Make Money Online

Top 5 Ways to Make Money Without AdSense

Is your AdSense account disabled or you don’t have any? Why should you blog if you can’t make money from it using AdSense??

I know you are thinking the same as I mentioned above. But to be honest I don’t like AdSense too much that’s reason I removed AdSense from this blog. But if your don’t have AdSense than you don’t need to worry about that as today we are discussing top ways to make money without AdSense. (You can also check our updated 10 proven ways to generate income without AdSense.)

make money without adsense

The dominance of AdSense in the ad serving market has seen it assuming tyrannical stand with the rejection rate for ad publishing applicants deplorably higher. However, with a plethora of other earning options available, there is no cause for heartbreak for gullible users.

We discuss top five sparkling alternatives to make money without AdSense here. ;)

Make money through Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing can become a veritable cash cow if capitalized upon ethically. One is required to promote the products of merchants or entrepreneurs and bag a handsome commission on each sale made at an attractive 20-70% depending upon the financial strength of the merchant. Superior quality products with strong brand presence, credibility and potential to deliver what is promised should be vigorously promoted through blogs, writing high quality articles, building a massive email list, participating in discussions on serious forums and writing product reviews. Low quality products should never be promoted through spamming and illegal blackhat techniques or one will face serious loss of reputation with fatal repercussions.

Make money selling ad spaces

Blogs dedicated to promoting high end products are sure to attract the attention and interest of marketers who would like serious audiences for their products on their sites. Selling banner ad spaces on blogs for a niche product with promise of diverting good amount of organic traffic will bring one a handsome chunk of income. The share of revenue will be comparably higher than AdSense as Ad networks sell the advertising space on blogs at about a whopping discount of 90% to marketers owing to profuse amount of selling space available with them. The potential advertiser should be allowed to offer their best price to fetch higher revenue and make money without adsense.

Use OIO Publisher plugin for WordPress to sell ad spaces with ease.

Make money Using Best Adsense Alternative

If you don’t have AdSense the next possible option to make money is to use AdSense alternatives. There are many ways to make money without AdSense. The alternatives of AdSense may not be as good as AdSense but they do pay some really good amount of money. I have used the following websites as alternative and found them to be a great one. Signup with following websites to make money using ads.

Here are best adsense alternatives that pays!

Make money by Writing Paid Reviews

Millions of people across the globe read blog posts every day. A company can generate tons of qualified traffic and have the spotlight on its products when it pays for paid reviews to be posted in context sensitive blogs pertaining to their niche products. This triggers word of mouth advertising, enhances link popularity, brand credibility and product exposure and also provides a chance to understand peculiar consumer tastes and behavioral trends. Ultimately the product page experiences a significant rise in search engine rankings. The companies pay handsomely to have their reviews covered in blogs with significant number of qualified visitors. One can earn amounts equivalent to that of AdSense and this is slowly turning out to be a better alternative to make money without adsense.

Here are best websites you should join to get paid reviews offers quickly.

  • ReviewMe
  • PayPerPost

Make Money by Using In Text Ads

Publishing ‘In text ads’ on your blog by invoking the services of Infolinks will help in monetizing the site with highest revenue share from contextual in text ads. Only relevant ads are delivered which essentially improves the conversion rate and boosts the earning potential. You can join following sites to monetize blog using in text ads;

The pay per click ads can be easily integrated in the site and bring about a jumpstart in your earning and a new opportunity to make money without adsense.

Don’t forget to share your methods to make money without google adsense.

Earning Residual Income from Membership Site & Courses.

One of the main goals for many internet marketers is to have a good steady flow of money coming in each month, and that usually requires a membership site or a continuity program. There are several ways of doing this, you can have a membership site where people pay each month to learn something or have access to something which only ends when the customer decides to stop or you can create a course that lasts for a time frame like a year.

Believe it or not many of us are part of a continuity program or membership system and never really thought about. Do you pay each month for satellite TV, a mobile phone or electricity supply?


