Top 5 Ways to Make Money Without AdSense

Is your AdSense account disabled or you don’t have any? Why should you blog if you can’t make money from it using AdSense??

I know you are thinking the same as I mentioned above.ย But to be honest I donโ€™t like AdSense too much thatโ€™s reason I removed AdSense from this blog. But if your donโ€™t have AdSense than you donโ€™t need to worry about that as today we are discussing top ways to make money without AdSense. (You can also check our updated 10 proven ways to generate income without AdSense.)

make money without adsense

The dominance of AdSense in the ad serving market has seen it assuming tyrannical stand with the rejection rate for ad publishing applicants deplorably higher. However, with a plethora of other earning options available, there is no cause for heartbreak for gullible users.

We discuss top five sparkling alternatives to make money without AdSense here. ;)

Make money through Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing can become a veritable cash cow if capitalized upon ethically. One is required to promote the products of merchants or entrepreneurs and bag a handsome commission on each sale made at an attractive 20-70% depending upon the financial strength of the merchant. Superior quality products with strong brand presence, credibility and potential to deliver what is promised should be vigorously promoted through blogs, writing high quality articles, building a massive email list, participating in discussions on serious forums and writing product reviews. Low quality products should never be promoted through spamming and illegal blackhat techniques or one will face serious loss of reputation with fatal repercussions.

Make money selling ad spaces

Blogs dedicated to promoting high end products are sure to attract the attention and interest of marketers who would like serious audiences for their products on their sites. Selling banner ad spaces on blogs for a niche product with promise of diverting good amount of organic traffic will bring one a handsome chunk of income. The share of revenue will be comparably higher than AdSense as Ad networks sell the advertising space on blogs at about a whopping discount of 90% to marketers owing to profuse amount of selling space available with them. The potential advertiser should be allowed to offer their best price to fetch higher revenue and make money without adsense.

Useย OIO Publisher plugin for WordPress to sell ad spaces with ease.

Make money Using Best Adsense Alternative

If you don’t have AdSense the next possible option to make money is to use AdSense alternatives. There are many ways to make money without AdSense. The alternatives of AdSense may not be as good as AdSense but they do pay some really good amount of money. I have used the following websites as alternative and found them to be a great one. Signup with following websites to make money using ads.

Here are best adsense alternatives that pays!

Make money by Writing Paid Reviews

Millions of people across the globe read blog posts every day. A company can generate tons of qualified traffic and have the spotlight on its products when it pays for paid reviews to be posted in context sensitive blogs pertaining to their niche products. This triggers word of mouth advertising, enhances link popularity, brand credibility and product exposure and also provides a chance to understand peculiar consumer tastes and behavioral trends. Ultimately the product page experiences a significant rise in search engine rankings. The companies pay handsomely to have their reviews covered in blogs with significant number of qualified visitors. One can earn amounts equivalent to that of AdSense and this is slowly turning out to be a better alternative to make money without adsense.

Here are best websites you should join to get paid reviews offers quickly.

  • ReviewMe
  • PayPerPost

Make Money by Using In Text Ads

Publishing โ€˜In text adsโ€™ on your blog by invoking the services of Infolinks will help in monetizing the site with highest revenue share from contextual in text ads. Only relevant ads are delivered which essentially improves the conversion rate and boosts the earning potential. You can join following sites to monetize blog using in text ads;

The pay per click ads can be easily integrated in the site and bring about a jumpstart in your earning and a new opportunity to make money without adsense.

Don’t forget to share your methods to make money without google adsense.

67 thoughts on “Top 5 Ways to Make Money Without AdSense”

  1. People do say this Adsense is thing of past, but is not, it is just getting better. It does look intriguing, but I am not sure that by just relying on trying to make money by selling ad spaces and affiliate marketing could actually replace your passive income source from Adsense.
    Yes Adsense policies have become strict and it has become hard to make money from Adsense, but it is a genuine source of income and you could still make a fair amount of money by working a bit harder, and for a longer period of time.

  2. Happy New year & best wishes to you.
    Thanks Ammar for providing valuable information,yes of course there are many alternatives to make money by using online ,honestly speaking I trust you & like to work without Adsense.As you know I am new in this field,so could you pls tell me which way is perfect for me?

  3. I had approved account of Adsense on my name but I was inactive on blogging from so far. So I have google account associated with that Adsense account.

    Now I am back into blogging but google doesn;t allow me to register with new adsense account with the same name.

    Can you please let me know how can I signup for AdSense again with my name (same name) again?

  4. Thank you Ammar,
    I am feeling so encouraged after reading this article,as i am new to blogosphere.
    and my adsense is not approved yet due to insufficient content. But now i got so many alternates to make money other than Adsence.

  5. My Google Adsense Account Was Blocked For no good reason and i lost alot of money …. After that i have made a decision even if i will earn less i will go for other ads.. !

  6. Google Adsense is not relevant anymore and there are plenty of other ways to earn online. I think affiliate marketing is the best and most effective way to earn an income online. Thanks for sharing this post.

