How to Earn $50-$100 Daily with Affiliate Marketing?

make money with affiliate marketing

Wouldn’t it be nice to earn $50-$100 daily with affiliate marketing.

Here’s a tremendous post today which will show you the fool-proof plan that works 100% to make money with affiliate marketing.

The best thing is that you can start in within minutes and it needs only $20-$30 to start and then daily profit of $50-$100.

Isn’t that cool? ;)

How to Earn $50-$100 Daily from Affiliate Marketing?

This is almost never shared on web, even the gurus made it a secret. I found it quite few days ago and now sharing it with you. Also I would more posts with awesome information which can work for you to generate money fast and easily with low investment.

May be at start, a $30 would also sound very much for you. But once you’ll start banking profits, they’ll be recovered within a day.

The method I’m gonna share requires a bit of basic skills of monitoring traffic, English writing skills and a bit of patience too.

Also one note you should make that I don’t give any guarantee of profit. You can generate even $1000 a day or $0 per day with this. If you work smart, then you’ll profit for sure. So read it carefully.

Lets start,

What technical setup will you need?

In short, what stuff or services you will need to start this method and earn money?

And that’s it. May be you’ll be introduced to all the above things, or may be some of them are new for you. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you everything, so no need to worry to search on Google.

Before I start explaining the method with you, let me tell the meaning of the requirements, if you are a beginner. I don’t want to make it understandable for pros only, but the real thing is to explain the whole matter to a starter guy to help him making money.

  • ย A Blog/Website: If you are a blogger, then you must be knowing meaning of this. ;)
  • What is HTML and CSS: HTML and CSS are languages to create and stylize your webpage as you wish with special effects. You will need basic knowledge of it because you will have to make your design attractive, and catchy, highlighting the call to actions etc.
  • An Email Autoresponder: A service that sends email automatically after one subscribes to your blog and lets you set email courses for specified time. Eg: You want to send 1 email to subscriber for the first 10 days after he subscribes, this service providers let you do it.

If you still have problems, then don’t worry. I’ll show the full process in brief.

So here it is.

The Method To Earn $50-$100 Through Affiliate Marketing

The 100% working method to earn money with affiliate marketing is here. It is so simple and easy with fast and guaranteed results upon your hard work.

First of all, you’ll need a blog. I think most of you already have it. You need a little 100 daily visitors to your blog. If you don’t have a blog, then first create it and write unique articles to generate traffic. Reaching 100 visitors daily isn’t much hard for any of you.

Now create a eBook for your blog. This is the most important factor in this process. You have to create an eBook which is really totally unique. It must attract your readers.

Write an eBook with great information about your niche, which audience all over world wants for FREE.

For doing this, create a very catchy cover and make the title of eBook a bit spicy.

If you can’t write an eBook then you can outsource it from others too. They are many writers available there. It may be a bit expensive. So better you write by your own.

After creating eBook, it’s time to create a landing page for your blog. A landing page is where your visitors lands, and that page attracts the visitor and makes him give his email/buy the ebook/subscribe to your blog etc.

Different landing pages have different proposes to convert. For this process, you need that visitor to provide you his genuine email address. In return you’ll give the report/eBook to him for free.

Create a landing page on your blog’s homepage because most of the visitors land to your homepage. If you don’t know to design landing pages, then here are few helpful links where you can learn to do it. Helpful links:ย  (1), (2), (3), (4).

landing page design

Once you check out all the above 4 helpful links, you’d get enough information about landing pages. So lets move on.

After that, you’ve to setup an autoresponder. When someone gives his/her email address, the autoresponder will send him a notification to confirm it and the eBook (for what he subscribed).

I strongly recommend AWeberย MadMimi. It is fast and easy to use. They’ve many video tutorials too which can help you. Also the rock-solid support won’t disappoint you.

Why I strongly recommend MadMimi?

  • Very easy to use
  • Awesome interface
  • Affordable Price and servies
  • FREE upto 2.5k Subscribers
  • Very cheap as compared to aweber or mailchimp

Signup for MadMimi nowย 

Once you have built this all things, you’ll need traffic to your landing page. The best way for getting traffic is Guest Posting. Do guest posts on blogs on your niche and in author bio, leave link to your landing page.

Once you got the email address, now you need to convert it to a buyer.

Send them a 7 day course which will teach you something unique in your niche.

For example, if you are blogging about weight loss, send a 7 day course named “The 7-day Plan to lose weight guaranteed”

If your blog is about blogging tips, then send them “How to Make Your Blog More Profitable in 7-days”

The more attractive your headline is, the more attention you will get. :D

In this 7-day course, you need to win the heart of him/her. You need to build relation of trust with them.

