What Makes ABT a Successful Blog?

Ok, so you too want to know what makes ABT (AllBloggingTips) a successful blog.


Trust me, I donโ€™t know myself ;) and am still wondering what the secret behind it is. May be we can ask Ammar Ali, the man behind this beautifully maintained blog, himself to write an extensive post on it.

But, with my three months in blogging field, the mention of ABT and Ammar Ali, is not new or rare. I am sure one year back; everyone would have thought it to be yet another blog from a teenager.


ABT Completes One Year of Successful Blogging. Thanks For Your Continual Support.

Am I not unnecessarily glorifying the blog?

Has it anything to do with this blog post?

Incase you are not aware of, its ABTโ€™s first anniversary. Many congratulations to it and all its readers, including myself. Here I would like to suggest the reasons for ABTโ€™s success and how newbie bloggers can take a lesson or two from these.

Awesome Domain Name

The best thing about AllBloggingTips is the choice of its domain name. Although at first looks to be a cheeky long URL, but if you see it from SEO point of view, it is one of the best I have seen so far.

Because of the commonly used terms like All, Blogging and Tips, its post usually ranks higher with search queries related to blogging tips. And considering that the domain is just one year old, it is indeed a good find.

Un-paralleled Generosity

Apart from being generous in terms of sharing resourceful information over the Internet, ABT also engages its readers. Periodically it conducts giveaways to make its readers something to look for.

On the occasion of its first anniversary, a lucrative giveaway comprising of 5 web hosting from a2hosting for one year, has been announced. You can see details here. This shows the level of commitment ABT has for its loyal readers. :D

Purposeful Blog Branding

Ammar takes full advantage of ABTโ€™s social presence and popularity, for branding purposes. Being a PR 3 blog, it receives about 4-5 guest posts each week. So ABT is never short of quality content for its readers. This gives Ammar plenty of time to create a brand out of ABT.

If you take a look at ABTโ€™s archive for the month of November, then I am sure you would be amazed at first. Just by posting only five blog posts in 30 days of time, how come ABT been maintaining an Alexa Rank of around 13,000 constantly?

And, yes, 13,000 is not a very stable rank to hold on to for long without posting regularly. Itโ€™s all about creating a trustable brand and few SEO techniques. Thatโ€™s how ABT has been drawing traffic towards it seamlessly.

Social Presence

ABT has strong fan following across all major social networks. Apart from blogging, both ABT and Ammar spend valuable time with readers on social networking sites and forums.

Currently, ABT has 2846 Twitter followers, 267 have it in their circles and 3363 Facebook users have liked it. This is a testimony of the fact that, ABT must be doing something right for which it is so admired.

  • Twitter: 2846 followers
  • Facebook: 3362 likes
  • Google+: 267 circles

Reading Experience

And last, but never the least, in the end its all about improving readerโ€™s experience. Without this, all other fails. ABT makes sure all its content is effective, informative and easy to follow.

Other that the content, it also facilitates distraction free reading. Itโ€™s lucid Thesis typography with minimal text formatting, simple website design and color combinations, inviting internal link positing, makes browsing very soothing.

Oh, I forgot to mention. AllBloggingTips is a weblog belonging to the blogging niche. Its CEO, Ammar Ali, is a passionate Blogger, Entrepreneur, Affiliate marketer from Pakistan. ย ABT covers regular fresh updates on WordPress, Blogger and SEO related topics. It has been maintaining a constant Alexa Rank of 13,000 for the last three months. Itโ€™s a PR 3 blog that accepts guest posts. Feel free to write for it. Also do not forget to subscribe its newsletter.

Stay updated about latest posts and giveaways on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

This was my three months experience with ABT. Feel free to share yours in the comment section. If you have any suggestion for ABT, do mention too.

Note from Ammar:ย 

Hurray! One year has just gone. I’m really impressed and excited!! :D

All the credit goes to you. Without YOU I canโ€™t reach this position so fast.ย As you all know that I started this blog a year back. And it has been growing super fast from then with your support.

A year with many creations, important decisions, new friendships, new ideas. I’m really happy that in one year I managed to have best blog www.allbloggingtips.com. Love all the comments and all the creations that you share with me!!

Thanks for your love and I will promise you that I can do more better for you in the upcoming days.

If you guys want to ask me anything you can comment below. I’ll be happy to hear from you! :)

48 thoughts on “What Makes ABT a Successful Blog?”

