Why You’ve Not Been Getting Your Desired Result from Blogging
You’ve read a lot of Internet Marketing and blogging tips out there including some other things but, how many of those various tips that you’ve read have you tried on your own?
I’m speaking from my own personal experience here and, I think you really have to start seeing this the way I’m seeing it. Now, if you really want to start seeing amazing results from your business then, you have to pay attention and read this blog post from start to finish.
I started blogging about 18 months ago and, it might interest you to know that I love reading a lot which is good but, do I also put the things I learnt to practice? Of cause NO.
When I started blogging, I subscribed to almost 46 blogs RSS FEED which means that I’m always notified via email whenever these blogs published a new post and I’m sure you know what that mean…. Always reading blog posts.
For the first 7 months of my blogging career, I was busy reading all the blogging tips and tricks that comes my way and the funniest thing is that I was enjoying it .
Every day, I must read about 28 blog posts and, that’s the only thing I will do for the day after which I will be praising myself for working hard.
I continued like that for about 7 months and my own blog was not doing well at all until I decided to change what I was doing.
Now, I’m not saying that it’s not good to form the habit of reading but, don’t overdo things and, after reading any tip out there, see how you can practice what you’ve read on your own blog and if it didn’t work well, you can always reverse it. It will always make a difference and, it’s more honourable to try something and fail than to not do anything.
Don’t Mistake Activity for Achievement
Now, do you know that most of the things people always see as achievements are only activities? Yes, believe it or not.
Reading all the blogging tips and formula out there will never take you anywhere rather, it will only leave you with lots of confusion because, you will just be reading for reading sake and not to learn something new.
When you’re starting a blog, instead of reading articles about How To Build a Blog ranging from keyword research, registering and hosting your domain to installing the blog, you go and start reading articles about How to Drive Traffic to your blog then, you will only be wasting your precious time and that’s what I call activity.
This is because you don’t really need that information at that moment and reading it will add no meaning to your business. Bet me that you would have forgotten the tips you read from that post by the time you will need it.
So, everything in life has a process and for you to succeed on anything, you must follow the required process else, you will only be messing around. Even the holy bible also made it clear that there is time for everything.
This goes to say that, if what you’re doing at the moment is thinking about how to monetize your blog then, it’s better to focus on that and all the tips you should be reading are ones that are related to that and when you’re reading such tips, you should also be acting on them so that the time you spent to read them will be worthwhile.
Reading weight loss articles when you’re struggling to learn how to get your adsense account approved is just madness. This was the same thing that happened to me during my first 7 months of blogging, if someone has told me I was making a mistake then and show me the right thing to do just like I’m showing you now then, my blog would have grown passed the level it has attained now.
Is your blog stagnant? Are you not seeing any result from your efforts so far? then, its time you seat down and analyse what you’ve been doing and know where you’re doing it wrong, know if you’ve been mistaking activity for achievement.
Henry Ford defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different result so, if you really want things to change for you now, if you really want to start seeing your desired results then, you must also start changing the way you do things.
Stop reading all the articles out there now and start practising the ones you’ve learnt so far, this is the best thing you can do for your business right now.
Mind you, I’m not saying you should stop reading blog posts entirely but, all I’m saying is that you should always read less and practice more :)
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Photo Credit: Freedigitalphotos.net