So be careful while writing it, it is very very important.

Once you are done writing it, now it’s time to earn some money. You gave them lots of information for free, now you need to earn money from them.

You will help them make the process fast, and help them, and earn money.

Like when you sent a course titled “The 7-day Plan to lose weight guaranteed” promote some products related to losing weight and earn money. When they will trust you, they’ll surely buy it. For finding products related to your niche, you need to sign up at clickbank or amazon associates.

This two are best affiliate networks. I use clickbank most. Amazon associates is also good.

You will get a unique link named affiliate for the product from the affiliate networks. Include it in the email, when the person will buy it via that linked, you’ll earn commission for it.

The best thing is that, you can even get more than the creator of product gets for a sale. This is affiliate marketing.

The secret to generate more profit is getting more traffic and more emails. You can get lots of traffic via guest posting.

This is the method which can generate you $50-$100 on a daily basis.

Here’s a great post to check out increase affiliate sales and make more money

What do YOU say about this system?

I hope you liked it.

Best of luck for you. I hope you’d generate lots of money like me.

Tell me what do you think about make money with affiliate marketing system in comments?

I would love to see your comments. Don’t forget to hit sharing buttons below! :D

166 thoughts on “How to Earn $50-$100 Daily with Affiliate Marketing?”

  1. Great post! And nice commonly used and proven approach to generating affiliate commissions quickly! One tip I would add, for anyone having problems creating an ebook for your blog, one of the fastest ways is to take several of your best blog posts that fit a current theme, and then compile them all into your ebook. That way, you can create your ebook quickly, and get people signing up for your blog’s email list.

  2. Iโ€™ve been doing affiliate marketing for almost 2 years now and what I remember most is not so much about getting into the program. The real challenge lies in getting traffic to your site and then get them to convert through your affiliate links.

    This is a very steep learning process and many people fall because thereโ€™s not a lot of money to make at this stage. To get traffic, you need content and to write good content, you need time and research. A lot of people donโ€™t have the patience for this.

    Itโ€™s easy to become an affiliate because you donโ€™t need to create the product, but youโ€™ll need to come up with a lot of marketing strategy to make that program work and create a long term income for you.

    Having said that, I love doing affiliate marketing and I wish I had started this business earlier in life.

  3. Hi Jafar,
    Thanks for sharing, These tips are really helpful and informative. Affiliate marketing is very useful to get extra income without any hard efforts. By doing affiliate marketing anyone can get more money side by side and also you can utilize your free time to earn money easily.

    Keep posting new updates with us.

  4. If you're a passionate closet writer who wants to be published but can't find a way to do so, make
    each keystroke your way to wealth by penning your own blog. Starting a blog doesn't require
    extensive technical skills but it's important that you have expertise in the field you are writing on.
    This will attract visitors to your site. Building a large following will enable you to earn profit by
    luring advertisers, writing paid reviews or getting commissions for promoting other people's

  5. Thanks a lot Jafar, for this Wonderful detailed Article.
    Honestly, I had a lot of negative stuff for Affiliate Marketing as of now. I mean, it seemed to me almost useless stuff or hard to earn stuff you can say.
    But I guess, I would love to try it once and lets see, lets hope for the best.
    Anyways, thanks a lot for this explanation.

  6. Very thorough. I have done this for a while now. I think anyone can do this and your post clearly outlines everything to do. Unfortunately, I am reading it now instead of 12 months ago. Damn my lack of time machine to gain the hours I wasted learning and testing all these steps.

    1. Hi Anthony. I am also starting as an affiliate. From all the YouTube videos and reviews I watched. This made more sense. What’s genuine about this post is that the blogger is not selling anything, unlike the other “gurus” who wants to reach you, but also wants to make money off you. Thanks

  7. Hello Jafar,

    Its an amazing article to boost income from affiliate marketing without convenience people to buy products.

    I really like your article and I would try it on my blog. I hope I also can generate some money from this method.

    Excellent post! And thank you for sharing.


  8. Hi Jafar,

    I’m a new reader of your blog. I found your article through search results. First of all, I would like to say that you did a great job on this article. This article will be very helpful for beginners blogger who are looking to start make money blogging.

    I have seen most of the similar articles on the internet but this article in completely different from posts. I must appreciate your efforts. I might found more interesting articles on this site.

    Keep doing great work!

    – Rajinder

  9. I agree here. Since building an email list is necessary and the results is quite impressive. Well! guest posting and seo will take time to reach our goal but yup surely once we build our list, the money is actually list.

    Great Post! Keep it up.


