9 Easy Ways To Increase Subscribers and Traffic

Starting a Blog might be an easy task, perhaps its easy for me, but what I found really hard is getting enough traffic and readers to my site.

There are many blogging tutorials on how to get tons of traffic to new blog with no doubts all these tips are good and have its own part in taking your blog traffic to next level, but one hidden treasure I found about getting direct traffic apart from search engine is the blog subscribers that subscribe to get your latest updates in their inbox.

Have you ever imagined woken up one day to find out your subscribers counts thousands? having huge numbers of subscribers can get you more traffic than youโ€™ll ever imagined, but how do you get these subscribers, thatโ€™s where another problems comes in, implementing these tips might help in getting more subscribers as you want.

increase subscribers

Easy Ways To Increase Subscribers

Here are some simple and effective ways to get more feedburner subscribers as well more email subscribers.

  • Why You Need to Start Building an E-mail List?ย 

Subscription Box or Icon

There is no way to can gain subscribers if you don’t place any feed Subscription box on your site, get a big RSS icon and neat RSS form on your homepage and below your posts respectively, you may consider getting a free default mail subscription form from feedburner or use a custom subscription form, or you can use pop-up or animated image to draw first visit attention. Just make sure that any form you used was well placed on your site.

Bonus Tip: Let them know that the subscription is free and fast.

Tell them you hate spam and you wonโ€™t spam them.

You can consider using MadMimi newsletter.

Encourage new subscribers by sending them personal messages.

Free Offer, Contest and Giveaways

If you really mean business in increasing your subscribers you might want to consider offer giveaways and free offers, write an interesting eBook and give it out for free, does this really help?

Oh yeah very well, recently I reluctantly subscribe to a blog because heโ€™s giving away something Iโ€™d want so bad for free, and I know not only me will do this. Believe me almost every one love free offers.

Tips: Don’t tell them they must subscribe to your updated before they can win, but rather tell them that you will announce the winner through your RSS feed subscription link or newsletter, even those who doesnโ€™t participated will subscribe to know the winner.

Feel me? :D

Show off with your Subscribers

Sing out your own praisesย by showing off with the number of your subscribers,ย sometimes many subscribers like to follow up with the blog having good numbers of subscribers, I believe the same reason you entered an eatery with many customers and desert the eateryย  with no customer.

If you let them know the amount of your subscribers will motivate them to try and give your Blog a shot, you canย blow your own horn by displaying your subscriber counts on your site where readers can easily sight it or probably very close to where you put your subscription box, you can use feedburner feed count widget for this.

Tips: Only do this if you have average subscribers, or telling a white lie about your subscribers by increasing the size, any which way you’re looking for subscribers.

Recover Unverified Email Subscribers

Before the RSS subscription process will complete, subscribers need to verified the process with their mail, sometimes some people are lazy and some are ignorant of the process there by ending up not completing the process, if your unverified subscribers go as high as 30-50% percent you may finally end up losing approaching subscribers, but good enough you can send message through email to those subscribers to remind them of their unsuccessful process.

If you’re using any email marketing services, You can do it easily. But feedburner it’s bit hard.

Tips: you can use your webmail account to this, as it create more standard than using other mail services.

Ask People to Subscribe

You doesn’t have to had a sinking feeling by asking people to subscribe to your newsletter or your blog updates, have you forgotten the saying that โ€œask and thou shalt receiveโ€ ? or wait, allow me to say this, some people are laid-back they donโ€™t do something if you don’t ask them to, after you asked them to subscribe to your feeds give them reasons to subscribe.

get subscribers


Tips: At the end of your post you may say something related to this, โ€œdear readers, my next post will be onย  โ€œhow to get 10,000 of subscribersโ€ you might want to subscribe to my updates to get it firs handโ€ and add your subscription link.

All links get broken and unlink themselves this thereby causing you to loose new subscribers or your updates may end up not reaching your subscribers, so its your duty to check on your RSS feed link and your reach stats to pretty sure is working good, click on your link once in a while and enter a dummy email to make sure your subscription link is working good.

