Should You Use Infographics on Your Blog?

There are a growing number of web users who appreciate the use of images and videos in order to obtain the information that they need. It is about time that webmasters should recognize the value of infographic by adding these as important elements on their website.

Using images and videos is sure way of making your website go viral and in promoting your brand in the online community.

What makes infographic valuable is their feature of being easily shared with others especially in social media sites.

Here are 5 major benefits when you use infographics on your site.

5 Benefits to  Use Infographics on Your Site


1.      Infographics are appealing and compelling

Not all web users want to spend time reading content as it may easily bore them when doing so.

The use of images and videos can be appealing because people love statistics, figures and factual information. This can instantly hook your website visitors and will likely visit your site more often especially when they prefer websites that could provide them straightforward facts and information.

It is also a good way to communicate with your website visitors without the fuss of delivering content that can take so much of their time reading.

2.      Reach other audiences

An attractive feature of infographic is that it can be easily shared by others. Therefore, it helps you extend your reach to other audiences as well as more people share and like your presentation.

As your infographics are being republished, you are likely widening your scope of marketing for your brand and website services.

Use infographics on your site and when many web users like and share it on their sites as well, you are already building an inbound link to your site.

As a result, as more people use your links to your infographics the more you attract the search engine to take notice of your site. This can essentially increase your search engine rank as well that helps boost your SEO approach in promoting your website or blog site. As it becomes viral in the social media networks, many will likely embed your infographics to their content which further strengthens your own site’s visibility on the web.

4.      Associate your brand with other publishers

A good infographic is attractive to publishers who will likely take notice and will link to your images or videos. As more publishers use your infographics, the more you create a trusted brand in the online community.

Your potential clients will find your services reliable as more people use and trust your brand. This can be a good promotional scheme in building your brand as you associate it with other reputable publishers.

5.      Go viral and drive traffic to your site

The more people take notice of your images and videos, the more people share it on their site giving it more exposure on the web with the high chance of making it go viral.

It will result in a better traffic on your website and as a consequence your infographics can become one that is widely shared in the internet.

Do you use infographics on your blog? Share with us below!

15 thoughts on “Should You Use Infographics on Your Blog?”

  1. Patrick Tasner

    I have some knowledge about infographics before but haven’t implemented it. Presently, I realized that infographics do a big significance in the site branding and making it viral online. I now starting to using it in my SEO and marketing campaign. Thanks for some helpful insights you shared here.

  2. I personally love reading blogs with inforgraphics and videos rather than pure text especially those long blogs. It really bores me to read long blogs. Videos and images are really more appealing and gives clearer message if done right.

  3. You are brilliant Ammar; this is your quality that you post lesser but your every post goes viral; everybody knows what infographics is but very few know its benefits in detail as you mentioned above.

  4. by going through this article, it seems that I should give it a try. I shall give the feedback whether they worked or not for me, however, it seems that they should be a great help for by articles.

  5. Hi Stacy, I do think that your points target the right direction for blogging nowadays, however, I think for creating the kind of infographics that are attractive and informative to readers and publishers does require us, bloggers more efforts and research. I think along with inforgraphic, text within a post still have to has high quality to creat a great post. Thanks for sharing your thought.

  6. I personally use and even have special plugin developed to display inforgraphics in a better way. Well, rarely I create my own, but results are good when I do.

  7. Something I was researching recently. Great post with some god points Satcy. I like you have highlighted the point ” Infographics attract inbound links” and it’s true and as more people use links to our infographics the more we attract the search engine to take notice of our new sites.

    Recently my girlfriend started ADLAV based on her passion reading articles from great blogs and getting inspired by them to create useful infographics to share with the online communities.

    I though I should add something your amazing post by sharing a guest post she did yesterday at my blog on “Why you should use infographics and how it helps to boost your traffic” with little infographic…

  8. Amar, as you said Infographics are good for blogging. I mean if they viral you get a huge amount of hits, but then again, If you get an Infographics from some other sources and they allow you to use it, would Google penalize you on duplication or not?

  9. hey stancy,
    Its a really very informative post abut use of infographics on a blog and well presented. Infographics is one of great methods to pass down information about your blog to others. And is very good tool in driving traffic. Great post !! Thanks for sharing..

  10. Hi Stacy,
    Infographic is really one of the best ways to pass out an information to your audience because its very easy to understand.

    Yes, its also good to update our blogs with articles but, if we can also use infographics at least, once in a while, it will really make a tremendous difference.

    Thanks a lot for sharing.

  11. hi Stacy Carter,
    great post, i am so interested in infographic post, but i am still not able to get how to optimise the SEO of such post, i mean i have some of IG post on my blog Intelligent Computing: Infographic. I usually don’t specially use keywords in my normal post but its natural language is already doing fine in SEO.
    I tried to see some of Matts cutts videos about infographic post, but i couldn’t got any info there.
    all the points, like easy to read, appealing and info filled are true but how people will search my IG post, i can just use Pinterest for this.

  12. Awesome, I don’t think anybody in Blogging can afford it to ignore infographics in their Posts, these all the mentioned points are exactly true and best for me is `Go viral and drive traffic to your site` Cool information presented in cool way.

  13. Shivani Sharma

    Well this article is full of information but it’s most important for those who don’t know what is the exactly use of infographics in a particular post or article, it’s nicely written and well presented, thanks for sharing Stacy..

  14. I didn’t know that you can go viral and reach other audiences with infographics. I didn’t use them for some reason… Do you have any website to make or share infographics or get infographics which are free to use? You should have include some likes like that in the post.

  15. Using infographic for website is another great way to attract readers and promote your site. Thanks for the article.

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