Do You Know The Real Truth About Blogging?

Blogging isย  a great way of passing information from one person to another using a webpage also called a blog or website, most bloggers earn their full time income from blogging but there are lots of facts you need to know before you venture into the blogosphere.

the real truth about blogging revealed

By now most of our readers reading this article might be wondering and eager to know this real truth about blogging but you should relax because we are revealing every single truth about blogging today.

Before you venture into blogging or any business either online or offline you should be able to know your aim and what you stand to gain, it can be money, fame etc

Am writing this article today based onย  the majorityย  of newbieโ€™s coming into the blogosphere not knowingย  anything about blogging but all they know is that blogging is a great way to make money online, because I wouldnโ€™t want any of you to regret any action you take thatโ€™s why am revealing the real and whole truth about blogging.

The Real Truth About Blogging

Itโ€™s a great way to earn money online

First I would like to say that blogging is a great way to earn money online but most newbieโ€™s thinks blogging is a get rich quick scheme which is completely wrong, before you canย  boost of earning good cash from blogging you need to make impart in your readers lives by writing quality and informative articles on your blog.

Long Term Run

long term run

I know that most bloggers hit full time income within some months on their new blogs because sometimes luck is also involved but majority of bloggers do start earning reasonable amount from their blogs when itโ€™s about 6 months plus or even older, blogging is about being persistent you need to keep up doing what you know how to do even if you donโ€™t earn money that very moment in the future you will be smiling to your bank monthly or even weekly to clear your checks.


Patient is the key to success but most newbieโ€™s and amateurs donโ€™t understand this part because they heard about a blogger who claims he earns $100 per day from one blog they will just start losing hope because they canโ€™t earn up to a dollar per day on their blog, not knowing how much hard work that blogger did on his blog or the years he started building his blogโ€™s traffic and authority. Like they say a patient dog eats the fattest bone so you have to be patient to see your blog grown in the right way.

Hard Work

hard work is the key to success

Most bloggers you see today earning good amount of money from blogging didnโ€™t start today like you so you shouldnโ€™t compare your earning with the earning and traffic of the pro bloggers in the blogosphere, If you take the time you use in snooping around pro bloggers blog to work and build your own blogโ€™s traffic, back links and authority like the ones of the pro bloggerโ€™s then surely you can expect to earn good income like the pro bloggers.

You should know that no website or blog was created with millions of visitors because it all started from one day so keep working hard on your blog and the sky shall be your limit.

Be Prepared For Anything That’s The Real Truth About Blogging

being prepared for anything

Am adding this part to this post because no matter what you do either online or even offline most people will like your job and while some will criticize your job, donโ€™t be expecting your blog readers to praise you at the starting point of your blog because they wonโ€™t praise you because of your poor writing skill, poor content and poor seo etc. instead you should be expecting unappealing comments but even at that never give up until you reach your aim as a blogger that โ€˜s why you need to be thick skinned that never gets frustrated no matter the temptation.

Copy Cats

ignore copy cats

There is a period when bloggers will start copying your contents but you shouldnโ€™t be angry at all because this is a great way to determine that your blog is growing and that you have improved in your writing skill, although there are some sites that prevent and help you fight against copywriters some of the sites are and

The truth about earning good money from ย a blog is about the traffic it generates, a blog with 20,000 visits daily canโ€™t be compared with a blog that receives 20,000 visits monthly so you canโ€™t expect both blogs to earn same amount of money per month.


As a newbie you should make deep research before starting a blog even if you see your friends or pro bloggers earning good income from blogging try learning some basics from them so that you can be set on the right track and you too will be a pro blogger in no time with their guide and support from their experience.

Feel free to drop your awesome comments below because we love discussing with our readers, what do you thing about this real blogging truth revealeยญd?

31 thoughts on “Do You Know The Real Truth About Blogging?”

  1. Hi respected Erafe Prince:-
    Firstly i would like to say you a wonderful thanks from my side regarding this helpful article for us. Friend these all points are very helpful points for the beginners. Bur sir can you tell me that may i can create popular our lyrics nice blog. Is it truth or not……….
    Please Reply Sir and solve my problem……..

  2. Yes ! Hard Work Always Remains The Key To Success And Patience Is Also the most important factor for blogging because those who can’t keep calm mostly go for the wrong path like black hat :)!

  3. I’m glad someone has spoken the real truth, great post Erafe, blogging is HARD, don’t think that there is easy money there. Now after doing this as my full time job, I must admit that I’m a fool, from all of those easier and faster ways to make money I chose blogging.

    Blogging is interesting, that’s true, but I worked hard almost every day for a full year before noticing any results in terms of money and social media recognition.