Use feed Directories

Some people say they used feed directories to get hold of new subscribers, you too might want to haunt for new subscribers using feed directories, oh no! are you picturing to get thousands of new subscribers with this method?

Stop kidding me! ;)

I can only assure you that using feed directories will plus and increase your subscribers, here is few feed directories you can start with you can do more research on your end.ย  http://www.feedster.com, , http://www.search4rss.com

Create Category Feeds

If you donโ€™t have many categories, this might be skipped but to those who post on different categories you wouldnโ€™t risk your readers who read a nice computer tips on your site and subscribe to your update just to receive some nice computer tips to be receivingย  blogging tips post which he doesnโ€™t have any interest in, to prevent this you can individually offer an RSS feed for each of your categories, this will enable each subscriber to get specific topics and not your whole content, WordPress users can easily do this but if youโ€™re on blogger you might want to go extra miles to check which subscribers have the same common interest.

You heard about Commenting on other blogs to gain traffic?

It pretty work if you turn it into daily habit, but sometimes when comment luv not enabled and you have the opportunity to leave your site url, why not using your RSS feed link? Or perhaps when you write guest post for another blog you may add your subscription link to your profile bio, if you’re allowed.

What do you think?

I believe there are many tips one can easily implement to Increase Subscribers, however I just managed to mention just little few out of them which am pretty sure it will work good.

Which one do you like the most? What methods are you using to increase subscribers? I will also like you to suggest your ideas that’s working for you using the comment box below.

29 thoughts on “9 Easy Ways To Increase Subscribers and Traffic”

  1. This is really an interesting tips and good topic to talk about, I have subscribed to many blogs and sites only because they offered giveaways and since then i have been a loyal reader to those blog, free offers really help to gain subscribers I agreed with your other ways too

  2. Hi Thundey!
    Thank for your article! I’m using wordpress to creat a blog! Can you give a plugin to creat subcribe form?
    Thank you!

  3. This is great post specially for me as i am learning new things about blogging and i am building my audience these days. Ammar it will be great for me too to get your assistance regarding this.

  4. Damn… Like Your Post Buddy… I m Worring a lil bit for my site for less traffic. Your Post Should help me a lot … Keep Posting Like This Fab Articles.

  5. Patrick Tasner

    These are all awesome tips. I cannot wait to try this out to let online users as well have the interest of visiting my site. I am struggling lately on how I could get much traffic and hopefully my worry will end up already. Thanks!

  6. For me, asking people to subcrible is not enough, contest and giveaways seem to work out for my website and those attracted a lot of people and their friends to have to motivation and willingness to share and to read my blog more. Thanks for sharing your tips, they are simple and very correct but they will work out differently with different people.

  7. You have mentioned some of the very important points on how one could easily increase subscribers like that of Free offers and contest which would definitely attract visitors to get converted into readers. This will definitely help in increasing the traffic.

    Siddhatha Sinha

  8. Giveaways work like a charm when it comes to building mailing lists…I managed to collect over 500 emails by running 3 giveaways..Highly recommended. Showing off the subscriber count is also a great idea.It will definitely motivate skeptics to click the subscribe button

  9. Kortingscode zalando

    Though you have some nice tips in your article and I would thank you for sharing em, but I would like to add that getting subscribers by personally sending them messages and all wont result unless and until you have something special and unique to offer. People never join a a club unless and until they want to engage themselves because of their own interest. Its very important to provide people with what they want. Unique, quality and fresh content is all what they want and If they like it they ll subscribe it.

  10. Muhammad Irfan

    Yes this is a great article about get more subscriber. i am using this method already that tell remind people to subscribe our regular email so that they can get every post in their inbox. thanks for sharing this nice post.

  11. Marks PC Solution

    Creating backlinks in popular forums and blogs is an easy and effective way to increase the visitors. It also helps to improve the site’s rank.

