The Ultimate Guide: 5 Ways to Promote Your Blog Effectively

Strategy to market your blogNow, let’s get serious here about reason and why to promote your blog.

You’ve written that wonderful and informative post which everybody has been dying to get their hand on; and you edit, proofread and lastly end up posting it on your blog. And months later, there’s no buzz about the blog post, no comment whatsoever.

But the fact still remains that no matter how good and informative a blog post is; if it isn’t seen by readers, then it’s almost useless all the same.

And the only way which we can let our fantastic posts to get enough “sightings” is to promote your Blog that house the posts properly.

Marketing a blog simply means to optimize your blog and literally carry it to the “online platforms” where they’ll get more coverage and lots of traffic due to the posts inherent in it.

The ways to promote your blog usually change hands due to the ever-changing panda and penguin updates by Google search engine (we all know Google search controls literally how we market our blog online – each year.)

This means the strategies of last year that bloggers actively used in promoting their blog might likely not work this here due to some changes in the panda and penguin updates.

That’s why I’ve come up with this awesome and yet short post on the core strategies which survived last year and the new ones that came this year on how to market one’s blog effectively for traffic and online mentions.

Like I showed you above, I’ll be listing just 5 wonderful ways which you can easily use to promote your blog. . . So, below is the top 5 ways as of now which you can actively use to promote that beautiful blog of yours.

Guide To Promote Your Blog

1. Through Social Media Shares And Posting

Are you like me who formally used to write up articles full of helpful tips and leave it on my blog just for it to die an untimely death?

Believe me; I used to do this back then, usually praying for traffic to come when I wasn’t even doing and staying active on different social media platforms that exists out there.

Later when I got hold of my ignorance about social media and started doing and actively posting my blog posts to relevant groups – I started seeing traffic unequalled and far greater than my former tactics back then of “writing a post and hopefully waiting and praying for traffic to come”.

Nonetheless, these are the strategies that works on different Social Media presently –

  • On Facebook:

After writing, proofing and posting that post on your blog, share it on your facebook wall – Not only that- leveraging the interactive power of groups, also share it on relevant groups that talk about similar topic relate to your blog. If your blog contents are mainly on SEO, then there is a lot of sense in posting your blog posts only on SEO groups only.

Keep doing this -rinse and repeat – the strategies above till you gain traction from doing them.

You can also leverage the power of “Facebook Advertising” by using their ever popular “Sponsored Post” to give more coverage to your blog.

For those who haven’t heard of “Sponsored Post” way of advertising on Facebook; it’s basically promotes each posts you make your blog to millions of targeted people (which you’d clearly choose). So it’s quite realistic for you to run now and apply these new tactics to your blog. In this way you can promote your blog. Make sure to read ways to double traffic from Facebook

  • On Twitter:

The strategies that work on this social platform is quite simply. . . On twitter you’d need to schedule a tweet of your recent posts to tweet at least for 7 days.  Make sure to change the titles each time you post so that your blog (or that particular blog post) can get more exposure during the process.

  • On Google+ And LinkedIn:

The only way to overly market your blog on Google+ and LinkedIn is to always update on them every time. These sites need consistency, in other for people to notice your post – then you must really be consistent with your updates. This means regular sharing of your blog posts, interacting with people on those platforms and lots more etc.

There are a big amount of Groups on LinkedIn which are obviously related to your niche and they are quite very simple to locate.  This makes it a wonderful opportunity for posting your useful content in them and getting your blog content to be visible to them.

  • On StumbleUpon And Pinterest:

On StumbleUpon, it’s all about which sites is shown more than the other. So, advertising with them is really a good way to market your blog.

While on Pinterest – creating a board on Pinterest just only for your blog posts update and pinning your blog posts to that board will help you garner more traffic and exposure to your blog.

Make sure to include clear and descriptive pictures in your blog posts so that when you pin them to the boards, people will see the posts and naturally repin them to their own boards -just this act – will double your overall traffic.

2. Through Guest Posting On Blogs Actively

This is still the best strategic way of promoting your blog to the huge population online. You can use guest post to steal get people to come running to your blog. Guest posting on other blogs doesn’t only help you market your blog; it also sends you external links from those sites, and the more links your site gets, the better placed it will be on different search engines.

The better and well balanced it is on those search engines, the more traffic that your site will get – which will literally market your blogs to diverse kinds of people online.

