How to Get Index Your New Blog Post Super Fast

You had done spending lot of time in…

  • Finding topic for your next blog post
  • Doing research and writing post
  • Finding image and optimizing it for SEO

Still your post is not getting index by Google.


You must be thinking that…
get index fast
“why my new post are not appearing on google”
“new post not getting indexed by google”
“why google not indexing my new posts”
“how to index my blog faster”

Now what? What is the next step?

Do you just keep waiting for Google to come to your blog or website?

How to Get Index Your New Blog Post Super Fast? Is there a fast process?

How to Get Index Your New Blog Post Super Fast

Here I decided to write a detail post on getting your next blog post index super fast in Google or any search engine.

Write Quality Content

This is the first step to get index your next blog post fast.

Do proper research about the topic, find some good keywords.

Write quality content..

Don’t copy from any other website. Create awesome content your own, write a long blog post atleast 500+ words.

Write blog posts regularly, and Google should be at your doorstep sooner rather than later!

Getting high quality Backlinks is one of the best way to increase website traffic as well getting higher rank in Google.

Try to build backlinks from high page rank sites. Here are some of the best and common ways to build backlinks

  • Guest Posting
  • Blog Commenting
  • Use Forums
  • Interlink Blog Posts
  • Submit RSS feed to RSS directories
  • Write Awesome content and others will love to link back

Use of social networking websites


Social networking is also important as building quality backlinks.

Google+ is playing very important role in this. Try to get more Google +1 on your next blog post as much as you can.

Facebook: Use facebook and it will help you to drive more traffic as well as getting index on Google Fast

Twitter: Tweet your next blog post and try to mention other people in the tweet. They might also like to share.

If you want others to share your content on social network, First share their and then request them.

Remember: Give and you shall receive!

Google constantly indexes these social media websites, and any link back to your blog would be followed very quickly!

Blog Commenting

Start leaving high quality content on other blog. Specially choose a commentluv enabled dofollow blogs.

It will not only help you to get backlink as well as getting high page rank.

Do not leave “nice post” “thanks for sharing” comment on other blog.

Read post completely and then share your views about it in the comments!

Use Pingtom Tool

Heard first time?

Ping-O-Matic is a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated.

It is very useful and will work for both WordPress or Blogger Users.

Just go to Ping-O-Matric, enter your blog name, URL and feed URL.

Select all the services and click SEND PING.

Easy, isn’t it?

Update Ping List

Don’t miss it!

It is important to ping your blog. This method will only work for WordPress users.

In short words: Pings are services to update different search engines that your blog has updated.

This step will work only in WordPress blog. Here is how to update the ping list in WordPress in few seconds.

    1. Login into your WordPress admin.
    2. Click on Settings>>Writing
    3. Scroll to the bottom and look for the Update Services section
    4. Delete the list current there.ย Click below list and Past the list into the text area

Download Ping List here
ย  ย  ย 5. Press Save Changes

The Results

Once your new post get publish follow all the above tips, youโ€™ll start to see more traffic from Google search.

The best way to ensure that your new content is discovered quickly is simply by sharing it on social media networks through status updates, especially on Google+.

What do you think?

What other techniques have you use to get index your new blog posts? Please share in the comments!

120 thoughts on “How to Get Index Your New Blog Post Super Fast”

  1. Hey Ammar,
    Thanks for the post. You have explained everything beautifully. Actually getting traffic is the main task of every blogger. Without traffic his, all work will get waste and you have provided a nice way to attract traffic.
    Keep posting & updating us.

  2. Oh wow! Thank you so much for this incredible tips! I had long been looking for worth sharing tips to try on to improve my SEO and increase traffic on my blog as I am navigating my blogsite all by myself. I’m so happy I found this. Will try all these and hope it would work.

  3. I just have to leave a comment here!

    I am currently building out my website right now. I made the ‘fatal’ mistake of putting too many of affil links on most posts instead of linking to my ‘sales’ page – as my training directed me to – brain lapse lol. Lesson learnt.