  10. Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to monetize online content. While there are many true stories of Internet entrepreneurs amassing small fortunes by delivering high-converting referral leads to affiliate businesses, this relatively straightforward concept isnโ€™t always as simple to execute as it appears.

    Affiliate marketing is an effective money-making strategy for countless online entities โ€“ however, as straightforward as it is in theory, success is rarely as easy as it looks. The best way to build a dedicated audience for any blog is to carefully and clearly define its target audience right from the start, and then create content that caters to that audience. It is also considered as important strategy for creating and publishing a successful blog is to develop content that isnโ€™t readily available elsewhere in the blogosphere or on the web. Eventually, thanks for sharing your experience with us.

  11. Hi Jafar,

    Affiliate Marketing is the major earning source for all professional bloggers around the world but for newbie bloggers its a bit hard to earn from affiliate marketing. The reasons for that are lack of knowledge, lack of patience & strategy.

    You have written an awesome article I hope the trick you shared here will help many newbies to get stared with affiliate marketing :)

    Amar Thakur

  12. Hey guys. Great post with detailed, actionable content. I would like to add my ‘2 cents’ if that’s ok. You are absolutely right with offering a ‘free gift’ in exchange for someone’s name and email address but I have found short reports have worked best for me. If you give away too much information for free they don’t tend to get consumed so the trust isn’t built with your subscriber. Your free gift is the first point of contact with your prospect so it’s unlikely they will read an entire ebook but if you give them a short report which they are able to consume in about 20 mins and they get tremendous value from they are more likely to listen to you in the future and buy your recommendations. A big mistake i see a lot of affiliates make is the content they use for their free giveaway. They think just because it’s given away for free that they can just throw together some PLR material and use that. Unfortunately that doesn’t cut it these days and will damage your relationship with your prospect rather than strengthen it. The best way is to carry out some research in your marketplace and see what pains and frustrations your prospects have and create your free giveaway around that.

    Great post guys

  13. I don’t personally agree with the fact that Affiliate Marketing is easy or could be succeeded easily … As it really does require Proper Keyword Research backed up by high-quality On-Page and Off-Page Optimization.
    But once an Affiliate site gets that success it can really get huge Return on the Investment of effort that we put.
    Thanks for sharing this information … !!

  14. Most of blogger are running behind the Google Adsense but they are missed out the Affiliate Marketing.. Key Success in the Affiliate Marketing is the your writing and product experience..
    While Write review about that product you must include the advantages as well as disadvantages. Because of this genuine writing you will get a loyal visitors. In future, If you start another affiliate Marketing products then your visitors will think on it..

    Note: Doing Affiliate Marketing you need to make a E-mail subscription.

  15. There is no doubt that affiliate marketing is one of the biggest way to make money online. When I made $50 on very first sale commission I got surprised but also happy. Your guide is helpful for all to understand how they can make money with affiliate marketing.

  16. Hi Jafar,
    Just want to say that your English is terrible. So bad I can barely understand what you are even talking about. Also it is very obvious that all your other comments on here are fake because you have written them in the same crap English as your article.
    Congratulations on fooling no one into providing their email for what ever scam it is that your running.

    1. Actually Nunya, Jafar’s English is very good, with only a few very minor errors, and far better than most English speakers. It is simply not true that you can “barely read it”, it’s as good as yours. Most Americans, Australians and British I see online have very poor spelling and grammar, and use memorized abbreviations and SMS-speak instead wherever possible. You cannot sound as if you have something to teach people, if it sounds as if you still have to learn basic literacy yourself!
      If you are writing online your posts should be brief, clear, checked for spelling and grammar and consistent. Your blog may not have broad appeal if it has limitations in these, so your EBooks and public posts can benefit from a professional proof-reader, or extra classes in English, whether it is your first language or not. Whether you write a blog, a book or anything else, your only tool to deliver your message is language, and you should gain all the skills you can with it. If you don’t have time for this, use the services of someone with the best language skills you can find.

    2. What a way to appreciate someone’s work..
      Its obvious his first language isn’t English but the guy has made an effort to help other people out of his experience. Nunya what you did is bad and you should apologize really. There is power in the words you speak. Putting someone down like that is wrong, like all his effort to put something together was a disaster. I myself found his grammar appropriate and very understandable, I think the person with the problem here isn’t Jafar. Next time if you dont have something better to say, dont comment. If it were to be you in his shoes, am sure you won’t like it either…. Stop the negativity!!
      #cyberbullies @nunya

      1. I totally agree with you Yeka! I am English and I understood it. I can only speak English so always admire anyone who can speak another language!
        Thank you for this clear helpful post, ESPECIALLY as English isnโ€™t your first language!

