7 Reasons Why You Should Move From Blogger To WordPress

No doubt, Blogspot / blogger is one of the best blogging platform for new bloggers.

But if you are going to take blogging seriously and as a business I’d recommend you Move From Blogger To WordPress Now.

There are few things I hate about blogspot.

  • Poor SEO
  • Less Control Over Blog
  • Comment Area sucks!
  • Unprofessional Look
  • Less Range Of Templates and Widgets
  • Poor Customer Service
  • and so on…

The easiest way to know whatโ€™s popular and whatโ€™s good is to see the number of users. Though, Goggleโ€™s Blogger blogging platform has a pretty good base of users, they simply cannot compete with over 62,353,633 sites using WordPress.

That alone is fair enough to tell how amazing WordPress is but we are going to take this discussion a little deeper and show you exactly Why You SHOULD Move From Blogger To WordPress Now.

7 Reasons To Move From Blogger To WordPress

Move from blogger to wordpress

Choosing the best platform is tough decision specially for new bloggers. Most experience bloggers suggest us to use WordPress. It comes with lot of features.ย WordPress is the most powerful blogging platform.

I wonder, why WordPress is still free? ;)

If you’re still on blogspot or blogger. I’d recommend you toย Move From Blogger To WordPress Now. You can also hire me to setup your new WordPress blog for FREE!


Here are few reasons why WordPress is best and you should move from blogger to wordpress today.

1. Better Design Options:

Selecting Your Blog Design Theme

Blogger is just too much limited when it comes to design and has no chance against WordPress flexibility of allowing users to design a site from scratch and give it any shape they want without having to worry about anything.

Since, WordPress is clearly much more popular than Blogger, it is obvious that more designers are willing to work for WordPress sites which is why there are millions of stunning WordPress themes to choose from and they range from Business to Travel blogs, from Cooking to Gardening blogs and everything else you can think to blog about.

You can find tons of perfect, professional WordPress themes. Right now the top and best WordPress Theme club are;

  • Elegant Themes – Get 81+ Themes for 39$ย 
  • ThemeJunkie – Premium Affordable Theme Provider

2. Better SEO:

Blogger uses one long page filled with HTML to do all things which makes it less SEO friendly even though it is managed by Google itself.

On the other hand, WordPress is best for SEO and there are no arguments, no doubts and no competitors. There is nothing better than WordPress if you want to rock the search engines and attract huge traffic from there. This is a really strong reason to Move From Blogger To WordPress Now.

SEOPressor is currently best SEO plugin for WordPress, You can easily on first page of google with ease.

ย 3. Easy to manage:

WordPress is totally easy to manage. You can do anything in split of a second and see the results that would be a lot better when compared to Blogger.

WordPress even allows you to manage and control as many sites as you want from one single dashboard and this is something that is not anywhere around in Blogger.

ย 4.ย Full control:

If you have a self hosted WordPress blog, there is nothing in this world that can cause your blog to be deleted except breaking the rules of hosting company which is extremely rare case since they give you a lot of flexibility and there are no limits and restrictions upon what kind of content or promotion strategies you are using. You are fully in control of the game here.

This is the main reason I recommend every blogger toย Move From Blogger To WordPress as soon as possible.

ย 5. Faster loading:

As said before, Blogger uses only one long page of HTML for doing everything. This not only results in poor SEO, but it drastically decreases the loading time. In case of WordPress, your blog loads pretty smoothly by default. And, if you want to boost the speed, there are plugins to speed up WordPress,

6. Easy to sell:

Anyone who has real passion for blogging never wants to sell his blog, but there are conditions some time where you are left with choice, but to let your blog go in other hands.

Whenever such thing happens, youโ€™ll have a hard time finding a person who is willing to buy a blog hosted at Blogger and that is because of many reasons. Like free hosting and limited options. At such point, WordPress is the best thing in the world you can have. You can sell a WordPress blog in matter of minutes, take money, spend it wherever you want and enjoy your hard work getting paid off.

7. Plugins for doing anything and everything:

Do you want to change your logo in Blogger?

Or you may consider changing the header? Or anything like that.

If so, get ready to have a brawl with HTML and dive into the codes. ;)

But what if you are at WordPress? You can get lot of plugins to manage blog if you Move From Blogger To WordPress.ย Just like the heading says, you can simply do anything and everything by installing a Plugin and there is no need at all to know any language.

How to Move From Blogger To WordPress?

