Why You Should Use Google Webmaster Tools?

Google Webmaster Tools is an online tool used by millions of bloggers for checking most of the statistics about their Website/Blog. It allows us to check almost all the stats to related to the site performance in the Google Search results .

Webmaster Tools is used by many bloggers and webmasters, but most of them do not know what is Webmaster Tools and what are the capabilities of Google Webmaster Tools .

This article will guide you through all the objectives that can be done through this online tool provided for free by our favorite search engine, Google .

This online tool does not show the traffic stats of a blog, instead it shows the amount of clicks on a certain link of your blog in the search engine . The traffic and other related stats are shown in the Google Analytics which is also another free service provided by Google .


It is a must for every blogger to use this service as it helps us to improve our site and its performance in the search engines.

Sitemap Submission

There is no other way to submit a sitemap to Google . Submitting the sitemap is an important factor in building up the search ranking of your blog. Sitemap is a list of all your posts . It is indeed very essential as it can help the search engines to index our blog and all its link easily . Else , the search engine crawler can miss some of the posts of your blog .

To get a higher ranking and traffic , it is better to add a sitemap through Webmaster Tools rather than doing some other long SEO processes. Sitemap Submission is an easy way to get a lot of optimization through a short process .

Search Queries

This section of the Webmaster Tools provide us with the search terms which are performing well for our blog . It shows a list of queries which are bringing us the highest organic traffic . In my case, my highest performing keyword is still ‘QADABRA REVIEW’ . It has a good search result position between 1 and 4 .

I only came to know of such a great thing I did after a long time when i started using Google Webmaster Tools . After , i came to know of this keyword ranking high in the search engines , i optimized that post again and again till it got the first position . Now , it is changing at times .

Crawl Errors

This is the most useful tool in the Webmaster Tools . Sometimes , we might miss some 404 error pages which do not exists . So, people who come to this post will most probably press the back button of the browser . So , you are losing a lot of targeted visitors through this error . Google Webmaster Tools shows us all the pages and posts that are showing the 404 error .

So , it becomes easy for us to correct it and redirect that page if it does not exist . So again , this wonderful tool helps us regain our targeted visitors who were going to leave our blog .

Google Webmaster Tools also helps you find out the number of backlinks that your blog has obtained . All those links out there on the internet pointing towards your website/blog will be listed here with all the details .

Backlinks are necessary for a blog to become a popular one . Guest Blogging , Commenting , etc are some good ways to get a good number of backlinks .

Malware Checking

Malware is virus or some infectious things that can ruin your blog as well as others who visit your blog . Malware should be removed instantly as it is spotted . But , to spot it , you will have to Use Google Webmaster Tools or some other Malware checker available over the net .

A Malware affected Blog can become a blog with zero visitors within one night . So , it is important to check if your blog is containing any malware scripts in the widgets or any other places that can be easily crawled by search engines .

Structured Data

Structured Data is a way of making search engines know about the way your blog is and how all the pags and posts are categorized . You might have spotted in the search results that some of the search results have a different type of appearance thus increasing the attention that result receives .

Again , Webmaster Tools is essential to form a structured data markup for your blog/website. Structured Data Markup can be optimized through the Data Highlighter . If your website do not have a Structured Data, then you can form one using the Data highlighter.

HTML Improvement

Google Webmaster Tools also has a feature which shows all the errors in your HTML Website or Blogger Template . We all should try to improve our website as much as we can .

So , using Webmaster Tools also helps you to improve the HTML of your website thus improving the whole website . Sometimes , even a small mistake that escapes from your eyes will feature in this section of this free online service provided by Google .

Google Authorship


Google Authorship is a feature of Google which shows the photo of the author of specific articles in the search results along with the links . This increases the attention of the people who are searching . Moreover, your photo will become famous . Google Authorship can be obtained only through linking your Google+ Profile to your webpage and vice-versa using a tag .

In case, if Google Authorship is not working , you can visit the Structured Data Testing Tool option in the Additional Tools of Google Webmaster Tools . Here , You can check if authorship is working for any webpages on the internet . Indeed, This is another great feature of Google Webmaster Tools .

And don’t forget that showing your photo in the search results can gradually increase website traffic !

Final Words

These were some important features of Webmaster Tools . Well , there are a lot many more that can be used to make a blog a superhit blog by optimizing it for the search engines as well as the readers . Happy Blogging!

37 thoughts on “Why You Should Use Google Webmaster Tools?”

  1. Google Webmaster is must for every blogger that wants good organic traffic from Google. The fact I like most about Google Webmaster is that we can monitor the performance of keywords on our blog. That helps a lot in the long run.

  2. thanks this information for google webmaster tool this information is so helpful to me and my website this article is very interesting and useful to webmaster tool thanks

  3. Hi Rizwan,

    Nice write up. I think the most common and easy way to is to submit to a sitemap to Google. And if you are using WordPress, Yoast SEO does it very well.