        1. Shelley, thanks a ton. It’s a strange world. People who should criticize you usually don’t, and people who shouldn’t criticize you do it all of the time. I have noted that most native English speakers are the most accommodating of those whose first language isn’t English.

  17. Hi Jafar,

    I am struggling a lot to earn money from affiliate marketing, I think this article will help to earn some decent money for my living, I started collecting emails from blog, let’s see what happens, thank you so much for sharing the article, see you soon.

  18. Well Jafar, it’s a nice idea. Just like other people, I am also not into affiliate marketing, but yes this post gives me a good idea to promote other services too.

    PS: Too late to comment on your post, but i would just like to say that THANK YOU (A BIG THANKS), for creating such a wonderful tip with us. I read it, and couldn’t stop myself to write a short comment on this.

    Keep Rocking

    Tauseef Azhar

  19. You make some really good points.

    I think others will agree that having an email list and traffic is going to be two of the most important things we can do to earn an income online, however, creating content takes a lot of time and it has to be quality content.

  20. Hi Jafar
    Nice article though. I am indulged in this affiliate marketing for a long time and now I say this way to make money online is really nice and encouraging but the condition is that you start it with determination and put real efforts in it.
    I think that gonna make anyone hundreds of dollars daily.
    and you said that right.
    blog and an eBook is much needed to start as a problogger.
    thanks :)

  21. Hi Jafar,

    These are some valid points to execute in our blog to make money with affiliate marketing, recently I started writing an Ebook for my blog to giveaway to my subscribers, earning money from affiliate marketing is not easy as we think if we don’t have huge email list.

    Thank you very much for sharing the information.

  22. Hi Jafar,

    Very well written article all the points that you have mentioned in your post are amazing and very helpful in this scenario.

    Thanks for sharing lucrative post.


    Muhammad Mairaj

  23. Hi Jafar,
    great post about affiliate marketing here.

    Definitely, it’s one of the most lucrative ways to generate a passive income online.
    However, not every blogger are able to get good money out of it.

    Using the right tools, producing great content, solving your audience needs and problems, choosing relevant products or services to promote are some tips to reach success with affiliate marketing.

    Thanks for sharing!

  24. Most of blogger are running behind the Google Adsense but they are missed out the Affiliate Marketing.. Key Success in the Affiliate Marketing is the your writing and product experience..
    While Write review about that product you must include the advantages as well as disadvantages. Because of this genuine writing you will get a loyal visitors. In future, If you start another affiliate Marketing products then your visitors will think on it..

    Note: Doing Affiliate Marketing you need to make a E-mail subscription.

  25. Minakshi Srivastava

    Hello Jafar,

    Affiliate programs is the best way to earn money and in my point of view better than Google Adsense ads now I am concentrating more on affiliate programs.

    I hope i will earn good money from affiliate marketing programs :)

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful guide with us.

    Have a great day!

    Minakshi Srivastava


    I loved the landing page idea. This would be very effective in one case ONLY. If you are promoting a product or a an eBook this would work very fine OR increasing an Email list by offering something for FREE. You know in this life “Nothing is for FREE”. So you are giving your visitor for an example “A guide to how to install a blog template in wordpress or blogger” or “how to monetize your blog?” a FREE guide will drive this visitor to type his email and hit the subscribe button right away. But if the visitor a PayPal Button he just click the MAGIC X button on the top of his browser. Landing pages are very effective when you know how to use them.


  27. amazing posts and very inspiring for anyone to get started with Affiliate Marketing. If you Google “How to find a niche for Affiliate Marketing” I have great post which can be found on the SERP which will add more ideas to this wonderful post.

    Thanks for sharing Jafar,

  28. Wonderful post! It turned out quite informative to all of us and a lot most likely many more. Many of us have tons of a variety of content about being profitable through an internet business. Visit each of our web page if you’d like: ) thank you

  29. Nicely written and so helpful info. Having too much advertisement in a site is so painful for visitor cause it makes the site look cheaper. Instead, If one can limit the number of one’s advertisement and have some affiliation it would be way cool and wouldn’t be so harsh for the visitors . You have shared some significant point for affiliate marketing . Thanks for sharing

  30. You have lay out the basis and the next step is how to increase your readership. your site ranking, i think that is where new bloggers gave up. thanks for the guide, i believe it will really help bloggers.

  31. Great post! It was very insightful to us and most likely many others. We also have tons of various articles on making money from an online business. Drop by our website if you want :) thanks

  32. Great Post Jafer,

    Your post is really helpful. Affiliate marketing works great and helps to make thousands of dollars a day. But aweber is a great tool to make email promotion but i will defenetl try madmini also to see the result.

