Why Your Blog Posts Were Not Shared And Commented?

Why blog post why not shared and commentedMany newbie bloggers and some older bloggers were wonder why blog posts were not shared and commented by their audiences.
There were some reasons which force users to shares and comments on your articles. The below tips are some of those reasons..

Why Blog Posts Were Not Shared And Commented?

#1 articles is not unique and quality contents

Most of the people love to read educational articles which are fresh update information. They could learn about new knowledge which gives them the more experience and expertise learning.

You know?

They may want to share those value information or educational articles to their friends, colleges, and families since it valuable expertise development. That is a simple reason why blog posts were not shared and commented or nothing at all.

The readers will enjoy and share you articles, if you have written a quality post which included above benefits of learning.

#2 you have no private relationship

How many friends in your social media connection? And did you have a strong relationship with them?

Well, private relationship is majority reason of why blog posts were not shared and comment. I have 2k+ follower, 2k+ fans, and 1k+ friends connect, especially I have built strong relationship with those peoples.

Whenever, I shared some information into social media profile they always help to spread my information by shared and commented on the posts and make it popular social release. Therefore, to build a stronger relationship will configure out the problem and give you the answer why blog post were not shared and commented by other people.

I suggested you to spend at least 30 minutes to 1 hour daily to the community with others friend connect through to them and talk about some social relation.

  • Tips for Building Real Connections to Help Your Blog Succeed

#3 Shares unattractive posts

Some blogger just share only links which make other people complicated and wondering about what inside the link. Moreover, links could attract other social media users.

Now a day most of the people are very busy with their current job, thus they will never waste their time to click on some links and no valuable information.

The time constrain is another important reason of why blog posts were not shared and commented. Actually, most love to keep working and donโ€™t want to interrupt their work without any benefit such your link.

To make those people skip their value time to click on your link you have to put some call actions such as added attractive image and brief information about value content inside the article.

#4 You Donโ€™t have participant social media network group

Social media strategy is like WTO trading. None membership traders will gain less benefit from doing international trading.

You know there a group call CommentsDX which all members could exchange some comments with other members and gain the value of sharing to post of each other. When you ask a question why blog posts were not shared and commented,ย you should ask yourself that did you joint any networks or groups which benefit for increase more blog comments and sharing.

#5 you never share minds, why blog posts were shared and commented by me

When first time I start integrated social media as marketing strategy, I am afraid to share other bloggers and competitors posts.

I am really wondering about my audiences will move to other bloggers or to my competitors websites. But absolutely no, sharing other bloggers or competitors post will make audiences love you and enjoy more big resources of information entire your social profiles.

Sometime your post will be shared and commented by others since you always like or commented them.

Right now it is your turn

Thanks for reading my tip: why blog posts were not shared and commented. I think that it may not a unique idea to increase more share and comments, but I think that these above tips are still working. I believe that it will benefit for newbie bloggers to implement social media strategy.

Did I missed any point? Are you getting good comments and shares on your blog post?

Do share with us below.

87 thoughts on “Why Your Blog Posts Were Not Shared And Commented?”

  1. Hi Kimsea,

    Thanks for sharing this. For me, it could easily be the topic isn’t interesting enough for the readers.

    So, if you know who and what your readers are looking for, then you can probably have a good traffic.

    Also, remember to categories them so it is easier for readers to search for related articles too!

  2. People come, people read, people collect information and people leave.. Thats my story :(.. Yes sometime, some people stumbles on something where they have a question, then only they comment !!!

  3. Nithin Upendran

    You are totally right my dear friend! Social media is emerging as one of the best platform for building relationships.As you quoted relationships are the most needed quality in a good bloggers.Newbies often worries about no comments and no share this article is really a helping hands for them.Thanks for sharing this article it was quite handy!

    1. Thank for stop by and commented post, Nithin. Actually, no sharing and commenting is my serious problem before. I recommend that if you are newbie to blogging business, you should try to connect with other successful in order to some ideas from those successful.

  4. Hi Kimsea,
    You are 100% right and I’m totaly agree with your given points. It has really become the major problem of bloggers. Thanks for sharing your experince with us

  5. Hello Kimsea its hard to find good activity partner in social media nowadays. Its going to be a tough competiton to keep the Blog running ! in my poin of view bloggers have to be updated about all the Technical, Programming and SEO aspects & e.t.c as well to be a successful blogger. Thanks for your post and keep rocking Man!

    1. Thanks for you opinion, whatever you like to update but do not isolated..! Keep connect with other successful. I hope you will back again..! :)

  6. You know, Josie? when the first time I start blog. I am so isolate, I try to blog alone. And 1 year for blogging without any help. relationship is important than money now, I think.

  7. Hi Kimsea
    Thats true and not engaging with other bloggers will make you miss out an array of opportunities.

  8. Very nice post Kimsea. I know that the quality of article is important but I just think about the ideas and how to write it in the clearest way to understand. I don’t care too much in grammatical mistakes. It will be the reason why I don’t have much comments in my blog. Thank you for sharing with use those useful information. Keep sharing please!

