Should You Use Infographics on Your Blog?

There are a growing number of web users who appreciate the use of images and videos in order to obtain the information that they need. It is about time that webmasters should recognize the value of infographic by adding these as important elements on their website.

Using images and videos is sure way of making your website go viral and in promoting your brand in the online community.

What makes infographic valuable is their feature of being easily shared with others especially in social media sites.

Here are 5 major benefits when you use infographics on your site.

5 Benefits to  Use Infographics on Your Site


1.      Infographics are appealing and compelling

Not all web users want to spend time reading content as it may easily bore them when doing so.

The use of images and videos can be appealing because people love statistics, figures and factual information. This can instantly hook your website visitors and will likely visit your site more often especially when they prefer websites that could provide them straightforward facts and information.

It is also a good way to communicate with your website visitors without the fuss of delivering content that can take so much of their time reading.

2.      Reach other audiences

An attractive feature of infographic is that it can be easily shared by others. Therefore, it helps you extend your reach to other audiences as well as more people share and like your presentation.

As your infographics are being republished, you are likely widening your scope of marketing for your brand and website services.

Use infographics on your site and when many web users like and share it on their sites as well, you are already building an inbound link to your site.

As a result, as more people use your links to your infographics the more you attract the search engine to take notice of your site. This can essentially increase your search engine rank as well that helps boost your SEO approach in promoting your website or blog site. As it becomes viral in the social media networks, many will likely embed your infographics to their content which further strengthens your own site’s visibility on the web.

4.      Associate your brand with other publishers

A good infographic is attractive to publishers who will likely take notice and will link to your images or videos. As more publishers use your infographics, the more you create a trusted brand in the online community.

Your potential clients will find your services reliable as more people use and trust your brand. This can be a good promotional scheme in building your brand as you associate it with other reputable publishers.

5.      Go viral and drive traffic to your site

The more people take notice of your images and videos, the more people share it on their site giving it more exposure on the web with the high chance of making it go viral.

It will result in a better traffic on your website and as a consequence your infographics can become one that is widely shared in the internet.

Do you use infographics on your blog? Share with us below!

How to Get Index Your New Blog Post Super Fast

You had done spending lot of time in…

  • Finding topic for your next blog post
  • Doing research and writing post
  • Finding image and optimizing it for SEO

Still your post is not getting index by Google.


You must be thinking that…
get index fast
“why my new post are not appearing on google”
“new post not getting indexed by google”
“why google not indexing my new posts”
“how to index my blog faster”

Now what? What is the next step?

Do you just keep waiting for Google to come to your blog or website?

How to Get Index Your New Blog Post Super Fast? Is there a fast process?

How to Get Index Your New Blog Post Super Fast

Here I decided to write a detail post on getting your next blog post index super fast in Google or any search engine.

Write Quality Content

This is the first step to get index your next blog post fast.

Do proper research about the topic, find some good keywords.

Write quality content..

Don’t copy from any other website. Create awesome content your own, write a long blog post atleast 500+ words.

Write blog posts regularly, and Google should be at your doorstep sooner rather than later!

Getting high quality Backlinks is one of the best way to increase website traffic as well getting higher rank in Google.

Try to build backlinks from high page rank sites. Here are some of the best and common ways to build backlinks

  • Guest Posting
  • Blog Commenting
  • Use Forums
  • Interlink Blog Posts
  • Submit RSS feed to RSS directories
  • Write Awesome content and others will love to link back

Use of social networking websites


Social networking is also important as building quality backlinks.

Google+ is playing very important role in this. Try to get more Google +1 on your next blog post as much as you can.

Facebook: Use facebook and it will help you to drive more traffic as well as getting index on Google Fast

Twitter: Tweet your next blog post and try to mention other people in the tweet. They might also like to share.

If you want others to share your content on social network, First share their and then request them.

Remember: Give and you shall receive!

Google constantly indexes these social media websites, and any link back to your blog would be followed very quickly!

Blog Commenting

Start leaving high quality content on other blog. Specially choose a commentluv enabled dofollow blogs.

It will not only help you to get backlink as well as getting high page rank.

Do not leave “nice post” “thanks for sharing” comment on other blog.

Read post completely and then share your views about it in the comments!

Use Pingtom Tool

Heard first time?

Ping-O-Matic is a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated.

It is very useful and will work for both WordPress or Blogger Users.

Just go to Ping-O-Matric, enter your blog name, URL and feed URL.

Select all the services and click SEND PING.

Easy, isn’t it?

Update Ping List

Don’t miss it!

It is important to ping your blog. This method will only work for WordPress users.

In short words: Pings are services to update different search engines that your blog has updated.

This step will work only in WordPress blog. Here is how to update the ping list in WordPress in few seconds.