    Nikhil :)

  33. It is not any secret way to make money. Almost all the bloggers are doing this. I am very disappointed with the length of this post and value given. May be helpful for someone but not me. Anyway thanks for you time.

  34. Everyone must keep in mind that the main component here is a loyal audience. In order to earn any money from your blog/site you need to have thousands and thousands of readers.

    I will give you a very simple example. Let’s say you build up an audience of 50,000 readers and out of that 50k you have about 1% that trust you (1% of people that trust you online is actually very huge), so that equates to 500 readers. Out of that 500 readers you will have about 10% that will buy your eBook and other affiliate products, so 50 people total. So, if you are selling your eBook for $10, you will make $500. Of course it doesn’t stop there, those people that buy the eBook and like it will most likely recommend it, and you will have a snowball effect where more people keep buying your book and other affiliate products. This is just a rough example that shows you some realistic numbers. Do not ever think that if you build up a huge number of readers that they will all trust you and buy the products that you promote; if it was that easy everyone would be a millionaire by now.

    To become truly successful it will take a lot of hard work and a lot of time. The most important thing to remember is to keep producing quality content and keep being persistent. If you like what you are doing and passionate about the subject that you’re writing about money will be a side effect.

  35. I read the complete article, it’s title, URL and a few comments. Article sounds good but reality and to be practically it’s not possible for everyone to achieve this goal!

    If you have to earn $50-$100 commission you have to sell product of cost $500-$1000 (If you’ll get 10% commission). If anyone who is reading have the potential to sell product of this much amount then why not he/she should start selling his/her own product. And money ultimately comes when a service or product is sold! So if you can write an Ebook then write another which you can sell for money!

    Good Luck!

  36. Hi Jafar !
    Thank you for you excellent post to make money with affiliate marketing. it is really helpful for me to understand the real-ground of affiliation marketing and make some extra money from them. i would like to replicate your process step by step.

    1. Hi Myhox,
      I’m glad you liked the whole process of making money via affiliate marketing, I’m sure you’d love to go through the whole process and best part would be WHEN YOU START EARNING MONEY!!!

  37. Thanks for the wonderful article and moreover the links to create landing page were pretty helpful. But one thing you mentioned above “Reaching 100 visitors daily isnโ€™t much hard for any of you.” Sir, it is easier said than done.

    1. Hi Mayank,

      I know at starting you might find it hard to drive traffic, but as more you practice it, it will become easy job for you.

      FYI, I just attracted 51246 visitors to my 5 days old blog just a few days back! Now you can imagine rest yourself!

  38. I request ABT team that Please a share few methods that not need investment because there are many people on net that want to earn but due to some issue like investment not start and us internet just for surfing. :( . I will appreciate if any of you post any method that not need a investment. :)

    1. Hi Muhammad,

      See for any kind of business, investment is a must, you must save some money and reduce your enjoyment costs to kick off your affiliate marketing journey.

  39. I havenโ€™t yet tried Affiliate Marketing. Thinking to start it after reading your article.
    Awesome article, thanks.

  40. Hi Jafar,

    I think these are some solid advice. If you want to make money with affiliate marketing, you got to know what people want and what they are looking for.

    Basically, the knowledge of supply and demand. If you can achieve that, you are well on your way to make some serious cash from affiliate sales.

    Thanks for sharing mate!

    1. Hi Reginad,

      Yep you just need to do proper market search and analysis, and the affiliate marketing world is yours.

      There is so much potential, with proper content marketing and promotion we could easily get $$$ per day.

  41. Michael Freeman

    This is a great place to start for beginner affiliates. The deeper you get into affiliation, the potential is even great than $50 to $100 in the following industries: Gambling, Adult and Pharma…these industries can get an affiliate a $250+ CPA commission + Rev Share for successful affiliates. The sky is the limit and many people fall into the most amateur affiliate programs which is probably why most affiliates are not successful. I’ve been an affiliate marketer for many years now and if you’re just starting out, the one thing I recommend is first of all: Get familiar with all the tools, affiliation strategies…get to know the programs, establish a connection with your affiliate managers and if you put a lot of time in it and take it seriously…Sooner or later you will succeed. I’ve done it and I am still doing it. I have a few successful sites that I operate, I work both with Click Bank and independent affiliation programs…One word of advice, Amazon and Ebay are over-saturated…Try an affiliate program with a higher CPA and less competition…Competition can be measured simply by using the Google Keyword Tools. Great article! I love your blog. Cheers! Mike

    1. Hi Michael,

      Thanks for the big appreciation and a lengthy comment.

