How To

How To Make Money with Grow Rich Forum – Adsense Revenue Sharing Forum

NOTE: This forum has been closed now

I’m feeling pretty good today because I just found a place that I have been looking for quite sometime.

That is a forum.

This not an old one, but is making progress like wildfire. It is really friendly with bloggers and has been set up specifically to help them out and make them some extra bucks too. We all have used forum for one purpose or other on some time in our lives. We consider them as a place for interacting and getting help from others and also generating some traffic to our blog.

That’s all. Isn’t it?

Actually, this forum has something special. Something that not many other forums are willing to give you which is that you get paid to post. That’s right. You post and you get paid.


Why I recommend? 

I’m not only going to explain how to get paid, but some other amazing points of forum of this blog too so stay with me.

1. Compensation Plan:

Getting paid to post is called compensation plan there. It is as simple as you can probably imagine. When signing up, they ask you for your Adsense Ad Client ID and Ad Slot ID. And, that’s it. 

How it works?

You give them your ID’s and after that, you are required to make at least one post and your ads along with ads of other members will start to show up on the right side of forum. The more you post the chances of getting more and more page views increase which means more money.

And, yes any time someone clicks on any ad displayed using your ID’s, you get paid. And, sweetest thing is that it is not against the terms of service of Google Adsense. They fully allow you to do that. Hence, you simply get paid for helping others and even getting help from others.

2. Blogging Section:

There is a section focused on blogging where people ask anything and everything regarding blogging. These things include talk about bounce rate, blog design, blog coding, increase in blog traffic and other problems. This is a surefire place to get solutions for all of your blogging problems.

3. SEO Section:

SEO is as important for blogging as is oxygen for human life. :D

Hence, we all need to be as good as we can in this particular section. But no matter how much we learn in this field, it won’t be enough because search engine algorithm changes frequently and we can run into problems very often. This section of forum includes different tips, solution of SEO problems and many other things to help you make your blog more search engine friendly. 

4. Social Networking Section:

Social media is just as important as SEO. No blog can succeed with search engine or social traffic only because the only way to succeed is to have both of them. This forum has help on this point and a separate section has been created for this purpose.

You can ask anything related to social networking and you will surely get help.

5. Adsense Section:

Everyone wants to eat the fruit of his efforts and blogging fruit is money. Any good quality blog can be monetized and can actually make good money.

Adsense is the best money making machine on the Internet at this time and has a lot of buzz because of their policies and standards to accept a site into program. New bloggers need a lot of guidance before being able to be accepted and forum’s Adsense section has been focused on educating people about just that.

Take a look at screenshotb below.


I’m really in love with this forum ever since I found it. I am spending my most time posting there because this is increasing the chances of making more and more money and I’m working as hard as I possibly can.

I strongly suggest you to give it a try and I bet you will love it.

Sign now now

How To Really Write Killer Blog Posts To Attract More Visitors?

While having a catchy headline results in getting more people to click on your link in search engine result pages and social media feeds, but having a good title only cannot do anything alone.

You need to feed your readers as much as you at the best quality possible. Hence, its must for you to write killer posts for moving up at the ladder of success. Writing killer posts is not as hard as it may seem and for doing so, here are few simple steps to be followed that are unfolded below.

Social engineering concept

1. Create killer headings:

An interesting title catches reader’s attention and killer sub headings keep them engaged throughout their reading experience.

Properly written and placed sub headings are not only interesting to read, but they are easy to digest and follow.

Check out this excellent post to get idea of 100 proven heading hacks, you can steal right now.

2. Add your own story:

Blogs are a place of conversation.

You can find all information about anything at their official website or Wikipedia.

But blogs are different.

There needs to be a touch of real talking style and tone. It should be like two people are talking to each other sitting face-to-face.

And, the best way for doing so is to add your own real story or experience wherever appropriate.

I wrote a story why I hate Adsense and within 24 hours. This post got 80+ comments.

3. Use attractive images:

In order in to write killer posts and then make them success, you need to know the importance of images.

Using attractive and relevant images in articles result in wonderful progress.

They make your articles look pretty and boredom free while at the same time, they provide readers something to look at for a while and start reading again after becoming fresh by that.

Don’t copy images from Google. Instead create your own or check out 101 ways to find images on WPhub

4. Make use of emotions and smiles:

Your readers are human beings right?

And, humans have feeling. ;)

A reader experiences different kinds of feeling while starting to read your article til the end. If you use emotions and smiles wherever suitable, it really makes it a real conversation.

And, trust me when I tell you, when you say something funny and put a smile at the end of sentence, anyone who readers will smile and love your words.

5. Use simple language:

This is a huge misconception particularly in minds of new bloggers.

They think they need to write high class English and do amazing references in order to create a killer post, but that’s not how it is. If you want to write a killer post then the only thing that you need to do is to express your point in such a way that it becomes clear and easy to understand.

The best way for doing so is by using simple English that everyone can digest.

