11 Rarely Known Ways To Build High Quality Backlinks

Well, you may be familiar with what is a backlink?

If not, here is a brief description. When we talk about page rank actually we are indirectly pointing to numberย  of backlinks. Backlink is an incoming hyperlink from one web-page to another website.Backlinks play a very essential role in page rankings.

“Links are still the best way that weโ€™ve found to discover [how relevant or important somebody is], and maybe over time social or authorship or other types of markup will give us a lot more information about that.” – Matt Cutts

Build High Quality Backlinks

When I started Blogging I usually ignored the purpose of blog commenting, guest posting but time by time I realized its benefits. 10- 20 quality backlinks are far better that 100’s of crap.

I hope you are understanding. Gaining quality backilnks in a day or two is an impossible task. You have to work hard on it. Treat blogging as marathon not a race. Hence, taking my personal experience into consideration I’ve compiled some useful tips for you to Build High Quality Backlinks.

Forum participation

Active participation in forums have a great impact on SERP’S as it helps in building high quality backlinks. It has many other benefits too like relationship building, creating interactions with other bloggers working on similar to your niche. I am active participator of indiblogger helping people in their problems and submitting my content to it for high response.Hence, I got maximum links from indiblogger.

Active participation in the forums is a must for a blog to grow andย Build High Quality Backlinks.

Creating long tutorial postsย 

Creating a post in more that 1200 words builds a great probability of quality backlinks. Going in the depth of the content and making use of pictures, flowcharts, infographics etc. makes your readers to share or insert your link to their websites. Writing “how to” guides creates an ultimate effect.

Like writing โ€œhow to install wordpressโ€ , โ€œhow to lose weightโ€ blah Thus, it’s a great procedure for building good quality links.

Special post for special days

Plan your writing tasks for special days like writing a special post for valentine’s day. Offer them discounts on your services. This creates a great opportunity for people to visit your site and comment. Thus, you can gain backlinks easily without much effort. Do market research and try to find out the topics which are in great demand. Write about them and obviously you would be the winner.

Build High Quality Backlinks

Request to your readers to add your link in exchange of some offers. Offer them free products in exchange to embed your link tag in their blog or run a contest by offering an ultimate prize in exchange of linking so they are compelledย  to participate.

Start writing e-books

Write an ebook. Insert your links within the content of your e-book. Ask your friends to share it on the web through social media.

Submit your links to best of the best social bookmarking sites like stumpleupon, digg, delicious and reddit.

“The philosophy that weโ€™ve always had is if you make something thatโ€™s compelling then it would be much easier to get people to write about it and to link to it. […] Make a fantastic website that people love and tell their friends about and link to and want to experience. As a result, your website starts to become stronger and stronger in the rankings.” – Matt Cutts

Write attractive headlines

It’s an essential art of writing. You must give attractive headings to your content that compel readers to open your article. Like โ€œbest dongles, $500 giveaway contest, top social media strategies. Etc..

Start offering free products

Free offers have a great impact on visitors. It helps in increasing traffic and eventually more backlinks. Either it can be e-book or free blog installation service.

Build High Quality Backlinks

Start collecting paid products and offer them for free to your visitors. I know it’s not easy but you can get it if you are having high technical knowledge.

Create rocking videos

Create your own videos and submit it to YouTube. Nowadays, most of the bloggers are using this technique to increase their backlinks. P.s Don’t forget to add your link to it. Use โ€œscreenrโ€ to record your own videos for free. Give tutorials on โ€œhow to guidesโ€ like how to blog migration, how to install wordpress etc. And I’m sure you will be successful for sure.

Guest blogging

Guest blogging is one of the simplest and effective way to increase backlinks thus traffic.Do a research and find out the reputed blogger of your niche. ;)

Create an ultimate post that goes viral. Give more relevance to guest post than your own blog post. This is most effective way toย Build High Quality Backlinks.

But you have to follow the given tips for successful guest blogging –

  • ย It’s very essential to do a research for before posting on other website. Start interacting with its owner and commenting on his posts. Find out whether it is a reputed blog or not. See whether it is gaining high response or not.Before guest posting start interacting with its readers from a week before.
  • Make sure you are having a gravatar for your email i’d.
  • Have a look at the published posts because you need to write a unique content which is not yet published on his blog.
  • Check out previous guest posts on his blog. See whether it is gaining high response or not.You need to also look at its targeted audience whether it is targeting newbies or professionals.
  • Try to make the content relevant as much as you can because they are allowing you to post so that it adds value to their blog andย  increases their reputation.
  • Make it a habit. It’s not that posting once you can gain huge popularity. It needs time. You need to keep patience and keep posting on highly reputed blogs.