      Yep, there’s no limit of potential here in online world, you have to take the much you can and explore the much you can!


  42. Make money from affiliate is not that easy especially when your website does not have enough traffic. So doing affiliate come along with the numbers of visitors too. That’s my thought. Thanks for the post Allbloggingtips.

  43. Very easy my dear friend, I think reading this article, any body can make money online. So the basic idea of this whole article was -affiliate marketing through email list. Another method that is totally working and i am able to generate an average 20-50$ per days is just post proper review on any popular system and fully optimize that so that that review can rank higher in search results. This method will generate endless affiliate income for you.

    1. Hi Rakesh,
      Yes, Reviews are best way to earn from Affiliate Marketing, the take is that you must know proper PRESell copywriting and some bits of SEO to rank it!

      THanks for commenting!

  44. Hello Jafar, great info you have shared in your post really informative and helpful. However you have recommend Madmini Email Marketing service. You also write that it’s free to use for beginners. Is there nay features that enable me to send newsletter automatic from my blog feed?

    1. Hi Jafar, You haven’t Replied My Comments Yet. Anyway What Do You think About Yahoo and Bing Contextual Network ( Is It Perfect Alternative For Google Adsense?

  45. Amazon Kindle “Affiliate Marketing Beginners Luck 2013” is a great resource book to check out. It teaches about selling on numerous affiliate sites, creating reviews, sales letters and buying wholesale products..even includes links to verified contacts.

  46. I searched on Google to find a way to make money as an affiliate marketer. This website is well-constructed and you spoke very clearly. You laid the foundation down for most people to understand, if they have basic reading skills. I never knew how to create a landing page until I came on this site. A whole lot is what I’m learning from this website of yours. Great Job!


    From all my knowledge and experience I believe the 7-day plan is an old saying now. Everyone is smart enough to know this. One must send e-mails to a prospect addressing as if he is talking to a friend. A person can send more than a single email in a day if his title and content is worth reading.. Else, nice crisp information

  48. Hi Jafar Dhada
    Great post you’ve written. really u made lots of effort to deliver this complex methods in simple way everyone can get easily.
    I have a question, selling their Email id isn’t like penetrating their privacy or something wrong.
    well i even understand, cyber market has bigger business of mail id and all. Is all that good stuffs to do?

    1. Hi Thedijje,

      Thanks for appreciation.

      Tell me one thing, is recommending a product to someone a crime? ;)
      At least as far as I know, its fully legal. But if you buy emails and promote without any permissions, then it might be a crime.

  49. Superb many people try with Blogging but after sometime they leave because sometimes they won’t get ads and sometime no revenues even after doing very hard job, they must read this article so that they come to know Adsense ads are not the only way to get earned via blog, this is superb info, I admire.

    1. Hi SHivani,

      Yes, blogging is not just about Google Ads, its way more than that.
      If people get seriously into Affiliate marketing, then it could earn them in a day what they earn from Ads in a month or two.

  50. Hey Jafar. I was shocked to see you at the author box.
    Well written bro. I’m surely gonna give it a serious try.
    Well put man, keep it up.

  51. I haven’t tried Affiliate marketing yet and if you visit my site, you will see that I have adsense on it. I will give affiliate marketing a try and see how it works for me.

    thanks for the article.

  52. Really, I read somethings similiar your article on somewhere in internet.. That’s good tips but according me, for beginners, these are so difficult for apply. The supervisor affiliaters always have their own secrect. Can you helping the newbie clearly? Step by step and can be understand easily? Thanks so much for this article!!

  53. Nice post Bhai
    But many of the bloggers doesnt know to promote as you said.
    As they think it is restricted to pro only.
    Any way Nice post
    keep posting !!

    Share Smile ;)

    1. Hi Franklin,

      Thanks for the appreciation, I’m just a bit late to reply, but I’m here ;)

      Don’t think of those MANY bloggers, think of yourself, try and improve, that’s way to survive! Let other do Sh*t on bricks!

    1. Hi Zeeshan,
      Search on google, you’ll get some good ideas, also check the reference links in the article. Use optimizepress for creating landing pages.

      Thanks for commenting!

  54. To make this technique work you need massive amount of traffic to your blog. As you said, email marketing has a very high conversion rate than any other techniques.

    Having plugins like “Popup domination” and “viperchill toolbar” will increase your email subscribers rate.

    1. Hey Adam,
      Yes it requires traffic, but not that much.
      It requires just targeted traffic, not massive non-targeted traffic.