    And blogging itself is a sacrifice, don’t think that you can take use of it, first you will became part of it and then it will became part of you.

    thanks for sharing …

  4. Thanks for your article.I am an amateur blogger.Just statrted.Although,by profession I am a senior banker,as a blogger I am a novice.Just taken it as a hobby now,learning ropes may be.In future,I have plans to involve in bigger way and commercialise it.How can you help me out?And above all,what I have to do for you.Can you advise pl.

    1. Asim you can learn more about blogging by reading articles online, this will really help you in a long way or you can also contact ammar the admin of this blog to support you incase you have any question about blogging, thanks for commenting i will visit your blog to see if i can give you any recommendation. thanks again for the comment

  5. Patience is the hardest requirement for blogging; if you don’t have strong nerve try movie making or something like that and never think about blogging. Another great post Ammar thanks for sharing

    1. Mi Muba thanks for leaving a comment on this post, but i would like to say that before commenting on a post it’s nice to read it because this post was not written by ammar lol it’s a guest post by me anyway in my next post on this blog i will talk about that, thanks again for the comment lol

      1. Hey erafe prince: I believe in “what is being said” instead of knowing “who is saying”; secondly the way you used “lol” twice in replying to me is an evidence that you know little lesser about internet marketing; anyways thanks for pointing out I should have read the name of author; once again I would say a wonderful post by erafe prince (my new friend); peace and blessings on you; keep smiling, lol

        1. thanks for the reply dude i really appreciate this engagement i hope to see more of your comments on this post

  6. Blogging is indeed a good way to earn online. But it is not as easy as the new bloggers think it is. It does take a lot of hard work and patience to eventually have a name in the blogging world.

    1. Blogging is surely a great way to make money online but it’s not really as easy like the way newbies take it, thanks for sharing this awesome post

  7. Nice comment shafeeq, you really made a great point on your comment thanks for commenting again i hope to see you soon

  8. This is a great article for newbie. the people that work hard can earn many more from adsense. wait for 6 month is long period. but after this we can generate awesome money if we work hard for 6 month or more. thanks dear for sharing your knowledge.

  9. It is mind touching article………Because I learned these things from my last 2 year….
    I think Blogging is easy when you love blogging as your lover, but it become difficult when you doing it just for money!!!! Sorry, it is my practical experience from my last year…..

    When you put your 100% contribution in blogging you (we) will earn money from blogging. Because online world grow only when we grow……………..

    once again thanks for this superb article…………..

  10. Whao, great article.. Thank you for the write-up. it is true that blogging is not a get rich quick venture, you need to maintain for some period with serious commitment and dedication

  11. Nice Tips erafe…All the above mention are twists and turns that we all encounter at some stage in blogging. Thanks for reminding us

  12. Hi Erafe, very nice post and the truth about blogging mentioned by you are absolutely correct………. Keep going dude!

  13. Siddhartha Sinha

    Hello Erafe,

    I would like to say Blogging is not the game for one Day but it is the game to be played with sincerely and honesty and as you said patience is the key for success no doubt about it. Very beautifully all the important key points are mentioned here.

    Siddhartha Sinha

    1. Even now in the blogosphere bloggers don’t read before commenting but Sinha you took your time to read and comment on this post thanks and i hope to see you soon

  14. Very nice article Ammar. You are a very good writer. Yes, after 10 months of dedication in blogging I know how much I have learned and also earned. Also discovered who can earn and who can not earn. Behind every penny its countless passion and hard work only. Now I know to write a 500 word article which can attract 100 people to comment on it is a very very tough job. No one can explain how much time and hard one that blogger has spend behind that.

    So you are completely true, blogging is all about patience, passion and dedication towards your blog or interest. And if this is 100% genuine and honest attempt then your blog will definitely earn in long run.

    Keep up good work Bro!!

  15. In the beginning period of my blogging, I was not aware of the benefits of it much, as i just started to blog on my fascinating subjects .

    But now am passionate about blogging and my skills are advanced with it.

    Yeah, agree with your views, thanks for sharing it :)

    1. Nice comment Nirmala most times i do see blogging as a none expecting job, what i mean is that those that are expecting to earn money dont earn quickly with blogging but those that don’t care about the money earn much money than they thought they could

  16. This is an inspirational and unique post. I’ve not seen a post like this before which makes it special. I think when people know that it takes hardwork, intelligence, and patience to make it in blogging and almost everywhere, they’ll put their best in instead of expecting big money from little work. Thanks for posting.

    1. Yes olumide when i first started my first blog in the year 2011 i never imagined of expanding in the blogosphere but with time and hard work today am glad i started blogging

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