  9. Corey Frankosky

    It seems that as a blog grows that so do shares and comments. There are mny bloggers who can post a blog and get well over 200+ shares throughout multiple social networks within 24 hours. This helps for more people to share and for people to come on and leave a comment.

    In my opinion, this is when you have truly made it as a blogger. When you are able to get others to “work for you” and share your content because they believe in it, your success it almost guaranteed for the long-term. Plus it helps us rely less on Google traffic when we can get traffic through social networks.

  10. Good idea, Some people came to your blog and comments. They want to get back and looking for easy commenting system. But If they are you friends, I think it is okay for them to comment your post.

  11. I think another reason a post is not commented on is because of difficult commenting system. most readers love simple comment system so in a situation where a blog uses hard verification processes, the reader might simply get turned off never to return to comment again.

  12. Hey Kimsea,
    That’s a great post. People share your posts only when they see you sharing theirs. This is a bitter truth.
    But building relationships is one of the best things a bloggers could do. With that, you posts will be shared without your knowledge and you won’t have to do any work.
    Thanks for the great post :)

  13. Great! Whatever, you have to make in unique from other..! If they all right, then you have to say left. I think private relation should be improve for increase more share and comments.

  14. I also face this problem because of not much attractive heading and some times content i write on my blog is already mentioned by another blogger because i’m in tech blogging so the competition is in high and most of the articles are repeated.I think this is the reason why my posts are not so much shared in social networking sites.Now i follow these tips properly and get highlighted on Social networking sites.Thank you.

  15. Hello Kimsea,
    Well i have a good amount of visitors to my blog and all coming from search engines but still a very few comments on my blog, is that because i am not using commentluv or something else.

    1. Your welcome, I am very glad to know you enjoy my tips. I will find more tips and please for it again. And thanks for commented my article.

  16. I would say the points mentioned here are unique in itself and offcourse if you are not sharing information,then you will not be able to get your blog popular.

    Siddhartha Sinha

    1. Ahhhh … just realize the typo error on my comment, so sorry. Thing = think, withing = within. I guess that’s a proof that I’m just a human :D

  17. Hi Kimsea,

    Great post!
    It’s kind of tricky I thing. What we need to focus about blogging is creating value with our posts and make a proper promotion. Whether it get shared, commented or not. Let’s leave it to the audiences. Many newbie fall their spirit due to these two aspects.

    So, whatever result we get from our audiences, we should never give up provide value withing our blog.

  18. Sheikh Sabayyal

    Well I do have strong Social Media Relation especially facebook. I own a page with 50k likes. I do get traffic from that page but no comments :-/

    1. Try more with engage and communicate with you fan. I think you make with your FB page. sharing content is not enough, but relation is way to add more value.

  19. Great article it is!! I truly enjoyed learning this informative piece. I’ve created a blog few months earlier and unfortunately so far I didn’t received any comments or appreciations for my new blogs. I think must be one of these or more reasons I’ve failed to work on properly. I’ll definitely work on these suggestions to make good impression upon my blog traffic. Thanks Kim. :)

  20. Mohammad ismail

    Hello dear friend,
    You have mentioned really good point, as many of us already know that these are the main step, but many people don’t care of these and so there blog lose traffic.

  21. This was a very elaborate article, thank you for sharing! I think that the most important thing is to have social media relationships as connecting with actual people can mean more than simply have good content.

  22. Well, I have leave some link and nobody click on it. But when I leave my link with some friendly message and attractive image, there were many people go through my tips. That why I want to sharing tip.

  23. Really, interaction with other bloggers can be a decisive part in blog promotion. I have many blogger friends who share mine and I share theirs. It also builds a mutual connection. Content will always be the most important factoring in anything related to blogging.

  24. Hi Kimsea,
    Good Points , How can we expect shares and comments from until we shares them.
    Having relationship is very important for every blogger.

  25. Great Tips. I am also new bie blogger and had the same problem. I commented on the other blog as well as shares the good content but only a few people would like to share my posts on social sites. One of the most important thing is writing skills for getting comments. With effective reading skills we can get many shares and comments on post even if it is spinned article.

  26. Chandramouli Dixit

    Great article Kim !!, You are absolutely right about sharing unattractive posts. Even the statistics suggest that images used in sharing posts perform much much better than usual links we share on social media platforms. And nobody can deny other points that you put in like building relationships and quality content.

  27. Thanks for a nice and informative post, Kimsea…. really loved it…. You are right that a good quality post is essential to be eligible for share and comments…. The proper promotion of the post is also important and good interactions with fellow bloggers will also help…….

  28. Hi,
    Good article, thank you for taking the time in writing this. I think new comers will be greatly benefited. I am always learning something new including some of your points. Keep writing please.


  29. I agree most of your points, but i think that mostly it depends on your contents and your social networking profiles.
    quality of contents is highly important and on Third number your SEO techniques matters a lot because SEO will bring you targetted traffic.

    1. I am your point quality and SEO is so important but some time it is not all true. I focus on quality because you will gain the benefit of SEO indirectly since the people love and share your quality content.

  30. I would like to add one more thing…People also tend to avoid sharing articles with lots of grammatical mistakes..I am ok with it to a certain extent but a well proofed article is definitely better than an ill-proofed article.