    I find when I share to my Google+ it indexes straight away. I would say to people make sure you go to your GOOGLE+ AND MAKE YOURSELF A ‘CONTRIBUTOR’. Google does not like anonymity and will help you greatly through the ‘arch’ of time.

    What I wanted to say was, the ping list. These are all ‘quality’ backlinks or ‘search’ engines that my post will now be found on? I know you said but just for clarity.

    Awesome post and I TRULY learnt something very valuable here today! Now, I will leave it a day or two and check out my analytics for my sites traffic.

    Thank you kindly and please keep up the excellent posts your doing!

    Much appreciated!!



  4. Hi Ammar,

    I came here from Google to learn quick indexing and I am very thankful to you for this ping tool, All other things were known to me except this, also thanks for the ping list. I did that change very next moment.
    Now waiting for traffic ;)

  5. Hi Ammar Ali,

    Thanks for sharing this such a nice article that present best ways to get fast index a blog. Usually a blog get little tot get index but some time some blog get much time to get index & for those we need to do some extra efforts like Blog commenting, Social sharing, quality content but I didn’t hear about “Pingtom Tool”

    This looks me something different. So now I will try “Pingtom Tool” to get fast index a blog.

  6. My blogger site is not new. It was ranked good. but now a days its posts are not indexing on time thats why its traffic is getting down and down on daily basis. I am facing this problem from end of April, 2016.

    And if search my any post my name is also written in content in SERP.

    Please guide me in these 02 matters.


  7. Hi Ammar,

    Thank you for your tips i have read all of your post, can you please tell me if there is any dangrous with applying with ping websites?

  8. Thanks for this post! I have been having trouble getting Google to index my posts or pages. What’s strange is they index all the tags and categories, which is basically worthless content. While my well written posts are almost impossible to index. Wish I could figure this out because I’m targeting keywords with low competition and should get more organic traffic than I’m getting. It’s a bummer.

  9. Hi Ammar,
    Thanks for these valuable tips about how to list or index newly posted blog post in search engine.
    actually, i was also thinking same, but now i hope my problem will be solved soon by the help of using all above point described by you,
    specially thanks for the (ping-o-matic) tool

  10. Hi Ammar,
    Nice tips you have here. I also found that once my blog post reach 100 postings, Google crawl and index my post faster usually several hours. When it was 46 posting need about 2 days to get indexed. The main problem for me is to got 100 quality posting is really hard.

  11. Hello Ammar,

    While searching “how to get your post index quickly” I found your blog. I am so satisfied with the article that I followed immediately what you suggested.

    Guest Posting, Blog Commenting, Use Forums, Interlink Blog Posts, content are the ideas I already know about. What I liked the most is Ping-o-matric and Updating Ping List. Though, I already had ping list updated but it was not as long as yours. I have done the both. Thanks For such a useful article. :)

  12. Hello Ammar,

    Thanks a lot for this useful article. One thing I am sure is that I never find it difficult in getting index by Google or any other search engine. I will sharing this post with my friends who are bloggers.
    Keep up with the good work.

  13. Hi Ammar Ali,

    I have a question about geting index for web 2.0. After I finished a web 2.0, then I submit to Google, and Social Site, blogspot, wordpress and tumblr get index fast, but others web 2.0 get index slowly, like, I am waiting for 10 days but it gets no index. Can you have any suggestion for me?

    Thank you.

  14. My posts were getting too much time in getting indexed but before few days i am using your tricks and now my posts are getting indexed quickly.. Thanks for the great post and help .

    Wajid khan

  15. Thank you for your valuable post. This is great for wordpress user about ping list. How about ping list for platform blogger?

      1. Thank you for feedback sir. Now i’m using pingomatic to ping my blog but one question how to ping my blogpost on pingomatic?

