When Will Be The Next PageRank Update?

When will be the next pagerank update?

When google will update pagerank?

What’s next pagerank update schedule?

These are the most common question, I get asked these days. Even many bloggers are searching on search engines about when will be the next pagerank update.

I’ve decide to list the expected date, when will google update pagerank. These are expected date NOT confirmed.

next google pagerank update

When will be next PageRank update?

Last google pagerank update was on 4 February 2013. Google pagerank basically ranks a page on the basis of its backlinks and how authoritative that link is. And high Google pagerank may boost ranking of the site and reputation.

Google page rank update happens after 3-4 months after previous update. Here is the schedule of next PageRank update of 2013. These are expected date.

  • 1st Update : May be on January 28 to February 6 (Confirmed)
  • 2nd update : May be on June 27 to July 7
  • 3rd Update : May be on September 29 to 4 October
  • 4th Update : May be on 24 December to 29 December

Please note:ย 

These are the expected date NOT confirmed. I’ve asked this question about next pagerank update on facebook. And got to know thatย Google never announces the date then who else will know the exact one? ;)

Some said that the update might be in the first or two week of May. Let’s see when it’ll be.

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Should you rely too much on PageRank?

Now, that’s really important question to ask yourself, Should you reply much on pagerank?

Let me explain, I’ve seen many blogs with PR2, Pr3 that are getting thousands of visitors per day than others PR5, PR6 blogs.

That means Pagerank has nothing to do with your blog traffic. Try not to worry about pagerank / alexa rank.

Focus on providing useful content to your blog readers.

Your priority must be like this;

  1. Readership
  2. Traffic
  3. Alexa Rank
  4. Page Rank

Here I am also sharing some of the most frequently asked questions about pagerank.

Why my PageRank is not increasing?

Did you asked yourself this question? Why your pagerank is not increasing? There can be many reasons like;

  1. Poor SEO Structure
  2. Poor Link Bulding
  3. Not enough Dofollow baclinks
  4. No quality content in your blog
  5. Blog not optimized for search engines

How to increase PageRank quickly?

Here I am sharing some important tips to increase your page rank for next pagerank update.

Few Tips to Increase your Page Rank.

  • Guest posting
  • Article marketing or Directory Submission
  • Blog commenting
  • Forum Posting
  • Submit Feed to Feed directories
  • Submit blog to Social bookmarking sites
  • Proper SEO structure
  • Register your domain for longer period (3-4) year.
  • Donโ€™t sell Links!
  • Read more tips here!

I hope above tips will help you a lot to increase page rank in the next pagerank update.

If not? then Also read below helpful articles to increase your page rank in no time..

Over to YOU!

What do you think about next pagerank update? Do you know when will be the next pagerank update? What’s your current pagerank?

Do share with us below.

88 thoughts on “When Will Be The Next PageRank Update?”

  1. Hi Ammar,

    I know that page rank is not so much important. But I have a doubt, can I get page rank for my blog in 2016. I just came to know that page rank is died. So Ammar, can I get page rank ? .

  2. Hello Ammar,
    I also believe that PageRank is irrelevant, and I have found many Pr6-7 blogs that don’t get a lot of traffic. Considering the way that search engines are changing, I believe that it is more useful if people actually read your website, or visit it (because let’s face it, which average internet user checks PR or DA?), The only people who are interested in it are guest-bloggers or SEO specialists.

    Thanks for your nice write-up,

  3. Thanks again for the amazing read. I will be working on getting my page rank above N/A on the next update. I am a new blogger and I thank you for your tips. :)

  4. Ranking describe the blog status so that everyone waiting for it. Nice sharing specially i like the tips to increase page rank. Your blog will be pagerank 2 blog after the update as i think. Thanks for sharing this information.

  5. Lets say your PR is showing 0 right now, and next update you will be PR 3. You will already be performing as a PR 3 even if your toolbar doesn’t say so.

    The only people really worried about PR is people trying to sell links or sell a site. Other than those reasons PR doesn’t do anything for a site’s performance.

  6. August is coming to an end and I don’t think there will be an update this month. My money goes to September 2nd week even though I wish it could go down today. Waited too long.

    But again, Gooogle has the tendency to delay so, fingers crossed :)

    Thanks for sharing mate.

  7. i read about all comments above and i realize that bloggers are really good friends because a good friends always tell you which is wrong to you and i appreciate ammar who really response in very good manner thanks ammar for nice sharing.

