Blogging Tips

How To Get Traffic To A New Blog – 5 Great Ways

increase blog traffic[Most of the newbie bloggers quit their blogging just because they don’t see any traffic from their blog(s). Even who have started their blogging career long time ago don’t see much improvisation in their traffic.


Because they don’t follow few tips which has to be followed to get traffic to a new blog. ;)

How can any blogger Get Traffic to A New Blog?

Though there are many ways to Get Traffic to A New Blog, the most important factor is NETWORK. The more network you have the more traffic you’ll get.

The best way to build a network around your blog is: start interacting with others using

  • Facebook
  • Twitter

Why I’m mentioning only these two sites because, it’s easy to spread your word and follow other bloggers easily using this social media sites and  get traffic to a new blog.

Following are some EXCEPTIONAL ways to bring traffic to a new blog or any blog.

1. Blog Comments:

Comment on top blogs in your niche try to be the first 5 commenters.

Tips: Subscribe to their RSS feeds.

Don’t spam their blogs by writing one liners. Add value to your comments.

If you want to get traffic daily this is the best way to go.

Type “your niche + blog” in google to know which are the top blogs in your niche.blogging blogs

Ex: “blogging + blog”

Read : Why You should comments on other blogs?

2. Network with others using Facebook and twitter

Facebook: Join in Groups.. Promote yourself out there.. BTW facebook alone is giving me 100+ leads daily (even without promoting everyday!). Ammar Ali is also getting huge traffic from Facebook ;) . So don’t neglect bringing Facebook traffic to your blog.

You may find it difficult in the beginning but when you start promoting others content and when you get to know each other on Facebook, it becomes very easy!

Twitter: Follow top bloggers in your niche and follow their followers. This is the simple yet effective way of increasing your targeted twitter followers. Once you have done this, you can tweet your new articles and ask your followers to retweet it.

3. Video Marketing:

Create a 2 and add your blog link at the starting

Submit them to YouTube, metacafe etc.

Tools to use: Use Screenr to create free videos

4. Spend time on writing detailed articles.

Never assume that you can bring quality traffic without much efforts.

You need to differentiate yourself with others to become successful. It takes time to create content, I agree but you shouldn’t spend whole time creating only normal or average 600 words posts.

Spend time to create great content.

Write detailed posts with 1000 or 1500+ words once in a while. If you’re not a full time blogger like me, at least try to create detailed posts once or twice a month.

So that you can grab others attention and you can show your blogging expertise to your readers.

It’s really important for you to create killer articles regularly to survive in blogosphere. This can bring your quality traffic from other sites or search engines.

4. Don’t forget SEO

Most people say forget about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) when you’re just starting out.SEO TACTICS
I think that’s the dumbest suggestion!
You need to focus on what keywords to use and how much keyword density you should maintain in your content to get search engine traffic to your blog.

It’s extremely important to bring organic (search engine) traffic to your blog. Because it’s free and highly effective!

Make sure that you’re not keyword stuffing your content. It makes your readers hard to digest what you’re saying in your articles.

And do proper keyword analysis before you’re writing the articles. Then embed them into your posts. If you’re a beginner then this is enough! Don’t go beyond, you’ll better understand about SEO when you’re spending more time on blogging.

Don’t Miss : 5 Basic Pillars of Creating Successful and Profitable Blog!


Always try to retweet and promote your fellow bloggers before asking them to promote your content. This can make others to promote your content sooner or later and you will have high chances of getting their attention if they find it useful. 

I dint recommend guest blogging here in this post. Major reason is without having any online reputation you can’t cope up with other bloggers to get accepted your guest posts. When they reject you, you’ll feel down to submit another guest post to them.

So, focus on building a network by blog commenting, writing great stuff and social media networking using above tips.

Have I missed any other way to  get traffic to a new blog? Take your action by commenting below.

SEO Over Optimization Rings Troubles For Your Blog

You are doing Over Optimization For Your Blog ??

Stop this now! ;)

Because SEO Over Optimization Rings Troubles For Your Blog.

