How Can I Find If My Website Has Been Hacked?

Info_Icon_2Running a website is hard work, and as hackers get increasingly more innovative, it just keeps getting harder. It takes some serious diligence to make sure your website doesn’t fall prey to hackers, and honestly, it takes a keen eye to even notice it’s happened.

If your site or blog is compromised, it can absolutely destroy your reader base in no time. You’ll be facing major damage to your site and what’s likely to be irreparable damage to your followers. Don’t let it happen to you. While it definitely happens to the best of us, there are some precautions you can take, along with some routine maintenance steps, to ensure that you hackers don’t commandeer your website. …

Getresponse Vs Leadpages Vs Unbounce : Landing Page Builder Comparison

If you own a website and you want it to be the best, then you must have the best landing page for it. There is a number of software available in the market that will provide you with the attractive and right landing page.

To be very precise, the Getresponse Landing Page, Leadpages and Unbounce are one of their kinds of software which are highly recommended by the experts.

Why is landing page so important?

The very first face of any company or any product is its website’s landing page. In this digital era, the companies are focusing on building up the page that will define more about their services and their objective. The companies collect visitor’s information through various ways or by asking them to fill the visitor’s form.

getresponse landing page

Now, how this software helps the developers and website marketers to enhance their landing pages and which one is the best, let’s take a look!

5 Surprising Blog Hosting Myths Bloggers Still Believe

hosting mythNew bloggers — and even some more established site owners — are often surprised at the complexities of establishing a blog and making it profitable. Those who wish to turn their blogs into a source of income often find that in order to do so, they can’t rely on the free hosting services that are so easy to use, but so limiting to real growth.
The fact is, to grow a blog, you need to self-host it, so you have the freedom to expand and increase the functionality of the site. However, if you are like many people, you probably believe some of these myths — all of which hold you back.

Turn Your Blog into an Income Machine with These Quick Tips

There was a time when a blog was something only super-nerds maintained. Getting online was tough, expensive and had not much real returns for the average Joe. The last decade has changed all of that. We’ve seen the internet go from being a curiosity to a necessity. Communication methods that we never imagined could exist are now integral parts of our lives. Most importantly, the internet has become a place where new ventures can achieve multi-billion dollar statures in a matter of months – something that most definitely was not the case a decade ago.

Here are six strategies for you to pick from and get started on building your own empire.

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5 Unexpected Ways SEO + Web Design Can Give You Better Results

SEO WEB DESIGNWhen SEO and web design are worked on in silos, it can lead to the duplication of work and potential development issues that may negatively impact the SEO performance of the website. Both SEO and web design need to work in collaboration like two peas in a pod. If one is to compare a synergised SEO & web design strategy to formula one racing, web designers would be the engineers and the SEO team would be in the driving seat aiming to get pole position.

Experienced SEO companies work closely with web design teams to ensure that the process continues to develop value with the company’s long-term SEO strategy, while aiming to reduce any potential SEO threats during the build and any additional work that could duplicate costs. Below are a few considerations to keep in mind when synergising both SEO and web design activities.