How to Get More Comments On New Blog?

How to get more comments on new blogIs it difficult to get comments on new blog? Wouldnโ€™t it be nice to have a lots of comments on new blog? ;)

Even who have started their blog long time ago donโ€™t see much comments on their post.

If you’re new blogger and want to get more comments on new blog


This post will surely help you to get more comments on new blog (0r) any blog.

Why & How to Get More Comments On New Blog?

Blogs are meant a place of discussion. Where different kind of people discuss some specific topics which is why gaining comments is one of the most important thing for a blog after traffic.

Comments show how active the blog is and what kind of audience it has. In simple words, comments are life of blogs.

It allows readers to interact with each other and keep the conversation going.

If you are smart enough to see, sometimes comments of your readers can give you ideas for your blog and what topics you should cover in near future.

Another hidden benefit of having nice number of comments on your blog is ease in gaining guest bloggers and advertiser because they are looking for active community.

As for a new blog, comments can play a vital role in making a blog popular and make people to come back again and again. Now allow me to show you some amazing ways to get more comments on new blog and every new post that you publish.

Don’t forget to read How To Get Traffic To A New Blog ?

How to Get More Comments on New Blog ??

1. Build Strong Network:

The best way to get more comments on new blog is to have relationships with other bloggers.


This is because when you share your content with them, they would love to tell you how good or bad you were and what they though about your words.

Having a strong relationship with your fellow bloggers will not only results in more comments but more traffic too because they are fully loyal to you and have no problem in sharing your content. Here are few tips to help you build good network with other bloggers. (Specially newbies)

  • Follow them on social networks (facebook, twitter)
  • Share their content
  • Comment on their blog
  • Link back to their articles

2. User Killer Call to Action:

Calling your reader to action is the best way to make them do anything you want. This can be subscribing to your blogโ€™s feeds, newsletter or commenting on any post.

Readers are mentally ready to exit your blog as they reach at the end of post, but if they are told to do something, they stay and follow. But donโ€™t use the traditional boring ways for doing so.

Instead, tell them to do so in a fashion hat catches their attention and they feel like someone actually told them to do something. Call to action works more effectively than anything else. Few examples of Call To actions are.

  • Did I missed any point?
  • If you find post useful consider sharing
  • You can subscribe to my blog to receive new articles
  • What you think about this post?

Did I missed any example of call to actions? Let me know in comments..

3. Award Commentators:

Encourage the commentators on your blog by awarding them?

No! No! ;)

You donโ€™t have to give them trophies or fat pay checks so they become happy and keep commenting. Follow tips below to award commentators (in WordPress). This really works and will help you to get more comments on new blog (or) any blog.

How To Award Commentators?

  1. Installย CommentLuv Plugin
  2. Use Top Commentators Widget
  3. Add Recent Comment Widget
  4. Special Tip: Give some things/freebies to top commentator of the month. Like ad spot or a backlink for one month.

4. Create Killer content:

Creating killer content is obviously must for all kind of blogs at any age but is way too important for a blog that was just born.

If you want anyone to show his thoughts about something in world of blogging, you have to force him.

And the best way to force is not by telling them to, but by creating killer content and then using the call to action at the end of the post. A perfect article can force thoughts to come out as words. Below are few articles to help you write engaging and killer content.

5. Comment on other blogs:

This is something that most people donโ€™t take as serious option. This works in pretty simple fashion.

When you comment on other blogs, it is too obvious that comment moderator will surely visit your blog and may comment too.

Comment on at least 30-50 blogs in a week and see the difference. You can start now from my blog :D

But any reader of that blog who clicks on your link inside that comment just because what you said sounded interesting to him is a definite commentator at your blog too.


Always share, promote and comment on your fellow bloggers’s content before asking them to leave comment on your blog.

I dint recommend guest blogging here in this post. Because if you are a new blogger it won’t work good for you.

So, just focus more on building a strong network by blog commenting, writing great stuff and award commentators using above tips.

I’m sure these tips will help you to get comments on new blog or any blog.

Have I missed any other way to Get More Comments On New Blog??ย Take your action now by commenting below.

75 thoughts on “How to Get More Comments On New Blog?”

  1. Great post Ammar!

    I’ve started to build up my network and I also use social media to post and get comments on my blog.

    Are there any blogs you know that give away a dofollow backlink while we comment?