6. Write in short paragraphs:

There are usually very long paragraphs in newspapers and books and some bloggers do the same.

But you need to realize one thing that no matter how good you write, if there are long paragraphs, not even one person will be interested in reading your blog post.

There is a difference between paper and computer screen. You can look at newspapers for hours without feeling anything bad, but it is impossible in case of monitors and LCD’s.

Your eyes cannot look at them and read long posts without having a brake. Hence, writing your posts in shorter paragraphs is a must for creating a blog post that works.

I simply tried my very hard to reveal the best practices for writing killer posts and now it’s up to you.

Do you miss any of above things already? How it has affected your blog? Let your fingers speak of your mind in comments section below.

9 Easy Ways To Increase Subscribers and Traffic

Starting a Blog might be an easy task, perhaps its easy for me, but what I found really hard is getting enough traffic and readers to my site.

There are many blogging tutorials on how to get tons of traffic to new blog with no doubts all these tips are good and have its own part in taking your blog traffic to next level, but one hidden treasure I found about getting direct traffic apart from search engine is the blog subscribers that subscribe to get your latest updates in their inbox.

Have you ever imagined woken up one day to find out your subscribers counts thousands? having huge numbers of subscribers can get you more traffic than you’ll ever imagined, but how do you get these subscribers, that’s where another problems comes in, implementing these tips might help in getting more subscribers as you want.

increase subscribers

Easy Ways To Increase Subscribers

Here are some simple and effective ways to get more feedburner subscribers as well more email subscribers.

  • Why You Need to Start Building an E-mail List? 

Subscription Box or Icon

There is no way to can gain subscribers if you don’t place any feed Subscription box on your site, get a big RSS icon and neat RSS form on your homepage and below your posts respectively, you may consider getting a free default mail subscription form from feedburner or use a custom subscription form, or you can use pop-up or animated image to draw first visit attention. Just make sure that any form you used was well placed on your site.

Bonus Tip: Let them know that the subscription is free and fast.

Tell them you hate spam and you won’t spam them.

You can consider using MadMimi newsletter.

Encourage new subscribers by sending them personal messages.

Free Offer, Contest and Giveaways

If you really mean business in increasing your subscribers you might want to consider offer giveaways and free offers, write an interesting eBook and give it out for free, does this really help?

Oh yeah very well, recently I reluctantly subscribe to a blog because he’s giving away something I’d want so bad for free, and I know not only me will do this. Believe me almost every one love free offers.

Tips: Don’t tell them they must subscribe to your updated before they can win, but rather tell them that you will announce the winner through your RSS feed subscription link or newsletter, even those who doesn’t participated will subscribe to know the winner.

Feel me? :D

Show off with your Subscribers

Sing out your own praises by showing off with the number of your subscribers, sometimes many subscribers like to follow up with the blog having good numbers of subscribers, I believe the same reason you entered an eatery with many customers and desert the eatery  with no customer.

If you let them know the amount of your subscribers will motivate them to try and give your Blog a shot, you can blow your own horn by displaying your subscriber counts on your site where readers can easily sight it or probably very close to where you put your subscription box, you can use feedburner feed count widget for this.

Tips: Only do this if you have average subscribers, or telling a white lie about your subscribers by increasing the size, any which way you’re looking for subscribers.

Recover Unverified Email Subscribers

Before the RSS subscription process will complete, subscribers need to verified the process with their mail, sometimes some people are lazy and some are ignorant of the process there by ending up not completing the process, if your unverified subscribers go as high as 30-50% percent you may finally end up losing approaching subscribers, but good enough you can send message through email to those subscribers to remind them of their unsuccessful process.

If you’re using any email marketing services, You can do it easily. But feedburner it’s bit hard.

Tips: you can use your webmail account to this, as it create more standard than using other mail services.

Ask People to Subscribe

You doesn’t have to had a sinking feeling by asking people to subscribe to your newsletter or your blog updates, have you forgotten the saying that “ask and thou shalt receive” ? or wait, allow me to say this, some people are laid-back they don’t do something if you don’t ask them to, after you asked them to subscribe to your feeds give them reasons to subscribe.

get subscribers


Tips: At the end of your post you may say something related to this, “dear readers, my next post will be on  “how to get 10,000 of subscribers” you might want to subscribe to my updates to get it firs hand” and add your subscription link.

All links get broken and unlink themselves this thereby causing you to loose new subscribers or your updates may end up not reaching your subscribers, so its your duty to check on your RSS feed link and your reach stats to pretty sure is working good, click on your link once in a while and enter a dummy email to make sure your subscription link is working good.

Use feed Directories

Some people say they used feed directories to get hold of new subscribers, you too might want to haunt for new subscribers using feed directories, oh no! are you picturing to get thousands of new subscribers with this method?

