4 Reasons Your Blog Will Never Grow!

your blog sucks

First of all tell me why should anyone read your blog?

No idea?

Let me clear your doubt why should someone read your blog.

People read your blog to solve their problems not to listen your bragging!

Blogging is not only the best way to make money online but it also provide a better platform to share your opinions and to build a brand.

Isn’t it?

But only few bloggers succeed online. Well, most of the remaining bloggers quit blogging within 6 months, how terrible?

Ammar is very lucky as he had recently completed his 6 months blogging journey and published over 199 posts, this the 200th post which you are reading now!

Coming back to the point. Why your blog will never grow and what can you do to stop it? Ready?

4 Reasons Why Your Blog Will Never Grow

1. Mediocre content:

If you have pathetic content and writing style then no one will be interested to read your so called blog.

Create something that you will be proud of.

Donโ€™t post just another posts to update your blog. No post is better than the worst post. And I know itโ€™s bit difficult to create great content especially when you are just starting out.

All you have to do to create better content for your blog is: being helpful to your readers. Know your targeted audience first. Then try solving their problems.

How to know their problems then?

Good question which I always love to answer.

Try solving your own blogging problems! I will explain you more better here.

If you are just created a blog and thinking what to write in your first blog post, you can write โ€œHow to write your very first blog postโ€.

You can rank more better in Google if you are the first person to write on the trending hot topics!

At the end of the day, you must create compelling content, readers will come one or other day for sure!
Read:ย 10 Crucial Points To Help You Write Better Blog Posts.

2. Terrible design:

Invest some money on buying premium themes like Thesis or Genesis, their coding is so simpler and easy which can make your blog to take next level.

Make your readers easily to read your content. Donโ€™t make your blog design complex! If you strain their eyes, they will go away.

If you canโ€™t afford premium themes, just make use of minimalist themes like pagelines etc.

They look simple and easy to read the content without having any strain.

Read:ย Selecting Your Blog Design Theme Design

3. You don’t network:

Creating valuable content alone is not enough, you must network with others in your niche. Spend some time to respond to your comments, email others to read your content, be in touch with your readers etc.

Blogging becomes much easier when you have like minded people around your network. If you have unique tone and content, you can absolutely stand out from the crowd to make a difference.

You donโ€™t need to be creative marketer to network with others. Just focus on Win/Win approach i.e give and take policy.

It works better when you network with others. Try to help them and solve their problems, surely you will make positive impact on them.

Read:ย How to Create a SCADA System For Your Blog!

4. You spend time on wrong things!!

Instead of spending your time on blog commenting for 2 to 3 hours, spend that time to write quality guest posts for others. It can do wonders.

I’m not saying to stop blog commenting. But if you have less time to blog, spend time productively. And this is the best way to build your blog fast.

Guest blogging gives you:

  • Relationships with the author
  • Subscribers
  • You can steal their readers
  • Attract more traffic
  • Back links
  • You can be everywhere!

Do you know Danny Iny aka freddy krueger of blogging?

Here is a snapshot of Danny Iny’s trafficย in his first year of blogging.

DannyIny traffic_stats

And look at him now! He is almost everywhere in the blogosphere. How does he made it? The credit goes to guest blogging!

Read: How to get Maximum Benefits from your guest post…

Over to you

What are the suggestion would you give to build a better blog?

Note from Ammar:ย Hurray! I’m so excited to announce that this is theย 200th postย on my blog. All the credit goes to you. Without YOU I can’t reach this position so fast.ย As you all know that I started this blog just about 6 months back. And it has been growing super fast from then with your support. Thanks for your love and I will promise you that I can do more better for you in the upcoming days.

67 thoughts on “4 Reasons Your Blog Will Never Grow!”

  1. Hi Bloggers, this time m new visitor on this blog and i read this article it was fantastic and valuable. In this article have new tips and tricks for go ahead. By this article we can understand that how to write content because content is king for any blog. Thank you very much for this article.

