
How Much Does It Cost to Run an eCommerce Store?

E-commerce store costs? You might be guessed many times as what one platform may cost you around. Understand the fact that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. It totally depends upon the platform and requirements. Whenever the initial development is completed that includes the marketing spends too, you should think about to continue to investing money to improve the various function and better experience of your online store.

3 Easy Ways To Update Your WordPress Theme Without Losing Any Customization


WordPress experts always recommend WordPress based website owners to update their WordPress themes to the latest version. It ensures your theme possesses all the latest features and is up-to-date with security patches.

You can update your WordPress theme by many ways. In this post, I’ll explain various methods to do the same without losing the customization you made to it.

Note: Before making any changes on your site or updating your theme, make sure you back up your site (you can do in your hosting cpanel), so in case something goes wrong you can easily revert it back to normal. You’ve been warned!

How Can I Find If My Website Has Been Hacked?

Info_Icon_2Running a website is hard work, and as hackers get increasingly more innovative, it just keeps getting harder. It takes some serious diligence to make sure your website doesn’t fall prey to hackers, and honestly, it takes a keen eye to even notice it’s happened.

If your site or blog is compromised, it can absolutely destroy your reader base in no time. You’ll be facing major damage to your site and what’s likely to be irreparable damage to your followers. Don’t let it happen to you. While it definitely happens to the best of us, there are some precautions you can take, along with some routine maintenance steps, to ensure that you hackers don’t commandeer your website. …

Free Vs Paid Web Hosting : Which One New Bloggers Should Use?

Free Vs Paid Web Hosting Having a personal blog site has become a trending during the latest years. People use it to record their daily activities, to showcase their expertise, to contact with friends and to make money online. With the increasing popularity of the personal blog, there is a confusion that bothers many new bloggers – should I try a free blog hosting to save budgets or purchase a paid one to guarantee the proper blog running?

To resolve this issue, I’ve come out a detailed introduction of the strong points and shortcomings of these two hosting types, helping you understand when you should try the free hosting and when you can try the paid option.

Top .htaccess Tips to Secure Your WordPress Site


Since website security has become a common concern, webmasters exercise great care when maintaining their sites. In addition to some frequently-used methods, like WordPress security plugin installation, password enhancement and the use of SSL, you can take .htaccess into consideration. This is a great method recommend by many experts and web resources sites like PHPMatters

Maybe now, you have been pulled in a fog and thirst after the reason why .htaccess can make a big difference on website security improvement and what you can do with it. Here, we are going to clear all your doubts by showing details on how to secure your WordPress website using .htaccess.