These are a continuity programs and you could say a membership of a kind. We are all members of that organization, paying to receive an ongoing service.

As a marketer or online business builder you really want to get a monthly membership system in place so that you can make money each month making your day to day life easier.

The hardest part is trying to figure out what you can offer and charge for each month. There have been some really cheeky people who have charged a lot to learn things that are readily available to learn for free elsewhere on the web however there a few things to remember.

Not everyone knows where to find the free information and not everyone wants to look for it. Many people are happy to pay for the ease of having it in one place where they can keep going to it. It is like having the familiar & comfortable surroundings of going to your favorite members only Golf Club

Also people will happily pay to be taught by people who

  •   They believe to be an authority on the subject
  •   Is someone they can trust
  •   Gives them good value for money
  •   Is someone they like

The last one is really a powerful one,; if they like you they will happily spend money with you.

So what kind of membership site can you run? I once heard of a guy who set up a site dedicated to Yoga and then charged people to have access to videos he took from YouTube. Now I am not sure if they were his that he stored there or if he cheekily used other peoples. He wasn’t breaking any particular rules. I am sure it was padded out with related articles & photos but what it did do was save people having to search for videos and information.

Have you tried to search both Google and YouTube for something specific? The amount of rubbish that YouTube is filled with these days requires a lot of sifting through and Google? Well their new search algorithm delivers things they THINK you want and not what you were actually looking for.

One keen gardener created a gardening forum, where he could discuss gardening issues with other gardening lovers, gardening is as old as the hills and is basic natural practices. There is so much free gardening information available everywhere for free yet his forum, which charged $15 annually or $5 per month, went from a few people to having 75,000 members in a few years.

Education is the most popular form of online membership site; people pay a monthly fee to learn things like Internet Marketing, gardening, yoga and Social Media. The Social Networking Academy for example has a monthly membership site where you learn all about Google+, Facebook and Twitter etc.

Tim Lowe & Nick James have the ‘10 Minute Marketer’ which teachers people all about internet marketing, Nick James has another membership site that makes over $40,000 a month. A simple small home business idea like teaching how to use Twitter can result in big profits.

Offering services can also be charged on a monthly basis, LinkedIn is a network where business people can meet, swap details and create business friendships. It is also a great place to drive traffic to your site. It is free to join but there is the option to upgrade to different monthly paid packages that give the user more tools to use.

There are sites that provide a content based service or product that is charged on a monthly basis. For example charges a monthly fee to have access to a huge library of Public Domain material that you can then use on your websites, as articles for article marketing, as emails or as eBooks and reports. The choice is yours.Earning incomes
Similar sites charge monthly fees for writing services, they pay writers to write articles and content and you pay a monthly fee to have access to this material for you to use however you like.  Now how these sites do now that websites are penalized for duplicate content I do not know.

The idea is simple; you do something once then get paid several times for it then repeat. As an example, imagine you created a ‘Learn Social Media’ membership site. You record 10 video tutorials on how to use Google+ and upload them to the site. You then charge something like $37 a month for access to your membership site. You get 20 people sign up when you go live, making you $740.

You then create 10 videos on using Facebook and again you get paid $37 a month per person. You have the 20 original people, but now you have another 5 people who have joined up, who get to see all of the videos or depending on how you set it up they get to see the first 10 before a timer releases the other 10 similar to an email sequence.

Now you are earning $925 a month. I have seen membership sites and courses where video tutorials are between 3 and 20 minutes long. Very easy to make videos too, filled out with a couple of bonus webinar recordings and some eBook & squeeze page templates.

Obviously people will now and again drop out of the system depending on certain factors, they probably have learn all they wanted to know, maybe you do not deliver enough quality info for the price people are paying, or maybe you deliver late. (I once had to wait several months for a course to be updated, which should have been monthly, I wasn’t happy)

The idea is to keep people in the system and delivery fresh new quality info each month. If you can create a service like Satellite TV where people happily pay each month for the continual delivery of things they enjoy then you are onto a winner.

