Blogging Tips

Do You Know The Real Truth About Blogging?

Blogging is  a great way of passing information from one person to another using a webpage also called a blog or website, most bloggers earn their full time income from blogging but there are lots of facts you need to know before you venture into the blogosphere.

the real truth about blogging revealed

By now most of our readers reading this article might be wondering and eager to know this real truth about blogging but you should relax because we are revealing every single truth about blogging today.

Before you venture into blogging or any business either online or offline you should be able to know your aim and what you stand to gain, it can be money, fame etc

How To Really Write Killer Blog Posts To Attract More Visitors?

While having a catchy headline results in getting more people to click on your link in search engine result pages and social media feeds, but having a good title only cannot do anything alone.

You need to feed your readers as much as you at the best quality possible. Hence, its must for you to write killer posts for moving up at the ladder of success. Writing killer posts is not as hard as it may seem and for doing so, here are few simple steps to be followed that are unfolded below.

Social engineering concept

1. Create killer headings:

An interesting title catches reader’s attention and killer sub headings keep them engaged throughout their reading experience.

Properly written and placed sub headings are not only interesting to read, but they are easy to digest and follow.

Check out this excellent post to get idea of 100 proven heading hacks, you can steal right now.

2. Add your own story:

Blogs are a place of conversation.

You can find all information about anything at their official website or Wikipedia.

But blogs are different.

There needs to be a touch of real talking style and tone. It should be like two people are talking to each other sitting face-to-face.

And, the best way for doing so is to add your own real story or experience wherever appropriate.

I wrote a story why I hate Adsense and within 24 hours. This post got 80+ comments.

3. Use attractive images:

In order in to write killer posts and then make them success, you need to know the importance of images.

Using attractive and relevant images in articles result in wonderful progress.

They make your articles look pretty and boredom free while at the same time, they provide readers something to look at for a while and start reading again after becoming fresh by that.

Don’t copy images from Google. Instead create your own or check out 101 ways to find images on WPhub

4. Make use of emotions and smiles:

Your readers are human beings right?

And, humans have feeling. ;)

A reader experiences different kinds of feeling while starting to read your article til the end. If you use emotions and smiles wherever suitable, it really makes it a real conversation.

And, trust me when I tell you, when you say something funny and put a smile at the end of sentence, anyone who readers will smile and love your words.

5. Use simple language:

This is a huge misconception particularly in minds of new bloggers.

They think they need to write high class English and do amazing references in order to create a killer post, but that’s not how it is. If you want to write a killer post then the only thing that you need to do is to express your point in such a way that it becomes clear and easy to understand.

The best way for doing so is by using simple English that everyone can digest.

6. Write in short paragraphs:

There are usually very long paragraphs in newspapers and books and some bloggers do the same.

But you need to realize one thing that no matter how good you write, if there are long paragraphs, not even one person will be interested in reading your blog post.

There is a difference between paper and computer screen. You can look at newspapers for hours without feeling anything bad, but it is impossible in case of monitors and LCD’s.

Your eyes cannot look at them and read long posts without having a brake. Hence, writing your posts in shorter paragraphs is a must for creating a blog post that works.

I simply tried my very hard to reveal the best practices for writing killer posts and now it’s up to you.

Do you miss any of above things already? How it has affected your blog? Let your fingers speak of your mind in comments section below.

How to Keep Your Audience Coming Back for More? 4 Ways

Getting traffic to your blogs is not a rocket science. When you done few things right you can bring lots of organic traffic to your sites within less time (having targeted keywords in mind, proper SEO blog structure, internal linking etc.)

But it’s hard to sustain your blog readership for a long time, agree?

If you want to keep your audience coming back for more, here are few things to do.


Capture email addresses by giving more

One of the best ways to bring people again and again to your blogs is by capturing their emails. Whenever you publish a new article on your blog, you can use newsletters to send them to your subscribers to keep them coming back for more.

Having a great email list will not only increase website traffic, it also improves your product sales. But you must provide value to your email subscribers often to make money from your email marketing campaign.

Here are few simple ways to build your email list faster.

  • Give away something for FREE (plugin, theme or eBook etc)
  • Always write great contents
  • Use social media sites to bring more people to subscribe
  • Use landing pages

Check out : Why You Need to Start Building an E-mail List

Be active on social media

Social media has become a vital place for most bloggers to spread their ideas and brand.

Social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, Google+ etc will not only bring more online visibility for your blogs, but they will also have the tendency to make your blog go viral.