  2. This was an Amazing Post Ammar and I agree with each and every point, especially the 4th one. I’ve seen many bloggers who waste time on not so important things and thus end up reaching nowhere.

  3. Yeah right,blogging is not only the best way to make money but through it we can share our opinion .But for a successful blog, content must be well written,website design must be simple for visitors,which will make them easy to read content.

  4. See I’m a student need to go to college and I come back to home near about 5:50 pm in evening after that I have 4-5 hours to spend on internet and in this time interval I write 2 posts if I do work regularly and with presence of my mind on work, so do you think it will be good to give my own written post to someone else, when I really did very hard effort to complete my post and find valuable content.?

  5. I do agree with your point in quality content. There was a one post with a great and quality content received more visitors than 100s of other posts. Although I’m not sure about the how much the design makes the blog popular

  6. blogging is now a very easy way to make money online but most of the newbies get bored because they are unaware of the techniques that how to grow their blog, this post will certainly help them thanks for this nice post and keep up the good work Rahul…

  7. One of the reason for this is also concentrating more for bots and not for Readers, my experience and trial/error method tells me that we should always write for people that’s what blogging about.

  8. all the point are really helpful but i have one question in mind can we get success in our blogging career without Guest blogging thanks for sharing ……!!!!

  9. Great post. Out of four important points you mentioned. Most bloggers emphasize on just single point e.g. Publishing new post. This “Publishing approach” seems very harmful as the absence of other points results in “content rich, visitors poor” blog

  10. thank you for this great post. i am a newbie too ( it’s been one and a half month since i starting blogging) . i some times felt that i want to quit blogging. but i am continuing till day.
    i cant find good posts to write and my vageviews are going down.( 50 a week ago to 25 now)
    may be you can help me.

  11. Informative and interesting which we share with you so i think so it is very useful and knowledgeable. I would like to thank you for the efforts. I am tiring the same best work from me in the future as well.

  12. Great article, it seems like people do tend to get carried away just talking about them instead of focusing on the interest of their readers. You need to realize that your readers are what make your blog successful, and them coming back makes it even better for you. Readers should be kept happy while maintaining the integrity of your blogs original message.

  13. To get more readers, you have to know their problem, that’s why we must research before we start writing a new blog post, however, not all of us understanding this problem. Nice post, Rahul.

  14. What I liked most about your article is: every one is trying to follow the crowd, only few people are striving to build a brand. So, itโ€™s really a smart idea to write a note on this.

    1. Hi Waleed.

      Thanks for the idea and for the appreciation. Want to see your comments more on this blog :)

  15. Thanks for sharing this valuable and wonderful post to us..Your tips will help people make better blogsโ€ฆHope you can post more wonderful post..

  16. Ashwani Ahlawat

    Hi Rahul,
    The best line i found for myself :) >>— Instead of spending your time on blog commenting for 2 to 3 hours, spend that time to write quality guest posts for others—-<<
    This is a brand new tip for me for future. :) (Hope you know Ashwani Ahlawat) ;)

      1. Ashwani Ahlawat

        aahhh…u don’t know me? Howz that possible?
        Was my name not publishing on my comment? LOLZZ :D
        Hey, I am ASHWANI AHLAWAT. ;)

  17. First of all congrats for hitting 200 posts this shows a good posting frequency from your side.
    Rahul I read the complete post and found it very much Interesting especially that screenshot which show’s a traffic growth .Incredible work.

  18. Hello Rahul,

    I believe that if your blog provides solution to people’s problem then the growth of your blog is fixed. It will get viral, because people will always have problem, what they don’t have is solution. Provide that solution on your blog. I’m sure your blog will grow… :)

    And as far as blog design is concerned I like simple and elegant blog design not with many flashy things.. While many blogger run for high functionality, ad crowdy, well monetizing themes which annoys readers and make them hit back button because your blog design is medium which delivers your message. So because of a bad design you will lose your message.

    BTW, Awesome post…..

    Romy Singh,

    1. Romy

      Loved your comment. Yeah I agree with your suggestions. Thanks for adding extra value to the post.