Blogging starts with the basics which is why this article should be considered as an eye opener for those who think that italicizing their keywords or using all them in H1, H2, H3 headlines would mean they would achieve the top spot in Google.

SEO over optimizationGoogle can turn your blog upside down if it senses any diversion on your page. So, through this article I will be conveying the important message of where to put a full stop when it comes to handling the SEO of your blog articles.
SEO or search engine optimization has been misused a number of times. You will come across a number of websites or blogs that use jumble up keywords in their article’s headline, body and meta descriptions in order to sneak past others in Google search results. This measure used to warrant a top spot for a lot of them until recently Google took all this into account. The Google Penguin update is the latest algorithm update which tends to push these websites down to the bottom. A number of these ‘over optimized’ websites are no longer even indexed on Google.

So, the question that arises is that where to put the full stop in order to prevent the page from getting SEO Over Optimization?

The truth is no one knows that. Even in case of Google, you might notice some anomalies in the search results with some of the seemingly over optimized websites, covering the top. Even the best of the SEO experts have to bang their heads before fully understanding the search capacity of search engines like Google.

In all these circumstances, our job is to adopt the best practices possible and abstain from crossing the limits. Here are 3 things that I would suggest you should do in order to prevent your blog from havocs of over optimization and saving yourself from the Google Penguin attack.

1. Stop Following the traditional Rules:

Google algorithm has been upgraded way beyond thinking. In order to keep yourself into the competition, start thinking differently. Stop using the same keywords in your headline tags over and over again as to even a normal reader these look really awkward. Forget about keyword density, concentrate on writing quality content. If a sentence requires that keyword and cannot be completed without it then only use that keyword.

2. Stop Writing for Bots, Start Writing for People:

Yes, Write for your blog readers not for bots! ;)
A search engine bot might span your content but it is read only by a human being who is fully capable of judging your content. Not that bots haven’t got the intelligence for judging your stuff as I have discussed earlier the advancement of Google’s code. So, in order to attain the best results start writing quality stuff for readers and in return the search engine bots will favor you as well.

Read :  12 Tips For Writing Engaging Content For Readers

3. Limit your Blog’s accessibility to Google crawlers:

Each blog has a number of units ranging from categories to pages. Nowadays, even the attachments get a separate page and URL. In order to prevent these useless pages from getting into search results, you have to limit access to your blog. The reason I called these useless is because categories and pages links never get exposure in the search engine while attachment URLs might increase your Google image search traffic but in the long run it will damage your overall traffic and trust of your readers who would be simply looking on some bunch of images with no text.


In order to follow these leads, you will require some basic SEO tools and plugins.. SEO for Yoast plugin is my favorite as it gives a deeper insight of links from your pages, keywords concentration and most importantly it redirects your attachments post to your main article page in which this attachment was in the first place. You can also use the SEO pressor plugin.

Have  I missed any points about seo over optimization? Do let me know in comments! Happy Blogging! :D

7 Blogging Mistakes that Can Stop Your Blog Growth

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new

― Albert Einstein

So making mistakes is not sin not correcting it is foolishness! ;)

There are thousands of new bloggers coming up daily; most of them start make money, few out of passion and few to set up career, but we seen only few reach their goal and thousands of them fail!

And the reason is they don`t try to correct their mistakes.

Do You Make these 7 Blogging Mistakes?

If you`re a newbie or not yet started blogging, these are few common mistakes that you need to avoid to have successful blog.


#1 Inconsistency in Blog Posting

I pray to be like the ocean, with soft currents, maybe waves at times. More and more, I want the consistency rather than the highs and the lows.

Yes being consistence is very important when it comes to blogging.

Inconsistency in blogging kills your blog. It makes your readers to lose trust on your blog. Also, it may affect your rankings directly or indirectly.

If you have more time for blogging and have lot of confidence that you can write daily, then go for it.

But If you can`t spend time writing daily (like me). Write 2 or 3 posts (at least 1) weekly and make sure this goes consistently.

