. I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day.

  58. Hi ammar

    Thanks a lot for sharing this excellent article. Visitors will feel enjoy to find important things in your content. I am happy for self and visitors for sharing this article.

  59. Hi Ammar
    I have tried many of these. One thing I cannot do is network. I tried to contact many websites for guest posts & backlinks. But I don’t get a response, I only get a response when the service is paid. No free website ever revert. How should I assure a revert from a website I am contacting?

  60. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent post. You have shared some wonderful tips. I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day.

  61. Hi Ammar,
    Well-written post. You have shared nice points that really help a blogger to be famous. Totally agree with your points. Yes, giving value to your reader is the key for a blogger to be more famous and the ultimate of any blogger.

  62. Hi Ammar, i really like the way you have coveted aspects of blogging. I am interested in ebooks a lot. Helping people and tackling there problems is a great way to network. I look forward to great article from you.

  63. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent post. You have shared some wonderful tips. I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day.

  64. Hi Ammar,
    Astounding post. You have shared some brilliant tips. I totally concur with you that any blogger really must assistance their guests. When your guests observe esteem in your substance, they will return for additional.

    Thanks For Sharing. Have a Good Day.

  65. Hi Ammar, you have covered great aspects of blogging here. Helping readers with your unique style attracts more visitors & networking is a lifesaver, we meet new people, new mindsets, new ideas & opportunities to grow.

  66. Hey Ammar

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful and exciting ways to become a famous blogger quickly. It is very informative, and you describe it very well. I agree Consistency is key, Network with other bloggers and it is very beneficial for all newcomers.

    Great blog! I love the tips they make sense!

  67. That’s correct. That  blogger becomes famous who has been featured on well-known websites or top blogger lists. He has a large social media following and a lot of clout. His distinct voice stands out in the internet world, allowing him to be identified. 

  68. Hey there,

    The tips you’ve shared in this post are undoubtedly extremely helpful. But, the problem comes while implementing the tips. As a blogger myself, I’ve been struggling to manage what needs to be done every day. For example, I am mostly confused about whether I should write a new blog, or focus on social media platforms, or try to do something else more innovative.

    I hope most of the bloggers are going through the same. It would be absolutely amazing if you would share some tips that would help us organize things better.


  69. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent blog. You have shared some wonderful tips. I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more.
    have a good day!

  70. Hi Ammar,

    Thank you for taking the time to write and share this insightful and useful article. It is difficult to build a strong social presence from scratch but as you mentioned, consistency is key!

  71. Ammar

    Well written.

    I’d just add a couple of points. First, commitment will go a long way. Deciding to start a world class blog and committing to it really the first step. Second, you should set goals – for example, I want to have x number of visitors four months from now.

    And – don’t be afraid to be yourself. Your personal story and insights have value.

  72. Hi Ammar,
    I really appreciate you for sharing this article for new bee bloggers. I am a new bee in the blogging industry and started my career in this area. I have seen the posting date but now I am commenting means. this post content makes me some boost.


  73. Hi Ammar,

    This is really amazing information it would really help many upcoming bloggers I’m going to share with my students and couluges. keep posting such amazing.

  74. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent post.
    You have shared some wonderful tips. I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more.

  75. Dear Ammar Ali!
    Thank you so much for your wonderful post, that will must help the bloggers who started early of their career, It’s really amazing tips that will definitely boost someone’s career by knowledge and benefits.

    Thanks for your Great Content and Have great week ahead.

  76. Hi Ammar,

    I’ve been sharing fresh content on my blog, but still not getting enough engagement from the audience! Would mind suggesting few tips for content creation to grab the attention of users? by the way, the methods and tips you shared were really cool!

  77. Hello Ammar,
    Just outstanding tips I must say! I’ve been trying to figure out why I’m not able to generate traffic to my blog, but after going through your post I’ve got a clear idea of how to do it!

    Thanks a lot. Keep sharing more informative articles, buddy!


  78. Hey AMMAR ALI,

    Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing such good tips for becoming a successful blogger. I totally agree with the tips you shared on how important it is to understand our audience. I am looking forward to becoming one of the successful bloggers keeping in mind all the above-mentioned tips.

    Thanks again.

  79. Hi Ammar,
    You have shared an excellent and unique post with us. I completely agree with every point that you have mentioned here. I highly recommend your post to those people who have a passion for becoming reputed bloggers. Your point “consistency is the key” is really a significant point for any blogger.

  80. Hello Ammar,
    That’s good content you share in the blog, the most important factor is the bloggers ability to connect with their audience, deliver value and equally if not more importantly the bloggers voice.

  81. Hey Ammar Ali,
    I hope you are fine, I am today checking different blogs on various sites but I have found now what I was searching for over blogging. Your content proved to be helpful for me. I will contact you or come to your site(blog) if further needed..

  82. Hi Ammar,
    Thanks for sharing the valuable tips to become a famous new blogger. it is very informative and you explain very nicely in this post. I Know, for creating quality content consistency is quite necessary.it is very helpful for all new bloggers which are things online earning is very easy for everyone but if he realizes the truth of life. I will also share the article with my group of SEO. Great content thanks a lot, Sir.

  83. Hi Ammar,

    I totally agree with your great tips and I think if anyone wants to be a blogger then they have to follow these rules otherwise they never succeed.

    Thanks for your contribution!