      Yes, those plugins are helpful too, thanks for mentioning them.
      Thank you for commenting!

    1. Hi Thejas,
      Thanks for the compliment.
      You are wrong, using this method, people are earning thousands of hundreds of dollars.
      You need a art of attracting people!.

      Thanks for commenting!

  55. Hey Jafar that was an awesome post .. Quite good methods of affiliate marketing shared.. I am also in the AM for quite a time and these are surely gonna help me ..

  56. these are certainly well known ways of making money with affiliate marketing…the best example i can give is rahul kuntala of, he has created an ebook and also has a landing page as you suggested! i would also specify bharat mandava of, who earns most of his income through affiliate marketing!! thx fr the article jafar :)


    1. Hi Gautam,
      This is not famous way, almost gurus made it a secret, it was fun revealing it here.
      Yes they both are earning good bucks with aff. marketing, I guess!

      Thanks for commenting!

  57. Nice post bro. I think that if you have email list with 60%+ open rate then you can earn a lot more.
    Just build the email list to get success in Email Marketing!
    Thank you

  58. Nice article. Thanks for sharing

    I know that affiliate marketing is one of the best way to earn lots online than compared to Blogging. But I thought it would be difficult to start but after reading your article, I guess it will fine and simple just like blogging and what we need is to just concentrate over a niche and keyword and drive traffic for it.

    Thank You

  59. Wow.. simply amazing.. getting lot of information about making money through affiliate marketing.. Just having some sense and quality guidelines then its easy earn upto 100$/day..
    Thanks again..

  60. I agree with Creating an eBook. It generates lot of Income, but never knew Affiliate Marketing would fetch this much amount. Anyway, Incredible Post Jafar. Thanks :)

    1. Hi Anirudh,
      Nice to see you here.
      Yes, eBook generates income a lot if you’ve good reputation.
      Affiliate marketing is King of All. If every blogger knew that how much aff. marketing could earn you, then they would have never used those PPC ads. :/

  61. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing great article about tips to earn money with affiliate marketing. This is very useful article for online marketing managers. Keep it up such a nice posting like this.

    Sekhar Reddy.

  62. Hello! Thank you for the really inspiring article- very helpful, also the links- I will try to apply it to my future blog and I am really enthusiast about it.

  63. Thanks… basically I have heard about successful guys making money by affiliating. This was drawing my attention always and today after reading your post you helped me to solve the case behind all of this.

    1. Hi Aditya,
      There are lots of affiliate marketers who use this plan in starting affiliate marketing and then become millionaires.

      We can also take a little advantage of it and earn enough money for us.
      I hope you liked it, thanks for commenting!

    1. Hi Taswir Haider,

      Thanks for commenting here.
      If creating an eBook is hard for you, then alternatively you can giveaway any freebie like, website templates, graphics, or such things in return of the email.
      Hope this helps. ;)

    1. Hi Ehsan,
      It is great to see you here.

      It is really great to hear these words from you.
      You all guys helped me a lot to come at this stage. Thumbs up to you all!

      Thanks for commenting!

  64. I must say, “SUPERB POST”.
    It is quite interesting to learn new things from your post. All information are really helpful and biggies generally use these tactic to make money online and it is perfect for Affiliate Marketing.

    Thanks bro for sharing such a nice post. I am looking for another superb post from your side.

    Keep it up :)

    1. Hi Mohd Aktar,

      Thanks for landing here.
      I’m glad that you learned something new from my guest post. Yeas, affiliate marketing is really a great way to earn money via satisfying readers’ needs.
      I will very soon write more such posts here, if you still want more, then mind checking out my blog ;-)

      Thanks for commenting :-)

      1. Yes, I checked your blog. It is really nice and very nice place to learn writing tips and blogging.

        You are going to become an epic writer. I really love your content. :)

  65. Excellent tips,
    Very helpful for beginners.
    A week back I too started this. Have to look how much I can earn!


  66. Great useful and mindblowing tip bro, I like making an ebook. It will give us traffic and makes our readers to trust us.
    Thank you jafar. surely I will follow these affiliate tips on my blog.

  67. What a great post , Jafar . I think for Landing Pages , Premise is a good tool for the people who are ready to shed some money . The problem is that people who can’t afford an e-mail list cannot promote their e-book and product to the fullest .

    By the way , You have got great writing skills .

    1. Hi Navneet,
      Premise is a good tool for creating landing pages, but if you’ve got some css and html skills, then you can do it better without any tool.

      For generating money for the basic expenses of this plan, you can try doing freelance writing.

      Thanks for your complement ;)
      Also, thanks for commenting too.