  8. i am also one of those searching for this prticular question but it seems google dont disclose it to anybody, but i will keep checking my pagerank time tot time to see if something know has happened

  9. It is July 10th and we are still anxiously waiting the PageRank updates. We definitely made significant progress in Alexa rankings for our sites and client sites, but that little PageRank digit makes a huge difference. We are ready for it!

  10. I think overtime, people will start going from PageRank to Domain Authority.
    We’re 5 months and 2 days since the last update. I think Google Penguin has really
    put the smash down on Pagerank as google wants to rid the web of spam and selling links,
    which of course is driven by PR.

  11. Today is July 8th and still big G has not updated pagerank. I guess this time Google will not follow traditional quarterly update. What do you say?

  12. Hi Ammar, i know you have told this in your article, but i need to ask this, can pagerank update really affect in increasing pageviews, i.e. will increased pagerank will my increase my site pageview will increase or not.

  13. hi,

    Pagerank and its merits have been listed and you did make point about
    do follow link generation .i understand that guest blogging helps in that but
    how can one search do follow comment accepting blog?

  14. Kortingscode zalando

    One thing I would like to ask :-
    I have no idea if previously, Google updates were that frequent? 4 times in a year, that’s way too much. Isn’t it? If anyone remembers, what was the last year update count?
    These updates are good, because overall users get to read much ethical and true stuff online as the spam part isn’t there anymore. But still with updates every 4 months, It really makes me wonder, what’s NEXT ? I mean, in years, what changes and updates are ready to come from Google’s side. Just wondering :D

  15. Your tips are nice and helpful. I was searching for Google’s next update and found your post. The point that you have described that there is nothing related with the pagerank, this is true. Because, if you have a good readership of your blog, you are going to get a lot of visitors.

  16. Hey,

    Yes I agreed with the point. PR is also calculated in the way Dofollow and No Follow distribution, OnPage SEO, Statewide Links and Traffic to the blog :)

  17. Can anyone tell me is there is a way or application to get possible result of next pagerank update.

  18. Cheers for this, I obsess about our page rank at times, but perhaps I need to show some patience.

    Looks like our lack of dofollow links will do for us in the meantime.

  19. Antonio Solitario

    Thanks for the update. I am excited to see if my efforts after the February update works. As mentioned above, I have been guest blogging and commenting. I have also written articles about weddings on my blog.

    Thank you!

  20. Hi,

    Most bloggers are saying that 2nd PR update will happen by this week.
    I am actually eagerly waiting for this update

  21. never remember the date of PR update. But normally blogger will update their PR when google update PR. From there, I know that PR is updating :D

  22. I think you are right. Having the second Google pagerank update sometime in the end of June is more realistic than all the other internet rumors saying that the update will happen sometime this month.

  23. I will say what I always say, and what has become my battle cry or mantra: build it, and they will come. I have built content rich sites but with low PR that (1) were high traffic and very popular, and (2) high revenue earners. Hard work generating traffic backlinks can often exceed what Google offers – which is typically low value traffic. Don’t ignore PageRank (PR), but do not be consumed by it. The techniques to build PR often in themselves build quality traffic. Look at the big picture and keep then eye on the prize. And remember, it takes work. If you are not spending at least few hours daily to build and maintain traffic, then you are not in trouble yet, you will be.

  24. I strongly believe possessing a good page rank would help to rank your website well, because when you surf the websites which are ranking on the first page are with good page rank. I am working to increase my PR hope to do well in this update.

  25. your guess seems to be true because it already may 20 and PR is not rolled out yet. I think it will be june first week.

  26. Kumar Ashutosh

    Hearing this page rank update date prediction from starting week of May… seems we soon will be seeing that update. According to your guess the average comes out till first week of June

  27. Thanks for this, been doing soooooo much work on my site and now cant wait for the next PR update! Aiming for a PR 4 or 5.

    Thanks keep up the great content!

  28. In my opinion, PR is not so important then the quality of the content. I have seen many PR 0 pages ranking better then PR 5 pages on Google.. So we should try to put the best…

  29. I think the one should focus in getting a good Pagerank and Alexa as well, otherwise how the advertiser gonna advertise on your blog?
    in my opinion we should get firstly a good pagerank
    and then focus more on generating traffic!
    thanks for sharing this awesome post brother :)

  30. Great! Now I know what to do to increase my alexa and page rank.
    Glad to be here, Ammar.
    Thanks for the tips :D

  31. Hello Ammar,Nice Article. I am totally agree with that Article. We just have to care about our blogquality not of pr. I am new blogger but i have lots of traffic on my website. than other blogs which has more PR.Thanks for Sharing this Article Ammar.