  84. Thank You! Ammar

    The journey is more important than the destination, you have described the whole journey to become a famous blogger. There is lot’s of spammy blog available such as be a famous blogger within 10 days. but your blog sounds realistics

  85. Hey Ammar,
    Your post is very helpful and informative for all readers and for me also.
    I am also fresher in blogging but I want to be famous blogger and your suggestions is to Evergreen content is the timeless resource for helping audience with the best solutions. Successful bloggers always produce evergreen content to get long-term results.
    Your tips are well written and complete, hope to . see more related to this!
    Thank you

  86. Hi Ammar,
    Your post is very helpful and informative for all readers and for me also.
    I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors.Your tips are well written and complete, hope to see more related to this!
    Thank you

  87. Hi Ammar,
    It is difficult to become a famous blogger quickly but I think you have shared some important tips and one can use them to get back on track.
    The most important one that worked for me was connecting with bloggers.
    Thanks for the great share bro.
    Have a good weekend.

  88. Hello Ammar,

    I totally agree with you that to become a popular blogger you should have a good social presence. I am implementing it from the past years and it helped me a lot to get connected with other fellow bloggers of my niche. Now whenever they get a chance to give interview in someone’s blog they always try to mention me. It is helping me to increase the backlink count of my blog.

  89. Hi Ammar,
    Thanks for sharing the amazing tips to become a reputed blogger. it is very informative and you explain very nicely. I agree, for creating quality content consistency is quite necessary.it is very helpful for all new comers . I will also share the article with my friends. Great content thanks a lot Sir.

  90. Nice post Ammar, I find evergreen content brings the most success as a blogger. With the time it takes to put together a high-quality post (several thousand words), I feel like it would go to waste with a trending topic. Also making sure each of the posts adds value is just as important.

  91. Hey Ammar
    I might sound crazy but, the idea has been nagging me for some time that blogging is for sure a full-time job and what could be possible ways to stay on the track of success? Your post is so convincing that I got the motivation to keep up my best work. You’re doing a great job Man, Keep it up. Once again thank you so much for sharing such amazing information.

  92. hey, Ammar,

    this post is really helpful for clearing my doubts about blog writing and now I will focus on the thing and in my opinion, concentrating on one niche is an effective thing for any blogger.

  93. Hey Ammar
    I might sound crazy but, the idea has been nagging me for some time that blogging is for sure a full-time job and what could be possible ways to stay on the track of success? Your post is so convincing that I got the motivation to keep up my best work. You’re doing a great job Man, Keep it up. Once again thank you so much for sharing such amazing information.

  94. Hi Ammar,
    Thanks for sharing the amazing tips to become a reputed blogger. it is very informative and you explain very nicely. I agree, for creating quality content consistency is quite necessary.it is very helpful for all new comers . I will also share the article with my friends. Great content thanks a lot Sir.

  95. Hi ammar

    Thanks a lot for sharing this excellent article. Visitors will feel enjoy to find important things in your content. I am happy for self and visitors for sharing this article.

  96. Hey Ammar,
    This is a fantastic read. We all want a become a famous blogger, but the problem is almost all the newbies see blogging as an easy method to earn money without working hard. So, showing the path to become a successful blogger is really important.
    Among all the points, consistency is the most important, I believe. The number of articles per week does not matter at all when you have a long term plan for the blog. But, you definitely have to stick to the posting schedule. It is Ok if you can post only 2 articles per month. You should do that each and every month.

  97. Hello Ammar,

    I just read all those 10 points you have mentioned. I could see something underlying common in all those 10 points. You will become popular, only when you add value. By solving your readers’ problems, you are adding value. By networking with other Bloggers, you are adding value. Thus focusing on adding value in whatever you do, will help you quickly become popular.

    What do you think about this?

  98. Hello Ammar,
    You have done a fantastic job.
    As you said in this article. we cannot become a blogger overnight. We have to be patient and work even after we got the result for our job. That is what consistency in the job and that’s what passion. If we have passion on anything, we can get success if we work as SMART.
    Thank you, Ammar.

  99. I agree. Blogging is a FULL TIME job. Most don’t realize that. I have been at it for years and its only starting to pick up. I will be using some of your mentioned tips, including offering more free content. Thanks for sharing :)

  100. These are all good advice, but your headline is misleading. Quite a way to ruin relationship with new readers, before they even get the chance to know you. If you just remove the word quickly it would make sense. Nevertheless, content of this article is helpful and valuable.

  101. Thanks for this post which looks cool, informative and encouraging. I lost my first blog due to google hammer and now starting allover seems like a mountain. But this post have encouraged me to start and be a good blogger.

  102. Why are all people to go to be a famous blogger?
    Is it not good enough to be a good mechanical?
    What is the result of ‘everyone is a blogger’ or try to be?
    But you are a good one, that’s why I respond to your article

  103. I agree with most of your points Ammar especially as you said, consistency is the key.. but for a person who works a 9-5 job on the sideline and keeps blogging as a hobby, finding consistency is like finding a needle in a haystack, can you share some tips on how to can be efficient in managing the leftover time to write blog posts?

    1. You’re right, Lester. You may want to create a calendar to manage your time effectively. It takes consistency and patience. Managing your time is the key to writing great blog post.

  104. It’s my dream to become a famous blogger by the way my blog is all about how to help blogspot blog to rank higher. Your tips are well written and complete, hope to see more related to this!

  105. Thanks for sharing this amazing article online. This article is worth reading. All the points which you have mentioned in the above blog post are surely remarkable. I really loved the point where you have written about being consistent. Consistency is the real key which helps you grow faster in the online world. Will love to share this blog post with my online network. Expecting more such quality updates in future… :)

  106. Hi Ammar,

    Excellent post. You have shared some wonderful tips. I completely agree with you that it is important for any blogger to help their visitors. Once your visitors find value in your content, they will come back for more.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day.

      1. Hi Ammar Ali,

        I have read your blog it’s very informative about blogging, also this point is very impressive to me to create content according to their reader’s interest and needs.

        Thanks for your blog

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