  16. WOW! I didn’t know importance on ping. I just started blogging and I hope my blog will be indexed by Google soon.
    Your tips are awesome!
    Mit :)

  17. I just created a new blog and need up to 2 days to get indexed by google, hopefully by following your tips my blog will be indexed faster



  18. I’m sure this is not worth missing Ammar, and i’m so certain that this methods you mention above will be really helpful.

    Thanks for sharing Ammar


  19. Hello Sir,
    you did great job,
    i want to ask that i have created 300 high PR forum profile links and 300 High PR Social Bookmarking in 15 days, after more 15 days i did check but they are not indexed in Google. only 100 links indexed in Google, how can i get index those back links fast please tell me i am very confuse back links that i have created for my web about it,
    i hope you got my point

  20. Great article as always, and I could include some guest posting or article directory submissions as part of my arsenal, itโ€™s something I donโ€™t do yet!

  21. AoA Ammar…
    Very nice post indeed. Thanks for Valuable tips and sharing ligitmate way to index the stuff. Thanks once again. Keep it up Bro… :)

  22. Aslamualaikum ! dear bro i have made a new blog and have posted about 33 posts and google is indexing it properly but blog traffic is not increasing :( give me some ideas please

  23. Hi Ammar,
    Thanks for these valuable tips about how to list or index our blog in search engine. However I would like to ask about Pinglist and its listed sites to add in WordPress>> Setting>>Writing. I think it might treated as spam, as now after updating google algorithm, google may not allow to list quickly niche blogs. what do you think?

  24. I did all that, it seems the reason why my posts don’t get indexed quickly is because I post just thrice with a space of 20 days this month.

  25. You made mention of writing long quality post of at least 500 words and also regular, well, I guess am really missing out on this. I will start using your tips.

  26. Thanks Ammar for bog post. I am facing same problem. My post are not getting index its take usally 2-3 days. After reading your blogpost, I have understood that blog post should be more than 500+ words. My articles Are less than 350 or around 400 word. NOw I will try to make it 600+ longer article.

  27. Hello Ammar
    Nice tips about indexing site. I spend a lot of time in searching right topic to post and doing research about it. Even then the post would not indexed which get me frustrated.After reading your post i will concentrate on making back links and advertising on social networking…Thanks a really helping post for me.

  28. Thanks buddy for sharing this post with us. Now i am gonna working on sharing the post on social networking sites and with the help of your post i just updated Ping List.Thanks a lot for helping me.

  29. My recent post not indexed by google after 4 days, my site is seo optimized and has ping updates, how is the happen, some one please help me index individual Post.

  30. I started my blog a month ago and I am constantly building backlinks and updating it regularly. My posts take around 3 days to get indexed. How much time is considered OK for a new blog like mine?

  31. Hey Ammar, I have continuously followed your blogs and have been working on a new site( for 25 days …till now I got only 30 visitors per day (Alexa rank 53 lakh) !! How much time does it take to get decent traffic.
    Please help me let me know if something is wrong.. I already submitted Sitemaps using google and bing webmaster tool. (Using SEO by Yoast)
    Could you please help me here :)
    Thank you in advance

    1. SEO is important!

      You need to learn SEO first. Go do lot of research read blogs, ebook and then implement the SEO on your blog

  32. hello ammar, I have a new blog but until now google never index my post. I have to do the your following instruction but no results!. Please give me advice what I must to do?

  33. Thanks Ammar,
    you have mentioned here a great Article for those blogger who is suffering from this (Google why not indexing my post?) situation. i was also thinking same, but now i hope my problem will be solve soon by the help of using all above point described by you.
    thanks again Ammar….!!

