How To Get Maximum Benefit From Your Guest Post

Getting more and more traffic is a dream of all bloggers. This dream comes true only when you do hard work properly. Blogging is not an easy job to do. Well it’s not so hard when you do it properly. Guest posting is really a superb way to get maximum traffic to your blog. But if you don’t know how to guest post and where to guest post than your guest post will not generate a good number of traffic to you. There are some secret tips and some guidelines which you have to follow and you will absolutely get a good number of traffic towards your blog.Get Maximum From Your Guest Post

1. Choose A Right Blog

This is most important part to get maximum benefit from your guest post. The blog must have PR (Google PageRank) Must be 3 or greater. Alexa rank must be less than 1 lack. This blog (ComLuv) is a heaven of guest blogger and you will get a huge lot of traffic from here so this is a highly recommended blog for guest posting. If you choose a worst blog which have no traffic then definitely you are not getting even a single visitor to your blog from it so be safe that the blog you choosen for guest post is right and it will bring you a good traffic.

Read Also: Increase Your Blog Traffic – Top 10 Tips

2. Content Is King

I think you heard this sentence at least 20 times before you started blogging and now again. Why it’s so important? It’s because readers read the blog for getting knowledge not for wasting their time. Why the content of a guest post must be quality? It’s because you have to get approval for the post to be live on that blog. Its not the only reason but there is a more. If you will write superb content then the post will be popular on that blog for sure. It will be in light and more people will attract to it. They will read your post and will be impressed from it. They would like to read more posts by you and your blog have them so readers will go to your blog.

Content Is King

Backlinks give you help in two ways. They attract new readers to your blog and they also help in Search Engine Optimization. To rank first in search engines, High PR backlinks are necessary to have and they are also hard to build. So choose a blog which gives you minimum 2 backlinks in author bio and 1 in article.

4. Author Bio

“First impression is last impression.” Your bio must be spectacular and your blog’s link must be there. If people like your post then they will surely like to know more about you and connect with you and your blog to get such unique articles daily so try to make an author bio which attracts people use catchy words in it. You are about to get maximum so you also have to do maximum. Make the author bio blossom so people will surely like to visit your blog.

My Final Words

In every job you have to work hard and in blogging you also have to do so. No one can lead success without hard work. Do as more as you can for your blog and one day you will be in top. Yes, never lose hope. “Try and try but don’t cry.” Here is another small tip that before you put your post for review, Do read it as a visitor of a blog not like you who wrote the post. Check the post as someone else written it and you are reading it. Do change where you think its need to be changed and that’s it. So now do the guest post and get maximum benefit from it.

29 thoughts on “How To Get Maximum Benefit From Your Guest Post”

  1. Good Work Jafar…!

    It’s good to see that you have kept it simple and sweet.
    I have 2 points:
    1) Shall I guest blog in my niche only?
    2) Please see this sentence in your post

    “Alexa rank must be less than 1 lack.”

    I think the word LACK is mis-spelled. (Please don’t take it as leg-pulling.)

  2. Lovely Post Jafar, its is true that gust posting does help to improve website traffic but i heard from one of my friend who is in same business that too much posting will also count in spamming ! is that True ?

  3. Well written the benefits of guest post. Just now I stated writing guest posts related to my blogs. I hope this post would make me to continue with this writing job as a guest on other blogs, as I understood its benefits.

  4. Jafar, I think that your idea of “content is king” is critical. Too many people write guest posts just to get a link and this does not work very well. If the guest article is weak, the link you achieve will also be weak!

    1. Yeah dude, Content must be quality. If its bad than no one will go to your link. If its quality than they will attracted towards your site.

      What do you mean by weak link?

  5. The article is really great, in my point of view, the best way to do guest posting is that post your best article in the similar type of blog and make understand the blog owner that by doing guest posting the benefit is for both and also the viewers.

    1. I am glad to know that you found this article great. Your point of view is 100% write because if the blogs topic is blogging and we give a post related to politics then it is a big time waste. Yeah we can also make a good relationship with the owner from that guest post :D.

      Well thanks for giving your valuable time for reading this guest post and commenting here. We really appreciate it.

  6. Aah…Jafar How are you? Loved to read you post. I am feeling proud of you because I started my Career since Last 6 yrs means in the year of 2006 and started Blogging in 2007 and that time I was about 20 Yrs old but you are very younger and you are writing this types of articles which is very Good and I can predict that in near future you are going to be a Renowned Blogger. So keep working hard and you are going good. My Best wishes are always with you.

    Regarding this article Everything is fine and you have written it nicely. Keep it up.

    ~Debu :)

    1. WOW .. Thank you so much for your kind words. Well I am fine and awesome after reading your comment. Glad you liked my work.

      Thanks for wishing me good luck.

      Warm Regards,

  7. First of all the article is great Jafar and you are right that its very important to select a same niche blog when submitting guest post. Another thing which i don’t want to mention here but please don’t consider me wrong i just want to help you. Correct the spelling of “Chose” word in the first heading.

    1. Glad to know that you liked my article. But the spelling is right dude. Check it in dictionary or search on google and you will get it. By the way thank for giving your kind feedback to me :D

    1. In this factor our logic needs to come here. See if one blog has 4 PR and giving 2 backlinks where another is 3 PR and giving 3 backlinks then our article should be go to PR 4 blog with 2 backlinks.

      Try to get most and unique. That’s the matter. Hope you understood it now @aatif.

      Well thanks for commenting here and giving you valuable time to us.

  8. Choosing the right blog to guest post is the way to build quality back links for any blog. One major important thing to consider here is, never write the same author bio in the guest posts for every blog. Google bots may not give much importance to them, so try to write unique author bio at the end of every guest post you write :)

    Good way of writing :) Go on Jafar

    1. Wow! I never knew that thing that author bio should be different. Thanks for giving your feedback to me and giving inspiration to us.

  9. Ever since I started guest blogging in various blog the thing I realized is the most important thing that make sense in guest posting are author bio. Author bio should speak in a flow of article and now goes outdated.

    People usually do such mistakes and than realize they are not getting any benefit even though their post is live in some very popular blog. Avoid making such mistakes and as you said concentrate on Author Bio at the time publishing any guest post.

    1. Yeah author bio is most important but most of guest blogger don’t concentrate on it and then say that I am not getting traffic from big blogs. Author bio tells everything about you and your guest post so it must be awesome.

      By the way thanks for sharing your views here and commenting here.

  10. The blog to choose for guest post very much depends on what is your GOAL from that particular guest post. If you want to get traffic from it, then submit to a high traffic blog and the PR of the blog is not important here. If you want to get better link juice from it, then submit to a high PR blog that doesn’t use DoFollow KeywordLuv and CommentLuv. If you submit your guest post to a blog with too many comments and it uses DoFollow KeywordLuv and CommentLuv, then your link in the article and author bio will be leaked to those comment links and became less valuable. Do you agree Jafar?

    1. Yes, I totally agree you @Peter lee. But if the blog have a good traffic then a good PR is also present there. :D don’t you agree?

      1. Hmm… Unfortunately that’s not always the case Jafar. I’ve seen sites with high traffic but PR0. On the contrary, I’ve also seen sites with no traffic but PR6.

        1. yeah but PR is decided by Google so I don’t think that google can be wrong. Anyway thanks for sharing your views here.

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