    To be honest, in this comment I am doing so! :)

  12. How many times would you think about emailing unverified subscribers? Would you do it, say, twice and then delete them if they still did not verify? About 30% of my list are unverified and I don’t want to keep pestering them and upset people. :)

  13. Traffic is the most important thing of a website. Actually it’s the life of the website. And building subscribers is really important to increase visitors. You have written some nice tips in the article. Thanks for sharing. :D

  14. Great, yea the article is great. Currently I’m using pop up for fb page like.
    First I need traffic to convert into subscriber :)


  15. Great and well informed article. I like the point “Recover Unverified Email Subscribers” is what I normally use to refresh the minds of visitors who subscribed to my blog post but could not complete the subscription process.

    Writing a compelling and non-persuasive mail is the key to getting them to either re-subscribe or click on the confirmation link.


  16. Wonderful ideas to get new subscribers! From my experience, though the most successful and quick ways are sharing some free give-away for subscription, like you new whitepaper or industry research, or making a contest with a great prize – starting form the new iPhone up to everything your imagination can think of!

  17. Excellent Stuff. Sometime it’s extremely tough to increase subscriber even though your traffic is increasing. I’ll definitely apply these techniques on my blog. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Yep. Facebook pop up is good example but lightbox subscribe forms which appear on website when someone visit are also great. They really work and tend to converts readers into subscribers.

  19. Hi Thundey,

    Great post.

    I’m not literally implement this strategy to build blog subscribers because I’ve unique concept (dual language blog). But I believe the essence is still the same, to get repeated and targeted visitors.

    Thus I am focus on making content (a content that visitor want). This is useful because no one will want to return to our blog if our content is not updated or has nothing original to say. Keep our blog’s content fresh and establish a tone for our blog, then stick to it. Visitors want to feel connected to us. Blogging is a two way conversation, so inject some personality into our content, provide valuable and meaningful content to our readers and develop a conversation with our readers. Blog’s that can achieve those goals are ones that will find loyal readers who are likely to subscribe to that blog’s feed or at least keep returning for more

  20. The fastest way to build mailing list is by offering free stuff – free eboks, free graphics etc. Just make sure it’s a high quality product and not totally a crap. A great followup emails are need to engage with people subscribed to get your free product.

    On the other hand, high quality contents attract more passionate reader. They love your writings. They want to get updated. However, this might takes longer time.

    My suggestion would be offer some free stuffs. This is important so you can constantly get some readers to your article. In the mean time, constantly improve the writing skill so they will keep coming to your site even before the got the email! :)

  21. Nithin Upendran

    Nice article buddy.I would try out some your advice.Thanks for sharing some great information buddy!

  22. I just have a question, why when I comment on some blogs, my comment does not show (even if there is no moderation or after I’ve refreshed the page). When I resubmit the comment it tells me duplicate comment? Please advise what to do.

    1. Denzil, try coming back to the page next day or a few days later. If it still does not show, maybe the engine took it as spam and deleted it for some reason.

      Nice article Thundey, I’ll try these tips out. Earlier I used to think, only content quality matters and you don’t have to struggle to get more likes or subscribers, but now I’ve realized I was completely wrong about that =( Competition has increased and its difficult for even the best quality content to be found without any of the tips mentioned above applied

      1. Thank you for the advice Pitt. I’ll be sure to note the site down and check back a day or two later. I really doubt it’d be spam.

  23. Great tips and advice, dude. Sure, increase in subscribers increases blog traffic, and especially in terms of monetizing, email subscribers are given high priority because they are more responsive than any other traffic.
    Agreed on tips about offering free gifts, ebooks and contest. Now, most of the time people subscribe to newsletter just to get free products( which are mostly ebooks).
    I would like to add one more tip to increase subscribers: use lightbox, popup or opt-in. It increases email subscription rate by 100-400%.
    Again, great tips. Thumbs up.

  24. Nice article man.
    Giveaways and freebies have always worked for me and many others in getting more traffic and subscribers. I heard about feed directories for the first time here. Thanks for that.
    Great article, Keep it up :)

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