
Is Video Blogging Worth Trying?

Video blogs, or vlogs, are not new on the Internet. Long before YouTube, people shared their news and opinions in the form of a video. Still 10 years ago it was rather expensive. Today, with cheap web cameras, camcorders, free video capturing and editing software, and numerous platforms to share video posts, video blogging should be flourishing. However, this is not true. Most bloggers are wary of getting into video blogging and the reasons are well understandable. Let’s explore the main of them and try to figure out if video blogging is worth time and effort.

Online Blog

Topic for Video Blogging

The first thing you have to decide after the blogging format is the theme of your video Blog: traveling, cooking, tech tips, politics, social media optimization, or any other of the kind. Note that the topic should be captivating and you must feel an expert in it. Try to record a trial video post and estimate if you sound convincing enough to speak upon this topic all the time.


Those who are not afraid of cameras and confident enough to speak in public, may benefit from the so-called “talking head” posts. However, not all people are “videogenic” and feel comfortable in front of a camera. If you belong to that group, it’s better not to start, or at least think about some alternative way of video presentation. E.g., you may make software reviews or how-to’s by capturing your desktop, use free video tools to produce slideshows, cartoons, short clips, etc. Here is the list of helpful resources:

  • Snaggit to capture video screen;
  • YouTube video creating tools to make cartoons, funny animations, etc.
  • Animoto to make slideshow with music.


If you’d like to store videos on your website, you should consider hosting expenses. To convert video into web format and get ready embed code, use Freemake Video Converter, it’s free and easy to operate. Alternatively, you may keep your videos on YouTube, Vimeo or other video hosting site. Thus, your videos would be easily found on YouTube and Google and you’ll get additional traffic to your resource. The drawback is that your videos could be ripped and used on other sites, and you’ll be always dependable on YouTube broad width capabilities.

Video making skills

Though you may find a good video making and editing software, you have to skilled enough to use it. Nobody speaks of Adobe Premier or AE mastery, still a good knowledge of at least Windows Movie Maker is a great bonus.

Video marketing

Don’t think that you’re done as soon as you published a video post. What differs video content from a regular text post is that all you’re going to say will remain only as video frames. This is in terms of search engine optimization isn’t good, because an HTML page should contain text. One workaround is to publish a script of your video. Another is to combine the video with a short text description highlighting the key posts of your post.

It’s also advisable to add each new post into video sitemap. This will guarantee better search engine results for your videos. Take care of creating a SEO-friendly title and description and add social sharing buttons under the video.

Bottom line

In total, you should try video blogging if you:

  • are 100% sure in your knowledge of the chosen theme;

  • feel comfortable in front of a camera;

  • can afford video hosting or trust YouTube to host your videos;

  • are capable of video editing or at least can pay for it;

  • know how to market your video posts.

These are 5 components of a successful video blog start. However, a good beginning isn’t even a half battle. Content is the king, so the key point here is to be interesting to your readers and find inspiration for new creative posts. Good luck! :)

4 Reasons Your Blog Will Never Grow!

your blog sucks

First of all tell me why should anyone read your blog?

No idea?

Let me clear your doubt why should someone read your blog.

People read your blog to solve their problems not to listen your bragging!

Blogging is not only the best way to make money online but it also provide a better platform to share your opinions and to build a brand.

Isn’t it?

But only few bloggers succeed online. Well, most of the remaining bloggers quit blogging within 6 months, how terrible?

Ammar is very lucky as he had recently completed his 6 months blogging journey and published over 199 posts, this the 200th post which you are reading now!

Coming back to the point. Why your blog will never grow and what can you do to stop it? Ready?

4 Reasons Why Your Blog Will Never Grow

1. Mediocre content:

If you have pathetic content and writing style then no one will be interested to read your so called blog.

Create something that you will be proud of.

Don’t post just another posts to update your blog. No post is better than the worst post. And I know it’s bit difficult to create great content especially when you are just starting out.

All you have to do to create better content for your blog is: being helpful to your readers. Know your targeted audience first. Then try solving their problems.

How to know their problems then?

Good question which I always love to answer.

Try solving your own blogging problems! I will explain you more better here.

If you are just created a blog and thinking what to write in your first blog post, you can write “How to write your very first blog post”.

