
Get More Traffic by Giving Away Custom WordPress Themes

wordpress-shineMany bloggers are always looking for new and exciting ways to gain back links and get more people to their sites. One way that can build a massive influx of incoming links and traffic to your site is by building custom and premium wordpress themes that you can give away through your site.

Here are just a few of the benefits to creating and distributing your own wordpress themes.

Investing in Yourself and Your Blog

When it comes to creating your own custom wordpress themes, it’s a lot more complex than just writing a guest post of a guide book. WordPress themes take time, skill and lots of work to develop. With all of that said, you will probably need to hire a designer for your time. Instead of looking at this as a cost, look at it as an investment in yourself and your web site or blog.

One of the killer reasons why creating your own wordpress themes is such a great idea is that every time someone downloads and installs your wordpress theme, you will get a link back to your web site from theirs. In the bottom footer section you would have something like “WordPress Theme created by SiteUrl“. Even just one install a day would bring you an extra 350+ quality incoming links per year!

Free Traffic from WordPress Theme Reviews

The blogging and wordpress community is a very loyal and sharing one. If you are creating quality blog themes for other to use, there is a good chance other blogs will be sharing your themes and writing reviews up on these free themes as well. This will help by sending more traffic to your site, but also bringing in more download and people using your themes, hence giving you more back links.

As you can see, there are plenty of benefits to creating and distributing your own wordpress themes to your readers. Not only are you getting back links and attention for your blog, you are also building a quality resource for your readers, which will keep them coming back for more.

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Free Domains

free-domain-giveawayMany of the blog beginners will go for a free domain for domain registration. so now i am explaining about the advantages and dis advantages of free domains. and who should go for free domain and who should go for a paid domain. List of free domain services:-
Some of the free domain services are , .tk, etc. they offer free domain registrations for one year. so lets see the advantages and disadvantages of free domains.

Read Also: How TO Setup free domain with Blogger/Blogspot

Advantages of free domains:-

Free domain for one year:

Free domains offer one year free domain registration. so these free domains are useful for blogs or websites which remain alive less than one year.

Useful for events and college fest websites:

These are useful for websites of college fests,events,competitions etc. because these websites are used only till the completion of the event. after that they are not useful  so registering a free domain for this type of websites may save money.

Useful for simple bloggers:

Useful for bloggers who want to maintain a blog just upto a period of one yearor less than that.

Useful in web development:

Useful in developing a website and registering a domain for free.

Great gift to short period websites:

many of the short period websites will depend on free domains inorder to save money. so these free domains are a gift to some of the short period websites.

The above mentioned points are the advantages of free domains. but there are many dis advantages of free domains also.

Disadvantages of free domains:-

Limited service:

Free domain offer domain registration free for only one year. After that you should pay for renewal for that domain. These are useful for only short period websites.  If you want to develop a website/blog for a long period, then don’t go for free domains.

SEO unfriendly:

Free domains cant be indexed in search engines easily. if you want a good seo for your blog/website,  then forget about free domains and go for a paid domain.

No guarantee of appearing in search engines:

Google may ban the free domains. if it happens to your domain service then your blog/website will be no more available in search engines. google has banned domain in past(now it is accepting). so if it repeats again then your website will be no more visible in search engines.

When you go for a free domain after one year you should change your domain. so when you change your domain after one year then you may loose all your visitors, seo, page rankings, back links, etc.

Final conclusion:-

Looking at the advantages and disadvantages of free domains my advice is that if your blog/website is of short period  and no need of seo, then go for free domains.
If your blog/website is a long period website and want to maintain it more than one year with out any interruptions, Then go for paid domains.

This guest post by srinath reddy who is an engineering  student, part time blogger,software developer & web designer. he would like to keep you updated with latest programming tips,tricks and tutorials. he mainly writes on CODERS HUNT.

4 Benefits of List Posts And How to Write Them Effectively

List posts are the addictive posts in general. They attract readers and make them loyal if you provide value to them. List posts are great way to grab the attention of readers and easy to read and implement. That’s why list posts are always popular. Before we continue check out 7 Ways To Find Unique Blog Post Ideas For Your Blog


Benefits of writing list posts:

  1. Easy to collate: You can collect and manage the information easily which you want to write for your list posts whether in your blog or other blogs.
  2. Easy to write: List posts are easy to write after collecting the information, aren’t they? If you collected the information and have the clear idea about what to write, then writing list posts is not a big matter. You can end up writing useful list posts within a short time.
  3. Easy to make them popular: If you spend few extra minutes working on the headlines, styling your posts then you can easily make them popular within a short time. The best way to make your list posts go viral is to use the killer headings often from the beginning to the ending.
  4. Easy to scan: Making your articles is essential to grow your blog. Because the readers are lazy to read lots of content. Even if you provide extraordinary value to your articles, they always try to skim the content. Here comes the list posts.. You can make your list posts scannable easily by dividing them into smaller paragraphs and making them into neat lists.