    My friend and I started blogging at the same time on the similar niche but at present he his having more backlinks than me. Why?

Because he is a regular guest blogger and is very active on forums. And seriously, For this I’m very jealous of him.

Blog Commenting

Ahaann.. The most easiest one to build high quality backlinks. Just leaving the most appropriate comment on others blogs drives traffic as well as backlinks. Here are some tips which you must follow-

  • Never just comment “good article” and “thanksย  “. Share your views and give your suggestions. Never mind giving a negative comment if you are sure that it is relevant.

  • Deliver high quality comments to receive high quality backlinks. So Simple. ;)

  • Make sure to reply every commenter of your post. This generates a sympathetic feeling in the reader and he loves to visit again.

  • Make sure you have a gravatar.

  • Don’t comment by registering with different id’s every time.


I know you might be thinking how the professional bloggers would give us time to take interview. It may a tough task but not impossible. Be an active reader of their blog.

Build High Quality Backlinks

Keep in touch with them by actively commenting and sharing their posts.Keep re-tweeting their tweets. Give best of the best comments as much as you can. Share their products to all around web by social media. Through this the owner will contact you soon and you can easily ask for an interview.

Read ย Guidelinesย You Must Follow Before Interviewing a Blogger

Deliver Relevant content

Make sure you are providing great content to your readers that they are actually seeking for and love to share it.Add videos, infographics, relevant pictures. And… keep patience. Relevant content links over time.

Wrapping up….

Building quality backlinks is not a one day task. It needs some time. Just keep patience and keep implementing the above given tips and I’m sure you would be successful.

What methods are you using to build backlinks?

69 thoughts on “11 Rarely Known Ways To Build High Quality Backlinks”

  1. Hi Nikhil,
    Great Post Indeed, Points mentioned for engaging traffic and building quality backlinks, are just awesome. I personally follow some of these above method, and really its beneficial. Initial days of my blogging, I didn’t think of Guest Post, I thought it would not beneficial but after some time I realized that It is Gem in Blogging arena.
    Thanks for this amazing post.
    – Pranay

  2. Great post. I have been looking for ways to generate back links to my website but haven’t succeeded much. I guess creating back links take a lot of time and I can’t give much time to my blog other than writing articles because of my job and busy schedule :( At last the best thing I can do is to comment on blogs. I am a regular reader of many blogs but never commented on any before. I guess this is the best way for me to create back links to my website. :)

  3. โ€œforum participating โ€ I agree that forum participating and the quality content is an important part of SEO. Moreover, the points youโ€™ve explained are something Iโ€™ve never heard of, particularly the interview. I learned something new from this post.

  4. Really Awesome Article Nikhil Ganotra!

    I really enjoyed reading your article, and the best part is the one in which you said that ‘quality links cannot be achieved in a single day’. I fully agree with. It takes a lot of time and dedication to build authority and quality links as well as reputation.

    Looking forward to read more articles from you!

  5. In my point of view “Blog Commenting” is easiest & essential one for bloggers. Because it helps to build the communication between the bloggers (especially new bloggers) and also helps to build the backlinks..

    1. Nikhil Ganotra

      Hello Rajkumar,
      Yeah blog commenting is a good way to build backlinks but you should make sure to deal with only quality blog commenting. Commenting just “Thanks for sharing” and “nice post” will not work.

      Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. The best method which i feel send a lots of traffic is host some really amazing tools for bloggers or themes on your blog. That will attract a lots of unique and returning visitors all the time for your blog.

    1. Hello Rajesh,

      Yeah I truly agree with you that amazing tools and template lead a positive impact on visitors. But it’s not a way to build backlinks.

      Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week ahead.

  7. Hello Nikhil,

    I think getting backlinks from relevant sites increases the authority of your website and gets special consideration from the major search engines. But at the same time getting too many links from either forums or just commenting sends a bad signal to Google. The tactics which we use on daily basis is not recommended by Google and they have clearly mentioned on their webmasters guidelines :)

    1. Hello Morli,
      Yeah you are very right that getting links from spammy websites is clearly a bad practice. If you are dealing with valuable comments then you are lying with a good company. Blog commenting is an art and every blogger must know it.

      I am glad that you liked my article. Please don’t forget to share it.

      Keep visiting UBT, Ammar has so many new things to deliver you. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Thank you, these were very helpful tips :)

    The one I have already implemented before even reading the post finished was to find out what Gravatar is and how to sign up. It is such a useful tool, I really hope it helps me with my blog!