#2 Underestimating SEO

SEO plays vital role for blog success, underestimating it is big mistake which most of them doing.
Does this mean that worthy content is of no use? No, if SEO increase your blog visibility, then content attracts visitors to your blog.

Few quick SEO tips

  • Add keyword in your post title
  • Spend some time on keyword analysis
  • Improve your blog speed
  • Compress images before adding it on your blog
  • Maintain keyword density
  • Link to related posts (internal linking)
  • Build links with guest blogging, blog commenting, YouTube etc…

#3 Writing for Bots

In 2nd point I mentioned that SEO is important soon I added this point to make clearer, that we need to write to attract users to only bots.

I recommended few SEO tips before which helps your blog get more visibility but the last and important game is played by content.

What if I write worthy content in single paragraph?

Will not attract any user, internet users don`t have much time to read your paragraph writing. You need to write a readable post with bullets and highlight important points.

I`d like to mention about Internal linking here! This will help you to decrease bounce rate of your blog and give more information to user.

#4 No interaction With Fellow Bloggers

Interaction helps to improve your blog performance.
Being active in your niche network can bring you more opportunities.

You can Join blogging networks like, Blog etc… and connect with fellow bloggers.

#5 Ignoring Visitors

Engage with your visitors this will help you to know what your users need.

Blog comments are the place where most of visitors interact with blog owner, so take time to respond to their queries. Be first to help them if they have any problem.

When someone approaches you through email then try to add him and give quickly reply.

If anything went wrong don`t step back to apologies.

Another way to interact with users is Email marketing, send regular newsletter to your subscribed users, and suggest them few blogging tips. Give some special gifts to your subscribed users.

#6 Spending too Much Time on Blog Stats

Don`t expect too much from just born blog.

Your blog is new and it takes more time to get good results. So don`t spend time daily on analytics. Once a while is OK, but wasting time on it will not return you anything.

#7 Being Everywhere

Is being everywhere over the web recommended?

No am not against going social but if you`re wasting time being on all social networking sites by checking status, sharing and not spending time on your blog. Then I don`t recommend being everywhere.

Select few top social networking sites in which you can get targeted visitors. Like if you are targeting Brazil then your must not ignore Orkut! So depending upon your niche try different but less social networking sites.

Read Also : 4 Reasons your blog will never grow!

It’s Your Turn Now!

These are few common blogging mistakes which I thought are important, Do you have more such tips? Please share here in comments. :)

When Should You Care About Comments and When Shouldn’t You?

Do comments matter a lot?

Should I answer all the comments?

Does this indicate my success?

Many ask these same questions and there is no specific answer. Many pro bloggers answer with yes and many others answer with no.

There is no specific answer for this question.

But here in this post I will show you when you should care about comments and when you shouldn’t.

So are you ready ? ;)

Let’s dive in!
get more comments

Here are the stages in a nutshell:

1-      New blogger (comments don’t matter a lot):

2-      You are building your community (comments matter a lot):

3-      You are an authority now (comments don’t matter):

Let’s explore each stage: before we go also read Why You Should Comment on Other Blogs?

1-New blogger (comments don’t matter a lot):

When you are still new, comments matters but it doesn’t matter a lot.You may have many posts with no comments.Maybe all your posts don’t have any comment.

That’s why it doesn’t matter a lot.

What you can do now is to try to get more comments and respond to the small no. of comments you get. You must encourage people to comment. Try to increase it

You can also read Tips from my friend Rahul about How To Get More Comment Here!.

2-You are building Community (comments matter a lot):

Now, you are trying to build community. You want to build relationships with more readers. So, you must respond to each comment.

Also you can guest blog to get more people in your community and you must respond to each comment on that blog also.

You are building a community.

Try to comment on each post, if it’s yours on your blog or it’s yours on other blogs or even not yours on other blogs but it feathers your blog.

By commenting on yours you will build relationships with new readers. When you comment on others posts you will build a relationship with the owner themselves and with new readers also.

3-You are an authority (comments don’t matter):

Now you have your community.

You receive many comments on each post.

You are considered an authority on your niche.

When you reach this level comments will not matter a lot, why?