  2. This post was very helpful too, I think I am going to spend a nice time reading through your blog lol I love when someone comments any of my posts, and I would also really appreciate some honest comments about my blog, such as what could I do better and constructive criticism. However, sometimes I feel people does not really like leaving “negative” comments and most of them just leave a “nice post!” in order to drag readers into their blogs

  3. I think the type of blog also matters…like tech blogs receive less traffic ,so less comments as compared to some normal routine blogs…

  4. These are awesome points you covered bro.. expanding social network and joining blog related communities will take to at its peak level.

    Thanks for remembering all the above tasks…

  5. This is really a great article. My new blog doesn’t get engaged with commentors. But always feel better when I receive a single comment with positive. I was worried at start but it goes on well right now. I just spent a time on your article to learn why no comments on my blog? You clearly gave me the idea thanks for sharing. Hope I implement all these tricks in my blog and get more comments like you thanks.

  6. I just loved the way you have devised the redirect system after the comments submission. Really a very creative approach to get more subscribers and fan following. Even without it I would have found the subscribe button and follow your site. Your website contents are all very informative and up to date.

  7. Many comments indicate that could many visitors go on our blog. I also want to have a lot commenter on my blog especially quality comments like on your blog
    What is there special tips how to get many quality comment ?
    Information please, thank you :)

    1. Follow all above tips, leave comments on others blog and I am sure they will like to leave on your blog too. It’ll take time :D

  8. Hi Ammar,

    Great tips my friend. I’m a regular commentator on a lot of blogs and you’re right that over time a relation is formed with the blog owner. A lot of times after I left a comment on a blog I was reading the blog owner came back to my blog and he actually left a comment on one of my posts.

    I’ve also installed Top Commentators plugin on my own blog to test it out. I’ve noticed you have it installed too. I want to ask you, did it lower your bounce rate after installing the TC plugin? And have you noticed an increase in comments?

    Thanks for the tips Ammar, cheers.


  9. Commentluv, top commentators widget, personally mentioning it in article end can help in increasing comment count for the blog.
    Thanks for the great tips Ammar! Great share.

  10. I am struggling in getting more visitors or commentators to my blog and I am obsessed in looking for great information to take my worries away. I used to comment on other blogs but I forgot to implement some of the tips you stated above. I think it’s really a good start for me to attract more visitors to my blog using these tips you have. Thanks!

  11. A very comprehensive article.I least bother to comment on others blog.thanx again for so briefly for commenting on others blog?
    can you tell me how to manage a post daily ,in case of single owner of blog?
    i am the sole owner of my blog and its hard to manage daily post of good length on some topic.

  12. awarding commentators by putting a widget in the sidebar and using the commentluv plugin side by side can really improve the no of comments…ppl will also feel the need to reciprocate back! :)

  13. Thanks for suggesting “Giving something free”. It will surely work.
    Do you know how to allow comments just for gmail,yahoo,hotmail services and blocking rest of the emails as i am getting spam comments. I am using Akismet.

  14. hello Ammar ,
    how are u ? you discussed the best topic of a new blogger . But I have a question How to increase main visitor (core ) and FB like ?

  15. Well put Ammar.
    To be frank, you overthrew your topic to a much interesting and beneficial article which is a powerful Blogging Guide itself. Its more than getting comments.
    You are helping your readers to build a great online presence. :)
    Keep it up. Cheers!

  16. Nice Article Ammar Ali, I just started a blog and this article is really helpful for me as i understood the value of commenting. I also installed comment Luv plugin which will work like a charm for people to comment more and more.

    1. Hi Vijesh,

      I’ve visited your blog. Looks great! All the best.

      I’d recommend you to use a killer Call To Action message at end of your post.

      Don’t forget to install social sharing plugin. I’d be glad to share your content.

      Regards. :)

      1. Thanks for your suggestions Ammar, I will add what you said I am still in a process of creating my new blog. BTW any plugin suggestions for related posts?

  17. Nice Post Ammar!

    Delivering the best possible message in your post will make people curious to comment and share their reviews on your blog post. Great content speaks itself. Good to see your post.

  18. sound’s really good !! :D
    comments gives us feedback that what reader want to tell us.
    but sometimes they spread spams buddy and we can also increase our comments by changing nofollow to dafollw.
    it’s very simple.

  19. I would really love to see people comment on my blog. But people are not coming. I even used Comment love but, it resulted in spams and no good comments, so I removed it. No comments really. I write everyday. I would like you to visit me also. It’s really bad not to see comments on website for which you work day and night.