    I like what you said that if it is relevant, don’t be afraid to say a negative comment but I would also just like to comment and say that there is no place for nastiness and negativity online towards other people for no reason. Many think that because they are behind a screen they are allowed to be mean people and this simply isn’t true. Everyone would be a lot happier if people were nicer to each other. Just a thought :)

    1. Hello Parvati,

      Yeah a gravatar plays a very important role in proving your readers that you’re not fake.

      We shouldn’t be reluctant while posting a negative comment. Posting “thanks” and “informative post” will not work. We should always deliver a relevant comment. This also helps in building quality links. And yeah I agree with you that we shouldn’t be mean.
      I appreciate your views and comments on my post. I hope to see you again on ABT.

  9. Thanks, the more I read about back-linking the more it makes me think some guest blogging is the way to go. I appreciate the other tips too.
    Thanks for the help

    1. Hello Eithne,
      Yeah guest blogging is a good practice to gain exposure and publicity but please make sure to deal in quality content. According to Matt Cutts guest blogging is becoming spammy practice day by day. But if you are dealing with quality content then guest blogging is a must to build high quality backlinks. BTW I have written an article regarding guest blogging and it might help you out.
      I appreciate your views and comments. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  10. 1)What have you written, is perfect . but there is a problem about attractive headline. I know that how affective it is, but problem is accordance seo rule when we are gonna manage a keyword and will set it in my title then sometime it happens that title lost it’s attractiveness .

    2) Secondly there is a problem of forum posting that it is very taught to manage signature approval forum . I am talking about health site , I didn’t manage more that 10 signature approval forum site till now .

    (thanks for your article )

  11. Last time i watched a video about backlinks in which a person was telling the audience that building backlinks is dead and you have to earn backlinks instead of building it..for-example when you publish a quality content and someone link back to you that is the best way to go for links these days,,,other methods are a waste of time,,,need some help is building backlinks still works…

    1. Hello Jawad,
      This is not true that we can’t build backlinks. Yeah everybody knows that content is the king and is the best of the best way to build quality backlinks but I disagree with you that other tips are waste of time. Writing an ebook and creating a long tutorial guide really works as I have implemented them. The main part is to attract good traffic. That’s it. And the tips I provided really worked for me. I appreciate your views and comments.

      Have a great day Jawad.

  12. Hello Alex,
    Yes google plus is a source to increase visibility. I appreciate your views ans comments. Thanks for stopping by :)

  13. I wouldn’t call these “rarely known”, I think most are covered by anyone who is in SEO. There are good points in here, though. The best bet these days is to immerse yourself into Google+, sign yourself up to Google authorship, and be active on their social media format. It’s a really good online profile builder and will earn you new contacts and extra backlinks.

  14. Great tips.This will certainly help to draw traffic to the websites.Most people don’t like to write a negative comments as they think the owners will not confirm the comment and that’s not wrong but the number isn’t that high now days.

    1. Hello James,
      Often people are reluctant to post negative comments but that will not work. One should post true comment if it is relevant.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  15. Hi nikhil, these are nice ways shared by you. I have used guest blogging as a major way of getting high quality backlinks to my website. Will check other methods too and will implement them too.

    1. Hello Varun,
      Yes implementing the above given methods will surely help you in gaining backlinks. I appreciate your views and comments. Thanks for visiting :)

  16. That’s an amazing article. You have described minutest of the details. Really, this article is super awesome!

    I think I should start taking special training from you to write long posts!

    1. Heyy Yashraj,
      I am glad that you liked this article. Stay tuned for more updates.
      Have a great weekend. :)

  17. I don’t know why everyone is getting their pants in a twist over Matt Cutts’ comments about guest posting. He did not say it was dead, he said they would be clamping down on poor quality guest posts – post published just for the sole purpose of gaining a backlink.

    If you write a quality guest post then you have nothing to worry about.

    1. Hey Dean,
      Yes you are very right that if we are writing high quality content then there is no need to worry. If you are running a multi author blog then make sure to check the quality of content before publishing it coz i have made many mistakes like this when I was a newbie. Thanks for your views and comments. :)

  18. Hey M Nirmal,
    Yes forum participation is a must for a blog to grow. Thanks for stopping by.
    Hope to see you again :)

  19. Nikhil Ganotra

    Heyy friend,
    It is not that guest blogging is totally risk free as it contains some risk if done is excess. Guest blogging is believed to be a spammy practice by Matt Cutts for 2014. Your main focus should be adding value to others blogs. If you are writing an guest post then never try to spammy by inserting more that 1-2 links . In my next article on my blog I will cover the whole criteria of guest blogging.
    Thanks for commenting Adithya.

