Blogging Tips

How To Get Maximum Benefit From Your Guest Post

Getting more and more traffic is a dream of all bloggers. This dream comes true only when you do hard work properly. Blogging is not an easy job to do. Well it’s not so hard when you do it properly. Guest posting is really a superb way to get maximum traffic to your blog. But if you don’t know how to guest post and where to guest post than your guest post will not generate a good number of traffic to you. There are some secret tips and some guidelines which you have to follow and you will absolutely get a good number of traffic towards your blog.Get Maximum From Your Guest Post

1. Choose A Right Blog

This is most important part to get maximum benefit from your guest post. The blog must have PR (Google PageRank) Must be 3 or greater. Alexa rank must be less than 1 lack. This blog (ComLuv) is a heaven of guest blogger and you will get a huge lot of traffic from here so this is a highly recommended blog for guest posting. If you choose a worst blog which have no traffic then definitely you are not getting even a single visitor to your blog from it so be safe that the blog you choosen for guest post is right and it will bring you a good traffic.

Read Also: Increase Your Blog Traffic – Top 10 Tips

2. Content Is King

I think you heard this sentence at least 20 times before you started blogging and now again. Why it’s so important? It’s because readers read the blog for getting knowledge not for wasting their time. Why the content of a guest post must be quality? It’s because you have to get approval for the post to be live on that blog. Its not the only reason but there is a more. If you will write superb content then the post will be popular on that blog for sure. It will be in light and more people will attract to it. They will read your post and will be impressed from it. They would like to read more posts by you and your blog have them so readers will go to your blog.

Content Is King

3. Building Backlinks

Backlinks give you help in two ways. They attract new readers to your blog and they also help in Search Engine Optimization. To rank first in search engines, High PR backlinks are necessary to have and they are also hard to build. So choose a blog which gives you minimum 2 backlinks in author bio and 1 in article.

4. Author Bio

“First impression is last impression.” Your bio must be spectacular and your blog’s link must be there. If people like your post then they will surely like to know more about you and connect with you and your blog to get such unique articles daily so try to make an author bio which attracts people use catchy words in it. You are about to get maximum so you also have to do maximum. Make the author bio blossom so people will surely like to visit your blog.

My Final Words

In every job you have to work hard and in blogging you also have to do so. No one can lead success without hard work. Do as more as you can for your blog and one day you will be in top. Yes, never lose hope. “Try and try but don’t cry.” Here is another small tip that before you put your post for review, Do read it as a visitor of a blog not like you who wrote the post. Check the post as someone else written it and you are reading it. Do change where you think its need to be changed and that’s it. So now do the guest post and get maximum benefit from it.

3 Best Tips To Know If Blogging Is Right For You

 peopleWith the growing field of technology, internet is getting popular day by day. There are many people who are making their livings by doing some kind of work on the internet. One of the best and popular ways to make money from the internet is by blogging. Blogging is one of the most popular ways to earn as well as to get famous. Blogging is not an easy task and it requires lot of passion and hard work to make money with the blog. The blogging is not for every one as well. Many people start the blogging and either due to the lack of interest or passion, they leave it after some time. Well, leaving the blogging from in between can put you into pressure and upset from the life. So you must know that whether the Blogging Is Right For You?? Well, there is not any person who is going to guide you. You will have to take decision yourself. Well, I am going to post some tips, by which you can easily make the decision that whether the blogging is right for you or not.

1. Do You Enjoy Communicating With Others?

Well, as you know you come across the different people from all over the world via the blogging. You must ask yourself that whether you like the communication with other people or not? If Yes, is the answer, then blogging is for you by which you can communicate with people from all over the globe. And if No is the answer then there is not any bigger enemy of your than the Blogging.

2. Do You Interest Falls Under Any Topic?

The second question needs to be asked is that whether your interest falls in any particular topic. The interest is the only thing that will create new ideas in your mind. Blogging about the topics, that you do not know about will not help you at all. Such topics can allow you to taste the success for short period of time, but not for the whole life.

3. Do You Like Spending Time On Internet?

I know your answer will be Yes for sure. But wait, I am not talking about spending time on Facebook or any other social networking site. I am talking about surfing the internet to find new blog post ideas. Well, this is not as simple as sounds. Finding the right stuff and then creating links by visiting other blogs requires lots of time to be spent in the front of internet. And only those people can survive in this environment, who love to surf the internet.

Rajkumar is an enthusiatic blogger from Andhra Pradesh, who works on Andhra Pradesh exam results website by providing the information of ap 10th class results and AP Intermediate 2nd year results 2012.

Get More Traffic by Giving Away Custom WordPress Themes

wordpress-shineMany bloggers are always looking for new and exciting ways to gain back links and get more people to their sites. One way that can build a massive influx of incoming links and traffic to your site is by building custom and premium wordpress themes that you can give away through your site.

Here are just a few of the benefits to creating and distributing your own wordpress themes.

Investing in Yourself and Your Blog

When it comes to creating your own custom wordpress themes, it’s a lot more complex than just writing a guest post of a guide book. WordPress themes take time, skill and lots of work to develop. With all of that said, you will probably need to hire a designer for your time. Instead of looking at this as a cost, look at it as an investment in yourself and your web site or blog.

Incoming Links with Every Blog Install

One of the killer reasons why creating your own wordpress themes is such a great idea is that every time someone downloads and installs your wordpress theme, you will get a link back to your web site from theirs. In the bottom footer section you would have something like “WordPress Theme created by SiteUrl“. Even just one install a day would bring you an extra 350+ quality incoming links per year!