  7. I got clean chit from all publisher, to whom i applied to, except adsense. Friends my site crosses first approval every time i apply to adsense.
    First and second time i even did not have any privacy policy, about us page. and my domain is still 4 months old.
    but on 2nd approval they disapprove.
    i dont know whats happening.
    all publishers to whom i applied to gave me approval, but still my mind is saying “Go for Adsense”.
    i dont know why.

  8. My adsense account disabled some invalid click activity & aim turn on some alternative but its not more effective so actually good ways to make money without adsense. now im going to try affiliate marketing

  9. Hey
    i Am New in Blogging And my Blog is about GAdgets and tech.. i get like 1k visitors per day.. i tried to apply for adsense but .. its not getting approved..
    i Dont know the other ways.. anyone who can Contact me personally. and brief me about how to make money from sources other than Adsense…

    P.S i read the above methods but i dont know how to implement them…

  10. People like we, makes the Google Ad Sense much popular. Otherwise at initial stage almost no traffic people were getting account approved and their was no banned policy. With the power of huge companies starts exploitation low traffic people so never think that blogging is nothing without Ad Sense. Actually you feel free to blog without Ad Sense ads, it creates a situation that you are not the owner of your blog.

  11. Google adsense is very prone to getting banned. For it, all bloggers should be as smart as you and start setting up other alternatives as a way to earn money through blogging
    Using this way, if one day getting banned from google adsense we can still make money with the alternatives that have been prepared
    Thanks for posting this, a very valuable input :)

  12. thanks for your tips, and we need to make money from adsense but we always need to work hard with adesnse

  13. Hi Ammar,

    Thanks for giving adsense alternatives. It will really useful for newbies in blogging. New bloggers are always thinking about the Google Adsense. Your list will surely help them to earn. Nice Information.

  14. Thank you Ammar Sir for best Google adsense alternatives.Now days it is tough to get adsense.Specially for those which have low traffic but above two sites are very good option for those who wants to earn some money online.Great post bro.You rocks

  15. Hie Ammar,
    I liked your comments. I am a beginner to blogger. So getting less traffic. How can i generate more traffic online free? And what are the earning option for new bees. Suggest me.

  16. This post is very informative! My website is still under development and I still have to add more content and tinker its design even more so I can apply to AdSense. I was searching for information about the possible reasons for AdSense rejection and in the event of the ban, the possible alternative to it. I’m happy to know the “best five.” Thanks a lot Rajkumar! High five here!

  17. it seem that i m in a people can earn money by online..i am using internt since 7 i dnt knwo abt online money making as indian are less awear .plz suggst me guys how i can alos earn money..i m a engineering graduate guy in chemical engineer..and one more thing that is it neccessary to built a blog with spend money..mean for domain name .or blogspot.inis fine for me??

  18. helo all.
    i m a new comer in internet online making sites..i just make a blog on apply for google adsense bt they refused it .they said that my blog should minimum 6 month old as indian plz suggest me ho w i can get money by internt.i dnt earn a single coin yet ..i hope u ll welcome me in online money making sites.
    thanks admin and all

  19. Yeah Adsense sucks a lot and their not the only means to earn online. I tried applying before and got rejected a couple of times. So this tips about alternate ways of earning really helps a lot. Thanks!

  20. I also don’t like adsense not because I don’t know how to use it and how it works, but because I don’t see any good reason for doing it. For me, affiliate marketing is the real deal. It’s the easiest way to make money online.

  21. Mr. rajkumar, i am agree with you. it is a common fact to income with adsense but maximum people are do not allowed to do that, because of google adsense authority. in that case they should choose another option and the describing options are the best option i think. in fact i am already started to using chitika in my blog when my adsense was disable from the authority.

  22. The monetizing methods you mention is all legitimate, but the key is driving a lot of traffic to the site or blog, and we would like hear from you more about traffic building.

  23. Hi Rajkumar
    Excellent Summary with easy explanation All point of this article are valuable & useful. To be successful with Google Adsense it is important to pick niches that you are actually interested in. You will quickly run out of blog post ideas if you donโ€™t really care about the subject matter. If you can come up with niches you really care about, you will be posting on a regular basis. Visitors and Google will soon follow.
    Thanks for share it.

  24. These ad networks are great but I don’t think that all these comparable to Adsense. Google Adsense is different than others.

  25. adsense is actually madsense.they disable innocent people’s account for no reason,that’s why they also don’t explain the reason of disabling acccounts.I got disabled 12 times.

  26. Can we place ads both from chitika and google adsense in our blog or google will take back his ad from our blog if we place ads given by some other ad giving companies?
    Pls do tell me.

  27. New Cars In India

    You blog has sufficient material about how can a person earn money without adsense. I see many people say they have not approved adsense account. If they read your blog then they can get idea that how can they earn money without adsense. There are lots of methods to make money. I really appreciate your blog post. I am going to publish your post on my facebook wall for those people who are still waiting to make money without adsens.