Move from blogger to wordpress
I’m sure after reading the above reasons to move from blogger to WordPress, you must be thinking How?

I’ll do the migration service for you at very low rates. Here is what included in my Blogger to WordPress migration;

  • Free WordPress setup
  • Import all posts, comments & pages
  • Maintaining and redirecting URLs
  • Retaining all feed subscribers
  • Free WordPress performance optimization
  • Email support for 7 days (Conditions apply)

Just drop me email using below contact form to know more about this service and the price. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

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    Your Thoughts Please.

    Did I missed any reasons why you should move from Blogger to WordPress today? Which platform are you using Blogger or WordPress? Which one you recommend new bloggers to use?

    Do let me know in comments, Don’t forget to share your views about my service of move from blogger to WordPress.

    86 thoughts on “7 Reasons Why You Should Move From Blogger To WordPress”

    1. It is a very interesting post. I am also thinking to start a blog on WordPress. Could you please suggest me themes like yours, backlinko, or neilpatel.

    2. Hi, Don’t mind i have installed all plugins in trial version. Because right now i can’t afford so much money. Later on i will try this tools on premium versions. Any way you have give me the nice tools for my wordpress site. Since i am a learner in wordpress sites. It will great to learn so many plugins quickely.

    3. i say don’t spoil you blog to migrate from blogger to wordpress… we say it is easy but after migrating it is very hard to get you loose traffic… its better start your another blog in wordpress… and one more point blogger is more secure then wordpress…

    4. I am thinking of switching from blogger to wordpress. I have so many errors in blogger that I can’t seem to fix. First off, I have 144 WC3 validation errors and I can’t get into the code to fix them. Also I have a www and non-www problem that I have tried to fix and nothing works. Nothing works for fixing the Duplicate Meta Descriptions and Duplicate Title Tags either. If anyone can tell me that I would have a better chance at fixing these things in wordpress, then I am in, really liked the article and the comments. Maybe I was a little green when I started this blog 8 Months a go, I thought since they were Google and ran the whole show they would have it all figured out. With all these errors I feel like I have bought a row boat with about a million leaks in it.

      p.s. the traffic is shit

      -thanks Robert

    5. I agree with everything you said Ammar. Just like i agree with every comment i have read. I blog at both blogspot and wordpress. So you know why i hold this view.

      One more great thing about wordpress is the fact that they help you to publish your posts to all your followers and friends including those on all the social media you have added to your blog. So, they even help you with traffic generation. That is really wonderfull. I always feel good when my facebook friends tell me they got an email for my posts. In blogspot you are on your own.

      Again, the fact that i can migrate to a self-hosted site is really great. That way i can have 100% control over my site. Great post Ammar !

    6. But security wise there is no match of blogger with wordpress. Yes in rest of the features wordpress is far ahead of all its peers. You did full justice with the topic by covering its every aspect. Thanks

    7. indeed a great article. I started my blog on blogger but then realized that wordpress would be a better option for all the above explained reasons.
      for more blogging tips

    8. Muhammad saleem

      I also love wordpress but the thing which is restricting me to use wordpress is the hacking of wordpress is so easy and it very difficult to avoid even using lot of tircks together.

    9. Everyone must agree that no CMS is as flexible as WordPress. Everything is handy. The ready made plugins and themes will make a blog look like pro blog without any coding knowledge.

      1. Yeah, i totally agree wp is the most convenient and advanced solution for blog running. However, I’m new to WordPress, I switched a month ago with CMS2CMS converter, but I already get used with this cms platform. Plugins solves every problem, also I get much more traffic that I had in Blogger. If somebody hesitate about the migration, I promise you you won’t regret it!

    10. Well written Ammar.
      Wordpress is really a Best blogger platform, that everyone should move on. But I can’t agree more with some of the points you have shared above, If you are skilled, You can create any type of blog design. One interesting thing about WordPress blog is , it is really easy to sell. By the way, Nice post.

    11. That’s truly a great post Ammar! However, I am still confused over shifting to WordPress. The best part of having a blogger blog is that you just need a custom domain cause you can host it on Blogger. But for WordPress, you need to pay regularly for domain as well as hosting! If I could get some way of hosting a blog on WordPress for free, I am sure I would migrate ASAP ;)
      Thanks for the information :)

    12. Well I cant agree with some of the points mentioned above like Design, Fast Loading etc as they are completely based on our skills. The #1 reason I prefer WordPress is, it got better SEO options when compared to Blogger.