Remember a membership site is in reality an online magazine, how many of you reading this do or have in the past paid to receive a magazine each and every month whether it be from cars to cooking, UFOs to model trains?

The adult industry is good at this, especially in the more unusual niches of the adult world.

If we use foot fetishism as an example, (a brilliant small home business idea if I may say so) Using a simple website, the owner takes photos of his or her foot using a mobile phone or digital camera and makes short films again with a readily available phone or camera then adds several pictures and films each month to the site, charges $20-$30 for a month’s access, they can make a reoccurring income for maybe a couple hours work tops.

We live in a digital age; we have incredible tools at our finger tips, we do not need to send pictures off to be developed, we can upload them from our phones and computers, we do not need to send our magazine to be printed instead we can upload it as soon as it is ready, we do not need to spend time packing and posting our magazines they are visible to everyone worldwide for a minimal monthly fee.

Obviously you will need traffic to turn into paying members, creating a social media campaign and a few satellite sites like having a Tumblr blog you can and will start to create an interest in your membership site.

People will pay for what they enjoy, even in times of hardship; people will try their hardest to keep paying for the things they enjoy. If they are learning some new skills that could increase their income then they will certainly keep paying.

Is it time you considered this business model? I think so.

Andi (the minion) Leeman writes for Tims Minions a blog full of blogging tips, Small Home Business Ideas and Internet Marketing advice along with easy to follow tutorials.

Why I Always See Zero In My Adsense Account?

adsense People often ask me that Why I always see zero in my Adsense account?
I simply reply that there could be many reasons for why you are not making any cents with Adsense. But some main reasons which kill the clicks are going to get listed down below by me, so next time you able to avoid those things.
If you want to earn a good income with Adsense then you have take care of many things that makes whole lot difference in people’s earning.

People often ignore these things and thinks that by getting high amount of traffic and putting some Adsense ads on blog will make visitors to use their mouse. No, if you think like that then you are going to remain with zero for your whole life.

But if you want to see some 3 or 4 figures number in your account then you have to take care of all those things.

Set The Whole Things Up

People often gets excited that now my Adsense account got approved I will start earning a huge dime, all I have to do is just put the ads on my blog.  I will not say that they think anything wrong, but they do it wrong.

Once they got Adsense account in their hands they simple jump in their account grabs the ad code and put it on their blog. And wait for visitor to click on their ads.  If you are doing the same then let me tell you one thing that no one is going to click on your ad even if you wait a decade.

If you want peoples to click on your ads then make them click on your ads.

And for that you need a proper setting of everything like integration of Google Analytics and where you are going to show your ads, which size will be best and many other things. Just set the everything up so that you can track and see what visitors are doing and why not they are using their mouse.

Get Your Post Interlinked

Lots of people often forget about interlink there blog posts, which leads into loss in Adsense earnings and increase in bounce rate. And both are very major enemies of any blogs.

Try to interlink your each post, because it creates a loop for visitors where you have higher chances of getting clicks on your Adsense ads.

Remember the more time people will spend on your blog the higher chances you have to get your ads click and not only that you also get a good bounce rate for your blog, which is most necessary element when it comes to creating a successful blog.

Split Testing Is What You Need

What you are not making any bucks in Adsense after doing all necessary things.  Then there must be something wrong, but you can’t able to find what cutting your clicks then there is only one way to know that and the way is known as split testing.

Do split testing know that why you are not making any bucks in Adsense.  Check your ads placements by split testing, check ad sizes by split testing and many other things. Use split testing wherever you have a doubt that this thing can cut my click.

Keep testing to get 3 or 4 digits showing in your Adsense account.

So share views and what you did to get rid of zero? In comment section please.

This is guest post by Romy Singh who blogs at GeekyWriter. If you also want to write for us read guidelines here.