  28. how i can find best affiliate system for my blog buysellads did’nt approve my application what should i do

    1. Buysellads is not a affiliate site. You can go for hosting affiliates, themes , plugins or can also join affiliate programs like ,, etc ;)

  29. Ankit Khurrana

    Well posting paid reviews would not be a good alternative, especially after Penguine update as Google bots easily recognizes paid links. I think affiliate marketing is the best alternative to adsense, and some even prefer it over adsense. And also direct advertising esp. BSA is the best network for making good money through direct advertising.

  30. I think, to be a good affiliate marketer is the hardest thing to do as a blogger, you must have huge traffic to get the possible buyer and also you have to build your own audience, because honestly i’ve never made a single sale with my first blog

  31. Hello Rajkumar,
    What i personally feel is that nothing is easier and better than Google Adsense. You can make a handsome amount of money from Affiliate marketing but this is not at all easy. You need to have a good number of visitors in your blog and if you can help them with the products then you can earn huge. Thanks for sharing this beautiful peace

  32. Tried Google Adsense many times, they always ban me . I don’t know why.Even tried from different IP’s but still the same result. Then I tried bidvertiser, it is good but I think Adsense would give a high payout.

  33. Great different options. Soem people have no clue how much of an opportunity waits on the net. If you have the drive and passion you can make a lot of good things happen.

  34. I am totally agree with you. Adsence is good but for adsense you have to wait alot. normally adsence account blocked due to many reasons. other techniques are better than adcense. and you can get direct payments.

  35. Blogger widgets

    If the website has some better traffic, I think the best alternatives are space selling and affiliate marketing. Isn’t it??

  36. Adsense is a simple way to make money online with a blog/site – however, it’s not easy way to earn huge income if we don’t do it the right way, building niche site is the best for earning with Google adsense. These 5 ways above are great for make money online. Thanks for share to us.

  37. Adsense Alternatives, They Dont Pay as much as Adsense Gives, And i think from all above Options, Text-Based Ads is the most effective way to earn…. Ri8? Correct me if i am wrong ;)

  38. Here is a work around, sign up for SocialSpark platform, and you can leverage their Ads marketing. This is basically Google AdSense ads using their platform (not your AdSense account) you get pretty good CPC/CPM rates, almost as much as hosting AdSense yourself and they are AdSense ads plus advertiser direct purchasable. Highly recommended, only issue is you can only do 1 banner on a site and it must be above the fold.

  39. seobloggerstips

    For serious blogger..Adsense is just an option not the first choice.
    You can earn much more using affiliate market and direct ads.
    Just make yourself a brand and start selling

  40. Affiliate ads are the best as they do not want any traffic nor any ranking they just want their sales and we want our money. So it is better than any other.
    And google alternatives are not much better as no one is better than the best.


  41. Google Adsense is undoubtedly the best one but there are still more possible ways to monetize blogging.. like the ones mentioned above there are few other good alternatives available in the market.. all we need to do is to choose the best one which works for us..

  42. Adsense is not a single way to earn. Direct ads can make large bucks for you if you have good site with good traffic.

    1. Yes, You are right Direct ads can make good income as well as paid reviews + affiliate marketing..

  43. Hello Raj,

    I don’t know why people quit if their adsense accounts get banned. In IM world there are many ways, many doors exists to make money online and some of them you pointed out in your article very instructively. So thanks for that. I hope people enjoy this article as much i enjoyed. :)

  44. Everyone should find an Adsense-alternative since you can’t guess what the Adsense team is doing. I was banned once (re-applied successful after that) and that is my experience. By the way, you are doing well without Google Adsense.

    1. Thanks Jacob. Adsense works best for all websites. But we mostly love to make good money from affiliate marketing and direct ad sales

  45. Nasir is right, adsense is gaint, no one can beat it.
    Other way to make can be to create themes for cms, forums and sell theme or found sponsors for them.

    1. Yes you both Ahmed and Naser are right. No one can beat Adsense. But this post will he helpful for those who want to make money but don’t have adsense account ;)

  46. My adsense had been disabled again its no prpb getting it back :P by changing ma ip but still am not ready to start again ;( any gud alternative ? What abt tribal fusion many said tghat its hard to get and where can i get free best affilating ?? Without investment plz reply /)

    1. dude, try out Chitika, it gives good results. I tried it. For affiliate marketing. I suggest Amazon.
      If you are interested, you can go through my Chitika post. (It is not paid post. It is my own).

      1. Partik, Chitika sucks. They pay very very low. And have another feature that cuts half of your monthly income at the end of 4 weeks.

  47. But no one can beat AdSense. When our AdSense account bans, we feel an important pillar of Blogging has been demolished. But still popular blogs can survive with Direct ads.

    1. Rakesh Uniyyoural

      Yes Naser !!
      you are right “Google Adsense ” is almighty for all ads providers. No one can beat Google Adsense.

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