15 Premium Looking Best Free Blogger Templates

It’s been long time, I’ve not posted any collection of ย Best Blogger Templates. ย So now it’s the right time to publish great collection ofย Premium Looking Best Free Blogger Templates.

New year 2013 is also very near. You can use these best free blogger templates in 2013 as well to spice up your blogger blog. ;)

I’ve spend many time collecting best templates. All the templates given below are great, premium looking, magazine style and niche style related free blogger/ blogspot template.

These templates will suit perfect for tech , blogging, SEO niche related blogs!

15 Premium Looking Best Free Blogger Templates

Here are 15 Premium Looking Best Free Blogger Templates.

1.ย iThesisย : Free Premium Blogger Template.

iThesis is best free premium looking Blogger template. Designed by me. It’s perfect for tech, blogging and SEO niche blogs

iThesis Theme For Blogger

2.ย Reporter โ€“ News Style Blogger Template

Great template with Ads Ready, Featured Slider and elegant design.

Reporter - News Style Blogger Template

3.ย Way2Bloggingย : Elegant Blogger Template

An excellent template by my friend Harish, looks simple, clean and elegant design.

Way2blogging Blogger Template

4.ย E Style : Free Premium Blogger Template

This template is also designed by Harish, style is awesome, looks great with featured content slider, menu bar and footer!


ย E Style

5. Labnolย : Premium Blogger Template

Ths best free blogger template looks just like Labnol.org indian best blog. Simple and attractive design and of course fast loading blogger template too.

labnol blogger template

6. MBL Freshableย : Custom Blogger Template

Freshable is Free Blogger Template. Widget ready, awesome post style and header.

MBL Freshable

7.ย Innovative โ€“ A Responsive Blogger template

Innovative is a responsive blogger template by Paul. Simple and mac style menu bar and stylized home page.

Innovative Blogger Template

8. CopyBlogger V2ย : Premium Looking Blogger Template

This is another great template looks similar to copyblogger. The best feature is its a responsive blogger template 2 menus and elegant look.

Copyblogger Theme V2

9. Personifiedย : Clean Style Blogger Template

Personified is simple, elegant and stylish sidebar blogger template. I like the its sidebar.

10. My WordPressย : WordPress style Template

My WordPress is WordPress to Blogger Converted Template. Looks clean and elegant with search bar on header and footer.

My WordPress

11. Perceptionย : Elegant Blogger Template

Prception is a blogger template with simple and clean design. Stylish font and only 1 navigation bar with custom popular post widget.

12.ย Side Blog

This template is also converted from WordPress to blogger. Ads ready and custom header.


13.ย PersonalPress Blogger Template


14. iOcean

iOcean is really an elegant style blogspot template. Looks smiilar like ShoutMeLoud Theme.


15. Westren


Thatโ€™s the list and the standard was so high there are lots of templates on the web soย  it was hard to only choose 15 Great Looking Blogger Best Free Templates.

Check out more Best Free Templates

Hope you will enjoy the Best Free Blogger Templates. Share your comments and views about these best free blogger templates in comment section!!

28 thoughts on “15 Premium Looking Best Free Blogger Templates”

  1. Hi Ali !

    I am a first timer here, these are awesome collection of blogger templates you have here, i love iThesis

    Thanks for sharing.
    – Emebu

  2. hi! still there is no response from harsh… i want Way2Blogging : Elegant Blogger Template please advice how to get it

  3. Wow! That’s an awesome set of templates bro! :) Thanks! And I’m wanting to edit my own template into a responsive one, can i get any idea on how to do that bro? :)

  4. Now this is what i called a good choice in templates…I am thinking of putting iThesis on my site… Please recommend some more templates like these, As Wordpres is getting more and more famous so it is really hard to find these quality templates..Publish some more templates please

  5. These theme are really very gorgeous. i do not seen before like this awesome blogger theme. here i am chose e style theme for my blog because of it it’s outlook is very fine and it is very easy to use and customize.

  6. Thanks for such a good collection of free blogger templates! I have downloaded iThesis Template and currently using it for my personal blog: hellosaysharish.blogspot.com

    Thanks a lot once again.

  7. A few years back I had a test blog on blogspot. But finally I opted for wordpress as these cool templates were not available with blogspot. Now, blogspot bloggers really have variety of templates to choose from!

  8. Many templates given in this post like premium WordPress themes. Few years back, there is no any good blogger template. But now it has been changed. Blogger also have good templates.

  9. It is true that current year 2012 is almost end and new year 2013. I just see your new post of 15 templates of free blogging like reporter, iThesis and lot of many more. These are really interest and wonderful free blogging themes that are available in 2013.

    thanks for sharing these interesting and wonderful free blogging theme list

  10. Thanks for such a nice collection of templates, I currently blog on blogspot and by default Blogger doesn’t provide us with a variety of template in that case we have to go for such third party templates which are far better than the default ones. But I still think Thesis and Genesis should be for blogger also

  11. i like labnol style template….but arising problem when i am upload to new blog.ammar check it out and plz inform me….

  12. I see many high tech blog templates like labanol, shoutmeloud, thesis which are really costly for wordpress. I would like to thank you as I am looking to start a new blog on blogger and can make good choice of theme from this collections.

  13. Hey Ammar !
    I appreciate your efforts. I really liked this post.
    and the first one “ithesis” sounds really interesting. I actually enjoyed this post.

  14. WOW, Thanks very Much
    I am so happy, Yesterday i made some Blogger blogs for some specific keywords, but was looking for some free SE friendly Blogger templates,and here I found it..!
    Thank your Bro
    Keep It Up

  15. Labnol and Copyblogger templates my fav. in this list.

    Wonderful collection!
    Ammar, I think you can too design your own template, what do you say?


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