Free Traffic from WordPress Theme Reviews

The blogging and wordpress community is a very loyal and sharing one. If you are creating quality blog themes for other to use, there is a good chance other blogs will be sharing your themes and writing reviews up on these free themes as well. This will help by sending more traffic to your site, but also bringing in more download and people using your themes, hence giving you more back links.

As you can see, there are plenty of benefits to creating and distributing your own wordpress themes to your readers. Not only are you getting back links and attention for your blog, you are also building a quality resource for your readers, which will keep them coming back for more.

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Free Domains

free-domain-giveawayMany of the blog beginners will go for a free domain for domain registration. so now i am explaining about the advantages and dis advantages of free domains. and who should go for free domain and who should go for a paid domain. List of free domain services:-
Some of the free domain services are , .tk, etc. they offer free domain registrations for one year. so lets see the advantages and disadvantages of free domains.

Read Also: How TO Setup free domain with Blogger/Blogspot

Advantages of free domains:-

Free domain for one year:

Free domains offer one year free domain registration. so these free domains are useful for blogs or websites which remain alive less than one year.

Useful for events and college fest websites:

These are useful for websites of college fests,events,competitions etc. because these websites are used only till the completion of the event. after that they are not useful  so registering a free domain for this type of websites may save money.

Useful for simple bloggers:

Useful for bloggers who want to maintain a blog just upto a period of one yearor less than that.

Useful in web development:

Useful in developing a website and registering a domain for free.

Great gift to short period websites:

many of the short period websites will depend on free domains inorder to save money. so these free domains are a gift to some of the short period websites.

The above mentioned points are the advantages of free domains. but there are many dis advantages of free domains also.

Disadvantages of free domains:-

Limited service:

Free domain offer domain registration free for only one year. After that you should pay for renewal for that domain. These are useful for only short period websites.  If you want to develop a website/blog for a long period, then don’t go for free domains.

SEO unfriendly:

Free domains cant be indexed in search engines easily. if you want a good seo for your blog/website,  then forget about free domains and go for a paid domain.

No guarantee of appearing in search engines:

Google may ban the free domains. if it happens to your domain service then your blog/website will be no more available in search engines. google has banned domain in past(now it is accepting). so if it repeats again then your website will be no more visible in search engines.

May loose all your visitors,rankings and backlinks after one year:

When you go for a free domain after one year you should change your domain. so when you change your domain after one year then you may loose all your visitors, seo, page rankings, back links, etc.

Final conclusion:-

Looking at the advantages and disadvantages of free domains my advice is that if your blog/website is of short period  and no need of seo, then go for free domains.
If your blog/website is a long period website and want to maintain it more than one year with out any interruptions, Then go for paid domains.

This guest post by srinath reddy who is an engineering  student, part time blogger,software developer & web designer. he would like to keep you updated with latest programming tips,tricks and tutorials. he mainly writes on CODERS HUNT.

4 Benefits of List Posts And How to Write Them Effectively

List posts are the addictive posts in general. They attract readers and make them loyal if you provide value to them. List posts are great way to grab the attention of readers and easy to read and implement. That’s why list posts are always popular. Before we continue check out 7 Ways To Find Unique Blog Post Ideas For Your Blog


Benefits of writing list posts:

  1. Easy to collate: You can collect and manage the information easily which you want to write for your list posts whether in your blog or other blogs.
  2. Easy to write: List posts are easy to write after collecting the information, aren’t they? If you collected the information and have the clear idea about what to write, then writing list posts is not a big matter. You can end up writing useful list posts within a short time.
  3. Easy to make them popular: If you spend few extra minutes working on the headlines, styling your posts then you can easily make them popular within a short time. The best way to make your list posts go viral is to use the killer headings often from the beginning to the ending.
  4. Easy to scan: Making your articles is essential to grow your blog. Because the readers are lazy to read lots of content. Even if you provide extraordinary value to your articles, they always try to skim the content. Here comes the list posts.. You can make your list posts scannable easily by dividing them into smaller paragraphs and making them into neat lists.

How to Write List Posts Effectively?

This is the most important thing in making them popular. You must be aware of how to write list posts and how to craft them perfectly.

Follow this tips..

  • List posts should have proper style
  • They should be divided in short paragraphs
  • List posts should contain lots of headlines, sub-headings
  • If the images are used in proper way, list posts can go viral
  • Read the list posts from popular blogs to have an idea about how to craft your list posts in a better way
See Also: How to Make Your Each Post Look Refreshing and Unique

What precautions have to be taken while writing list posts?

No doubt, list posts make your blog stand out from others. But you must consider few things while creating list posts for your blog. If you forget this, then you could probably end up your list posts in worst way. So, here are few things to consider..
Never write less points what you have mentioned in the title!
Ex: If you write a post on “10 tips to write a great post in 40 minutes” and if you end it up with only 9 posts then imagine how awkward it would?
So, never do this. Always proof read your list posts before you are going to hit “Publish” button.
Don’t write list posts in long paragraphs
List posts look good if they are divided in small sections or paragraphs. They should look appealing for your readers and your readers should digest your content easily. So, divide your paragraphs after writing 3 to 4 lines.
See Also: Short Posts vs Long Posts which one are best?

Your Turn:

Do you have any tips for writing effective list posts? Share them in the comments..

Guest Post by Rahul. Who blogs at LearnBlogTips

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