4 Habits You Must Adopt For Being Professional Blogger

You may have read many SEO tricks and tips till now for implementing them on your blog. But do you ever implement any SEO trick (or called habit in general way) on yourself ? If your answer is ‘No’ then you are just one more ordinary blogger. A blogger who works hard on blog but never gets expected results. Do you know why ? There may be many reasons but if you are really working hard in positive direction and even then not getting what you deserves then think once do you have a reputed blogger’s profile in blogsphere. That may be your answer for not getting expected benefits. Or may be your blog reputation is improving day by day but do you ever think that speed can increase much more rapidly by adopting some habits.


A blogger’s profile is something that tells the worth of a blog. That tells how much trustworthy that blog is. You may work hard on writing great contents but who are going to believe the worth of that if you have not a professional or expert profile in that niche ? Lets clear this with an easy example, ย “find any blog which have almost same path that you have followed (like same time of starting blog, niche of blog, quality of content and almost same traffic, there are many thousands of blogs and you may find such one easily) then have a look on the comments of their posts if they have less or more then yours, that is difference of you profile value. And it can not be purchased, it can be created only. And I am going to discuss 4 such habits that can help you in creating a professional profile.ย (There may be much more habits and that are left for you, so that you can add up them via comments).


tips for professional blogger, Unique SEO tips, nature of authorIf you want to become a professional blogger then your nature must be a professional type. Tryย to make your nature more and more polite and communicative. Learn to listen everyone with patience and try to be friendly with them. Learn to accept criticism and avoid to answer some thingย aggressively, even if you wants. Win the hearts of your readers and commentators by your nature, not only by knowledge. Then they will like to visit you again and again and ultimately they will be your permanent source of traffic. Other then this they will also refer their friends on your blog.

Visiting Cards

If you want to be a professional blogger, then start becoming professional from now. As every businessman have visiting cards so that people whom they met can contact them next time very easily. In the same way you and your blog need visiting cards. Have some well designed visiting cards with you every time and give them to persons whom you met (judge people by yourself whom to give or not). Having visiting cards will reflects you like a trueย professional person and will also increase trust of people in your work. So, make it your habit to have visiting cards with you. (Visiting cards does not cost you much)

Email signature

Add a signature to your emails that you sent. Just write your name, your role and blog name in a proper format at the end of your emails. You can add them automatically for all of your emails by setting them in your emails setting option. Email signature is something like visiting cards but in digital format. Email signature impacts a direct impression on readers mind and increase the chances of boosting your traffic. See below how I use email signatures:

Email signature, SEO tips for bloggers, must have habit of professionals

Of-courseย Quality

The last but not least one is quality. I put this point at last to leave a permanent impact on you when you leave this post. As being aย professional blogger you must be aware of need of quality. But only by putting quality in your blog posts does not make you a great blogger, you need to adopt quality in your every act. Like there should be class in your suggestions, feedbacks or comments when you leave them anywhere. There should be quality in your thoughts and in your work. Take your time in your actions but they should be enough for impressing your circle. If you starts to fill quality in your little work then that will be more impressive then your lot of works which have no impacts on anyone. So, start avoidingย bulkinessย and provide quality in your all actions.

Add your points

These were just 4 habits by adopting which you can improve your profile’s reputation in blogsphere. I know guys you can also add much more habits to them. As commenting is an open platform for you for adding your views, you can add more habits which a blogger should adopt for being professional. Lets see who adds more qualitative comments and points to this post via comments.

Happy Blogging ! ;)

27 thoughts on “4 Habits You Must Adopt For Being Professional Blogger”

  1. Sandeep Chaudhary

    Thanks @Rohit for your appreciation words. :-) Your this comment will inspire me to provide more such unique articles in future.
    And sorry buddy for replying you too late. I just notice your comment today.

  2. thanks for the great share Sandeep.., it was a very unique article from you. i have seen many blogs about blogging they always talk about how to increase traffic, how to seo, but this was entirely different from those. I adore your approach to see things in different manner.

  3. Nice to see some-one giving controversial comment.
    Your welcome @Ramsha Afaq ! Atleast I got a chance to explain it further.

    First of all, i would like to remind you that this post is not about how to increase traffic. This is about how to increase level of professionalism. It is not easy or technical task to give your contact details whom you need to give orally every time. You need to adopt professional solutions for that. This will increase your professionalism and that will attract people automatically to reach your blog or site too when you will interact them. So, indirectly you will enjoy traffic too !

  4. Visiting cards probably are not gonna work more because people usually don;t pay hack to it and might not reach your web/blog. There are fewer chances but by a little investment you can make your mark

  5. What a co-incidence ! We were just talking about visiting cards and a famous professional blogger Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai of mybloggertricks launched there Business cards today !!! Anyone else who is going to adopt visiting cards? :P

  6. hello
    Sandeep Chaudhary
    nice tips for how to be a professional blogger thnx for this nice and great tips

  7. Happy blogging :). you are very much right, the professionalism makes a huge difference. One should know that visitors are the real strength of you, so therefore you have take care of relation with them.

    You know in brick and mortar world “customer is a king” and in the internet world “visitor is a King”. Hahahah :)

    1. @Adil Happy Blogging :) It is nice dude that you discuss the main theme of the post. Professionalism matters alot ! Visitors always like to be permanent readers of professional bloggers.

    1. @Dr Kavita Shaikh Thank you Mam or saying these points great. All professional bloggers use email signature, it is nice to find you one of them. I would recommend you to try these other points too. These will definitely increase your productivity.

  8. Indeed being a great proffesional blogger is tough but i thing sandeep you have described all points quite well.
    I want to add one –
    Building a Community
    If you are a pofessional blogger then indeed you must have quality of helping other bloggers too in ay sort of things. With this kind of act people will prase our each and every undate of your blog.
    CAn say much on this but samdeep i liked your ” Of-course Quality ” concept.
    Thanks for this information

    1. Its my pleasure buddy that you like some of my points. And also thank you Deepak for adding one more useful point to this post. “Building a community”. A professional blogger must be a part of community of that niche and should build community large as much as possible. I like your this approach for adopting as a professional blogger.

  9. Hi Sandeep
    All the points are very useful in promoting your online reputation. Adding signature links to all your email help a lot. I use Google Chrome extension for that
    thanks for sharing

    1. Hello Bryan
      First of all thank you for sharing one more useful point that you use Google Chrome extension for this purpose. I would like to hear more about that chrome extension, from you. Btw I read your post which is attached in above comment, I will definitely like to say that, that is superb !
      @All, Its my pleasure guys that all of you are finding these points useful. And I am thankful to you that you are sharing your views too. It will be very useful for all of us if we discuss this topic further. So, be more creative and try to add some new points too when you leave comments.

  10. Al these points are useful. In my point of view visiting cards helps alot in getting traffic. The traffic you are giving your visiting card will definitely see your website and visit it. Thanks again for this quality article.

    1. Your welcome @Masoor Aijaz. And your view point (of visiting card) is mine too favorite one. Other than adding traffic to your site directly, this increases your professional image and being a professional blogger automatically attract high traffic later.

    1. @Tushar Thakur. Exactly bro, you add a nice point. Many new people in our email circle comes to know about our blogging. And then they definitely visit our blogs and chances are that they becomes our permanent readers.

    1. @Rahul Kashyap Its my pleasure that you find all these points acceptable. You may be following some more habits for shining your blogging career. Would you also like to add one or 2 of them here ?

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