You can rank more better in Google if you are the first person to write on the trending hot topics!

At the end of the day, you must create compelling content, readers will come one or other day for sure!
Read: 10 Crucial Points To Help You Write Better Blog Posts.

2. Terrible design:

Invest some money on buying premium themes like Thesis or Genesis, their coding is so simpler and easy which can make your blog to take next level.

Make your readers easily to read your content. Don’t make your blog design complex! If you strain their eyes, they will go away.

If you can’t afford premium themes, just make use of minimalist themes like pagelines etc.

They look simple and easy to read the content without having any strain.

Read: Selecting Your Blog Design Theme Design

3. You don’t network:

Creating valuable content alone is not enough, you must network with others in your niche. Spend some time to respond to your comments, email others to read your content, be in touch with your readers etc.

Blogging becomes much easier when you have like minded people around your network. If you have unique tone and content, you can absolutely stand out from the crowd to make a difference.

You don’t need to be creative marketer to network with others. Just focus on Win/Win approach i.e give and take policy.

It works better when you network with others. Try to help them and solve their problems, surely you will make positive impact on them.

Read: How to Create a SCADA System For Your Blog!

4. You spend time on wrong things!!

Instead of spending your time on blog commenting for 2 to 3 hours, spend that time to write quality guest posts for others. It can do wonders.

I’m not saying to stop blog commenting. But if you have less time to blog, spend time productively. And this is the best way to build your blog fast.

Guest blogging gives you:

  • Relationships with the author
  • Subscribers
  • You can steal their readers
  • Attract more traffic
  • Back links
  • You can be everywhere!

Do you know Danny Iny aka freddy krueger of blogging?

Here is a snapshot of Danny Iny’s traffic in his first year of blogging.

DannyIny traffic_stats

And look at him now! He is almost everywhere in the blogosphere. How does he made it? The credit goes to guest blogging!

Read: How to get Maximum Benefits from your guest post…

Over to you

What are the suggestion would you give to build a better blog?

Note from Ammar: Hurray! I’m so excited to announce that this is the 200th post on my blog. All the credit goes to you. Without YOU I can’t reach this position so fast. As you all know that I started this blog just about 6 months back. And it has been growing super fast from then with your support. Thanks for your love and I will promise you that I can do more better for you in the upcoming days.

Can Your Domain Name Decide the Destiny of Your Business?

As we all know, business strategies are changing all the time. Day by day it brings new face to the business. The companies are looking forwards to new technology every day. The new machines are coming to the market. The best machine of yesterday becomes an old machine of today.

With this technological advancement most of the organizations are looking for online marketing. By venturing in to online marketing what they expect is simple. That is they expect to reach the customer as much as they can. Their main focus is to get close in to customers and satisfy the customer needs. They are trying to deliver the items or the products to the door of the customer as soon as the customer orders them.

Need Of an Online Platform

For this those companies need an online platform to sell their products. As a platform to sell the products, they are making websites with all the necessary content. So the websites are becoming the latest platforms in product selling. Those websites are also known as e-commerce sites. All the necessary details about the products are available on the company’s website in order to give a clear picture to the customer about the item that they are going to purchase.

The role of the Domain name 

Let’s see how domain names come in to play for the business success. Domain name is like an address to your land where your house is located. Just think your house is filled up with your products. Now you want to sell those products. So what you want to do is advertise that you have these and these products to sell. But how the customers know where those products are located. At that time your address comes in to play. They look for your address and reach your place to buy the products they want. Domain name is also similar to this address. That’s why it is also known as web address.

The people who need your products will follow your address or your domain name to your website. Once they land on your website, they will read the product descriptions and decide whether they need your product or not. If they want they will purchase for the product.

How Domain name Decide the success or failure of your business?

Now you may think how this domain name is so important to determine the success or the failure of your business. Just imaging that you made your website on a sub-domain instead of making it on a Top Level Domain, what will happen? The customers will think this company is even unable to pay for a domain name, how can we trust this company? That’s what they thought. Even we also think the same, aren’t we?

To sell more products, you need more visitors and higher conversion rate. If you are focusing on online business, what is the source of visitors? Most probably majority will come from Search engines. You may say, I will get customers from social media such as Twitter, Facebook and etc. But the majority is still coming through search engines specially Google and Yahoo. That’s why your domain name should be search engine friendly and keyword optimized. According to most of the webmasters opinion, the Top Level Domains are more search engine friendlier than the sub domains.