How to Write List Posts Effectively?

This is the most important thing in making them popular. You must be aware of how to write list posts and how to craft them perfectly.

Follow this tips..

  • List posts should have proper style
  • They should be divided in short paragraphs
  • List posts should contain lots of headlines, sub-headings
  • If the images are used in proper way, list posts can go viral
  • Read the list posts from popular blogs to have an idea about how to craft your list posts in a better way
See Also: How to Make Your Each Post Look Refreshing and Unique

What precautions have to be taken while writing list posts?

No doubt, list posts make your blog stand out from others. But you must consider few things while creating list posts for your blog. If you forget this, then you could probably end up your list posts in worst way. So, here are few things to consider..
Never write less points what you have mentioned in the title!
Ex: If you write a post on “10 tips to write a great post in 40 minutes” and if you end it up with only 9 posts then imagine how awkward it would?
So, never do this. Always proof read your list posts before you are going to hit “Publish” button.
Don’t write list posts in long paragraphs
List posts look good if they are divided in small sections or paragraphs. They should look appealing for your readers and your readers should digest your content easily. So, divide your paragraphs after writing 3 to 4 lines.
See Also: Short Posts vs Long Posts which one are best?

Your Turn:

Do you have any tips for writing effective list posts? Share them in the comments..

Guest Post by Rahul. Who blogs at LearnBlogTips

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10 Effective Tips To Increase Your Blog Traffic

It’s easy to develop a weblog, but hard to develop a effective weblog with considerable visitors. Over the years, we’ve produced the Moz weblog to nearly a thousand trips monthly and assisted plenty of other weblogs, too. I released a individual weblog overdue last year and was surprised to see how easily it obtained a large number of trips to each publish. There’s an art to improving a blog‘s visitors, and given that we seem to have came on some of that understanding, I sensed it necessary to send by giving what we’ve noticed.increased-web-traffic-guaranteed

1)  Excellent Content

Strive to create articles with the objective of it being released, introduced or attached to from other sites. But generally, create great articles that will keep customers returning for more.

  • 12 Tips For Writing Engaging Content For Reader

2) Implement Public Bookmarking

Go one phase further and make giving easy for your customers. Add social bookmark submitting icons, such as Myspace and Tweets, to your site. The simpler your viewers can reveal, the more likely they will tell others about your great content, further improving weblog visitors.

3) Make Your Blog’s Articles SEO-Friendly

Search applications are a large chance of visitors, yet many people neglect this route for a wide range of factors that usually have more to do with worry and misconception than real issues. As I’ve published before, “SEO, when done right, should never intervene with great composing.” This year, The search engines obtained over 3 million everyday looks from all over the community, and that number is only growing

See Also:

4) Create Well and Create Often

Frequently changing your site with useful articles is the first thing to developing your blog‘s viewers. The articles you compose is what will keep visitors returning for more. Create sure you have something significant to say to them and say it often to sustain their attention and keep them devoted.

Furthermore, publish regularly to improve the variety of possibilities you have for your blog’s articles to be discovered by the look for engines such as Google or Technorati.

5)  Indication Up for Social Press Websites

If you never already have a professional Myspace page or Tweets consideration, it is a smart idea to start. It is an excellent way to advertise brand identification, but also publish new articles and entice new visitors to your website. Also consider starting a LinkedIn consideration, the search engines Plus and Pinterest, based on your websites content.

6) Integrate Great Style into Your Site

The energy of wonderful, useful, expert design can’t be embellished. When visitors look at a weblog, the first thing they assess is how it “feels” from a design and UX viewpoint. Websites that use standard layouts or have terrible, Nineties design will obtain less believe in, a reduced time-on-page, less websites per check out and a reduced chance of being distributed. Those that function gorgeous design that clearly indicates quality work will encounter the invert – and encounter awesome advantages.

7)  Patience

Though these techniques are efficient, it may take a while to get the following you want. Be sufferer and constant with these techniques and you will see a rise in visitors and articles submitting in no time!

You can take backlinks to other weblogs a phase further by departing a trackback on the other weblog to let them know you’ve attached to them. Blogs that allow trackbacks will involve a backlink to your site in content area of the publish that you initially attached to. People do press on trackback links!

9) Perform keywords research form Analysis While Writing Your Posts

Not amazingly, a big part of showing up in google is focusing on the terms and words your viewers are actually entering into a internet google search. It’s hard to know what these words will be unless you research, and fortunately, there’s a free device from Google to help called the AdWords Look for term Tool.

10) Set up Statistics and Pay Interest to the Results

At the very least, I’d suggest most people install The search engines Statistics (which is free), and examine out to see where trips begin, which resources generate excellent visitors and what others might be saying about you and your articles when they weblink over. If you want to get more innovative, examine out this publish on 18 Actions to Effective Achievement and Promotion.