  20. Adithya Shettya

    Hi Nikhil,
    Very informative post!
    For me Guest blogging is the best way to build quality links without big risks. Other methods like blog commenting and Participating in forums are also effective. .
    thanks for sharing!

  21. Great post Nikhil, these are some of the greatest ways to build backlinks that can help us rank. One of the strongest ways of getting backlinks is forum posting, these kind of backlinks are quite strong that only a few of them can rank you on the top of Google for very high competition keywords. By the way, don’t you think guest blogging is now considered as a black hat practice by Matt Cutts?

    1. Nikhil Ganotra

      Hey Vicky,
      Yes you are right. Matt Cutts believe guest blogging as a spammy practice for 2014 but this policy is only valid for who are doing a lot of guest blogging but if you are not exceeding the limit then you are on the safe side. I’m glad that you read the whole article and caught the right point.
      Thanks for making me aware ;). Hope to see you again :)

  22. Hii Nikhil, I learn two new things here. First one is that joining and participating in forums is really important and second one is the heading of each article we write. I found that Yahoo answers is the best forum to join, is there any other recommended from your side. Thanks. :)

    1. Nikhil Ganotra

      Heyy Priya,
      You should participate in the most popular blog communities like Klinkk, bizsugar, indiblogger and Do splash. I hope you will be benefited from these communities. Thanks for your views and comments. Hope to see you again :)

  23. Hi Nikhil Ganotra, really nice article for newbies like us. If you don’t mind can you please explain what is class=”smarterwiki-linkify” tag? and why it is showing on some websites like yahoo, blogger comments etc. And there are any uses of it. If you know anything about it then please tell me.

  24. Hello,

    great stuff to read. I like your style as well. Yes, I just wanted to submit my vote in favor of the people who do think that interviews help.

    I’ll be looking for such informative posts in future.


    1. Nikhil Ganotra

      Hey Melissa,
      Thanks for your views and comments. I just visited your blog and it was awesome!! So neat and clean !!

      Have a great day :)

  25. Hi Nikhil
    Some good ideas for sure.
    I have used many of them, but interviews is something I am trying this year.
    Actually I am not doing it in text, but in the form of a podcast, so let’s see how successful that is. People like to hear the success stories of famous bloggers so I hope it works well\
    thanks for sharing your ideas

    1. Nikhil Ganotra

      Hello Ashley,
      Yeah interviews play a good role in driving backlinks from high reputed blogs. I hope that you would be successful in it. Best of luck Ashley (Y).

      Have a great day:)

  26. Well, in my case the free things on blogs are best which I am personally offering. Other then that I strongly believe that forums posting is another great idea to get backlinks.

  27. Hey Nikhil,

    Looking title of the post title “Rarely known ways…” I thought that there would be something new in this article. But anyways this is a great article and a perfect compilation of all “link-building” methods for any blog.

    While doing all these things, one should not forget that you must not over do anything otherwise it will result in useless spam.

    While Blog Commenting or Forum Participation or Guest Blogging, one must always remember to concentrate on Quality and not Quantity.

    It should be less in Quantity but more in Quality.

    Because, too much of anything spoils everything.

    1. Nikhil Ganotra

      Hello Nitin,
      i apologize that I mentioned “rarely known ways” but i mentioned some facts that many bloggers are unaware of like writing “long tutorial guides”, “Video lectures” and “ebook writing”. I appreciate your views and comments. Thanks for stopping by.
      Hope to see you again :)

  28. Once again a well explained and useful post for the bloggers.
    Nikhil, indiblogger is really a good platform. I am using it too. You get quality readers from there.
    Video blogging is again an unavoidable marketing technique and yes, may fetch some good back links as well. Thanks for sharing the name of that tool. I would like to see a detailed post on tools used for video blogging. @Ammar can you please do it?

    1. Nikhil Ganotra

      Hello Manpreet,
      I am very glad that you liked this post. Yeah very true that indiblogger is a good platform to get quality readers but it’s main disadvantage is that it is only for indian bloggers. If it was a global platform then an amazing professional blogging network would be created. I appreciate your views and comments Manpreet.

      Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you again :)

  29. Fabrizio Van Marciano

    Nikhil, great list of backlink building tips mate, I’ve used a few of these strategies myself and personally I’ve had success with eBook creation and adding links as resource. I also like your idea for creating content rich cornerstone or pillar posts, these are ultimately great link magnets and if you can offer useful and valuable information, everyone will be linking to it. Thanks again mate.

    1. Nikhil Ganotra

      Heyy Fabrizio,

      I am glad that you liked the list for building quality links. I have written this article on the basis of my personal experience. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you again.