  1. Yes its my first comment and i love to ready about sites which are related to seo , blogging tips and tricks that is why ur site is bookmarked at my web browser.

  2. Congratulations Ammar. The author has 3 months experience. but i have 1 Year,
    i remembered your struggle in starting days.
    Main thing that made ABT successful is that. Collaboration with other bloggers,friends.

  3. Congratx for successfully completing first year. You achieved great ranking and position in online world in short time which everyone is not able to do. Wish you good luck for the upcoming year too

  4. Congrats! I would say this website is a successful one.. in terms of content, traffic, social media interaction, alexa rank, and PageRank.

    One question id like to raise, you may not answer it but it is better(i say for me) to share it to us..

    How much did you earn with this site per month?

    Because in my case, i already earned $1.5/day average. If you can share it, then it would be an inspiration to us to follow tips posted here.

    thank you

  5. Mmmmm quite encouraging to hear that you achieved all this in just 1yr.I believe next year by now this blog will be trending on major platform…keep up the hardwork my brother.I will send you a guest post

  6. Lots of Congo…
    Basically three things which keep me busy for my website, First one is the websites like your, who celebrate the anniversary, actually it helps us to gain more and more information as the success story. Second is comment section where we review and share the own and other valuable knowledge, and third one is the king Google. Hope that you would keep your reader more busier.
    Thanks for sharing and wishes for you.

  7. Thanks Sadhil for sharing the success story of Ammar. He certainly possesses the expertise in his niche, otherwise it would be impossible for him to reach a position within only one year. I wish his every success.

  8. As a teenager, you are a inspiration to the world, as well as me.

    You took care of the things very nicely. This is so inspirational. You are a great motivator for us (teenagers)

    Hope the almighty Allah gives you more and more in life.


  9. Hey Sahil,
    Good Post Bro. And congrats to Ammar Ali.
    Put more efforts and I hope that I would see in the “Top 10 Bloggers”.

    Sohil Memon.

  10. Hi Ammar,
    Thanks for sharing your success story.Results shows your interest towards your blog and in blogging field.Congrats on completing one year Ammar.Best Luck…

  11. Excellent work Ammar !
    I have been reader of this blog from many months and i thought that it is old blog but when i read that it’s first anniversary , I said “Wow” , One year old blog and it is doing awesome !
    Great work buddy, Keep up doing this work !
    Thank you

  12. This hardly answers what makes a successful blog. It’s more like how to start a good blog. Success comes in grooming content, revisiting your strategy, defining what success means to you, etc.

    1. Thanks Sarvesh for your compliment.
      I too am amazed by ABT’s dominance over Alexa with very few posts. It has been successfully maintaining its rank and even improving it gradually.
      It has touched the 12,000 after the giveaway. :)

  13. Amazing lil brother! I am really happy that you have taken down the first year ;-) now let’s move to the second big year of your blogging career with ABT. I am happy for you :)

  14. Configurations Ammar for Achieving all this
    may you achieve Much more then your Dreams in Blogging Career.
    I just love t Read your Every Articles, Don’t know what but I am Affected with It:P

  15. I am a big fan of all bloggin tips..!! :)
    and i ve learnt alot from this site in my blooging career so far..!!
    Congratulations to you Ammar on its First anniversary…!!:)
    Hope it gains more and more success in future..!!

  16. Hello Dear

    i very impress really i think choose correct domain name is very important for your web site, social media is very important and very useful way for your blog really thanks for the sharing me

    Thanks & regards

    1. Yeah Sarika.
      I too like the domain name. Very niche specific. And dont forget the domain is just one year old too.
      Next time i plan of having a SEO rich domain, i won’t forget taking suggestions from Ammar.

  17. Hi Ammar,

    Thanks for sharing your success story. It’s inspire me in many ways. It’s a great source for my personal blogging evaluation :)

    Thanks so much for this post

  18. Hello Ammar,
    A BIG Congratulations to you for one year of successful blogging.
    Work even harder and the next year we will see ABT in the big leagues alongwith Problogger for sure.
    Keep working man :)

  19. Hello Ammar
    i am really impressed from your story as well as hard work, as according to Mustafa blogging need hard work and long time.but you proved that’s its possible in a short period of time.
    Thanks for sharing your success story ,
    Hope will continue the journey.
    Keep it going………………..

  20. Congrats on the milestone Ammar, it is a great blog and I hope one day when things are less busy here I can write another post for your excellent site. I always pop and read your posts and learn a lot from you.

    Wishing you another great year ahead.

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