    1. Login into your WordPress admin.
    2. Click on Settings>>Writing
    3. Scroll to the bottom and look for the Update Services section
    4. Delete the list current there. Click below list and Past the list into the text area

Download Ping List here
     5. Press Save Changes

The Results

Once your new post get publish follow all the above tips, you’ll start to see more traffic from Google search.

The best way to ensure that your new content is discovered quickly is simply by sharing it on social media networks through status updates, especially on Google+.

What do you think?

What other techniques have you use to get index your new blog posts? Please share in the comments!

When Will Be The Next PageRank Update?

When will be the next pagerank update?

When google will update pagerank?

What’s next pagerank update schedule?

These are the most common question, I get asked these days. Even many bloggers are searching on search engines about when will be the next pagerank update.

I’ve decide to list the expected date, when will google update pagerank. These are expected date NOT confirmed.

next google pagerank update

When will be next PageRank update?

Last google pagerank update was on 4 February 2013. Google pagerank basically ranks a page on the basis of its backlinks and how authoritative that link is. And high Google pagerank may boost ranking of the site and reputation.

Google page rank update happens after 3-4 months after previous update. Here is the schedule of next PageRank update of 2013. These are expected date.

  • 1st Update : May be on January 28 to February 6 (Confirmed)
  • 2nd update : May be on June 27 to July 7
  • 3rd Update : May be on September 29 to 4 October
  • 4th Update : May be on 24 December to 29 December

Please note: 

These are the expected date NOT confirmed. I’ve asked this question about next pagerank update on facebook. And got to know that Google never announces the date then who else will know the exact one? ;)

Some said that the update might be in the first or two week of May. Let’s see when it’ll be.

Get notified by email about next page rank update.:: I’ll send you update about next pagerank. Enter your email below & Subscribe to my newsletter for FREE and never miss anything. (No spam, we promise!)

Should you rely too much on PageRank?

Now, that’s really important question to ask yourself, Should you reply much on pagerank?

Let me explain, I’ve seen many blogs with PR2, Pr3 that are getting thousands of visitors per day than others PR5, PR6 blogs.

That means Pagerank has nothing to do with your blog traffic. Try not to worry about pagerank / alexa rank.

Focus on providing useful content to your blog readers.

Your priority must be like this;

  1. Readership
  2. Traffic
  3. Alexa Rank
  4. Page Rank

Here I am also sharing some of the most frequently asked questions about pagerank.

Why my PageRank is not increasing?

Did you asked yourself this question? Why your pagerank is not increasing? There can be many reasons like;

  1. Poor SEO Structure
  2. Poor Link Bulding
  3. Not enough Dofollow baclinks
  4. No quality content in your blog
  5. Blog not optimized for search engines

How to increase PageRank quickly?

Here I am sharing some important tips to increase your page rank for next pagerank update.

Few Tips to Increase your Page Rank.

I hope above tips will help you a lot to increase page rank in the next pagerank update.

If not? then Also read below helpful articles to increase your page rank in no time..

Over to YOU!

What do you think about next pagerank update? Do you know when will be the next pagerank update? What’s your current pagerank?

Do share with us below.

SEOPressor Review: Get Higher Ranks In Google Fast!

This is my Honest SEOPressor review, and I am very happy to tell you about it because I just started using it and could not believe the ranking difference!

SEOPressor is a On Site SEO WordPress plugin that can skyrocket your blog ranking easily. Right now SEOPressor is Powering More Than 128,825 WordPress are powered with this plugin and Growing.

Before using SEOPressor, I was using Yoast SEO Plugin which didnt included much features as SEOPressor though when I got to know about latest version of SEOPressor V5. I decided to give it a try.

After using it for a month. I’m very happy with it.  Lets not create anymore suspense and let me share SEOPressor Review.

seopressor review

Do you really need this SEOPressor Plugin?

The problem with other SEO Plugin is they are outdated. In last few years google had launched new algorithms and many more like Panda and Penguin.

The New SEOPressor V5 allows us to easily optimize Panda and Penguin Friendly Content for SEO.

Not only this, new SEOPressor V5 also added more features like Over Optimization checker, Add Rich Snippt in Search results and much more. Next I am going to share all of them in SEOPressor Review.


SEOPress Review V5 : Best On-Page SEO Plugin

Here I’m going to share the ultimate SEOPressor Review.

Keyword SEO Score

seopressor review

The first feature of this SEOPressor review is Keyword SEO Score.

SEOPress allows us to check the keyword density of keyword we choose easily.

All we have to do is, to select the keyword with low competition and high ranking. You can using Long Tail Pro for this.

Not only this, SEOPressor will also help you to increase the score.

  • What it analyzes: Keywords in Title, H1-H3 Tags,keyword density, content length, exact placement of your keywords, images, links and font decorations.

The new feature of this SEOPressor Keyword score is you don’t have to save post and update it again and again to check the Score. There is a button available “Click to refresh the analysis”

It will then update the SEO Keyword Score.

