How to Make Thesis Theme Responsive ?

responsiveFinally, DIY Themes officially announced that now we can easily make thesis theme responsive withย  โ€œResponsive Skin + Child Theme Starter Setโ€ for Thesis Theme.ย  All this work is done by Alex โ€œthe kidโ€ Mangini. ;)
The starter kit is free. Here are thing which you need to make thesis theme responsive. 

Some of you may be confused what is responsive design? Well, below I am writing a short info about what is responsive design!

What is responsive design?

Responsive design is, the design that will automatically adjust your website/blog/ based on width of device. You can say In the simple words, your blog will work perfectly on all the mobiles/smartphones/tablets without any mobile version WP plugin.

make thesis responsive

Now without wasting anytime. Let move on How to Make Thesis Theme Responsive ?

How to Make Thesis Theme Responsive ?

Below I am mentioning 2 simple ways you can do to make thesis theme responsive! If you are confused at any step just leave comment below :D

  • Manual Method.

Just download the thesis starter set and delete the current โ€œ custom_functions.php โ€ย  andย  โ€œ custom.css โ€ filesย  (remember to keep the backup of both the files in case if something went wrong ), then upload the custom_functions.php and custom.css files that you download recently from this link :) .

  • By Installing child theme easily !!

If you donโ€™t want to manually upload the files, you can also use a child theme, instead. That wonโ€™t take much efforts from your side but it will only work with the fresh installations.

If you face any problem in installing that you are most welcome to ask any question in below comments. I will help you for sure :D

27 thoughts on “How to Make Thesis Theme Responsive ?”

  1. Hey Ammar,

    This post is quite old but believe me you make a mess up of it for the simple reason that it seems you don’t know how all this Thesis stuff works.

    If any of both options are installed in an already working Thesis version 1.x.x the result will be a complete mess up.
    Caveat Emptor!

      1. Hi Ammar,
        It would be great. There are many people running 1.x.x versions and many would be grateful if they could make the old Thesis Adaptive/Responsive.
        If you do, I’ll be glad to give my 2 cents.

  2. Hi knowledge folks,

    Is there any way to get a thesis 1.86 blog responsive?

    As I understand it those methods described above are referring to the newer thesis versions.

    I am using a wordpress plugin to have it responsive, which works ok. But I would prefer the original blog design to be responsive.

    PS) I am not a special software man but have a good friend who is a programmer and could help.

    Thanks, best regards,


  3. Assalamualikum my bro..

    I using thesis and already uploaded 2 files but don’t know what the next step? how customize it? by manual or already configuration section in admin area? please help me Ammar Ali or could you please PM me by email.


    1. This is not easy to describe in one comment or message. You can find guides online or contact the thesis theme supported from your account

  4. Hello, I installed thesis 2.0.3 on my website. But I can’t install any thesis skin on my blog please help me.

  5. Hi there! I just finished my site in thesis 185. I’m assuming I can’t really utilize the responsive child theme on this site since all the css coding had been done and I’d hate to mess it all up. I about to start another site, though. Do you recommend installing the responsive child theme on the new site I’m starting from scratch? And (I’m new at this… Sorry), even with the child theme installed, I’ll still be able to customize the css as I did on my current site, right? (I’m just making sure that by installing a child theme, I’m not limited in customization). Thank you!

  6. Hi Ammar,
    This is the first time i am using thesis theme and i want to make my site responsive. I read your post and i am using thesis version and when i am installing the child theme given above the theme is showing broken.It is asking for the parent theme thesis_184.
    I have created a folder “custom” and inserted the “custom_function.php” and “custom.css” then also the child theme is not working.
    here is the link of my site:

    Please guide me to install the child theme in the current version of thesis theme.

  7. Hi,
    i have installed a fresh copy of thesis theme in my local machine and replace the current (custom_functions.php, custom.css) files with your shared files in the “custom” folder and i have click on the “Big Save” button on the site. But the site is still normal one. How can i make it as responsive site. please help me.

  8. Hi Ammar,

    I have been using Thesis on my blog for a while now. Can these changes be made to a blog with lots of content without the risk of problems to the blog functionality or do you recommend just using on fresh installations?



    1. Hi Mark,

      I don’t think it will create any problem with lots of content blog! Just make sure to have complete backup of your theme. Just in case anything went wrong! :) You can restore it then!


    1. I’m using Marketers Delight Skin for Thesis. it’s working perfect. And Perfect skin for thesis just about anything :)

  9. The Secret Insider

    Hi Ammar, thanks for this post, I want to update my Theme and I hear so much about Thesis theme, I think it is time that I invested in it.


    1. Hi There!
      You should buy thesis and it can rock your blog. KolaKube provides best skin for thesis.

      If you need our help make sure to contact us. We will get in touch with you!! :D

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