  19. Another great post from you Rahul :)
    I have read each and every post of you on LBT. Love your writing.
    All the best for blogkube.
    Congrats Ammar for 200th post :)

    1. Hi Tarun.. I can’t see much of your comments on LBT ;) Thanks for your appreciation for BlogKube.

  20. Kharim Tomlinson

    I get inspired when I read stories like these because it pushes me to do more with my blog. I have been blogging for more than 2 years now and this blog has had more success than me.

    This goes to show that the more work you put in then the more successful you will be.

    Lovely post. Keep up the good work.

    1. Kharim. Only one word about Webmaster-success. It’s unique and I always love to hang out there.

      Though it may take some time to get popular, but once you have the awesomeness in your blog content, no one can stop our success.

      And I can see you everywhere these days Kharim. Thanks for the comment. I always love your comments, even if you say “thanks for sharing!”

  21. Another great post !!!
    Rahul, I must say that reading your posts is a pure pleasure. I never get bored of reading your articles. Everything is well researched and upto the point. No sh*t. Everything perfect.
    And I hope that Blogkube will also become as famous as LBT.
    Best of luck and thanks for this post :)

    1. Ohh.. that’s a great compliment Arbaz. I always love to do extra research for my posts. Okay, hold on.. Something caught my eyes.. Heading over to your recent post! Killer title!

  22. Sandeep Kumar (SEO Bloggers Tips)

    Hi Rahul,

    First of all congratulation for such a informative article – really good job.
    You have highlighted very good point – Guest Blog….
    It really help us to grow our network and visitor count.

    More of that it help us to make relationship with fellow bloggers.

    1. Hi Sandep,

      Glad you liked my article. Yea guest blogging works extremely well to build relationships with the authors.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  23. Rahul Nice to see your new blog Kube. Well i already follow your tip and changed my blog free theme to premium Genesis theme. Now it looks more professional and clean.

    1. Mohsin, your blog looks sexy now! Really amazing bro. BTW I want to know a little hack here(How to get those page numbers at the end of the blog) I’m getting old entries instead(I don’t like to see them). Even I want to show page numbers. Can you help?

  24. Hi Rahul,
    I really like the way you write. Blogging is really a great way to share our interests with others and make money, but the only frustrating thing in Blogging is that now days everyone new Blogger is creating their blog in Blogging topic. That is why I’ve wrote that article which you rejected!
    And Ammar congrats for 200th post of your blog in just 6 months.

    1. Hi Ehsan

      Yeah, everyone is starting their own blogs specially on blogging niche these days. Nothing wrong it it though but they have to write CLEAR description on their blogs that’s the reason why I’ve rejected it. No worries, try again. Even I’m waiting eagerly to see a killer post from you to publish on my blog! All the best

  25. Nice post by frequency, however, blogging is now a headache after a lot of things to control by one hand…

  26. Nice post Rahul and Congrats Ammar ;) You did a good work for new bloggers to know about their potential .

    1. Yea, Ammar is doing great job with this blog by encouraging the newbies like me ;) What Ammar?? What do you say?

  27. I believe that creating quality content on the regular basis is not an easy task,It requires some special effort and hard work,this is the reason I think most of the bloggers quit,anyways thanks for sharing this amazing post and congrats Ammar for your 200th post.

    1. Yes Ashish, creating high quality content at regular pace is not an easy task. It takes lots of effort but it worth & works in the long run!

    2. Hey Ashish…i believe that creating quality content on regular basis need to be looked this way. Say, if you are professional blogger and have mastered the writing skills,then it shouldn’t be difficult as Rahul Kuntala does. Secondly, if you are new and just trying around to get a taste of things, then its time its time to have a strong content development strategy in place where you are learning and building a community with the help of fellow bloggers. Also congrats Ammar!!

    3. You are right Ashish, most bloggers quit and abandon their blog because of not getting results which they dreamed of. Most of them think blogging is a get rich quick scheme and sadly fails.
      And, Its better if you build up a powerful and strong online presence.

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