5 Unusual But Important Places to Add Subscription Box

Money is in the list.

All of us know this. That’s why you should care about increasing your subscribers.

A lot of blogs shows to you the most common places to add your subscription box, but I thought why don’t we share the uncommonly used places and that can bring us more subscribers.

So, usual places + unusual places = more subscribers and most importantly more money.

If you are really looking for places to increase your subscribers, you are on the right place, so continue reading.

boost subscribers

Let’s start with a bonus and show you the most common places:

1- On the sidebar “but at the top”: so that new visitors will check it after they enter your site.

2- After the post: If a reader read all the post to the end then he may like your stuff and he may want to get further updates, so this is the place to ask them to subscribe.

3- Popup Box: I think that no one these days don’t use these boxes, It attracts attention of your first time visitors + you have a lot of space to show them the features of signing up to your blog. You must try it “if you did not use it until now”.

But now what are the 5 Unusual But Important Places to Add Subscription Box? Let’s see them: :D

1- Feature Box:get-more-email-

Derek Halpern was the first to introduce this amazing box that increases subscribers.ย Feature Box is the box that is at the top of your blog after the header directly. It attracts attention, and you have a big place to share with your reader what will they get from subscribing.

Many had started to use it, but also not that much. That’s why it isn’t common. I encourage you to try it.

Marketers Delight Skin for Thesis is best for feature box and perfect skin for marketing!

2- About pages:

Yes, about pages, but how this page helps you to get more subscribers?

If a new reader came across your blog, he may go to your about page to know more about your site. If they didn’t like it, then no problem. But what if they liked it, will you leave them to go away!!!

If they liked it, this mean they can be your super readers, so don’t leave them go without any action.

3- Other landing pages:

If you have content landing pages, or what Brian Clark call cornerstone content, then you must add your subscription box there too.

It maybe any other pages “not only cornerstone content”, it maybe your page that you shows in it your income every month, like this one by Pat Flynn “Income Reports“.

You show people that you want business, and that you create content that they like, so ask them to subscribe.

4- Top Bar:

I think you may have heard about HelloBar.

Yes, that bar that appears at the top of your blog.

There is no better place than this to ask your readers to subscribe. Redirect them to a page which shows them what will they get and then ask them to subscribe.

The best thing about it is that it can be scrolling all the way down with the reader, so if you reader liked your content, then he will click on it.

See How To add HelloBar to WordPress or Blogspot

What? The footer, why?

If someone scrolled all the way down then he might be interested to subscribe.

I have subscribed to Sparring Mindย – which is owned by Gregory Ciotti – just because of that box at the bottom.

I may also subscribe to your blog by this way :)

Read : Put Your Blog Branding to Work on Social Networks

Last Words:

These were some of the places to add your subscription box and increase subscribers.ย Some of them may seem usual, but most of the blogs don’t use it.

I don’t use them all and I don’t encourage you to do so, but try them and test the one that increases your subscribers.

Now, tell us about any other place we may have missed, also tell us about the places that you are using + the places you will try to use.

53 thoughts on “5 Unusual But Important Places to Add Subscription Box”

  1. That is some good stuff. Although, I have to say that I hate the sites for using Sign-Up box in pop-ups.

  2. Hey good share brother, you captured all the places that can be acquired by subscriber buttons at present i only use at left side-bar but putting in post footer seems most attractive and working.

  3. It’s very much true that money is in the list. I haven’t started making my subscriber list till the date but after reading your tips I hope that I will get success from the start.

    The tips you shared are really very awesome as these are the most accessed pages. As you mentioned that subscription box in About Me page, which is a very good idea because this is the most accessed page of any blog.

    I will follow all your strategies for the fast success :)

  4. i have subscription box just on right side bar, i have two options, wp subs box and feeds box, can u tell me which one to choose??? in the widget area

  5. i was having my subscription box at all the places which you mention above except the footer and i will be surely going to add their also and will be hoping to get more subscribers for my blog.

  6. Hemendra Kumar Saini

    i think below the post and footer are the best place to add subscription box. popups are bit tacky and not liked by most of the users.

  7. killer tips ahmed
    it is becomming difficult to get subscribers really helpful to get more numbers
    thanks for sharing

  8. These are some really great places. I never really thought about putting it on the “About” page before. But now I will absolutely be adding something there. Another new way I have been seeing alot is the little check box below where you comment. Those are becoming very popular and make is very easy as well.

  9. PJS Webmaster Blog

    Nice Article…. Subscription box is realy important for a blog…. Thanks for bringing such a useful tips…. :)

  10. Hello ahmed,
    it is great that you mentioned pop up for subscription, but can you tell us any wordpress plugin which provides similar function, I personally think popup with subscription box can fetch many subscribers

          1. hey no need to be sorry about it, anyway thanks for letting me know the plugins, I will certainly use one of them,

  11. Having a feature box and subscriber box in your top bar can really boost your subscriptions! I also use the marketers delight theme which has allowed me to put in a feature box on my home page… awesome conversions!!

  12. Unusual But great points you mentioned i am going to give them a try and then will wait for the results that how it goes anyway thanks for this awesome post keep up the good work…. :)

  13. Yes, you’re absolutely right. There are many ways to improve the subscribers, placing the subscription box at a certain corner.

    Just in my view. Ahmed Safwan, will be great pro blogger one day :)
    I follow your blog and it so GREAT !

    Regards Danial ^_^

  14. Yes i agree with the places my fellow blogger have illustrated i think the about pages works more or a the top right side of the bar also might get you going .

    1. argree with you, I also use popup for the first visit, donot put the opt in box many placed as it may annoy the audience .

    2. You are right. But a simple tip. make it appear after 10 seconds, so the readers can decide if they will sub or no.

    3. I agree with you subin pop up box is one of the most effective way to attract visitors attention. very nice and informative post as usual . thanks

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