In case you like to utilize this guest posting idea, then use these sites below to drive links and people to your blog –

Huge lists of blogs that accept guest posts







How to make a blog and a blog income


Welcome to The 2 Create a Website Blog



How to Start Your Own Blog


3. Through Building a Massive Email List

Remember that saying that goes like this – “The money is in the email list”. I can’t agree more. Who buys more eBooks and product from you? – People in your email list. Who throw comments and share your recent blog posts more than others? – People in your email list. You see the trend now? The people in your email list are the ones who really trust you enough to take out their time to want to buy something you promote or tell people about it.

So, if you’re yet to start building an email list, then you should probably start now, because this strategy has being in existence since many years ago and it’s still growing stronger as the years goes by.

So, I’d like you to remember this – Building an email list is one (if not the best) way to promote your blog. All the social shares you’d ever get will certainly come from there; including almost all the lovely comments you’d get on your new or old blog post – they will also virtually come from there too.

If you don’t have a list, get an auto-responder account that is trusted and begin building an email list right now!

Some websites which offers you a chance to integrate their auto-responders and grow your email list are –

  • MadMimi (Free upto 2500 subscribers)
  • (offers first 30 days – free)

Get one of them and start building an email list that’s full of wonderful people who love your contents, so that you can end up sharing your posts with them and throw your blog to limelight at same time.

4. Through Adding Your Blog to Bookmarking Sites

These websites can drive an insane amount of traffic to your blog in no time if your blog post ever goes viral on their platforms.  This, I also believe is one of the best ways to market your blog in.

Having said that, when next you post an awesome post; you should try and register with a few of these platforms and share your posts in other to get a chunk of their bookmarking traffic.

Below are some of the best bookmarking sites out there which you can leverage now –

marketingLink building is basically the act of getting external blogs or pages to link to your blog or website. And it’s also the metric in which Google uses to rank blogs on search rankings.

This means – the more external links you have linking back to your website or blog posts, the more traffic (or people) you get flowing deep to your site.

With that said, it’s imperative for you to know that if your blog doesn’t rank decently high for any search queries, then your blog posts will hardly be read at all. So you’re left with no choice but to build up external links manually which will solely be pointing back to your blog.  When you keep this exercise going – then, you’d notice better search ranking and better blog exposure in no time.

How can you build up your links?

I know this question might be running through your mind as of now.

Use these two ways to build up your link-

  • By Guest Blogging (I’ve discussed on guest blogging in great detail on number 2 point above.)
  • By doing blog commenting (to blog comment is basically to go to blogs and leave a comment there with a link pointing to your site.)

So keep doing them in a repeated manner and you’d get to see your blog overly marketed all around the blogosphere in no time.

I hope you’ll apply these awesome strategic points in this post and excel or market your blog to diverse kinds of people.

Do you have other ideas about how to market a blog? Leave a comment of that idea below, we’ll gladly reply you.

Thanks for reading.

61 thoughts on “The Ultimate Guide: 5 Ways to Promote Your Blog Effectively”

  1. Hi, very good sharing. This post helped me a lot and I have shared this with my friends. Keep on sharing such nice and useful information. Have a nice day.

  2. It\’s good article. Very informative. and great site list you have provided. actually i was searching for such a content quite a long. I am struggling now a days to promote my site knowtheworldfacts DOT com After reading this post i think i can decide my next road map to promote it. Thans again… :)

  3. Technorati will bring considerable amount of traffic and backlinks if you start writing quality content. yes all you need is to write quality content if you want traffic from those sites. Thanks for sharing this post.

  4. This list is missing something. Something you seem to know because I see the floating social bar on the left :)
    Give your readers the opportunity, or better encourage them to share/bookmark your articles by providing social media floating bars like on this page or bookmarking panels including the most popular bookmarking services.

    There are a bunch of free wordpress plugins that almost need no configuration apart from choosing the services you’d like to display.

  5. Leaving a comment with link once in a while is fine but not good if its done very frequently.

    As it will be considered a spam for sure.

  6. This year, I am putting all my money into social shares. Backlinks, link building etc are still important but I think (soon), Google will focus more on social shares.

    Oh well who knows right? Just make sure you are getting the right and legit shares. That’s vital!

    Thanks for sharing this mate!