Five Quick Tips for Better Blog Monetization

Everyone is always looking to monetize their blogs to the fullest. Unfortunately, placing banner ads on your site isn’t one of the best ways to make money, and not only are they hard to sell if you don’t have a done of traffic or an authority blog, but they are also quite ugly when you have a bunch of “Advertise Here” banners throughout your

Below we are going to cover five quick alternatives to selling banner ads on your blog and how you can start cashing in on the process.

1.) Sell Your Own Product

An easy no brainer way to start making money from your blog is to sell your own products/services or banner. Best of all you will earn 100% on all sales!

Read Also: 4 Tips to Sell Ad Spots Quickly!

Whenever you mention a brand or service currently offered on the internet, you can look to see if they currently have an affiliate program of their own. If they do, you should start linking to them within your blog content. This will results in higher click rates and commissions versus traditional banner ads that no one clicks on. is a great brand to link up with, and one of the world’s top affiliate marketing programs to join.

3.) Monetize the Text within Your Content

There are plenty of web sites out there that offer contextual based advertising, such as Through their advertising network they can turn your regular text content into links to advertisers, web sites and products. Whenever someone clicks on this content, you would earn a commission per click.

4.) Build Up Your Mailing List

This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get people to keep coming back to your blog. Incentivize your audience to sign up for your mailing list by offering a free ebook or guide that is already relevant to your traffic.

5.) Affiliate Marketing

Just like we mentioned about linking yourself up to well known brands and services, nearly every web site niche and topic has an associated affiliate program that you can start earning money from. No matter what you are writing about on your blog, there is a great chance you will find a quality affiliate program that would love to have your site traffic. Read Also: Top 5 Tips for Affiliate Marketing.

Take a look at your web site and if you are currently overwhelmed with open ad space and unsold banners, it’s probably time you started to look at better monetization options. Go through the list above to see which options are best for you and your site.

Top 5 Best Ways to Increase Adsense Revenue

Adsense is one of the most trusted ways for bloggers to earn money using their blog. But extracting money from Adsense is really tough, especially for the people who are using it for the first time. Making your first $100 on Adsense could be really difficult, that’s when you are a rookie. On the other hand we see professional bloggers earning thousands of dollars daily. How come? Well, there are a lot of reasons for the same but the main reasons are their traffic and good Adsense ad placements. If you too want to earn like those professionals then try reading these Top 5 Best Ways to Increase Adsense Revenue.


Ad Size

Ad size is something which doesn’t get the amount of consideration which it should get. Maximum rookie bloggers just ignore it, some of them consider it so much that they try fitting in the biggest size ads in the smallest sections of their blogs. I suggest you to use leader board ads if you are going to place the ads near the header, use middle or large rectangle if you are going to place ads above the post. The bigger will works best :D

Traffic Type

This is something which too is ignored by the rookie bloggers. The type of traffic is broadly classified into two types – Organic Traffic, people coming to your site through search engines etc are counted under this type. Inorganic traffic is the second type; people coming to your site through inorganic sources like Facebook are counted under this type. Organic traffic is the best, and people who are counted under that type are more likely to hit the Adsense ads. So try increasing the organic traffic count.

Read Also: 10 Ways To Get Targeted Traffic.


Placement is the most crucial part of increasing Adsense revenue. The best places to place your ads are between the posts, left sidebar, and on the right side of header. If your ads aren’t placed on the correct place then you won’t even earn a single penny, even if your blog is getting huge amount of traffic. There are bloggers getting well over 100 thousand visitors monthly but they earn just around $150 monthly because their Adsense ad placement is poor.

I suggest you to add Adsense everywhere you can. Include the Adsense ads in search; you can do so by using the custom search box code. You should even try adding Adsense for feeds. This way you will increase triple up your Adsense earning sources, which will ultimately lead to a huge hype in your earnings.

Ad Type

I suggest you to add image as well as text ads both in your posts but Images perform best and get high CTR, CPC. But I suggest you to add text ads above the posts and image ads on the header and on the sidebar.

Author’s Bio  :  This article is written by Arjun. Arjun provides On Page SEO Service and Guest Posting Service.