Another Stylish Mashable Style Subscription Widget v2

Another Stylish Mashable Style Subscription Widget v2Recently we shared Mashable Style Subscription Widget v1 with you. Lots of our readers found this great widget. Some asked us to improve this and add some more cool features with more social profile likes like Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, RSS.You can addย Mashable Style Subscription Widget to your wordpress or blogger/blogspot blogs easily.ย  Mashable Style Social Subscription Widget v 2.0 is an attractive subscription form that will further increase the number of your Email subscribers. To Check demo copy and paste given below to our html editor

Features Of New Mashable Subscription Widget v2

  1. Facebook Likebox
  2. Recommend us on google+ button
  3. Twitter Follow us Badge
  4. Social Icons like RSS, Pinterest, Twitter and Google+
  5. Feedburner Subscription Widget

Live Demo

Adding New Mashable Style Social Subscription Widget

You just need to place a code to your blog widget Follow following steps to add New Mashable Style Social Subscription Widget to WordPress and Blogger.

Adding To Blogger

  1. Go to Design > Page Elements.
  2. Click Add A Gadget.
  3. In Add A Gadget window, select HTML/Javascript .
  4. Copy the code below and paste it inside the content box.
  5. Save the gadget.
  6. Drag the gadget and reposition it under Blog Posts gadget.
  7. Click Save button (top right hand corner).

Adding To WordPress

  1. Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets > Available Widgets.
  2. Drag Text widget into a sidebar.
  3. Paste in the code.
  4. Save.

Download Code Here!

After download and pasting code kindly Make these important changes:

  • Replace AllBloggingTips with your Facebook , Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest ID
  • Replace AllBloggingTips with your feedburnerย  link.
  • Replace Google+Profile Link with your Google Plus profile link

5.ย ย  Hit save and you are all done!

Visit your blogs to see it working just perfectly.ย  if not drop comment below with problem and screenshot ;)

I have set the width of the widget to 270px. If in case your sidebar is small or big, you may then have to adjust the two width values in brown highlight color. The first will set the width of the entire container and the second value will set the width of the subscription input box.


You are most welcomed to share this widget with your readers. You will have to give credits to AllBloggingTips blog by attaching a link back to this post. You may also give credits to the author for the wordpress version of this sharing plugin. :D

31 thoughts on “Another Stylish Mashable Style Subscription Widget v2”

  1. email subscription widget is necessary for the loyal traffic , it is also important from the perspective of search engine optimization.your widget is auxiliary and behaving correctly at we know a blog is known by the number of its subscribers and loyal traffic.well you got one more subscriber and it is me.nice work keep it up.

  2. thanks for the tip amar, but here’s one more thing . I wanna know how do you get the facebook like pop-up. I am very weak at programming plz suggest me a easy to use plugin.

  3. thanks for the share Ammar, another great article. wanna ask you something. could you tell me about any pop slideout which would show the recommended article to the visitors, for the wordpress platform. i will be highly thankful for this to you. thanks in advance. :)

      1. thanks for the plugin ammar but simple reach slider does not show the related content.. we get random results., although there is an option for mentioning the tags but its not enough for getting the related contents… :)

  4. hello ammar.tried this and its amazing you can check my blog. its looking awesome.thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  5. Hi, Ammar:

    Is this plugin available via the repository? It looks great.

    Let me know.


    1. Hey Missy,

      Yes, That widget is also available in plugin. You can download it here “WP Mashsocial” :)

  6. wow….really good piece of information. i was looking for this. but still one querry is there if i want , this should appear at start up of blog than what i have to do ? please , let me know

  7. I’ve been looking for it for a long time, this is my first visit your blog and I found thanks so much. But the time change me, I’m interested in using them anymore.


  8. Wow Ammar…
    I am about to search nice subscription widget and I found this on you Facebook profile… thanks…


  9. Ammar Nice work on coding. This is very help to Newbies of those Hate coding. Good Work Keep it up.

  10. Wow! what an awesome design. Keep the good work. I always love your posts @Ammar.

    You just simply rock !!!!!!!

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