  68. The modern trend followed by every blogger is creating an e-book and getting their attention. Aweber and mail service help to do this successfully.

    1. Hi Kyle,
      Yeah, many bloggers, nowadays are creating eBooks, but only few of them know to generate income from it.
      I hope this plan will help them.
      Thanks for commenting!

  69. Most of the blogger or site owner are wanted to earn money by their blog or paid domain. Maximum time people choose affiliate marketing because of this sector has lots of opportunity to earn. But all of them are not follow the appropriate way or may be they do not know the way to do affiliate marketing. In fact i want to say that reading is post they are gain some easy idea to do affiliate marketing and they will be able to earn like you.

    1. Hi Shanta,
      You’re right, most of bloggers think that only promoting the product will generate sales, but, alas, they are wrong. Trust is the key to success.
      I’m glad to know that you liked this idea, hope it will work for you.
      Best of luck and thanks for commenting!

  70. Good earning tips! But I hope that creating an ebook is not an easy process and some specific skills are required. Anyway, I accept your idea to make huge money daily with it. Thanks for sharing the nice information.

    1. Hi Nirmala,
      You hope wrong, creating an eBook is a must, alternatively you can give something for free in return of email too.
      Thanks for coming and reading and commenting.!

  71. Before reading your post I was thinking it is tough to make money from affiliate marketing but after reading your article I think affiliate marketing is easy and one can easily start and make money from it.

    1. Hi,
      I hope my post helped you.
      But remember one thing, nothing is easy until you master it. So it will take time to master in this field, but never give up. You’ll surely get great results.
      Thanks for commenting here. :-)

    1. Hello Mohit,
      Yeah, it is a bit hard, but if you do a little research, then it would be really easy to perform.
      Best of luck to you with aff. marketing.
      Thanks for leaving comment.

  72. Hi Jafar, First of all welcome to ABT & After congratulation for this guest post on ABT and now I am telling something about your this post. it is really informative post & valuable for every new blogger . I will use your suggestion on my blog. But I will try for create ebook. because i have movie blog.

    Rahul Kashyap

    1. Hi Rahul,

      I’m not here for first time, I did 3 guest posts before too, when ABT just started.

      I understand they are ugly, but I wrote them when I was also a newbie. :)

      This absolutely help a newbie and also a professional, to earn money.

      Wait, it will be easy for you, just buy a best-selling movie, and then give it in return of the email.

      After that, promote movies in emails. I don’t think movies have aff. programs. Still you can try, else create a new blog. :)

  73. feeling little disappointed after reading this post . . .:/ I don’t think it is at all an easy way! Convincing someone to buy your product is not that easy… ! Anyway, that’s the way I think, many may find this useful.. :)

    1. I agree with Harish. Even this is a great post, it is not easy to convert someone to buy a product. But I don’t say that this is a impossible work. But I must say that this is a hard work.

    2. Dear Harish,

      This post is targeted to those bloggers who already have 100 daily visitors. Somebody who has reached that milestone, the next target is exactly what Jafar explained. This is awesomely great post.

      Regarding “convincing someone to buy your product is not that easy”, I do agree with you, but at the same time, I remember all those products I’ve bought online. I did not search on Google for those products neither I went to the company websites to get information and buy. They were affiliate people and their blogs that inspired to buy them. PrettyLink Pro, SEO Pressor was recommended by Kimberley, I bought Profits Theme, WP Zon builder because Alex Whaley recommended. Similarly I bought CommentLuv Premium because Ileane, Kavita, Steve and many others were talking good about it.

      It is not easy to convince someone to buy products, but it is how most of the products are sold. I’ve sold a good number of WPZon Builder plugin and HostGator hosting. It works if you have your blog and if you are writing continually sharing your honest experience.

      It is not quick earn method but I can confirm that it works for sure. Easy money and money for doing nothing does not exist. Earning money for clicking on links does not work longer. But the method Jafar has explained, though it needs good workout, it works for sure!

      1. Hi Suresh,
        First off,
        Thanks for the valuable comment.

        You are right, if we build trust with the reader, than probably it won’t be hard to get a sale.

        And ones we did it, the whole system would be on autopilot.

        Again thanks for the valuable comment.

    3. Hey Harish,

      Sorry for it dude.

      It is really easy, When you build trust with the email, he/she will surely buy it. If you provide him honest review or suggestion.


    4. Haris nothing is easy, you must have not read what Jafar has mentioned earlier in the post. “The harder the you put your effort more the results you will get” Also you need to be a good writer and know the strategies to start make money through affiliate marketing. I’ve used Amazon associates program and know how t works according investment we do on book reviewing and sharing on social media.

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