Over-Optimization Check

seopressor review

This is the new and one of the good feature of SEOPressor Review.

It Tells us  if our post is optimized or over-optimized from the score

You don’t need any expert now because SEOPressor can help you with it ;)

You just need to adjust the keyword score for NOT to over optimize the content.

Rich Snippet

seopressor review

With this feature your posts will contain some additional lines of useful information shown on SERPs.

Check this image to know more about this Rich Snippet Feature in this SEOPressor Review

This allows visitors to determine how relevant and reputable your site is at a glance. Not only this, Rich Snippet feature of SEOPressor helps us to get more visitors, It makes the users easy to understand what exactly our post is about.

Target Multiple Keyword & LSI Analysis

seopressor review

LSI means Latent Semantic Indexing. This is the new another best feature in this SEOPressor Review

Relates keywords together by extracting information from texts.

The best and new feature of this plugin and our SEOPressor Review is that we can target up to 3 keywords and for each keyword, a recommended set of LSI keywords would be given to you to use for better on-page SEO.

Social SEO

review of seopressor v5

OG tags and Twitter cards: Helps to link more data together so Google is able to see more relevance of content in your site and ranks you higher on SERPs. 

Automatic Smart Linking

seopressor review V5

Tired of interlinking your post for better ranking?

SEOPressor allows you to automatically interlink posts from setting. It will interlink your blog post the SMART way.

All these is done by specifying only once which keyword should be linked to which URL.

Is it really Worth Buying SEOPressor?

The answer is YES.

SEOPress really worth buying because it’s latest version 5 is just awesome, It contains lot of features which I discussed above.

If you don’t have much knowledge of on page SEO then SEOPressor will be a perfect SEO plugin for you.

This plugin works similar to Yoast SEO but it contains some extra and advance features which Google loves!

SEOPressor V5 Price

seopressor review

SEOPressor V5 is a new and premium SEO Plugin .

Do you know what? It comes with life-time free update.

  • Want to use this plugin on one site only? Buy SEOpressor Single Site License  Here
  • If you want to use it on unlimited WP blogs and domains, you can buy SEOpresser UNLIMITED Here

seopressor review

If you have websites that you are struggling to rank in the search engines, I strongly encourage you to give SEOPressor a try. It does come with a 60 day money back guarantee. Isn’t it cool?

So you are protected if you choose not to continue using it to optimize your websites.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you found this SEOPressor review helpful.

Do you use this plugin? Share with us below.

SheerSEO Review: Manage & Track Your Search Engine Rankings

seo sheerToday, if you are likely to run an online business, you should first track the analytics of your site’s SEO, which is undoubtedly, the best technique to bring you the maximum exposure.
Right? :D
But, with tough competition, you cannot always rank for every keyword that you target. But, when you’ve a powerful tool like SheerSEO – SEO Software, it helps you a lot in analyzing everything related to the SEO of your site.


As said earlier, there are thousands of web pages online, which target the same keyword and also, there are professionals who can rank well on search engines. So, SheerSEO is really an awesome tool for people who have set up an online business and are looking for a better exposure. Because, if you can properly make use of SEO, your business can turn out to be the best in a very less time.

SheerSEO is an SEO tool for webmasters and online business owners. With over 45,000+ happy customers, they’ve been providing the best SEO analytics and tracking services which help you in optimizing your site, as well as, teaches you SEO. Unlike the other SEO softwares, you need not install it on your computer nor use a plugin on your site. It’s a simple software, which you can use right from the site and make the best of it. Moreover, most of the SEO softwares which offer such features and very complex to use and newbies especially, cannot make anything of it. But, SheerSEO has a simple interface which is so easy to get started. Remember, SheerSEO is not just a link-building software. They offer great services like

  • Directory submission
  • Keyword Tracking/Analysis
  • Social Media Analysis
  • Pagerank Analysis
  • Traffic Estimation
  • Backlink Check
  • Indexation Reports
  • Google Analytics Integration



The best part about this software, that I like the most is, it allows you to get mailed reports of your site in either pdf or csv formats. Besides the above list, it also has keyword density tool, content benchmarking, social bookmarking, XML API, blog reviews, main referrals and many more.



The company also offers a demo of the product to the first-timers where you can access the functionality of the software. I’ve walked through the demo and trust me, you’ll love it. The demo comes with their own site’s reports by default; where, you can see the traffic stats, referrals, current pagerank of the site, pagerank history, number of backlinks along with graphs and pictures for better understanding.


I really liked the pricing plans of SheerSEO as they have 6 different plans.

You can either pick any of them, keeping your requirement in mind. The site also offers a free trial for two months where you can enjoy all the selected features and get some idea of its functionality. When compared to other SEO softwares, the prices are affordable as you can pick any of the plans. The pricing ranges from $7 to $40 depending on the plan. They also provide free blog reviews, directory submissions with selected plans.

If you’re looking to get the best SEO software, SheerSEO is it.