    13. When starting out with my Blog I tried Blogger first but just couldn’t get to grips with it and wasn’t happy with the design or ease of use.

      WordPress > Blogger

    14. Great article Ammar! No doubt, WordPress is the best blogging platform. There are no plugins, no custom themes, no Thesis, no Genesis for blogger. Even I worked on blogger for almost 15 months. But later, WordPress worked magic for me!

    15. The Article was good but Sorry to say I don’t fully Agree with it. I Agree WordPress has better options and control but this does not mean that you can’t get success If you are using blogspot, Yes it is a bit difficult on blogger than it is on WordPress but with Hard Work and proper optimization, Blogger can prove to be a great platform. (Example: MyBloggerTricks.com)

      Recently I moved one of my blogs to WordPress and after using WordPress for a few days, I realized that WordPress was good and Optimizing it was really easy (Thanks to Plugins, You can do tough jobs with ease) but it was a bit complicated (For New users). I had a hard time initially when using WordPress but slowly I became used to it. WordPress is great but only if you are aware of it. New People may find it difficult to use, They may make mistakes which can ruin their blog. So I recommend following proper guide for migrating from blogger to WordPress.

      My Main blog is still hosted on Blogger and Right Now I can’t think of migrating (Maybe in Future) but not now. This was my opinion :)


    16. Excellent article Ammar. Agreed that WordPress is far better than Blogger. I too started my blogging career with Blogspot but moved to WordPress few days ago. Feeling like a boss on WordPress :) The best thing I like about WordPress is its plugin powers that makes all your work easy and you don’t have to mess with codes.

    17. Nice Article Ammar! I totally agree with almost every reason except reason #1 :). There are tens of WordPress Theme Shops over the internet, each having an impressive number of themes to be displayed. One of my recent discoveries is http://winithemes.com/ offering more than 7000 Premium Themes and Templates.

    18. Thanks for sharing, I run a blog for a year ago with blogspot blog. At the beginning of this year I decided to run one more blog with WordPress and did self host on my own hosting. I feel really great, every thing as you mention above.

    19. 1. Disagree. When talking about design, it all depends on your design skill. You can get the same design for both WordPress and Blogger.com.

      2. “Blogger uses one long page filled with HTML to do all things which makes it less SEO friendly even though it is managed by Google itself.”

      You argument has no proof. There are certain compatative keywords where blogger’s blog ranked better. For me, WordPress is better in term of flexibility to check your own page SEO. I use WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin and you can check whether the article has been optimized, on the fly. I guess SEO Pressor does the same thing.

      3. “WordPress even allows you to manage and control as many sites as you want from one single dashboard and this is something that is not anywhere around in Blogger.”

      Not too accurate. This is only when you enable WordPress Multisite or you use plugin such as WPManage.

      4. Couldn’t agree more :D

      5. Depends. I found many WP blogs has poor performance. When talking about loading speed, it all depends on your hosting performance, cache, CDN. Since WP is more flexible, you can do sorts of things to optimize it.

      6. Not sure. But I think I agree with you. Most website on flippa are using WordPress I guess.

      7. Plugins can give bad impact if they are low quality. The amounts of plugins you use doesn’t matter much if they’re using best code standard but bad plugins are really a nightmare, they can also break your website.

      1. I totally agree with you Rudd. I’ve seen many blogs which are so good at design that it looks to be on WordPress but actually they are on Blogspot. So No matter what platform you are using, Skills make your blog look good.

    20. Blogger has its own limitation and wordpress gives us a vast option for design…plugins….tools and more over it gives us full freedom for a successful blog life….
      And all your points was exactly perfect

    21. No doubt! WP is amazingly the best platform to blog.

      But, I think, newbies should start from blogger, which will give them enough knowledge about blogging and possibly, html and other small codes too. Because, each one of them may not be able to afford a domain and a host to get started on WP from the very beginning days.

      Unsurprisingly, WordPress is the best CMS I’ve ever used. It’s simple, clean, easy-to-customize, provides great support, plugins, theme functionality and many more. Precisely, the best SEO-friendly CMS online.

      Thanks for the share.

    22. But Blogger is always a good platform, easy to use, easy to manage and best thing is anyone can start posting within few minutes without investing any money.

    23. Yes,Self Hosted WordPress Is So Better than blogger because i have full control of It and i can design better with a lot of open source plugins and themes.

