Social Media

Put Your Blog Branding to Work on Social Networks

There are currently over a BILLION users on Twitter and Facebook combined!

If you aren’t taking advantage of this massive audience, you are missing out big. ;)

I’m not just talking about having a personal account where you can make friends and have a social following, I’m talking about building an extended presence and following for your blog.

Put Your Blog Branding to Work on Social Networks!


Make Your Picture / Blog Logo Universal

Internet marketing and blogging is all about branding. Everyone wants to have a popular blog that everyone knows, talks about and remembers. One of the best ways to do this is to make sure that your blog name and all of your social network urls and branding are the same.

If you have, then you should also have:

This makes it easy for people to search and find where your blog is on the major social networks.

The same can be said for your logo and your social networking pages. Twitter backgrounds are actually blog branding machines! How many people are going to visit your Twitter page, read a few updates and then leave? Probably most people. During that time you can use those few seconds as a chance to leave a brand-able impression.

This is exactly what I did with my Twitter profile and once Facebook launched their TimeLine update, you can now do the same thing with your Facebook profile and fan pages.

Content for Your Social Blog Pages

There is always a question on what type of content you should be posting to your social networking blog pages. Should you just setup an RSS feed that updates Twitter and Facebook automatically every time your blog updates, or should you post original questions and comments to your audience?

At the end of the day it comes down to what your preference is and how active you are on the major social networks. Even if you are just posting the RSS feed updates, you can still read a lot of people through Twitter and Facebook growth.

How Can You Expand Your Blog Exposure?

If you aren’t currently building out your own blog exposure through Facebook and Twitter it’s definitely something you should think about. Social networking is only going to keep growing in size and once you are setup with your social pages, your following will only keep on growing.

For more helpful tips and methods I’ve used to increase my blog exposure on social networks, be sure to check out my new book on titled Blogging Tips: “Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger!“.

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Facebook Activates Its Timeline For All: How To Use It

The wait is over: After months of several testing and offer a “voluntary change” to its users, today is the deadline for Facebook suits us all to your new Timeline or Chronology. The change is not sharp since, at least cautious, we could try it with a lot of anticipation to see what news brings Timeline. However, many people who follow the profile “old” so over the next few hours will see how everything is migrated to the new Facebook design.

It is possible that many do not like the new design of Facebook, but the truth is we have no escape. Timeline is fit or leave Facebook (something that happens almost all the changes in the social media). Therefore, we will take a moment to understand how we can do to make the most of this change.

facebook Timeline

Let us start from the basis that the change to Timeline is almost a reconfiguration of the whole philosophy of Facebook. The idea is that we begin to share our whole life , not only loose updates. Timeline So not only allows us to share music, links, videos, and photos, but we can take all these elements to tell a story, a story about us. So find the side of a timeline Timeline we can customize to show our birth, major events such as graduation from secondary or college, and more.

So before making the switch to Timeline (or Facebook do it for us), should ideally review our privacy settings for something we published in 2008 did not come to surprise us overnight. Everything can hide and remove, and Facebook is an algorithm designed to display events and publications.

Read Also: How To activate facebook timeline?

What are the major changes?

A recent study conducted by Simply Measured indicates that, with Timeline, many companies have increased the number of interactions and engage with their users on Facebook. While the presence of firms in social networks and is unavoidable, it is good to know we have a professional tool to do so.

Timeline Facebook power capabilities and gives us a chance to tell the story of the brand, create a more personal story with our users and customers, and again all more verbose. Especially with big brands, usually Facebook is a great flood of inquiries, insults, flattery: a true bipolar grout comments. So to get everything organized is essential to make the page easier to navigate and users to find everything easily.

Read Also: Remove Facebook Timeline In Firefox and Chrome Completely

Some final tips –

  • Are you ready to spend a timeline? Keep in mind these things:
  • Hide what you do not want others to see
  • Check your privacy settings before and after applying the change
  • If you want, create a timeline of life through photographs
  • Set up your Timeline so that only includes what you see and what you want others to see you
  • Have ready a good image to work as your cover photo.

This is guest post by Amrik Virdi who writes about How To Make Money Online.