  31. Richard Martin

    I think as well that it depends on how long you have had your blog for.

    It is unrealistic to hope that you will get 100’s of comments or shares with a new blog – you have to slowly build up a fan base, and slowly gain trust – it doesn’t happen over night though.

    1. I think so, Richard Martin! Nothing get right overnight! The key successful of blogging is “Patient”. I will define its’ meaning to enjoy working and hard work.

  32. Hi
    If our Blog Posts with Good Quality and With Unique and share among friends also helps us to get good comments and enough exposure. Yes CommentDx Group is amazing with few members but each member help each other a lot. :)

    1. Nice to meet you, Srikanth. I show that you joint CommentDx group. I have comments your post frequently. I am really glad to ready your comment. I wish to see you again here..!

  33. Hi Kimsea, I am a newbie and right now i am following these tips, so lets see what will happen to my blog; it’s just 3 month old with just 22 posts. Looking forward for more wonderful information. Thank you for sharing these tips :)

    1. I think that this tips valuable to you. You know three years I am also newbie blogger. I did many mistake with social media and writing. But now I learnt from the way we go. Cheer I believe that you will get it done..! =D

  34. Agree on your fact about spending time to build community. It really helps with the sharing and the feedback we can get for our blog posts.

    As you have also mentioned having a powerful call to action words with brief description about the posts when sharing on social media has very high click through rate. for example Do you the secrets of…? Don’t read at your won cost!

    One of mail things I found out is getting found out on Google. Organically found articles has as high tendency of getting shared or at least getting some feedback directly from the reader.

    Thanks for the share and will post this article with some love @FernandoMedia

    1. Nice to meet you, FERNANDO! It my mistake when I am newbie to blogging. I think that the relationship is important and I share my link across the social media and expected more shares. Reason, I go nothing but after I learnt and have a strong relationship, I feel everything was change.

      1. Great to hear thanks Kimsea. I have some spelling mistakes in my previous comment due to rushing for some work after just reading the post. Anyway nice meeting you. Have a great weekend.

  35. 2 is one of the main reasons people fail online Kimsea.

    No private, strong relationships. People share your stuff when they know, trust and like you, and if you never build relationships people never go out of their way to share your stuff.

    Be a friend. Help someone. Then many people will help you.

    Thanks for sharing!


  36. Hi Kimsea,

    Glad to see you on allbloggingtips. Once again I appreciate your work.
    Very true; if one is not writing good content and is lazy to spread the words then he would not expect good results.

  37. Social share plugins should also be made available on your blog to enable people easily share your posts and most people prefer to comment on blogs with commentluv enabled comment system.

  38. I totally agree with all the reasons you gave. Having a high quality and unique post is the most essential for it to be shared. Of course, a good promotion and strong relationship with the readers are equally important as well.

    1. Yeah, congratulate you done to hear that you done very well with your blog. I wish you continue to offer this value to them. Cheer up..! =D

  39. Bishnu Subedi Nishan

    Nice to see you here in ABT Kimsea,

    You have mentioned very useful points, after joining CommentDX, I am feeling very excited to comment on others blog, I am also getting valuable comments on my post too…its not only about get comment, i am feeling improvement on my commenting knowledge too :)

    1. Thanks for commented post, Bishnu Subedi Nishan. Absolutely, CommentXD is not only the comment exchange network but it is a big resources for blogger to exchange new knowledge.

  40. Actually because of workload we gets so stereotyped and act like a machine on social media that is why only our private friends interact with us while new contacts treat us like a marketer not a human being. We have to give attention to this aspect and never interact with them for reshare and +1 only; we must keep on talking to them on their interest too in this way they will admit us a human being first then marketers. This should be our basic strategy to get our post reshare and commented more

  41. Such a nice post! kimsea.. Wonder Why I am not getting too much comments on my blog. I observed that most of the people like my giveaway ideas and my different articles are ignored most of the time and that because of the quality or maybe grammatical mistakes.

  42. As we all know how much competition is going on in blogging world and everyone wants to achieve new heights in it but it’s not possible for every individual. So when you will generate new and unique ideas than others then you can see how result will come out in favor of you.

  43. I don’t have a problem with attracting comments (although it did drop noticeably when I made the blog no-follow) and I am just now starting to see some results in getting my posts shared. I think as you said you have to write something that makes the reader think “wow! I need people to see this!”

    1. I don’t care about dofollow or nofollow it is just a gift for commenters but quality contents and relationship are what I am focusing on it. I to hear that you enjoy my tips and I wish see you again here..!

  44. Hi Kimsea,
    I love this article. I wrote a similar article on my blog some months back.
    In fact, if we are not actively helping others spread their words, we will not get their help too. No one succeeds as an island.

    I love the point on private relationship. That’s above just knowing someone. It’s good to take the relationship even deeper.

    Thanks for the value in this post. Hope you have a wonderful week

    1. Thanks for stop by and commented post. Absolutely, private relationship is very important for bloggers. I learnt a lot from other and help me when I am close to them. I wish to see you again here, Enstine Muki. :)

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