    24. Nice post ! I agree with all of the points mentioned here and they have been summed up nicely !
      What I like about WordPress is the preofessional design and flexibility to use plugins to get a blog that is suited for my individual needs.

    25. The main Reason I switched to WordPress is because of the Themes. There are tons of Themes in WordPress and also support to the themes. Anyway, Enjoyed the post :)

    26. WordPress is much more advanced and convenient to use, as compared to Blogger. Although, Blogger is a good platform to start off as it is not much costly (all we need is a domain) whereas WordPress requires you to have a web host and a top level domain, but without any doubt, WP provides us many awesome features and also does have tons of plugins, themes etc.

    27. Hi Ammar,

      I think, you wrote this article especially for me. Because i am having more blogs using blogger.com. Here you mentioned the points about wordpress, is correct. I will try to use wordpress for my blogs. Thank you Ammar.

    28. Hi Ammar,

      I am pretty confused here, and thinking what to share or what not. Well, there are several points in your article on which I don’t agree with you. Even, I am a WordPress developer, and using it from the 0.7 version. But still, sometimes I prefer Blogger over WordPress.

      You have pinned down, less range of Themes. I must say, you should check out the internet there are variety of blogs & hubs that provide theme options. But I am agreed with your lesser options, and widgets. Blogger simply sucks at options, but I can understand as it is a free service so they have to keep it minimal.

      But again, you have mentioned that it comes with Poor SEO. Then I believe you are preferring WordPress just because of the meta tags? Because, there is nothing that we can’t implement in blogspot, and deep in the SEO industry. Big SEO experts still refer to Blogger for backlinking, and do you know why? Just because of the favorism by Google! ;-)

      By the Way! I liked the way you crafted your article. I hope I will reach you soon with something similar! ;-)

      1. Glad to see you here, Hamza,

        Comparing both platform is really difficult work. Sometimes WordPress wins and sometimes blogger. Both of them are good, no doubt but WordPress provides more control over the website. We can use plugin to make the work easy.

    29. Sometimes Google deletes your well ranked blog without any reason , That’s why I hate blogger .
      You are right , If your platform is blogger , you only depend on content , There is no facility that you can improve your on page SEO . Handling sitemap is another problem in blogspot .

    30. I agree with you but many bloggers who`re making money online are still relying on Blogger.
      What do you say? Did you ask them anytime?
      I really want to know.


      1. No offence to you, but i just got a question, why are you using blogspot? Are you not serious in blogging? :p

    31. Rajkumar Jonnala

      up to date i didn’t had an idea for the reason behind the priority given to wordpress and after reading this i do. thanks for sharing this valuable information

    32. Ammar i am blogger i am not agree with you on some topics not professional looking lake of widgets etc there is a lot of widgets in blogger just edit the template……. But there is a big fact WP is better as compare to Blogger poor seo and there is always a fear that google may delete our blog so now i hate blogger and migrating to wordpress.

      1. Thanks a bunch for sharing your views Assi, WordPress is better than blogger, but it needs more money for hosting. Which some people are not ready to spend :D

    33. I do agree with you Ammar. Though this topic has been a controversial one, WordPress still makes noise. Assuming every blogger me too kicked the journey with blogger but later turned to WordPress as it gives more flexibility and customization chances. Thanks for sharing.

    34. Nice post Ammar….:)
      I hate SEO practices at Blogger….WordPress is very easy to use as compared to Blogger… :)

    35. I also migrated from Blogger to WordPress since 6 months. At first it is Difficult to understand and manage WordPress blog, but after some time it will be piece of cake.

    36. Awesome Post Ammar your Article is really useful

      I’m still on blogger and I want to move to wordpress soon

      I’ll contact you when I decide to move my blog from B to WP

      thanks for sharing bro !

    37. Hey Ammar. This is a VERY NICE article about the comparison of WordPress and Bloogger. I AGREE with you 110% and WordPress is where I have my own Blog. I would however like you help you out and simply ADD a Reason #8 to your list just to make it end on a round number (#8). Number #8 – WordPress is just a MUCH COOLER PLACE TO BE AND HAND OUT! EVERYONE that is REALLY COOL (and also wants to begin to be) is at WordPress. GREAT ARTICLE Ammar. Keep UP the GOOD work buddy! All the best to you. Greg P

      1. Hi Gerg,

        I’m so glad to see you here. Welcome to my blog. You are right, Thanks for adding #8 point in this post.