1-You have big community: they can comment on each other.

2-You receive many comments: you can’t comment on all of them.

3-You are an authority: this will make people read your posts and they will not expect a comment from you but they will comment.

Last words:

This is not last words about this topic. This topic is very big, but I liked to show you when you should care about comments and when you shouldn’t.

However, comments are very important even if you are an authority. If you will not comment then no problem but what will happen if you commented on the new visitor’s comment?

You have added another one to your community with this simple comment, because you are an authority, so when you answer the question of one of your readers, he will be happy and will be your loyal reader forever.

Did you see how does comment matter even if you are an authority?

Over to you:

What do you think about this post? What is your stage? Can we add other stages? :)

Want To Become A Famous Blogger? Then Read This!

I know that every single reader of this blog visits and reads it to learn something useful and creative so that he/she can become a successful and famous. Am I right? Of course I’m. ;)how to become a famous blogger

One thing I want to clear that famous and successful are not two separate words they are same. For example, if you are successful then obviously you will be famous. So as a math lover I always make things in equations :D so mathematically we can say that,

Successful Person = Famous Person

So don’t predict the article by seeing the title, the tips I am going to discuss will not only teach you to become famous but also tell you how to become successful.

Read : 5 Basic Pillars of Creating Successful and Profitable Blog!

How To Become a Famous Blogger

So without wasting our time lets get into our topic.

1. Start With A Personal Blog

become famous blogger

If you want to become a famous blogger then the best way is to start a personal blog. Personal blog is because it is totally about you and the most awesome thing is that personal blog’s URL are the name of the blogger whom blog it is like (

But I know that most of you haven’t a personal blog, so don’t worry you can also become a famous blogger without it. ;)

2. Solve Your Readers Problems

solve problems

You’ve might listen this sentence many times on other sites, but believe it is very important and effective also.

Problem solving blogs and websites get success in very less time and become popular. People on the internet will not visit your blog just to read what you are bragging. They want something useful, valuable or you can say that Tasty.

So be a problem solver in any field problems are every where just you have to think and the solution will come in your mind.

By helping your readers to get success, will become the cause of your success.

Read : Top 5 Tips for Becoming a Professional Blogger

3. Become Friends With Other Bloggers

want to become famous blogger

Creating relationship with other people in your field is very useful; it is a source of great knowledge. Talking with experience people and learn from their failures and mistakes, can make you even better than them.

By making blogger friends more and more people can know about you and sooner and later everybody will know you and thus you will become famous.

Read : 5 Things to Confirm You Are Still A New Blogger

4. Promote Your Blog And Yourself


promote, promotion, blog promotion

Promoting is the best and the direct way to make yourself and your blog popular. Many people skip this step and think that it is not important, but they are wrong, promotion is the only thing that shine up a business, that make a movie top on the box office, that make any thing popular. So don’t skip promotion do it side by side.

Now promotion has become very important for any blog. Because as you know that on the internet there are many many blogs of your blog’s niche so it has become very hard to overcome those blog and there is only way to do it and that is write gold content and promote, not only your blog but also yourself.

Read : 5 Things to Confirm You Are Still A New Blogger

5. Serve People Like Waiter


This seems like funny, ;) but it is true. I am sure you’ve gone to restaurant and seen the efficient waiters, who serve you like your servants. So I think bloggers should also serve their readers like waiters. Because readers are the only thing that make up a blog successful and popular. So we cannot leave them.

Now Its Your Turn!

Becoming famous is not important, how helpful, friendly and valuable you are is matter As I stated above people on the internet don’t visit your blog just to listen your bragging they want to some cool stuff that make them successful.

Simply I can say that they are selfish (Sorry :D but it is true).

So always seek for excellence not for success because excellence is the only thing that leads you to success. And also remember that success is not an overnight process, sometimes it takes a lot of time to become successful or sometimes it takes only some days to become successful.

Hope you learn a lot from my article, this is my first guest post on All Blogging Tips. Thanks to Ammar for publishing it.

What? You want to share more points? Then feel free to comment and share your views and ideas with us!