Stop kidding me! ;)

I can only assure you that using feed directories will plus and increase your subscribers, here is few feed directories you can start with you can do more research on your end., ,

Create Category Feeds

If you don’t have many categories, this might be skipped but to those who post on different categories you wouldn’t risk your readers who read a nice computer tips on your site and subscribe to your update just to receive some nice computer tips to be receiving  blogging tips post which he doesn’t have any interest in, to prevent this you can individually offer an RSS feed for each of your categories, this will enable each subscriber to get specific topics and not your whole content, WordPress users can easily do this but if you’re on blogger you might want to go extra miles to check which subscribers have the same common interest.

You heard about Commenting on other blogs to gain traffic?

It pretty work if you turn it into daily habit, but sometimes when comment luv not enabled and you have the opportunity to leave your site url, why not using your RSS feed link? Or perhaps when you write guest post for another blog you may add your subscription link to your profile bio, if you’re allowed.

What do you think?

I believe there are many tips one can easily implement to Increase Subscribers, however I just managed to mention just little few out of them which am pretty sure it will work good.

Which one do you like the most? What methods are you using to increase subscribers? I will also like you to suggest your ideas that’s working for you using the comment box below.

5 Useful Tools To Make Your Blog Management Easier


If you think managing a blog is easy, then you’ve never managed a blog.

Back in the days when I only wrote content, I thought the management side was easy.

You just make sure things run smoothly, and that’s about it. It wasn’t until I started managing a blog that I realized exactly what “make sure things run smoothly” entails. Make no mistake: there’s a lot of hard work.

I have thankfully found a handful of tools that have made managing my blog much easier. Without these apps I’d be lost in a sea of blog posts, WordPress upgrades, plugin updates, and broken links.

And that doesn’t even go into issues like SEO, site design, and marketing. Trust me when I say that blog management takes a lot more time and effort than content creation.

How to Get Index Your New Blog Post Super Fast

You had done spending lot of time in…

  • Finding topic for your next blog post
  • Doing research and writing post
  • Finding image and optimizing it for SEO

Still your post is not getting index by Google.


You must be thinking that…
get index fast
“why my new post are not appearing on google”
“new post not getting indexed by google”
“why google not indexing my new posts”
“how to index my blog faster”

Now what? What is the next step?

Do you just keep waiting for Google to come to your blog or website?

How to Get Index Your New Blog Post Super Fast? Is there a fast process?

How to Get Index Your New Blog Post Super Fast

Here I decided to write a detail post on getting your next blog post index super fast in Google or any search engine.

Write Quality Content

This is the first step to get index your next blog post fast.

Do proper research about the topic, find some good keywords.

Write quality content..

Don’t copy from any other website. Create awesome content your own, write a long blog post atleast 500+ words.

Write blog posts regularly, and Google should be at your doorstep sooner rather than later!

Getting high quality Backlinks is one of the best way to increase website traffic as well getting higher rank in Google.

Try to build backlinks from high page rank sites. Here are some of the best and common ways to build backlinks

  • Guest Posting
  • Blog Commenting
  • Use Forums
  • Interlink Blog Posts
  • Submit RSS feed to RSS directories
  • Write Awesome content and others will love to link back

Use of social networking websites


Social networking is also important as building quality backlinks.

Google+ is playing very important role in this. Try to get more Google +1 on your next blog post as much as you can.

Facebook: Use facebook and it will help you to drive more traffic as well as getting index on Google Fast

Twitter: Tweet your next blog post and try to mention other people in the tweet. They might also like to share.

If you want others to share your content on social network, First share their and then request them.

Remember: Give and you shall receive!

Google constantly indexes these social media websites, and any link back to your blog would be followed very quickly!

Blog Commenting

Start leaving high quality content on other blog. Specially choose a commentluv enabled dofollow blogs.

It will not only help you to get backlink as well as getting high page rank.

Do not leave “nice post” “thanks for sharing” comment on other blog.

Read post completely and then share your views about it in the comments!

Use Pingtom Tool

Heard first time?

Ping-O-Matic is a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated.

It is very useful and will work for both WordPress or Blogger Users.

Just go to Ping-O-Matric, enter your blog name, URL and feed URL.

Select all the services and click SEND PING.

Easy, isn’t it?

Update Ping List

Don’t miss it!

It is important to ping your blog. This method will only work for WordPress users.

In short words: Pings are services to update different search engines that your blog has updated.

This step will work only in WordPress blog. Here is how to update the ping list in WordPress in few seconds.

    1. Login into your WordPress admin.
    2. Click on Settings>>Writing
    3. Scroll to the bottom and look for the Update Services section
    4. Delete the list current there. Click below list and Past the list into the text area

Download Ping List here
     5. Press Save Changes

The Results

Once your new post get publish follow all the above tips, you’ll start to see more traffic from Google search.

The best way to ensure that your new content is discovered quickly is simply by sharing it on social media networks through status updates, especially on Google+.

What do you think?

What other techniques have you use to get index your new blog posts? Please share in the comments!