If you have more followers and fans on social media sites, you can bring drastic changes on your blogging journey. It’s very important for anyone who is blogging for a while to improve their social media interaction to boost their online presence.

If you are always posting useful stuff on your social media profiles, you will definitely be creating curiosity on your fans to read your links whenever you post something on your profiles. So always spend time on social media sites to share others stuff and to boost your online brand to keep your audience coming back for more stuff.

Create series posts

Series posts are attention pullers, most online readers visit your blogs again and again when you have right combination of series posts.

You can start writing series posts on any topic that your readers might be interested in. Few examples are, if you are running a bike advice blog, you could come up with “bike cleaning tips”, “bike maintenance service tips for busy people” etc. This way you will be able to grab the people’s attention who is interested in reading your stuff.

Moreover you can grab their email address by asking them to subscribe at the end of your each post. If they find your series posts interesting, they will certainly do whatever you ask them to do.

Pro tip: Don’t write too many posts in your series posts, limit your posts to 5 to 7 articles and you can complete them by posting everyday on your blogs, thus finishing your series within a week.

Interviews will NEVER get old.

Interviewing someone in your niche is often a great way to get more traffic and attention from other bloggers.

You can see a huge traffic spike in your stats if you interview someone who is influential in your niche. It’s not always possible for a new blogger to conduct interviews of top bloggers, but you can always try interviewing the rising blogging stars in your niche. This way you can bring more online visibility in the early stages of your blog.

If you create a separate page called “Interview section” in your blog and conduct frequent interviews (monthly twice or so), you can bring more audience to your blog again and again. You will also have a tendency to get more likes, shares, tweets and comments on your blogs if they go viral.

Always ask great questions that will provoke your readers mind and build strong relationships with other bloggers by promoting their stuff. This is a win/win approach and you can see great results in no time.

Extra tip: Have an appealing blog design, your blog should be designed to get the reader to do something. It could be anything from getting a blog comment to buying your affiliate products. Invest money to buy a premium theme or hire a professional to get a unique design for your blog, after all, first impression is the best impression in blogging.

You can use Theme Junkie or Elegant Themes. They’re best and affordable. You can also check out our deal page too.

What next? Share your valuable views with us in the Comment section below.

Why Your Blog Posts Were Not Shared And Commented?

Why blog post why not shared and commentedMany newbie bloggers and some older bloggers were wonder why blog posts were not shared and commented by their audiences.
There were some reasons which force users to shares and comments on your articles. The below tips are some of those reasons..

Why Blog Posts Were Not Shared And Commented?

#1 articles is not unique and quality contents

Most of the people love to read educational articles which are fresh update information. They could learn about new knowledge which gives them the more experience and expertise learning.

You know?

They may want to share those value information or educational articles to their friends, colleges, and families since it valuable expertise development. That is a simple reason why blog posts were not shared and commented or nothing at all.

The readers will enjoy and share you articles, if you have written a quality post which included above benefits of learning.

#2 you have no private relationship

How many friends in your social media connection? And did you have a strong relationship with them?

Well, private relationship is majority reason of why blog posts were not shared and comment. I have 2k+ follower, 2k+ fans, and 1k+ friends connect, especially I have built strong relationship with those peoples.

Whenever, I shared some information into social media profile they always help to spread my information by shared and commented on the posts and make it popular social release. Therefore, to build a stronger relationship will configure out the problem and give you the answer why blog post were not shared and commented by other people.

I suggested you to spend at least 30 minutes to 1 hour daily to the community with others friend connect through to them and talk about some social relation.

  • Tips for Building Real Connections to Help Your Blog Succeed

#3 Shares unattractive posts

Some blogger just share only links which make other people complicated and wondering about what inside the link. Moreover, links could attract other social media users.

Now a day most of the people are very busy with their current job, thus they will never waste their time to click on some links and no valuable information.

The time constrain is another important reason of why blog posts were not shared and commented. Actually, most love to keep working and don’t want to interrupt their work without any benefit such your link.

To make those people skip their value time to click on your link you have to put some call actions such as added attractive image and brief information about value content inside the article.

#4 You Don’t have participant social media network group

Social media strategy is like WTO trading. None membership traders will gain less benefit from doing international trading.

You know there a group call CommentsDX which all members could exchange some comments with other members and gain the value of sharing to post of each other. When you ask a question why blog posts were not shared and commented, you should ask yourself that did you joint any networks or groups which benefit for increase more blog comments and sharing.