  32. I’m eagerly waiting for the upcoming PR update. Many of my friends have been telling that an update will happen within the 2nd week of May, but you have mentioned it to in June. Anyways, all we can do now is – Wait. Hoping for some good results.

  33. I hope google pagerank update will be in the next month as the above your schedule and hopefully not come this month because I was not ready

  34. Many said the update will be on May 1st Week, and it is over, No updates so far :( So, you mentioned July 7, Let’s wait and see. Thanks :)

  35. I am regular reader of this blog and i also a follower of this blog. sometime ago my blog page rank was zero. but following your page rank increasing tips now my blog page rank is two. i want to increase more page rank in my blog. so that i am interested to know know is there any easy process to increase more ranking in my blog.

  36. The role of Google PG is of great importance and it really means a lot in a blogger’s life.
    It directly relates the blogger’s works to his earning rate. Hope i too get a good ranking. Ne-ways nice info :)
    keep sharing!!!

  37. Hi Amar,
    As you have said is page rank such an important factor for a blog’s success? If we get good amount of traffic then we can earn more who cares if we have page rank 0 or 10. Google gives at the most 5 or 6 for a long time established blog and 3 for a blog of 2 to 3 years old. of course they won’t rank the blog based on its age but still. Google is smarter it won’t let users know on what factors they rank a page.

    Should look when the second update would be confirmed.

  38. Cool, there’s still pretty much time left untill the next update ! Been working hard on it, but now I’m gonna work two time harder. Thanks for the preview, definitely helped :)

  39. I honestly believe people SEO wise put too much emphasis into Page Rank. Yes it helps when trying to build, but you should be trying to build towards what your niche is and not just whatever you can find with high Page Rank. Good post!

  40. Where is D.A on the priority list? I think it should be on Number 3 and alexa rank should be on 4th number.. What you say ammar?

  41. as you said ammar Page rank is not only the thing that matters for earning from website or for increasing traffic, the main thing is Quality posts and ya you are right

  42. Hi Ammar,

    I think the next PR update will take place within one week as Google updates PR every 3 months.

    Google PR is now less important than SEOMOZ site authority.


  43. Dear Chiranjeevl,

    I guess writing that it has โ€˜finally maturedโ€™ enough to be worth looking at, makes it less threatening for those that did not want to join the party earlierโ€ฆ and allows them to save face for entering now.
    I agreed with your points. Informative article, Thanks for the share :)

  44. Google page rank update is always most preferable aspect for any blogger. Thanks Ammar, your explanation is always easy to understand for everybody. But per my assumption someone should not be worried about the page rank because if they work hard on their blog by following the necessary steps and keep updating, it will automatically give you a great rank.

  45. Hello Amar,
    Well written on next Google Page Rank update. The next Page Rank update from Google is most awaited for Bloggers and webmasters. They are waiting for it eagerly.
    As I think, The next Google page Rank update will be rolled out next week.

  46. Hello Ammar,
    What a lovely post mate. My blog is still on PR1 but most of my posts are PR 3, 4 and 5. I still ponder why is like that. My alexa rank is going good as expected and the traffic is pumping tremendously and still my front page is still PR1. Well Let’s see how May update will be like. thanks

  47. Currently, have PR2, expecting PR4 this time. Have done Guest posting, commenting, link building a lot! Let’s see, Fingers crossed :)

  48. Hello Dear

    i am totally appreciate with your post page rank always depend on SEO techniques really and content is most important part of your blog really so use only unique and meaning full content for you blog, so thanks for sharing me

  49. It is not necessary to bother about the page rank because if you work hard on you blog by following the necessary steps, it will automatically give you a great rank.

  50. Hi Ammar, Thanks for posting a great post on Pagerank details and ways to increase Pagerank. I would like to share my story here – I used to blog part time in blogspot platform and to surprise my blog has got PR 3, But traffic was very very less… As u said it’s not related to traffic but depends on Basic SEO technique’s such as Meta-title, Description, Image-Alt tags and regular updating..

  51. Interesting post Ammar. But PageRank is one of the most considered factor in blogging. The site worth depends on the traffic as well as the PageRank too. Most of them prefer PageRank while buying them. What say?