  34. Hii Ammar
    You are really superb
    I really need this and in + you provide a good ping list
    Thanks for both…
    Sourya Kharb

  35. Hi Ammar thank you for this great post the ping list is a huge plus , I will be following your latest post .
    Thank you

  36. Ammar, I already have ping list but your ping list has more valuable ping sites. I think you need to label it New 2013 ping list. I will update mine. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  37. I was looking for this on how to get indexed fast on google, my blog usually takes 1 day in order to get index by google in which in the past only a matter of few minutes..I will apply your hints here…

  38. Great and well explained article for beginners, I will surely follow these guidelines in my blogging career :)

  39. Hi Ammar Ali,
    I’m reading your blog posts from past few months but it’s my first comment. I’m really frustrated with late indexing from Google and was searching for some killer tips on it. Found this post and just finished reading now. I had used most of the above said tricks but never tried Ping-o-matic and also the ping list was small on my Dashboard. Now gonna try those ones too and let’s see if it works or not. Thanks man. :)

  40. Pensacola, you are saying your blog/website did not index even after you got it updated
    via webmastertools ? That’s very strange ?

    Is your domain blacklisted ? you can do a check .

    Aamar, great tips for beginners in blogging. very helpful !

  41. I have come here just for the solution to this. I have published a post on one of my blog a day ago and it is not yet indexed. I have tried most of the things you mentioned except Ping-o-matic. But still it should have been indexed by now. I will now try Pingomatic to see what happens.

  42. Pensacola Website Designer

    I just did a website redesign and prior to that I wasn’t doing blog posts very often. I just recently started doing lots of blog posts but wasn’t getting any love in Google. When I went to webmaster tools I could see there were URLS that hadn’t been indexed yet but all I could do was request it from Google.

    I’ve been building back links and such but still nada. Just updated my ping list on my wordpress site with the one you have and submitted my site to ping-o-matic. Hope it helps. Thanks for the great tutorial on indexing!

  43. Hello Ammar Ali, I never used Pingtom Tool before. now I send my url for ping and changed the Update Services section in my blog. this information is very interested for me.

  44. hai ammar,
    thanks for your such a valuble post.
    recently i have started a blog and i do not now how to get my posts indexed in google quickly.i am searching for it i really got valuble information from your post.
    Thans a lot….

  45. Hi Amar …thank You so much for share a Pinglist in TXT format for Easy to copy paste and Such a nice information


  46. Hello. Your Post is amazing. But i have a tool that helps get indexed by Google super fast even a New Blog. Register account and contact me via Skype. i will give you some credit to test this tool.

  47. Great article Ammar, I’m still confused about all this backlinking. So in simplest terms, I go to a website and comment. Do I have to leave a link to my site? Do I have to log in and make sure my site is in my profile? I don’t understand how it backlinks to my blog just from me commenting, like I’m doing on your site. Now you asked me in the form here for my website-does the highPR site have to have that option or do I leave my url in the comment section? Thanks.

  48. hey ammar i read your most of article in this website and in many article you suggest comment in other high PR website. can you give me comm luv high pr website list?
    and after i comment in website it will any other process to get backlinks ya it will automatic generate backlinks. please tell me.
    and again nice article this posts are again very help full for me thanks for sharing..

  49. Wow..this worked for me and now my site is been indexed every 12 hrs..earlier i had to wait for about 36 hrs to get an article indexed…i am following your tips from last week…..i did only creating backlinks for my website and this helped a lot…….one more thing i want to know that can u suggest me some plugin for internal as you are using ….i found in ur article some of the words linked to your site’s article i know that you haven’t done this manually …so please tell me a goo internal linking plugin for wordpress… advance

  50. Really appreciate your post. There are things which I would like to know ?
    1) Do nofollow links helps getting index faster ?
    2) Are twitter links dofollow or nofollow. How effective is twitter in helping getting faster indexing.

  51. Hi ammar very detailed and effective article , one more thing getting high rank page backlink is very difficult and

    one more point as you mentioned about commentluv will it really help in achieving backlinks

  52. Hi Ammar, thanks for sharing this informative piece. This are really ways to get index your new blog fast. Also, I use Google Webmasters tools to submit my new blog posts. Another quick method.

    Have a nice Day

  53. At times you need really your news to be indexed as soon as possible but as a matter of fact the result is comparatively different. In my observation, the websites posting content on daily basis more than once get indexed in no time however, the sites with single or less than one post a day get low pririoty from google bots. I am telling you from my own personal observation, the facts maybe different from above. Thankyou.