#5 you never share minds, why blog posts were shared and commented by me

When first time I start integrated social media as marketing strategy, I am afraid to share other bloggers and competitors posts.

I am really wondering about my audiences will move to other bloggers or to my competitors websites. But absolutely no, sharing other bloggers or competitors post will make audiences love you and enjoy more big resources of information entire your social profiles.

Sometime your post will be shared and commented by others since you always like or commented them.

Right now it is your turn

Thanks for reading my tip: why blog posts were not shared and commented. I think that it may not a unique idea to increase more share and comments, but I think that these above tips are still working. I believe that it will benefit for newbie bloggers to implement social media strategy.

Did I missed any point? Are you getting good comments and shares on your blog post?

Do share with us below.

What to Do When Blogging Stops Working…

Did you ever leave your cellphone (or a personal item) on the desk in your room, and later found out that somebody close to you (maybe your spouse or best friend) moved it somewhere else?

What did you do?


You spent at least 5 minutes, hopelessly searching for it… then another 5 minutes frustratingly going back to the same places, and double checking… an easier, or more direct method would have been instead to simply ask about the missing object (and save the time and energy for something else).

You don’t have to curse, you don’t have to get angry or stressed out… just sit back, relax for a minute, and breathe deeply. You’re probably going through some hard time right now and cannot focus, or you’re too tired and require sleep, or you may even need some outdoor activities for an hour or so.

When I cannot find ideas to blog about (rarely happens), it’s not that I have writers’ block, but I need to relax. So I cease my brain from focusing on the business, and instead I get outside or listen to some music. When I come back to the desk, my brain is fresh, and ideas flow naturally.

Blogging is about content

Yes, keywords (that people type in to the search engines) are essential, and if you want to rank on Google, you better hunt for those key terms with little or no competition whatsoever. The same goes for your articles… If you want to build a large “tribe”, then you need to write about things that nobody else talks about.

For example, in the blogging niche, everybody talks about writers block, and where to look when you’re lacking blog posting ideas. Nobody seems to talk about what to do when you have too many ideas, or how to tackle contradictory ideas.

If blogging doesn’t work for you anymore, it’s because you’ve looked at it with the wrong pair of glasses. You did what everybody else has done. You played the game in the “me too” league. Get a new pair of shoes. Put on some different shorts. Get new glasses. Enhance your skills…

In other words, you have to blog radically differently, or you’ll suffer the consequences.

Doing the same thing, over and over again, is called insanity. That’s what Einstein told us. That’s what nobody else told you.

If you’ve read this far, you have to understand something about me. ;)

I’ve been online in this game since around 2001. That’s more than a decade in the industry. In real life, that’s like a hundred years. I’ve spent a lifetime digitally reading and writing, and learning and teaching.

I’m not just an up and coming blogger… I’m a true blue super affiliate, and a coach, showing others how to tap into the onlineshpere and make money with associate programs. I get hundreds of emails a day from students and people who I haven’t even met personally.

I see recurring trends and recurring questions

Bloggers think that blogging is easy. Bloggers think that “monetization” is about slapping a few pages with Adsense codes on, and waiting for the big $1,000 check to arrive the very next month. When I direct them to a post like this which you’re reading now, they get offended (some, not all), or think the sky has fallen on their head. They feel betrayed, and want to quit.

I’ve been there and done it.


I’ve bought countless of “get-rich-quick” schemes and been up and down with my online business multiple times.

I still get on the rollercoaster, from time to time. You cannot escape struggle and challenges. That’s part of the business, indeed. Whoever tells you that you can make money blindfolded or while you sleep, without encountering new challenges, or requiring that you need to learn new things, are simply trying to get your money, or better said… they have no clue what they’re even talking about.

Lesson learned: If you ever feel like your blog is stale, you don’t have to get upset; don’t be scared (that’s also part of the game). Embrace your fear, conquer your deepest fears in fact, and play to win the game.

Winners never quit, quitters never win. I live by this line all day, every day.

Remember, it’s not your fault that you’ve been led in the wrong direction. You were just following your “newbie” mentality, or somebody else who was not a pro in the game. Your next and biggest mission starts off when you’re following somebody whom you resonate with and has already been there, and done it.

Now, the ball is in your court…

Tell me, did you play the blogging game in the “me too” league? Have you been lead by the so-called gurus before? Did you spend a fortune on B.S. products like I did?

I cannot wait to hear what you have to say…:D

photo by Creative Ignition