    1. Are you following first point?

      Creating strong network with other bloggers in your niche.

      This really works. Leave comment on other blogs that are related to your blog.

      Try this out and let me know if it works or not! :D

  20. Yes I accept all the above points mentioned. One needs to follow all the above mentioned points consistently to get more comments.

  21. Hey Ammar,

    Great post. One thing I would like to add:

    Another benefit of having lots of blog comments is also keeping your pages “fresh” which Google encourages, letting the search engines know that your content is still relevant and useful.

    Keep up the great work! I’m thinking about putting comment luv on my blog too.

    1. Hi Chad,

      Exactly, Comments are important for any blog. :D

      You should use Commentuv from now. Can I help you in this?

      Btw, you’re going to use free or premium version of commentluv?

  22. hey ammar
    i read wat you’ve written and learnt alot thanx for this information!
    i’m a new to blogging but want to imrove my blog so you can visit to it & let me know wat changes i should do there!

    1. Glad you found this post helpful. For any help you can use contact form. I’ll make sure to help you out as much as I can. :)

  23. Mohammed Siadath Ali

    It was great post buddy, as my blog is new I ll try implementing all ur tips and let me check if there is any difference ! Thanks again !

  24. hey Ammar, call 2 action and awarding commentators is an effective way to boost your blog’s comments, even when you’re just starting out.

    What I see others (bloggers) do is:

    (1) Offer gifts (real books, CDs or info products) to the first 3 commentators, or at random (to one or two lucky active readers)

    (2) Close the commenting option after a number of comments (e.g. 50) or after a certain period of time (2 weeks, 2 months, etc.) – there are plugins that help with that

    What do you guys think about that? Did you try any of these methods before? Share your experience with our community

    Hope it helps.

    1. Well, You’re right. :D

      Awarding commentator is the “best” way to get comment on new or any blog.

      I’ve not seen much blogs that disable comments after a certain time.

      Thanks for your comment John!

  25. You are absolutely right! I try to have a good call to action and am working to build a strong network independent of Google. So far, it’s working. I post, comment, and love comment luv plugin because it’s really an awesome reward mechanism, as you mentioned. Great article! I have shared!

  26. I think that the people that leave the terrible comments that look as if they didnot read the post are not trying to drive traffic to their site through the blog readers, but in fact are trying to beef up their SEO by getting more links from someone with a high page rank. If this is not the case then you are correct in saying that they are truly wasting their time

  27. Comments are really essential in order to have an active interaction with your readers. Sometimes, replying actively to comments is enough to keep the commenters from giving insights in every post.

    1. Hi Sarah,

      Welcome to my blog. :D

      Active interaction is very important. Asking questions in comments can also help to get more comments!

  28. Nishant Srivastava

    Hi Ammar,
    Thanks for sharing cool tips, now a days comments are the part of blog growth and its useful to find the reputation of blog, good blogs always gets lots of comments , so comments are important for every Blog.
    if you are not getting comments that means you are doing something wrong.

  29. If are content is more popular than we can get more and more comments to a new blog. But to do that we have to build a strong presence in social media which is generating a lot of traffic now a days.

  30. Hi Ammar

    Great post!

    Comments are the backbone of the blogosphere, we all love to have comments.I really believe in building relationship and there is no way better than to start with commenting on other blogs. I make sure that Comments should also makes sense and should be in context, I really dislike vague comments or which don’t any meaning or value.

    Rewarding the best commentator is the thing which I am doing by using the commentluv plugin.

    Thanks for sharing this.


    1. Hey Sapna,

      I’m also rewarding blog commentators by placing “Top Commentator” Widget in footer by CommentLuv. It really works well!

      BTW, Glad to see you here. :D

  31. Great post Ammar. I found great tips in you article.
    What are you think about DoFollow plugin, I also install it. I think dofollow blogs attrack more visitors.

  32. Making your post is awesome also
    >> opening the invitation for further discussion make the reader more active and take part in discussion,
    >> using the simple and friendly CAPTCHA free comment interface also invites more people to participate
    No one likes to make 2/3 step effort just to comment so keep everything ready.
    >> Ask them further points and share,
    >> Hand over the Post to Audience to participate them (As Ammar Do :))
    >> Reply to every comment and appreciate their participation.
    >> Make friendly Relation with bloggers as you mention many times,
    these are awesome tips for getting more engagement on Blog via Comment. :)
    Thanks Ammar for posting such great points. :)

    1. Hi Thedijje,

      Agreed with all the points you mentioned in your comment. Asking questions in comments can also help to get more comment on that specific post. :D

      Thanks for comment! Cheers.