      Have a great day :)

  30. When I read such posts I feel that learning new things can never be stopped as today I”m again got stuck seeing this kind of article again.Building high quality is very important and most of us do the things repeatedly which is traditional ways of doing it but today I learnt some new ways of doing so.Most of the things are known but the eBook is quite a new experience to me.So that’s the thing I’m going to try.
    Thanks Nikhil for giving such information which isn’t only interesting to read but also helpful in real life.

    1. Nikhil Ganotra

      Hello James,
      Yes building quality backlinks is a must for a blog to grow and have good SERP’s. Yes writing an ebook and offering your readers for free boosts your blog presence and builds quality backlinks. Bdw I have written an article on “how to write e-book in just 20 days” on my blog. You can check it out.

      Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day :)

  31. Nice reading your post.. I want to know, is Blog commenting good for Backlink.. as many blogger make it nofollow so such link not add any value to search rank..

    1. Hi Giri Patel,

      Its true that “nofollow” links are ignored by Google but you shouldn’t leave it as long as it would bring Quality traffic to your blog. Because that traffic may share your post in social media or even give you a backlink if your content is impressive.

      Hence, Nofollow links are also useful if it brings quality visitors.

      Example, I am commenting on Ammar Ali’s blog because I know that it will bring Quality traffic to my blog even if the link is “nofollow”

  32. Great post nikhil quality backlinks are more important. It impact on your search engine ranking and tips you provided are really helpful to get those quality backlinks. Thank for this great post

    1. Nikhil Ganotra

      Hey Nikhil,
      I appreciate your views and comments. I am glad that you liked this post. Hope to see you again.

  33. Building a lots of backlinks doesn’t matters; because if you create thousands of low quality links and build only few of high quality links then high quality links blog will rank in the Search Engine.

    One of source to get high quality link through Google plus because Google plus offers do follow link. :)

    1. Nikhil Ganotra

      Hey Nikhil,
      Yes 10 quality links are far better than hundred of crap.Thanks for your views and comments.

  34. Good one , well i am new in SEO and don’t know too much about this :D thank you for this and now i am your permanent reader ;) btw i like your theme :p

    1. nikhil ganotra

      Hey Zaid,

      Thanks a lot for visiting this blog and I am glad that you liked this article :)

      Thanks for stopping by.Hope to see you again,

  35. I like blog commenting the most.Another good way is to create social profile links because most of them have pr 8 and 9 and even the no-follow links from there are worth.

    1. nikhil ganotra

      Hi Hamza,
      Yes, A blogger must actively participate in blog commenting and providing values to other blogs so that he gets same in return. I appreciate your views and comments.

      Have a great day :)

  36. Nikhil Ganotra

    Hi Arun,
    Yeah you are very right that after the latest google “hummingbird” update building backlinks is quite a tedious job. Google is smart enough now. But after implementing the above given tips still is there is a good probability to build high quality backlinks.

    Thanks for stopping by :)
    Stay tuned for more updates.

  37. Building backlinks after the google algorithm updates is quite a tedious job. If you are looking for some of the best working link building techniques then this is the best available over the internet. Thanks for sharing this information with us. I am having some doubt about guest blogging. I think it’s ended, Matt cutts had confirmed it. Please share your opinion about guest blogging as a method of link building.

    1. Building backlinks is quite tricky. Kumar is right that “Building backlinks after the google algorithm updates is quite a tedious job.” When backlinking, what I learned also is we have to make sure that those sites we linked-back has good reputations or else you’ll be joining to the blocklisted site on google.

      Guest blogging is one of the best techniques to in building links on your website, because you can share your site through the articles you’ve written or submitted to the other reputable blogs. Of course there is always pros and cons on this. We have to consider that.

  38. You have written a great stuff here. Thanks for the software name to record videos. I really need this. All the points are valuable. I liked the 1st and 8th point most – Forum Posting and Guest Blogging. Going to share the article with friends. :)

    1. Nikhil Ganotra

      Heyy Rohit,

      I am glad that this post helped you. Yes “screenr” is great tool to record your own videos. Stay tuned for more updates here on ABT.

      Have a great weekend :)

  39. Thank you for an amazing article. Interviews do help. And professional are quiet eager to share their experience.
    Linking posts does help as well :)

    1. Nikhil Ganotra

      Heyy Nikita,

      Yes I truly agree with you that linking post helps google bots to easily crawl on other pages as well. But main theme of this article was how to create quality backlinks.
      I appreciate your views and comments. Thanks for stopping by and do enjoy your weekend.

      Have a great day :)

  40. Thanks Ammar for giving me the great opportunity to write for All Blogging Tips. I have tried my best to generate this article on the basis of my personal experience.
    Thanks again :)

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