        Have a good week ahead :D

    38. Worth post for those who want to be Pro Bloggers.
      i will just say one reason to move to WordPress and that is most of the Pro blogger’s using WordPress for Blogging.

    39. Ammar you have mentioned points well in this Article, and I just love it. I think you can also add some other points like WordPress is the world’s best CMS and most of the bloggers using this platform for blogging, this is also a great point.

    40. Oluwaseun Babajide

      I agree with your article.

      WordPress is very easy to use, though I haven’t tried Blogger myself. A friend recently switched to WordPress and he is loving it so far!

      It is easy to use, and guess what? Almost over 70 per cent of bloggers are using it.

      Thanks again.


    41. Samandar Nichari

      WordPress is a great CMS platform to host your website on self-base. But unfortunately it is completely developed in PHP which is a high level web development language. Being a new user we can’t easily customize our WordPress blog by ourselves. There are many frameworks and premium themes available for WordPress blogs but, they are not free. We can only buy any of those Frameworks or a premium theme for our blog if we can afford. But if we are going to use a free theme then we will have to search it and install it by ourselves. Each and every WP theme has its own functionality and features. You will find the maximum customization options in every theme you apply to your blog. While we take a look on these things, It seems to be hard specially for a beginner.

    42. Hey Amar nice Post. Just after reading your post, I exclaimed Thanks God I didn’t start with blogger !!!. I too have recommended many to directly start with WordPress.

    43. You are right Ammar.
      I’ve seen splendid changes to my blog when I migrated to WP from Blogger. WordPress sure let us have full control on our blog. Well put bro. Keep it up :)

    44. Hey bro,
      You have raised key positive factors for wordpress. Personally, I never tried any other platform before and I don’t plan to. I won’t want to be limited in any way. WordPress is far better than any other cms you can mention. Though it requires high security attention, it’s worth going for.

      I encourage readers to let you help them migrate

      Have a splendid weekend

    45. Hi,
      I am not familiar with blogger. I use WordPress, and from a beginner point of view, I find it:
      *easy to use, every problem has a plugin to solve it !
      * WordPress themes are very flexible, you can make a website with it, not only a blog with as many pages as you want ( Home page, about, contact page,…) along with menus, widgets,….
      * you can manage all your comments, analytics, plugins,…. form one dashboard.

      1. Before starting this blog I too used WordPress on free hosting and I also have good experience with blogspot. However WordPress is far better than blogspot.

    46. You are totally right. But what happen if a blogger like me have no money to afford hosting and domain. I’m barely 9th grader so I only have cash but not credit card. Thank you for the post

    47. Hey Ammar…
      Nice post. These are most common reason for leaving blogger. I have also old user of Blogger I switched my blog to WordPress last year.

    48. Interesting post Ammar!

      Yes indeed, you gave all the reasons so well as to why we should move to WordPress, and I can well relate to that because earlier I had my blogs on Bloggers platform!

      Just as you mentioned the many reasons, I too was suggested that for professional purposes, a paid WordPress blog is the best, and so I switched and I am surely seeing the results.

      However, I have seen many friends I have on Bloggers also doing very well in terms of their rank and reach, and they swear by Bloggers. They don’t want to shift to WordPress! I wonder how and what they do, but they have none of the problems you mentioned. I guess they must be too good in knowing how to use Bloggers really well. :)

      Thanks for sharing this with us, and have a great weekend too. :)

      1. Awesome Harleena, Thanks for commenting. :)

        WordPress is more professional and provides lot more option, full control over the website.

      2. Harleena,

        They risk having their account suspended for breaching Google’s TOS, or whatever… this happened to some Blogger users, even top bloggers…

        I would prefer to own my blog, and be able to sell it (that’s why I stick with WP)

        @ Ammar, your migration service looks interesting, hope it sells well for you!

    49. I consider wordpress because of more control, and better design options.

      Also comment system at blogger is not really good though.

      How ever their are certain other benefits of using bloggers or wordpress.

        1. I do agree with the above reasons, but i’ve seen many blogspot blogs, that was really designed well and even didn’t look like a free blogger platform on the first look. But WordPress is more handy and easy to customize if you don’t know much about web languages then WP is best, because it is easy to customize and the main benefit is, your destiny is in your hands. Because Google’s spam detection functions is really sucks in bloggger.

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