Through running a blog, the fact to communicate ones viewpoint is the reason behind doing this products. To produce income is recommended when a blog writer thriving to profit his/her works and gain devoted visitors (in enormous volume) which we called “Generated Traffic”. The problems in this situation is how to produce enormous visitors to your site or website?

10 Killer Ways to Boost Your RSS Subscription Number

One of the common complaints most bloggers have is  that gaining even a small RSS subscription number consistently is an uphill task for them. They are all struggling with low subscription counts and just cannot seem to get past the double digit subscription number. There are many posts around the internet that will talk about boosting your number of RSS subscribers. But then, this is a post where I share my tips on how you can increase the number of subscribers. And the mistakes that I have learned from, while I tried to gain more readers to become subscribers.The-7-Step-Ultimate-Guide-on-How-to-Increase-Your-Blogs-RSS-Subscribers

1. RSS is as important as email subscription

Although, you may find the subscription email box on every blog that you go. Fair warning is that some readers will not prefer to be emailed new posts. For example, for me it is much more convenient to read the latest post on Google reader, rather than opening my inbox expecting mails and finding new posts with it. It is a matter of personal preference- and many visitors would prefer your RSS subscription option rather than email deliveries.

See Also: Stylish & Cute Subscription Form To Increase subscribers

2. Write guest posts

Do guest posts on popular blogs, you will definitely find a jump in the subscription number. The only point to note is that make sure your blog has good content on the home page before getting the guest post published. There is no sense in doing a guest post when your blog would fail to impress visitors. And if you don’t impress, there will be no RSS sign ups either.

See Also: How Do You Benefit From Guest Bloggers?

3. Use a pop-up

They are intrusive no doubt, but they are proven to work and the best blogs on the internet make use of it. The only reason is – they work! Some blogs that do make use of the pop-up to encourage visitors to sign up are blogs like Shoutmeloud, Famousbloggers etc. They have great  traffic and a lot of subscribers. In fact, Darren Rowse managed to increase his conversion rate by more than 700% using pop-ups.

See Also: Another Cool jQuery Popup For Facebook Like Box – v2

4. Start a useful and irresistible series to boost subscription number

Starting a four or five post series on an interesting topic is another clever techniques bloggers use for forcing a visitor to subscribe. But make sure the series is interesting and really worth subscribing for – in that case, people will sign up to ensure that they are notified for every new post you publish in the series.

5. Use an attention grabbing RSS button

You can use a big RSS button so people don’t miss it. Most readers don’t have the time to find a tiny RSS icon and moreover, RSS links are hard to find in a blog. So ideally provide a nice, big button for users to see. At the same time, you can also use a .gif format animated button. if the button has effects or if it is really attractive, that can really encourage a visitor to sign up for the post subscriptions from your blog.

6. Use your About page

I am the sort of browser who would definitely visit the About page of a blog if I get curious about the blog or if I think the site is interesting. And so many times, an impressive about page has motivated me to sign up to their newsletter or posts. So give your subscription links at the end of your about page.

See Also: Making The Most Of Your About Me Page

7. Give good content

The base line of any high subscription number is that the blog provides great value in their content. Time is precious for everyone. Nobody wants to waste time reading something which bores them and is not of any use. So providing valuable content should be a task you should religiously follow.

See Also; 12 Tips For Writing Engaging Content For Readers

8. Write a post on RSS subscription

This is another technique which I have observed some bloggers are using. You can create a post all around RSS subscription – which talks about what is RSS and how it can be useful to a reader. You can give the benefits and convenience of a RSS feed and their popularity. At the end of the post, you can provide links and call-to-action for the reader to sign up for your feed. This is a technique that is really similar to a squeeze page.

9. Don’t show your RSS count

It is recommended not to show your RSS account until it reaches a decent number. Because RSS subscription number is vital social proof, visitors judge your blog status by the number of readers you have on roll. So if the number is too low, you should probably hang  back until it reaches a good number. Once it touches a good amount of readers, then you can display it to encourage even more subscribers to join the feed.

10. Finally, a call to action

A call to action is the most obvious way to get a boost in subscription number. Do you end all your posts asking the reader to subscribe to your blog? If not, then start doing it. You readers need to be reminded that there is an option to subscribe to your blog articles. Many readers are not aware and others are too busy or have things on their mind. So a call to action with a subscription link at the end of every post can do you wonders.

Getting new subscribers and increasing subscription number is a challenging task, but it is not impossible. Be confident and never give up even when you feel that people are not reading your blog. It is only a matter of time and a period of lot of learning’s before you can become successful. I have done my talking, now I would love to hear some comments from your side below. I would be happy to get a chance to talk to you about increasing subscription number!

Guest Post  by Vivek Krishnan from Entrepreneur blog.