  54. Mr.Ammar has written a very good post on How to get index your blog post super fast. This is one the best blog post that I was looking for.
    Thanks again for your valuable suggestion

  55. Hello Ammar ,you have given very nice and useful info about how to do SEO ,thanks for sharing it, and yes i was unknown about the ping list thanks..!

  56. absolutely, the quality content and the promotion of the articles in the social networking sites help indexing the blog post quickly. Being active for the article you have posted by blog commenting and guest posting are the secondary measures that should be taken into consideration.

  57. Rituparna sonowal

    Hello Ammar, this is my first time visit to your blog. I simply fall in love with allbloggingtips.

    Simple points but nice use of writing techniques. Writing original and quality contents, building quality back links and Using the power of social media , as a blogger these three are my favorite.

  58. Good one Ammar, i actually read this article while at work last Thursday and thought I should come down and drop a comment as I liked the article and points you have given.
    Those points are 100% and I have tested them seen how quickly Google start indexing your site.

    One of the major concerns was using Google+ as it is playing very important role in seo and site indexing speed. I’m trying to get more Google +1 on the next blog post and encourages people like Tadas who started recently, to do the same.

    Also I have a question for you Ammar, what would you suggest a fresh blog just started few days back? Should we wait few weeks till we create more content (10to20 article) and then submit sitemaps to Google through Webmaster tools or should we start it immediately? This is regarding which is a blog my girlfriend started few days back… She has chosen her niche with her designing expertise and focusing more into creating infographics.

    The “Use Pingtom Tool” is new and thanks for the share and will get into use very soon. Also I very much agree on blog commenting, how it has helped and increased unique visitors every day to my FERNANDO BIZ.

    Thanks for the great post and will be spending some time this weekend reading some exiting article on All Blogging Tips, as missed coming down during the week.

    1. Fernando, For new blog, first you need to have some content like blog posts and pages.

      Around 5 useful content would be a good idea, then you can submit sitemap to webmaster tool.

      I’m glad this post helped you. Hope to see you around.

      Have a fantastic weekend! :D

  59. hello Ammar nice tips for indexing the post many bloggers faces this problem and if any one follow these tips then surely he will be successful, we donot forget the power of social media.

  60. Hi Ammar,

    Thanks for sharing the ping list. As soon as I’ll finish the comment here I am going to add it to my site. Right now I also use service.

    My only problem with the pinging via WordPress they it pings on updates on the post as well. Sometimes when I’ll publish a new post, despite re-reading and editing my post I’ll see a mistake that I want to correct and I always worry that pinging the same post twice (because of the update) will actually hurt my blog.

    What is you take on this.



    1. Hey Dita,

      First of all, thanks for commenting. :)

      You only need to update the ping list once on your blog, it will work automatically then. You can edit posts or anything, There should not be any issue with these ping services.

      Have a fantastic weekend.

  61. Hi Ammar,
    Thank you for your good tips.
    But if you can tell where to submit RSS feed to RSS directories, it is better for your reader. :)
    And I myself prefer googleping than pingomatic

  62. Asad Zaman Khan

    Ammar you are awesome buddy,
    Great tips, I always do that things. I just started a blog 20 days ago “Bloghazel”.
    Sorry for My English! :(

  63. Oluwaseun Babajide

    This post is very helpful! We should not underestimate the power of social media which can help index your post super fast.
    I haven’t heard of Ping-O-Matric, something worth exploring!
    Thanks for the share.

  64. Me thinks the indexing comes automatically nowadays – no much stress in getting your content to be indexed by the search engines

  65. Thank you Ammar!
    I knew about guest posting, and link building but I haven’t heard of ping-o-matic up-til now. It’s so easy to use. I hope it helps with my new blog, as new blogs tend to take more time to get indexed.