  33. Hey ammar! Thanks for sharing some nice tips with us. yes the blog commenting is important and it will help alot for new blogger to grow up their blogs.Keep nice work going! :)

  34. Nice post Ammar! Yes the comments of the post will keep it updated. Am saying that there should not be any registration process or CAPTCHA data entry verification for the readers to left comment. If so, they would get irritation n leave the blog without commenting.
    Thanks for sharing the useful post, keep writing!

    1. Hi Nirmala,

      Thanks for sharing this point. I have CAPTCHA. I’ll never leave comment on any blog that uses CAPTCHA.

  35. Hey Ali,
    I like section 4 of point #3. I have been analyzing a plugin to handle this process. I’m still thinking how it could do the random selection or selection based on some criteria. Hope this will be exciting.

    Thanks for your tips man

  36. Absolutely Ammar!

    Comments ARE the life of a blog, and if you have a new blog it surely isn’t easy to get comments unless you make efforts and do the things you mentioned so well in your post.

    What has always worked for me is building relationships with like minded people who visit my blog, and even those who might not be of the same niche. I guess if you just make a little effort to reach out and connect with each other, or visit the blog of those people who comment on your post – you are starting a new relationship – isn’t it? Thereafter, it depends on the other person too, whether or not they come to your blog or not, though if you like the content they share, you would visit their blog without really waiting for their visit. (That’s what I do mostly – and it always works for me!)

    Once you have built a strong community or network – then you really don’t have to bother about these Google updates or how your site ranks etc., because these relationships are what really work. Your readers are always with you, through thick or thin.

    Installing CommentLuv is another attraction, not for the backlinks but for sharing or visiting each other’s blogs. I agree about awarding your top commentators or recognizing their effort through various ways mentioned. Or sometimes giving them those extra backlinks or mentions in your post will only encourage them further.

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful ways with all of us. :)

    1. Hi Harleena,

      Exactly, Agreed with you. Creating Strong community with other bloggers is really important. :D

      Once you create strong network around your niche. You wouldn’t have to worry about Google Updates.

      Thanks for sharing your views. I’m glad you liked the post.


  37. Very nice article really enjoyed reading your post i was impressed when i noticed that you’re only 17 old guy and you run a super awesome blog like this peace you’re a super cool guy

  38. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing great article about how to get more comments to your blog. This is very useful article for online review readers. Keep it up such a nice posting like this.

    Sekhar Reddy.

  39. This is one of the very important point to notice which is giving you those all tips which is good for attract traffic for your every new post beside that you should have those kind of stuff in your blog which work great for every readers.

  40. Comments are very important for every new blog. Comments are the one, which helps us to get feedback from other bloggers and readers.

    I really agree with your #5 point. It really works Ammar! :)

    Really Ehsan Ullah of has been top commentator on many top blogs, and now every blog post in his blog have more than 100+ comments.

    BTW, thanks for sharing this article!

    1. Hi Hari,

      Glad to see you here are long time. :D

      Combination of all above points will help all new bloggers to get more comments on blog!

  41. Hey Ammar,

    This is nice post for all newbie bloggers who like to get more comments. :-) Actually, it is a hard thing to get more comments for NEW blogs. But this step by step guide will be helpful to get more comments even new blogs.

    Specially, “Give some things/freebies to top commentator of the month. Like ad spot or a backlink for one month.” is a great tip.

    1. Exactly Raplus,

      Giving something to top commentators of months really helps to get more comments.

      You should give it a try! ;)

  42. This is really nice before reading this post I always wondering why people comment a lot on other’s websites and blog and here is the answer,really thanks for this, tell me one thing is there any benefit of commenting on blogs who has no page rank but good Alexa ranking ?

    1. Don’t comment on other blog just to get backlink!

      Instead using commenting to get exposure, traffic and to brand yourself!

      1. Hey AMMAR

        I want to ask one thing from you what is the difference between comment and backlink…I think it is same thing.. What you say

        1. Yes there is a difference between them. Comment is where you share your views. If you add your website link in the comment then this would be backlink in comment.

      2. Well Said Ammar and good explanation for back link and comment.
        Since I’m new to this blogging world, got to know the meaning of back link :)


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