    1. Most of the people usually consider the these things when they buy blogs/ website

      Website Monthly earning report
      Good reputation and ranking.

      Isn’t it?

    2. I thought PR is mostly useful for advertising and getting better links from other sites?
      Anyways, I can’t wait till my new websites comes up and there till my first PR – I hope I will get anything better than PR0 :)

  52. Shivani Sharma

    Nice peace of information you have given here but I think we’ll get the pagerank before the expected date 27 june-7 july I think it will be updated this month for sure..

  53. Good work that you have done. I have just started my blog and is trying to get little increase in PR. Could you guide me which are things that i should do first?

    1. Sure Ayesha, Why not?

      Here we have written complete guide

      Have a look, let me know if you have any other question!

  54. I haven’t bothered about Page Rank in quite a while now. I got a hit a while bank on this and I just didn’t bother after that.
    My blog has been too small to worry about the effects of this so far.

  55. Hi Ammar,

    You are right that pagerank does not matter so much. The quality is most important and we should focus on that. Guest posting is a great help for increasing pagerank and getting backlinks. Its good to know the expected date of pagerank update by Google. We could be prepared for it when it comes. Very useful post. Thanks.

  56. Hello Ammar,

    Thanks for update information on Next PR. I am eagerly waiting to see some change.

    Happy Blogging :)

  57. Hey Ammar,
    Thanks for listing out the information.
    And I’d like to point out a spelling mistake you got there.
    On “1st Update” : You said “may ME” instead of “may BE”. It’s like in line 15 or something. Hope you edit it soon. :)

    1. Thanks Amal, for pointing out. I really appreciate it. I always follow this quote. “Mistakes are proof that you are trying” ;)

  58. Hi Ammar,

    Ah…PageRank, something that so many people are after nowadays :)

    I’ve never ever really bothered about PageRank to be honest. In-fact it was just one fine day when I realized mine was PR3 a few months back, and that was supposed to be good – any new change is good I guess.

    I feel if we start bothering about such things or even Alexa, we would only be concentrating on how to build up these and pay less attention to the content, which I feel is much more important – isn’t it?

    I agree, to a certain extent, we do need to take care that we keep making progress, for which you’ve mentioned some great tips here – but I feel all of this takes time. Yes, some people find different methods of ranking up fast, which aren’t natural ways and sooner of later Google is going to catch them in one of it’s updates. Slowly and gradually is better – at least for me, as then its surely going to happen.

    Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a nice day ahead :)

  59. Good effort you did Ammar, but let me add something on this point “Why my pagerank is not increasing”?

    Only no.2 and 3 are the correct answers, the rest ones are not. Because PageRank has nothing to do with seo structure, quality content or optimized for SE. Let me give an easy example of this, we can even get a PageRank on a DOMAIN, YES only on domain without any hosting and content. All you’ve to do is just get a high pr dofollow backlinks to your domain for example: One PR7 can give your domain PageRank 4/5.

    Typo “1st Update : May me” – May be

    1. Hi Sarah,

      Thanks a bunch for your input. I really appreciate it!

      Though, I don’t depend much on PR. :D

      Check the post again. Typo is corrected :)

  60. An interesting post Ammar,

    The issue is that, no matter what we do or what we think, the update will soon occur and those that are cheating google will be swept away.

    But, what i don’t understand is why the update usually affect some blogs that are not doing any fishy SEO at all?

    Does it mean that Google is not accurate or that those site are doing some black hat SEO unknowingly?

    I guess we just have to be ready for it irrespective of the time it will come.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Exactly, Most of us can’t really understand what google do with websites. Some get high PR with just few days old websites.

      Might be that sites are doing BlackHat SEO. NO?

      Are you doing anything to increase PR?

  61. valentine belonwu

    Hi Ammar,
    Google pagerank update is really one of those things that most bloggers fears a lot. In fact, most people don’t even want it to exist.

    But why? Because they are not building legitimate links. You know, if you’re prepared, you won’t be afraid of it because you’ll be seeing it as a way Google rewards faithful and sincere bloggers.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Well I have a new website and I am not scared of the next update because:
      1) I have a backlink from tripadvisor.com , .ca and .co.uk (PR8)
      2) I can’t go lower than 0!(new site)
      Good luck everyone!

  62. vishal sharma

    yeah you are right Amar, Page rank is not only the thing that matters for earning from website or for increasing traffic, the main thing is Quality posts and ya you are right ” Guest Posting”. :)

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