  7. Blog commenting is one of the best like guest posting to promote blogs. Because it will helpful for increase google rank with traffic. By the way, Thanks for give some effective strategy for promote websites..

  8. A very good useful article. I think the best way to get traffic is Guest Posting on High PR Blogs and also social media share. I am getting a lot of traffic from Pinterest and Google Plus.

  9. I was not aware about others but social media sites and commenting on other blog is really great for link building and promotional stuffs. However just commenting anywhere and anything which are something you don’t know about and which is not related to your niche may be caught into google algorithm updates like penguine and panda. So always make sure you are not commenting too much on non related sites. Even if you have to comment, don’t put your URL in the box. In this way your thought will be shared also and you won’t be penalized also.

  10. Richard Martin

    Excellent, informative post, thankyou.

    I have found a great deal of success with Social Media recently – simply linking your social media accounts to each other, and linking blog posts within social media has seen my traffic increase recently.

  11. Hi segun,
    Great article about promoting your blog.
    Out of all these, one thing is the most effective way to promote your blog to a big audience. And that is guest posting.
    With it you can not only attract large number of visitors but you even build some high authority backlinks that in turn gives you high search engine rankings and more organic traffic.

  12. Brilliant tips. Though I still don’t understand or see the point of email lists. I’ve never subscribed to someone else’s list, so I doubt people would care about mine.

    Also, a lot of people (including me) ignore emails from blogs and newsletters. So I don’t think people would read mine. But the rest of the tips are good, I still have to think of a way to share content on facebook pages without making them seem spammy.

  13. I have been using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google + to HOPEFULLY promote my blog. I think with these sites, there are way too many, “come visit my site” postings, and they aren’t working for me. So, I prefer posting comments on blogs such as this one (relevant comments)!

  14. Hi,
    I agree with email list as it has direct contact with subscribers. they are the one who has trust in us. they also are the regular commenter . But I never heard of Madmimi.

  15. Hi Segun,
    I admire your blog , it’s filled me what I like to read exactly. You just got a perennial visitor of this site!
    But my problem in social network campaigns is the “Reputation” . I have many difficulty in community management may be this is because I don’t have a large network (Fan pages, groups,…)

    Thank you for the good article. Hope to see more soon.

  16. nice one bro, your blog is really an awesome blog thanks for sharing. i do read this blog for more informative articles it is just like a source of inspiration to me

  17. Finally found the best way to do content promotions. I was only sharing my content on all the social bookmarking sites but now i guess i need to do even more efforts.
    Great Information :)

  18. There are multiple ways to promote your website, but to promote your website page or blog post within your friends and make it appear on top of the news feed, all that you need to do is click on promote

  19. Buy paid advertising whenever possible which Facebook is excellent for because you can target your audience very precisely. As for most of the other tactics mentioned herein it is all hard work but somebodys got to do it :)

  20. Hi Segun,
    unfortunately, I cannot use all the awesome plug-ins of the wordpress community just for blog-promotion and social media connection, because I’ve created the english version of my original hungarian blog (about my 3D printing enthusiasm) on the platform using wo’s own hosting and blogging service. This decision has got benefits and disadvantages as well; my blogs haven’t been hacked since they are hosted by wordpress, although I really would like to give a try to the WordPress Firewall plug-in because security is really important for me (because I often post my 3D designs as well).What would you suggest: should I switch to

  21. This post have pretty good info and more effective for the audience. I would like to share this info with my friends and my viewers also. Hope something better things are waiting for me.

  22. Great article which I got delivered from the email newsletter. very informative points. Thanks for sharing all those links for all the social networks where people can share their bog posts.

  23. According to me the best way is blog commenting. It doesn’t matter whether it is a do follow or no follow, it will definitely help you in building the links.

    Anyways thanks for the post.

  24. Stumbleupon is the best way for me! getting fast traffic for the website is all I need…I usually share my designing work their and received great response!

  25. Great tips with useful lists. Blog commenting, social sites presence and social bookmarking sites would be the simplest way to promote our blog

  26. All great points.

    I use a combination of the above. Social media, guest posting, email list. All powerful things. I don’t bother so much with bookmarking sites. I don’t know any way to automate it and it seems like too much hassle.

  27. Malik Mudassar

    Article Submission- Massive Article Submission on regular basis pointing anchors to your website.