    I also make it a point to submit to Bing as well. Amazingly, some of my traffic (about 5%) comes from Bing. Pretty weird but hey, no complains!

    Thanks for sharing mate.

  4. There are three major reasons why we need to submit our website on Google Webmaster Tools. First one is for sitemap submission, Second one Crawler Errors and Last one is Authorship. Every person have different opinion. I have shared what I am thing about this.

    Thanks for sharing use full content about Google Web Master Tools. It increase our interest to use Google Webmaster Tool that is helping to keep the website errorless from crawler errors…

  5. I recently added my site to webmasters and in 2 days my site got indexed :)
    Its great.
    Also it showed a robots.txt error , this is something we cannot find our own. So to find what search engines are having problems to crawl our site , webmasters is must !


    1. YAY ! Finally , Even you have found success using GWT
      Hope all others believe that its the best tool for every webmaster

  6. in google webmaster tool are also available tool to remove unnatural backlink like Google Disavow Tool. This tool really gives great benefit to us as well as our controller to always build high quality backlinks and naturally.

    1. Ya, That is an important tool , bacause any people can link to us from bad sources to destroy our blog . Really, its a disaster if something like that happens !

  7. Thansk for apprciating my work, Sahil
    Its quite amazing to know still people are not using this wonderful service

  8. Hello Rizwan
    Yeah Google Webmaster is Widely used by bloggers but still there many newbies who doesn’t use it yet. Webmaster is Perfect tool to submit url,Sitemap and Get to know most searched queries. at the End rich snippet tool to view authorship of website. Thanks for Providing such type of Useful info Every newbie should watch it once :)

  9. Hi Rizwan,

    Webmaster tools is a must-have tool for every webmaster targeting Google traffic. It notifies you of many useful utilities, alerts you if there is any malware affecting your site.

  10. Samandar Nichari

    It is a good decision if you take GWT as a serious thing to work upon. As it does much of your work to let you index the each part of your website and blog over Google search results.

  11. I think one does not need any other tool, if he/she is using google web master tools, because it provide enough data of almost every thing we need to know.

  12. Absolutely, Google’s Webmaster provide crucial info like, access problems, no follow issues, keyword ranking, downtime alerts, etc. However, they are far from perfect. There ranking data can be way out, the traffic levels can sometimes be out by 50%!

    So, they are very useful but certainly not perfect!

  13. Rizwan your articles is very good and i like these kinds of articles can you tell me what are best tactics to get high quality backlinks?

    I waiting for your reply…

    Arshad Majeed

  14. yeah…me also recently opened webmaster tools…it worked me…dude Iam looking for Alexa pro plan…is it trustworth????

    1. Rizwan Shajahan

      The benefits of Alexa Pro is that you get to show your logo
      And you also get to know more about your website’s insights !
      If you want, they are giving a 1 month free trial
      Just check it out and if its worthy
      Cash out !

      1. Iam not talking abput insights…will it create backlinks to my website freely when I subscribe to Alexa Pro

        1. Yes, They will give you two dofollow backlinks from your page in Alexa !
          Only That !

          Rizwan @ Blogger Kid

  15. M Nirmal Anandh

    Hi Rizwan,

    As a blogger, everyone has to know about “Google Webmaster”. We also have to know about Bing Webmaster.

    If we submit our site to bing webmaster, we can get indexed in both bing.com and yahoo.com. Bing Webmaster is as same as Google Webmaster. Nice article you have shared. Thanks for sharing. Glad to see more articles like this.

    1. Rizwan Shajahan

      Yes, you are correct , Nirmal
      Bing Webmaster is also very important as many are using the Bing Search engine and Yahoo !
      Thanks For pointing it out !

  16. This is good article focused to Google webmaster tools that other people don’t really care about. The point is this kind of tool checks all the errors of your page and you can see what is been indexed in the G Directory. Thumbs up!

  17. I’m surprised at how many people still don’t use Google Webmaster Tools for their blogs. Its not as fun and interesting as a lot of other utilities but it really sets up an awesome framework for some need-to-know stats.

    1. Of Course,Drew
      I am also amazed whem i saw of my fellow blogger did not even know what is Google Webmaster Tools . Hope you found my article useful !

  18. Nice article! I am using Google webmaster tools to check my crawl errors, because my previous blog was spoiled because of 404 error pages, also I am using it to check my backlinks, but another quick way is Google analytics to check out the backlinks of my blog on a daily basis. Thanks for this useful article :)

    1. What you told is very important, Maddy
      We should also use Google Analytics for knowing the accurat traffic of our blog !
      You should frequently check for error pages other wise , you blog will get spoiled like your old blog !

  19. Webmaster tool has countless advantages. If someone is not using this tool for his/her blog then he/she is missing a lot. We can say that submitting your blog/website to Webmaster tool is the first step of Search Engine optimization. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are very correct Kuldeep
      Bloggers who do not use Webmaster Tools will never be successful in their career

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