Criticism of Social Media

As organizations take to the social media for product promotion and customer service management, there is more that the service providers need to deal with. This relates to the negative feedback or blatant criticism of an organization’s products and services. This is something which is neither unusual nor unexpected for an organization.

This is because just as a product finds favor with some; it falls short of some people’s expectations. Organizations need to be prepared to contain the damage that criticism on social media can bring about. This is because negative comments can mar the future sales prospects of a product. This is more so in the dynamic world of social media where information spreads quickly via the popular social media platforms and the latest apps including best ebook readers.

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Things to do

1. Revert and pacify
Before the problem degenerates into a major hassle for the company’s PR machinery, get to the root of the problem. Assure the client of a quick look-in. Social media management requires your online customer service initiative to offer a time frame to irate consumers for resolution of the problem.

2. Offer a solution
Any issue cannot be overlooked or delayed for long. Further onslaught of criticism will stop only if the consumer is reasonably satisfied at the manner in which the issue is being handled. If a consumer continues to rant against a product despite assurances, ignore the person as someone who is out to malign a product for no apparent reason. The main concern of genuine complainants is to get the issue resolved and not to deride a product or service.

3. Post details relating to the resolution of the matter
This is important as people look for reviews and information over the web before making a purchase. Lack of appropriate information and unresolved issues can spell doom for a product’s sales.

4. Ensure that the complaints get their due share of attention
Poor service will make your clients opt for the services from your competitors. Build a strong problem resolution channel for your clients. Attend to the issues as soon as possible.

5. Portray the organization as the one that values its clients
For any organization to retain customers and to increase its client base, it is important for the organization to serve its customers in the best possible manner. This increases the trust of the consumers in the organization’s products.

Things to avoid

1. A considerable delay in attending to people’s concerns
A delay will direct your clients to your competitors. Avoid this to ensure that the organization’s revenues do not suffer.

2. Outright denial of a lapse in service
Never make claims on behalf of the organization without verifying the reported matter.

3. Do not term the criticism as invalid without making an attempt at proper evaluation
Remember that no product can satisfy all kinds of consumers. Take criticism in your stride just as you appreciate the positive feedback. Evaluate the services offered against the criticism voiced.

Attending to criticism of social media requires a detached and objective approach. Businesses thrive upon improvements and enhancements in products. These only come after market research and an attempt at doing away with the reported shortcomings of the products. Constructive criticism of products should thus be seen as an opportunity to understand the target market segment and it should be dealt with in accordance.

About the author: Brianne is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on technology. Beside this she is fond of gadgets. Recently an article on flying giants attracted her attention.

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