Twitter For Bloggers: 4 Ways To Be Successful

Twitter is one of the largest social networks out there today and with millions of people using Twitter everyday it is one of the best places to be active on as a blogger. Through using Twitter you can easily grow your blogs social media presence and find new readers. I like to think of Twitter as free advertising for my blog and therefore I am always using it to promote content and drive targeted traffic ย to my blogs.

The problem with Twitter is that there is no handbook on how to get the most of Twitter and this often leaves a lot of people confused on how to gain followers and use Twitter as a great tool for their blog so in this post I am going explain 4 techniques I use to be successful on Twitter.

1. Follow People

Many people I see try to take after celebrities; following as few people as possible whist trying to gain a lot of followers. Well unless you are very popular online then you are not going to gain hardly any followers.

Following people back is not a bad thing and in my opinion.ย  :D

Been seen as someone who follows people back is one of the fastest ways to gain followers and it is a good idea to put that you follow back in your bio as people will follow you just because of this.

Further more you should also try following people in the first place as well, most likely a lot of them will follow you back withย  in a few days and if not then you can just unfollow them and go follow some more people.

  • How to Get More Twitter Followers?

2. Be active

Another thing I see a lot on Twitter is accounts that have not been active for weeks but expect to gain followers. If you’re not tweeting then you are not going to get followed as no-one is interested in someone who does not tweet. Now I know a lot bloggers may not update their content for a few weeks so may not think they have no need to update but this is where you are wrong.

In my opinion as a blogger you should be tweeting at least once a day to promote your content. If you cannot find time to tweet then you can schedule your tweets using a website such as Hootsuite so that you can post your tweets at peak times to be seen by the most viewers as possible.


3. Use Twitter in your blog

If you are going to be successful on Twitter then it is key that you integrate it into your blog and there are two ways that you can do this. The first is to add a Twitter widget into your blogs sidebar. This will also readers to see your latest tweet and to easily follow you on Twitter direct from your blog.

The second way is to use social sharing widgets at the bottom of your posts. These will also readers to share your content on Twitter and other social media websites. By doing this you can get free promotion as other people are sharing content for you.

4. Keep track and Analyze your account

Just like with a website itย is a good idea to monitor and keep track of your Twitter account. By doing this you see when you are tweeting, what you are tweeting and how often your reply to people in your tweets.

By doing this you can see where you need to work on to get the best results our of Twitter. For example I noticed that I was not Tweeting that often in the evening so I knew when to start tweeting more.

Don’t forget to read : Top 10 Best Twitter Applications Of 2012

Did I missed any point? Do let me know in comments! :)

35 thoughts on “Twitter For Bloggers: 4 Ways To Be Successful”

  1. Twitter account>>more followers>>good for seo
    twitter has manyfold benefit
    i will be more actively using twitter now,as after reading this post i think twitter can tremendously help me boost my site.

  2. Hey,

    Excellent post. i think you have wrote a good post. If you own a blog then i would suggest that you should follow all bloggers so that others can follow as well.
    We must talk with other bloggers on twitter so that we can get some tweets and followers.

    Thank you

  3. Very good article! It outline the most crucial tips on how to increase your Twitter follower base. If you check now popular blogs, like Mashabe, you will see that most of articles get A LOT more of tweets than Facebook likes or +1s. Twitter gives very big reach with little effort (you just need to be active, as you have said it in your articles).

  4. Twitter is more than just a place to post a constant stream of minimally worded updates and links for your friends. It is a marketing platform, a place to keep up with current events, conferences and causes, and an all around fun means of global socialization.
    I like social media of twitter

  5. Awesome tips here, I agree with you that following others is not bad at all, as long as you both share the same interests in my opinion. Also another tip I’d like to add is embedding tweets into your blog posts and encouraging people to share as call to action is very effective. You don’t have to do it on every single post but works great on your pillar articles. Thanks Phil and Ammar for putting up a great guest post.

  6. social networks are the best ways to get your blog more access. thank you for providing a lot of information regarding twitter. twitter is one good source for many bloggers. thanks for the tips, great post. hoping for more share from you.

  7. I use twitter a lot, prefer it to facebook as my chosen social media platform. StumbleUpon is losing alot of power and if you are not careful, using too many platforms can end up in spreading your self too thin and eating into your valueable time.

    1. Hey SI,
      I know what you mean about using too many different social media platforms ! i have accounts on about 6 but am only active regularly on about 2 of them as i just do not have the time to work on them all.

  8. Twitter is becoming far more important since Facebook have created so many issues with business pages. Using a software like Tweetadder you can build followers on autopilot and drive traffic to your blog. Great tool

  9. Hi Phil M,

    Twitter is one of the quick source to bring lots of traffic to any thing on the internet. It is one of my favorite tool that allows me to interact with general public with just 140 characters :) BTW nice tips!

  10. I am NOT a very social person because I like doing things that are more systematic and won’t eat too much into my time. But you have given me a great idea that will help me get a lot of traction on Twitter (one platform I have been inactive on). I will look for people in my niche and follow them. If they don’t follow me back, I can just unfollow them — That’s a good tip.

  11. Hi Phil M, Twitter is one of the best and largest social network site. Really Explained well bro. We must follow the fellow bloggers and be active with them, reply to the tweets to be successful. Thanks for Sharing this awesome ways bro :)

  12. Hi Phil, really informative post, you’re right we can make business with twitter easily if we are bloggers, I have already published 1 article about business with twitter for bloggers, by the way Phil, I really appreciate your post on ABT, Thanks

  13. Nice points about Twitter and it is indeed a great social media player but i think one must explore some other opportunities as well, like Pinterest and StumbleUpon are also getting popular day by day so one must give them a try as well, anyway thanks for this great post and keep up the good work…

    1. Hey Jawad,
      I agree with you about starting to try other social networks. I have recently started using a few new social networks to see if i can get the same results as on Twitter :)

  14. The use of Twitter for blogging cannot be highly stressed enough. Those who jumped on Twitter has found good success. So as rightly said, being active on it makes a lot of difference.

  15. Great post! I think these will also guests to talk about your content on Twitter posts and other websites. By doing this you can get no cost promotion as other individuals are talking about content for you…Thanks for sharing me..

  16. wow phil
    i think following people is not bad but when you follow too many people and only few people follow you back it feels bad

  17. Nice tips. As per my knowledge Twitter works well only if you focus on group of tweeple related to your blog niche. So find the active users, follow them, connect with them and share your articles.

  18. Hi Phil M,

    well i think twitter comes under the top social network where we can get all the people to get connected. And the main thing is we can get awesome referral traffic from twitter.

    Thanks for the awesome share.

  19. Hi Phil,

    So far, I don’t think about twitter. But I have a twitter account. Now I have a two options.

    1. Use my personal account for blog too( But it URL =
    2. Create another account for my blog. (I can get a URL like

    What is best option?

    1. Hey,
      I would recommend creating another account for your blog which is dedicated to just sharing your blogs comments as it will be easier to get followers and your friends are not going to unfollow you because you are posting about your blogs content too much.
      However there is no harm is sharing your blog posts on your personal account as well every once in a while :)

  20. Twitter is one of the leading social network, more the follower higher will be the my point of view the post is awesome.i learn alot from this.

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