The keyword optimized domain names are appearing at higher positions on Search Engine Result Page (SERP). Appearing on the first page on the Google is very important to get the maximum traffic from the search engines. Appearing on second and third pages on Google instead of appearing on first page of SERP will miss you around 60%-70% of potential visitors and sales.

If you don’t have a domain name which can be easily remembered, your customers will face difficulties while revisiting your site. I have seen some domains that consist of just letters, not words. They are very difficult to recall. So they will not get many revisits. So my idea is even it is bit long, add some words which can make sense on your customer.

Not only the domain name itself, but also the domain name registrar also affects your business. If the domain seller doesn’t consist of a 24/7 days customer support, how can you contact and correct your domain name issues? Simply if you don’t have a good domain registrar, the down time of your website may be higher than your competitor. Your customer will go away without knowing that this is a temporary error of your site. They will buy products which are belonging to your competitor. You will lose sales.

By looking at these few points you may understand the importance of your domain name for your online business. But I have seen most of the bloggers emphasize that domain name is the most important and sole factor to bring you more sales by increasing visitors to your website. I would like to say even though domain an important factor to decide the success of your business up to some extent, it is not the sole factor to determine the destiny of a online business. What is your idea? I would like to hear from you.

Sajith Dissanayake is a independent blogger blogging on Blog tips, SEO, Adsense and Traffic building tips. He recently made a very important post on How to select a perfect domain name for your business on his blog at Techblaster.NET


HOW TO: Increase Traffic To Your Photography Blog

So, you have a photography blog and you’ve been posting pictures for a long time and you’re still not getting enough traffic. The same happened to my friend. Traffic means a lot especially for blogs. It’s easy to manage a photo blog, but when it comes to traffic it may be difficult to get it. In this article I’m gonna show you how to increase traffic to your photo blog making the best use of the social networking sites.


1. Use Watermarks while sharing your pictures

One of the best way to increase traffic to your photo blog is to share your pictures with your blog URL watermark or use some text like this on the image – “For Full Size Visit This Website – [YOURBLOG].com”. You small size pictures while sharing, and tell them to visit your site for the full size images.

2. Join Photography groups on Facebook

There are many groups on Facebook for photographers, you can find them in the search bar in the Facebook homepage, then there you’ll find some posting there, send a friend request to anyone of them, and then, after he accepts the request, tell him to add you to the group. And then post your images(which should have watermarks). And then wait for a few days, you’ll see the increase traffic to your blog!

3. Pin your Images

Pinterest is the largest growing social networking site. You can drive large amounts of traffic from Pinterest, if you have good amount of followers. You may google it to find tips and tricks about how to increase followers and repins. Here are a few tips to get more followers –

  • Keep pinning regularly
  • Don’t pin only your (blog’s) images, but also keep pinning other awesome pics.
  • Comment on others images to gain exposure
  • Follow as many as you can, so that you’ll gain exposure, since they’ll see you in their notifications and may follow you back!

4. Add your images in Flickr

As you know, Flickr is one of the largest image sharing sites. Add some images in Flickr with a watermark text(make sure your blog URL, is in the watermark text.)

5. Optimize your images for search engines

SEO is the best way to increase traffic for any kinda blog. This is the same for photo blogs too. Here are few tips to optimize your images for search engines

  1. Use keyword in file name

For example, let us think you’ve bought a new Mercedes, and you want to post that image in your photo blog, then the image with file name my-new-mercedes.jpg would get a better ranking in search engines than IMG00010.jpg
So, it’s better to use a keyword in a file name, to get a better ranking.

  2. Descriptive Alt Tags

The alt attribute describes the contents of an image file.(You can read about the importance of alt attribute in the image publishing guidelines). An image with alt attribute is market up as follows –

<img src="my-new-mercedes" alt="My New Mercedes" />

  3. SEO Friendly Images WordPress Plugin

SEO Friendly Images is a WordPress Plugin which automatically updates all images with proper alt and title attributes. It makes your SEO for images easy. Read more about this plugin here –

You can read more about optimizing images for SEO here –

Some website which increase your photo blog’s exposure –

Hope you find this article useful :)