  66. Hello Ammar,
    What a lovely post and a wonderful read. Social media can play a crucial role for a fast indexing of your blog post. Anytime i publish a new post, i always share my post to Google plus communities and social network and i get index the exact minute i am doing that. Google plus can really help with a super speed indexing. Thanks…

  67. I personally believe that blog comments are directly proportional to the blog traffic. Although there could be some problems with the alexa ranking, it is definitely not the perfect metric to decide the blog traffic.

  68. Hi Ammar,

    Am having a doubt. Why we are using ping? What is the purpose of this? What is the process taken place in pinging sites? It will works out for our site or blog. I am asking this questions because, i used this sites lot. But there is no use. Is it working for you.

    1. You won’t see how it works. Only search engine can understand :D

      Pings are used to tell search engines that your blog has been updated. So that they can crawl

  69. Hi Ammar,

    Thanks for sharing such a nice information and valuable resources. Let me share my experience here, you can index your newly registered domain and posts in just 10secs, YES in 10 seconds! All you have to do is to install “Google XML Sitemap for Videos” plugin in your wordpress and generate sitemap with it. After doing that just do a search in google to verify “” without quotes. DONE

  70. Hey Ammar! A good post, I recommend WordPress users to use PubSubHubbub plugin to ping search engines automatically, its also works fine, posts gets indexed in less time. And thanks a lot for Ping List #ReallyNeededIt :)

  71. Great article Ammar,
    However what I have experienced is that if you build high quality backlinks from the very beginning of your blog, then after 3-4 months, it won’t be too hard for your blog post to get indexed. In my case it has happened and some of my blog posts start ranking on the 1st page of Google within 3 days of publishing.
    I would always suggest to build highest quality backlinks first and the rest comes afterwards. :)

  72. Thanks for updating the Ping list Ammar. You are right, I did noticed that commenting on related topics can make the post visible on SE quickly.
    Thanks again for sharing.

  73. Thank you for the links and information. Hopefully this information will be be effective and helpful on my blog. I have heard of pingdom tool before but I didn’t really know how you it could help.

  74. An awesome post Ammar,
    This is my first time to your blog and i like what I’m seeing. You’ve really taking this blog very far, please keep it up.

    Getting a blog indexed the first time is usually time consuming especially when you’re still new to the whole thing. This post has really made it very simple and I’ve added to the ones i know before.

    Thanks for sharing.

  75. This is really a superb post Ammar sir, In this post anybody stating Blogging get everything he/she need to know in starting, great effort and awesome starting of post… :)

  76. Shivani Sharma

    Hey Ammar, will you please tell me about Ping and ping list in detail, I mean what to add in ping list in setting>>writing and do I need to update every time after publishing a post or only one time. By the way this is a good informative post.

  77. Hi Ammar,
    This is really a very informative post on how to easily index a new blog. When i started this is one of those things i found really hard to do because most of this languages were still sounding foreign to me then :) but today, i can easily do those things.

    The main thing is that we must not learn all there is about blogging before we start just like any other thing out there. We just have to start and then continue learning along the way.

    I’m sure this post will be a very helpful resource to lots of bloggers out there especially those that just started.

    A very interesting post as always Ammar, Thanks for sharing and have a cool week :).


    BTW: Thanks for the SEO processor plugin, really appreciate :).

  78. Thanks for your valuable post, I am following the above mentioned steps, but I had not used pingtom tool. Which I will do now.

    really these points are very effective and helpful. They are helping me.

    1. Hi Ammar..

      Thank you very for the information… :) and special thanks for the “Ping List”.. I was thinking about creating one for myself.. but fortunately I found you with your awesome post here… Really appreciate it..

      @Vishal : Mate try Ping-O-Matic ASAP… it is a cool supporting tool for your SEO campaign… Best of Luck… :)

    2. Vishal just to help you out really simple and quick method to get your newly blog post indexed is by submitting your blog url to google webmaster url submit and you will see your blog blog will get indexed within a matter of 5 minutes

      Rohit Singh

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