    Till December 2012, after penguin update release by google. Article submission on High PR article directories was the most authentic way to generate quality backlinks and to optimize your blog/page as per your desired keyword by setting it as Anchor of your URL. However after another change by google algorithm when EMDs were busted brutely, Some SEO folks changed to strategy for organic optimization of their pages. They started using Naked URLs. A naked URL is the URL itself in the anchor text instead of giving a keyword. But this doesn’t optimize the page, it only increases the page indexing in google. Hence a mix blend of naked URLs plus keyword mixed anchors should be used in order to get the required results. This strategy is working so far.
    Blog posting and Guest blogging gives you a chance to place your anchors to your site. The anchors optimize your page. If your site/blog has a lower domain age like a newly registered domain, it cannot take loads of link on daily basis regardless of page rank they are sent from. It will be considered spam and will be either slapped by google or sandboxed. To overcome this issue, one should draw a circle or anchors around the site / blog of web 2.0 properties like wordpress, blogspot, pinterest, instagram etc and then submit articles to article directories to link to those anchors. Articles submitted on High PR directories will send link juice and will increase the quality and indexing of the outer circle of web 2.0 properties which will then pass link juice to your blog. In this way you can actually control your anchors.

  28. I’m trying to set up an email list for my blog and looks like your links to free autoresponders are my next best option..


  29. I think that anyone who has a website could definitely use the information on this site. My biggest problem whenever I set up a site has always been driving traffic to my site. I just recently set up my site and have been focusing more on promoting it to help me drive traffic to it. After all what good is it to have a site online if you are not getting any traffic? Thanks

  30. @Segun,
    You have written a great article which helps me to take my blog to next level.I personally started sharing my post on social bookmarking sites and i also got some visit from it.

    We can also use Google plus community to increase our visitors and also free plus one’s. :)

  31. Hi I totally agree with you. There are other bookmarking websites like, Newsvine etc are very helpful to promote your blog. Guest post and blog commenting are also very fruitful if they have been done in proper manner.

    Now Guest post leads to article directory type. So keep certain points in mind we have to do it properly.

  32. Mailing lists have always worked for me to gain some traffic.When you offer engaging content without spamming their mailbox,people tend to respond well.Social media plays a key role in publicizing the content.I have found LinkedIn to be more effective mainly because the niche which i am in caters to a professional audience.

    1. Thanks for the great opinion Joe. Email marketing is also one of the best ways to increase a blog traffic, and also support’s your idea of not spamming the readers mail, it will make them feel more comfortable while reading your mails.

      A lot of thanks to you and your opinion.

  33. Yeah, agree with your views. Sure, these are the certain ways to promote the blog.

    Hope am doing all, thanks for the social blookmarking list, will try to add my blog in some of those.

    Guest blogging and blog commenting are the honest ways of blog promotion and let the bloggers to get new readers too.

    Glad with the neat writing of this post and it is precise for the readers.

  34. Hello Segun :-)

    You really detailed out this article very well. You could add a few tips to optimize blog posts with hashtags, while sharing on social media ! [Just my personal opinion]

    Great article and keep posting ! :D

  35. Hi, Segun
    Your all 5 ways are nice. Promoting a blog is very essential now . Because Now the days blogging is very competitive. Thanks for the nice article and List. :)

  36. Another strong article to promote one’s blog!!! Segun, your methods for blog promotion are strategic. I’m trying to implement most of them since the day I’ve made my mind to join blogosphere. The blogs you’ve mentioned with their respective page rank are worth bookmarking. Surely I’m gonna visit one by one to know more about them. Thanks for summing that up!!!

  37. Hey Ammar; point 3 building email list is the most effective way to develop regular traffic on your blog but you should not do this with any free service and have to try any premium service like Aweber; but for this newbies have to first learn and be clear in their blogging objectives after that they should put their money to get returns.

  38. Yes these are the options from where you can promote your site via Guest posting and Blog commenting and when you will get back links from these two options then you can see how your site rank will improve quickly.

  39. Great Post! I can’t say which one is the best of all because all your points are flawless, I love blogcommenting, socialmedia and I think its high time I implemented some of your points.
    Btw, I use justretweet for twitter promotion it works great.

  40. I usually promote my blog on social media like Twitter and Facebook, thanks for sharing this many tips

      1. Yea you are right rajiv, blog commenting also helps. likewise all the tips stated above they all help as well.

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